981 resultados para Riemann-Roch theorem


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The no-hiding theorem says that if any physical process leads to bleaching of quantum information from the original system, then it must reside in the rest of the Universe with no information being hidden in the correlation between these two subsystems. Here, we report an experimental test of the no-hiding theorem with the technique of nuclear magnetic resonance. We use the quantum state randomization of a qubit as one example of the bleaching process and show that the missing information can be fully recovered up to local unitary transformations in the ancilla qubits.


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In this paper the question of the extent to which truncated heavy tailed random vectors, taking values in a Banach space, retain the characteristic features of heavy tailed random vectors, is answered from the point of view of the central limit theorem.


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A systematic method is formulated to carry out theoretical analysis in a multilocus multiallele genetic system. As a special application, the Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection is proved (in the continuous time model) for a multilocus multiallele system if all pairwise linkage disequilibria are zero.


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A geometric invariant is associated to the space of fiat connections on a G-bundle over a compact Riemann surface and is related to the energy of harmonic functions.


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In this paper, we give a generalization of a result by Borkar and Meyn (2000) 1], on the stability and convergence of synchronous-update stochastic approximation algorithms, to the case of asynchronous stochastic approximations with delays. We then describe an interesting application of the result to asynchronous distributed temporal difference (TD) learning with function approximation and delays. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We formulate and prove two versions of Miyachi�s theorem for connected, simply connected nilpotent Lie groups. This allows us to prove the sharpness of the constant 1/4 in the theorems of Hardy and of Cowling and Price for any nilpotent Lie group. These theorems are proved using a variant of Miyachi�s theorem for the group Fourier transform.


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We know, from the classical work of Tarski on real closed fields, that elimination is, in principle, a fundamental engine for mechanized deduction. But, in practice, the high complexity of elimination algorithms has limited their use in the realization of mechanical theorem proving. We advocate qualitative theorem proving, where elimination is attractive since most processes of reasoning take place through the elimination of middle terms, and because the computational complexity of the proof is not an issue. Indeed what we need is the existence of the proof and not its mechanization. In this paper, we treat the linear case and illustrate the power of this paradigm by giving extremely simple proofs of two central theorems in the complexity and geometry of linear programming.


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We formulate and prove two versions of Miyachi’s theorem for connected, simply connected nilpotent Lie groups. This allows us to prove the sharpness of the constant 1/4 in the theorems of Hardy and of Cowling and Price for any nilpotent Lie group. These theorems are proved using a variant of Miyachi’s theorem for the group Fourier transform.


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We study the empirical measure LA of the eigenvalues of nonnormal square matrices of the form A(n) = U(n)T(n)V(n), with U(n), V(n) independent Haar distributed on the unitary group and T(n) diagonal. We show that when the empirical measure of the eigenyalues of T(n) converges, and T(n) satisfies some technical conditions, L(An) converges towards a rotationally invariant measure mu on the complex plane whose support is a single ring. In particular, we provide a complete proof of the Feinberg-Zee single ring theorem [6]. We also consider the case where U(n), V(n) are independently Haar distributed on the orthogonal group.


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We show that the Wiener Tauberian property holds for the Heisenberg Motion group TnB


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The altered spontaneous emission of an emitter near an arbitrary body can be elucidated using an energy balance of the electromagnetic field. From a classical point of view it is trivial to show that the field scattered back from any body should alter the emission of the source. But it is not at all apparent that the total radiative and non-radiative decay in an arbitrary body can add to the vacuum decay rate of the emitter (i.e.) an increase of emission that is just as much as the body absorbs and radiates in all directions. This gives us an opportunity to revisit two other elegant classical ideas of the past, the optical theorem and the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory of radiation. It also provides us alternative perspectives of Purcell effect and generalizes many of its manifestations, both enhancement and inhibition of emission. When the optical density of states of a body or a material is difficult to resolve (in a complex geometry or a highly inhomogeneous volume) such a generalization offers new directions to solutions. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By a theorem of Gromov, for an almost complex structure J on CP2 tamed by the standard symplectic structure, the J-holomorphic curves representing the positive generator of homology form a projective plane. We show that this satisfies the Theorem of Desargues if and only if J is isomorphic to the standard complex structure. This answers a question of Ghys. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Academie des sciences.


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We analytically evaluate the large deviation function in a simple model of classical particle transfer between two reservoirs. We illustrate how the asymptotic long-time regime is reached starting from a special propagating initial condition. We show that the steady-state fluctuation theorem holds provided that the distribution of the particle number decays faster than an exponential, implying analyticity of the generating function and a discrete spectrum for its evolution operator.


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In this paper, we extend the characterization of Zx]/(f), where f is an element of Zx] to be a free Z-module to multivariate polynomial rings over any commutative Noetherian ring, A. The characterization allows us to extend the Grobner basis method of computing a k-vector space basis of residue class polynomial rings over a field k (Macaulay-Buchberger Basis Theorem) to rings, i.e. Ax(1), ... , x(n)]/a, where a subset of Ax(1), ... , x(n)] is an ideal. We give some insights into the characterization for two special cases, when A = Z and A = ktheta(1), ... , theta(m)]. As an application of this characterization, we show that the concept of Border bases can be extended to rings when the corresponding residue class ring is a finitely generated, free A-module. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We prove a result on the structure of finite proper holomorphic mappings between complex manifolds that are products of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. While an important special case of our result follows from the ideas developed by Remmert and Stein, the proof of the full result relies on the interplay of the latter ideas and a finiteness theorem for Riemann surfaces.