50 resultados para Riddles


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El libro de los cuentos, de Rafael Boira, fue uno de los muchos que se publicaron como esparcimiento en el siglo xix. Es una recopilación de composiciones jocosas menores, en prosa, salvo algunas en verso; entre éstas hay más de un centenar de enigmas o adivinanzas en quintillas cuya autoría no nos reveló. El autor de las adivinanzas es Cristóbal Pérez de Herrera (1618). Aunque como autor generalmente es original, copia o imita algunas adivinanzas preexistentes en la tradición oral o culta. Boira copió de manera literal muchas adivinanzas de este autor, aunque escribió otras con alteraciones, mayores o menores, quizás por recordarlas de memoria. "Las enigmas", de Pérez de Herrera, fueron muy divulgados anónimamente: pasaron a la tradición escrita pero también se recogieron, y aún es así hoy en día, de modo oral. Lo cierto es que también están ya presentes en la tradición oral algunas versiones tal como Boira las alteró. Incuestionablemente, los enigmas cultos han pasado a la tradición oral en el ámbito de la cultura hispana. Herrera y Boira son dos marcas en este camino de popularización


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La adivinanza, forma lírica de comunicación, del arte de saber y entretener, destaca como un juego mental y verbal que ha perdurado durante años uniendo a la poesía con el ingenio. Su forma tradicional se basa en versos de arte menor, cuartetas octosilábicas, de rima asonante o consonante cruzada, y el uso del símil, la metáfora, la metonimia, la alegoría, la dilogía, la analogía, y el desglose lingüístico. Como forma, no se apega a los cánones sino que se trata de un género libre, que crea sus propias reglas. Como el refrán, pertenecen al conjunto de rimas, o textos que no se cantaban, sino que se decían. Sus características son: la brevedad, la autonomía, la rima, las aliteraciones y los paralelismos. Su estructuración tiene dos vías: la sintáctica y la retórica: ambas están envueltas en el ropaje de la semántica y convierten a las adivinanzas en un juego del lenguaje, una lección o castigo, un enigma y un auténtico deleite de la tradición lírica


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Although panel discussants disagreed whether the biodiversity crisis constitutes a mass extinction event, all agreed that current extinction rates are 50–500 times background and are increasing and that the consequences for the future evolution of life are serious. In response to the on-going rapid decline of biomes and homogenization of biotas, the panelists predicted changes in species geographic ranges, genetic risks of extinction, genetic assimilation, natural selection, mutation rates, the shortening of food chains, the increase in nutrient-enriched niches permitting the ascendancy of microbes, and the differential survival of ecological generalists. Rates of evolutionary processes will change in different groups, and speciation in the larger vertebrates is essentially over. Action taken over the next few decades will determine how impoverished the biosphere will be in 1,000 years when many species will suffer reduced evolvability and require interventionist genetic and ecological management. Whether the biota will continue to provide the dependable ecological services humans take for granted is less clear. The discussants offered recommendations, including two of paramount importance (concerning human populations and education), seven identifying specific scientific activities to better equip us for stewardship of the processes of evolution, and one suggesting that such stewardship is now our responsibility. The ultimate test of evolutionary biology as a science is not whether it solves the riddles of the past but rather whether it enables us to manage the future of the biosphere. Our inability to make clearer predictions about the future of evolution has serious consequences for both biodiversity and humanity.


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Els textos literaris, a banda de ser un terreny molt òptim per a desenvolupar la sensibilitat i ensenyar a sentir, són un recurs útil també per a millorar la competència lingüística de l’alumnat de manera motivadora i divertida. Aquests textos, junt a altres, formen part del treball diari a l’aula del Portafolis de Valencià on l’alumnat reflexiona sobre com millorar el seu nivell en aquesta llengua. La nostra proposta presenta seqüències didàctiques d’activitats on es desenvolupen tant les habilitats productives com receptives a traves del treball de textos literaris com l’endevinalla, les nadaletes, els textos narratius amb imatge (curt, fotonovel·la, còmic), el rap, els contes, la poesia...


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jamʻ Ṭāhir al-Jazāʼirī.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Published in 12 "aflieferungen."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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v.16. Epistolary correspondence. Letters from August 1714, to September 1724.--v.17. Epistolary correspondence. Letters from September 1725 to May 1732.--v.18. Epistolary correspondence. Letters from May 19, 1732, to October 23, 1736.--v.19. Epistolary corresondence. Letters from October 30, 1736, to February 14, 1750. Appendix to the original correspondence between Dean Swift and his friends. Correspondence between Swift and Miss Vanhomrigh. Index.


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--Index of media.--Index of titles.


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.


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Series title in part at head of t.-p.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A bacterium (MJ-PV) previously demonstrated to degrade the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin LR, was investigated for bioremediation applications in natural water microcosms and biologically active slow sand filters. Enhanced degradation of microcystin LR was observed with inoculated (1 x 10(6) cell/mL) treatments of river water dosed with microcystin LR (> 80% degradation within 2 days) compared to uninoculated controls. Inoculation of MJ-PV at lower concentrations (1 x 10(2)-1 x 10(5)cells/mL) also demonstrated enhanced microcystin LR degradation over control treatments. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) specifically targeting amplification of 16S rDNA of MJ-PV and the gene responsible for initial degradation of microcystin LR (mlrA) were successfully applied to monitor the presence of the bacterium in experimental trials. No amplified products indicative of an endemic MJ-PV population were observed in uninoculated treatments indicating other bacterial strains were active in degradation of microcystin LR, Pilot scale biologically active slow sand filters demonstrated degradation of microcystin LR irrespective of MJ-PV bacterial inoculation. PCR analysis detected the MJ-PV population at all locations within the sand filters where microcystin degradation was measured. Despite not observing enhanced degradation of microcystin LR in inoculated columns compared to uninoculated column, these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of a low-technology water treatment system like biologically active slow sand filters for removal of microcystins from reticulated water supplies. Crown Copyright (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.