975 resultados para Rio Preto State Park


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Although the regular practice of physical exercise for the maintenance of the nutritional state and quality of life is important, it is not a common habit among the elderly, especially those of the lower income social bracket. The objective was to characterize and compare according to social-economic conditions and anthropometric indexes of the nutritional state of the elderly who regularly practice and those who do not practice exercises, offered at no cost, in the Northern zone of São José do Rio Preto-SP. In this study, 110 elderly women participated, of which 60 (group P) exercised regularly and 50 did not (group NP). Group P participated in a special gym program, free of charge, for at least 2 years, 2 to 3 times a week, one hour a day. Group NP was recruited from the same location as Group P. The comparison between the groups of elderly women was proportionately distributed according to marital status, level of education, means of locomotion, results of body mass index (IMC), waist to hip ratio (RCQ) and calf circumference, using the chi-square test. Comparisons were also made of average age, per capita family income, individual income, IMC, arm and triceps skin fold measured by t-Test. Differences were not found in all the comparisons made. The variables that stood out were the IMC (overweight) and RCQ (risk of chronic diseases) results, which were above what was expected, and the high frequency of walking and riding buses for both groups of elderly women (about 60%). We came to the conclusion that the low-intensity exercise program evaluated made no difference in the nutritional profile of the elderly who also used walking as a means of getting around.


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Although the regular practice of physical exercise for the maintenance of the nutritional state and quality of life is important, it is not a common habit among the elderly, especially those of the lower income social bracket. The objective was to characterize and compare according to social-economic conditions and anthropometric indexes of the nutritional state of the elderly who regularly practice and those who do not practice exercises, offered at no cost, in the Northern zone of São José do Rio Preto-SP. In this study, 110 elderly women participated, of which 60 (group P) exercised regularly and 50 did not (group NP). Group P participated in a special gym program, free of charge, for at least 2 years, 2 to 3 times a week, one hour a day. Group NP was recruited from the same location as Group P. The comparison between the groups of elderly women was proportionately distributed according to marital status, level of education, means of locomotion, results of body mass index (IMC), waist to hip ratio (RCQ) and calf circumference, using the chi-square test. Comparisons were also made of average age, per capita family income, individual income, IMC, arm and triceps skin fold measured by t-Test. Differences were not found in all the comparisons made. The variables that stood out were the IMC (overweight) and RCQ (risk of chronic diseases) results, which were above what was expected, and the high frequency of walking and riding buses for both groups of elderly women (about 60%). We came to the conclusion that the low-intensity exercise program evaluated made no difference in the nutritional profi le of the elderly who also used walking as a means of getting around.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park was established in 1960 and the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary in 1975. Field studies, funded by NOAA, were conducted in 1980 - 1981 to determine the state of the coral reefs and surrounding areas in relation to changing environmental conditions and resource management that had occurred over the intervening years. Ten reef sites within the Sanctuary and seven shallow grass and hardbottom sites within the Park were chosen for qualitative and quantitative studies. At each site, three parallel transects not less than 400 m long were run perpendicular to the reef or shore, each 300 m apart. Observations, data collecting and sampling were done by two teams of divers. Approximately 75 percent of the bottom within the 18-m isobath was covered by marine grasses, predominantly turtle grass. The general health of the seagrasses appeared good but a few areas showed signs of stress. The inner hardbottom of the Park was studied at the two entrances to Largo Sound. Though at the time of the study the North Channel hardbottom was subjected to only moderate boat traffic, marked changes had taken place over the past years, the most obvious of which was the loss of the extensive beds of Sargassum weed, one of the most extensive beds of this alga in the Keys. Only at this site was the green alga Enteromorpha encountered. This alga, often considered a pollution indicator, may denote the effects of shore run off. The hardbottom at South Channel and the surrounding grass beds showed signs of stress. This area bears the heaviest boat traffic within the Park waters causing continuous turbidity from boat wakes with resulting siltation. The offshore hardbottom and rubble areas in the Sanctuary appeared to be in good health and showed no visible indications of deterioration. Damage by boat groundings and anchors was negligible in the areas surveyed. The outer reefs in general appear to be healthy. Corals have a surprising resiliency to detrimental factors and, when conditions again become favorable, recover quickly from even severe damage. It is, therefore, a cause for concern that Grecian Rocks, which sits somewhat inshore of the outer reef line, has yet to recover from die-off in 1978. The slow recovery, if occurring, may be due to the lower quality of the inshore waters. The patch reefs, more adapted to inshore waters, do not show obvious stress signs, at least those surveyed in this study. It is apparent that water quality was changing in the keys. Water clarity over much of the reef tract was observed to be much reduced from former years and undoubtedly plays an important part in the stresses seen today over the Sanctuary and Park. (PDF contains 119 pages)


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The drumlin sediments at Chimney Bluffs, New York appear to represent a block-inmatrix style glacial melange. This melange comprises sand stringers, lenses and intraclasts juxtaposed in an apparently massive diamicton. Thin section examination of these glacigenic deposits has revealed microstructures indicative of autokinetic subglacial defonnation which are consistent with a deformable bed origin for the diamicton. These features include banding and. necking of matrix grains, oriented plasma fabrics and the formation of pressure shadows at the long axis ends of elongate clasts. Preservation of primary stratification within the sand intraclasts appears to suggest that these features were pre-existing up-ice deposits that were frozen, entrained, then deposited as part of a defonning till layer beneath an advancing ice sheet. Multi-directional micro-shearing within the sand blocks is thought to reflect the frozen nature of the sand units in such a high strain environment. It is also contended that dewatering of the sediment pile leading to the eventual immobilisation of the defonning till layer was responsible for opening sub-horizontal fissures within the diamicton. These features were subsequently infilled with mass flow poorly sorted sands and silts which were subjected to ductile defonnation during the waning stages of an actively deforming till layer. Microstructures indicative of the dewatering processes in the sand units include patches of fine-grained particles within a coarser-grained matrix and the presence of concentrated zones of translocated clays. However, these units were probably confined within an impermeable diamicton casing that prevented massive pore water influxes from the deforming till layer~ Hence, these microstructures probably reflect localised dewatering of the sand intraclasts. A layered subglacial shear zone model is proposed for the various features exhibited by the drumlin sediments. The complexity of these structures is explained in terms of ii superposing deformation styles in response to changing pore water pressures. Constructional glaciotectonics, as implied by the occurrence of sub-horizontal fissuring, is suggested as the mechanism for the stacking of the sand intraclast units within the diamicton. The usefulness of micromorphology in complimenting the traditional sedimentology of glacigenic deposits is emphasised by the current study. An otherwise massive diamicton was shown to contain microstructures indicative of the very high strain rates expected in a complexly deforming till layer. . It is quite obvious from this investigation that the classification of diamictons needs to be re-examined for evidence of microstructures that could lead to the re-interpretation of diamicton forming processes. RESUME Le pacquet de sediments drumlinaire de Chimney Bluffs, New York, represent un "bloc-en-matrice" genre de melange glaciale. Des structures microscopique comprennent l'evidence pour la defonnation intrinseque attribuee a l'origine lit non resistant du drumlin. PreselVation des structures primaires au coeur des blocs arenaces suggere que ceux sont des depots preexistant qui furent geles, entraines et par la suite sedimentes au milieu d'une couche de debris sous-glaciaires en voie de deformation. Des failles microscopiques a l'interieur des blocs arenaces appuient aussi l'idee d'un bloc cohesif (c'est-a-dire gele) au centre d'un till non resistant. Des implications significatives s'emergent de cette etude pour les conditions sous-glaciaire et les processus de la formation des drumlin.


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Trata da questão do endividamento público dos municípios brasileiros, analisando o caso de São José do Rio Preto dentro de uma amostra de outros quinze municípios do interior paulista. Aponta as condições que permitiram que São José do Rio Preto mantivesse, ao contrário da maioria da amostra estudada, um baixo e estável endividamento no período posterior à promulgação da Constituição de 1988


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o Vale do Rio Preto, região limítrofe dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais, teve marcante influência na economia e na política do país no século XIX, com a expansão da cafeicultura. A partir de 1930, com a crise do café, a paisagem agrária é dominada pela pecuária extensiva. A transformação do sistema econômico modifica as atividades produtivas, embora perpetue as tradicionais relações de produção. A educação desenvolvida neste vale, nas duas últimas décadas, fundamenta-se na teoria do capital humano que enfatiza a racionalidade e produtividade, impedindo o desenvolvimento da consciência crítica. A redução da educação a essa concepção desenvolve mentalidades ou consciências alienadas das verdadeiras determinações sociais, a concentração de capital, as desigualdades e injustiças. Para que os trabalhadores da educação, produzidos em tais circunstâncias de dominação, venham a assumir o papel de sujeitos hegemônicos na construção da sociedade, é indispensável que se apropriem de instrumentos práticos e teóricos, embasados numa fundamentação que reverta esse quadro social. Para tal, apontamos como uma proposta de devir, a adesão dos profissionais da educação à perspectiva da praxis, para a realização de um trabalho crítico e consciente com os pequenos produtores rurais. A tarefa de socialização do conhecimento, a trans formação da visão de mundo e da prática educativa dos profissionais que se propõem a desenvolver uma açao conjunta com os pequenos produtores do Vale do Rio Preto, só poderão ocorrer a partir de inovações das relações no real.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se as habilitações profissionais, implantadas pela SE nas escolas do Estado de S. Paulo, sob os auspícios da Lei 5692/71, haviam, realmente, preparado os jovens que as concluíram para o exercLcio de uma profissão e averiguar quantos alunos egressos da primeira turma do 2º grau profissionalizante conseguiram ser aproveitados de acordo com a qualificação auferida por eles. O estudo limitou-se às escolas da DE de são José do Rio Preto. O instrumental usado foi a entrevista, por não se saber quais os rumos tomados por esses estudantes, nem porque. Foram entrevistados alunos e autoridades do ensino. Aos primeiros aplicou-se a entrevista estruturada e aos segundos a entrevista semiestruturada. Dentre as autoridades foram entrevistados Diretores de Escola, Supervisores Pedagógicos e Assistentes Técnicos da DRE. Concluiu-se que o intuito maior dos entrevistados era o prosseguimento dos estudos em nível de 3º grau, intuito este já alcançado por um número expressivo desses egressos: 64,66% de S. Jose do Rio Preto e 31,85% das cidades vizinhas. Contudo, nem todos lograram ingressar nos cursos que queriam, nem tampouco em cursos relacionados com o 2º grau concluído: apenas 28,69% o conseguiram. A propósito da destinação para o trabalho, pode-se perceber uma dispersão 5,74% trabalham na profissão muito grande desses jovens: para a qual foram preparados, 59,77% estão foram do ramo e 34,48% ainda não trabalham. Foram 19 os cursos profissionalizantes instalados e conseguiu-se catalogar 58 diferentes serviços executados pelos egressos desses cursos, desde os mais simples como empregada doméstica e servente de pedreiro até ao presidente de indústria o que leva a crer que tais cursos, realmente não profissionalizaram e que o intento da Lei 5692/71 não foi atingido.


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Analysis of 141 seats of maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus collected in a region of upland forest and meadows of south-eastern Brazil yielded 351 food items in the wet season (60 seats) and 407 in the dry season (81 seats). Scarabaeidae and rodents were the most frequent animal food in both seasons, complemented by birds in the wet season and unidentified mammals in the dry season. Seeds revealed Solanum lycocarpum to be the most frequent plant food in the dry season and an Annonaceae and a Cactaceae the most frequent in the wet season. A total of 33 seed morphospecies were retrieved. Although our results reveal some shared and some divergent trends from dietary studies undertaken in savanna ('cerrado') areas, we found a very high frequency of potentially harmful tourists' garbage. This highlights the necessity for better environmental education and confirms that the maned wolf is a generalist and opportunist omnivore.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)