977 resultados para Ribeiro, Paulo 1960-. Vitrola dos ausentes


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Objective: There is strong evidence that methylene blue (MB), an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase, is an excellent therapeutic option for vasoplegic syndrome (VS) treatment in heart surgery. The aim of this article is to review the MB's therapeutic function in the vasoplegic syndrome treatment. Methods: Fifteen years of literature review. Results: 1) Heparin and ACE inhibitors are risk factors; 2) In the recommended doses it is safe (the lethal dose is 40 mg/ kg); 3) The use of MB does not cause endothelial dysfunction; 4) The MB effect appears in cases of nitric oxide (NO) up-regulation; 5) MB is not a vasoconstrictor, by blocking of the GMPc system it releases the AMPc system, facilitating the norepinephrine vasoconstrictor effect; 6) The most used dosage is 2 mg/kg as IV bolus followed by the same continuous infusion because plasmatic concentrations strongly decays in the first 40 minutes; 7) There is a possible window of opportunity for the MB's effectiveness. Conclusions: Although there are no definitive multicentric studies, the MB used to treat heart surgery VS, at the present time, is the best, safest and cheapest option, being a Brazilian contribution for the heart surgery.


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This paper describes a simple, environmentally friendly and rapid quantitative spot test procedure for the determination of captopril (CPT) in bulk drug and in pharmaceutical formulations by using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The proposed method is based on the reflectance measurements of the orange compound (λ max 490 nm) produced by the spot test reaction between CPT and p-chloranil (CL). Under optimal conditions, calibration curves were obtained for CPT by plotting the optical density of the reflectance signal (A R) vs. the log of the mol L -1 concentration, from 6.91×10 -3 to 1.17×10 -1, with a good coefficient of determination (R 2 = 0.9992). The common excipients used as additives in pharmaceuticals do not interfere in the proposed method. The method was applied to determine CPT in commercial pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method are compared favorably with those obtained by an official procedure at 95% confidence level. The method validation results showed that the sensitivity and selectivity of the methods were adequated for drug monitoring in industrial quality control laboratories. © 2011 Moment Publication.


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Thirty six piglets weaned at 19 days of age were useddistributed in a randomized block design, were used to evaluate the effects of the addition of crescent levels of betaine (0,0%, 0,1%, 0,2% e 0,3%) in the diets on the performance in initial, growing and finishing phases. The indexes of diarrhea incidence were monitored in the first 14 days post-weaning; and the blood parameters at 20, 75, and 150 days of age, as well as the carcass characteristics at the end of the experiment. It was not observed (P > 0,05) effect of the betaine on the diarrhea incidence. Significative differences (P < 0.05) were verified among treatments in the finishing phase for daily weight gain and feed conversion. Differences (P < 0.0001) among the days to the blood parameters analysed were also observed. In regard to the backfat thickness, it was verified significative difference (P < 0.05) among the treatments.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: This article describes the application and the performance of a cheap, simple and portable device that can be used for colorimetric quantitative determination of captopril (CPT) in pharmaceutical preparations. Methods: The sensor is a light detector resistor (LDR) placed into a black PTFE cell and coupled to a low cost multimeter (Ohmmeter). The instrument has been tested and is easy and fast to use. The quantitative study is based mainly on reduction of ammonium molybdate by captopril, in the presence of sulphuric acid, producing a green-yellow compound (max 407 nm). The calibration curves were obtained by plotting the electric resistance of the LDR against the CPT concentration on the range of 4.60 x 10-4 to 1.84 x 10-3 mol l-1 with a good coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.9962). Results: Statistical analysis of the obtained results showed no significant difference between the proposed methodology and the official reported method as evident from the t-test and variance ratio at 95% confidence level. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that the instrument can be used for simple, accurate, precise, fast, in situ and low-cost colorimetric analysis of captopril in pharmaceuticals products.


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This paper aims to show the beginning of habitus and the bodily hexis construction of male ballet dancer and female player soccer. Firstly, the habitus and the bodily hexis are established by the cultural inheritance of families (advices, likes, choices, prohibitions, and work divisions). After, they are restructured by the most diverse fields where this people act, mainly in the school, specifically at Physical Education classes (in the specialized places where these classes occur). Thus, it is possible to verify the success or the failure of their path lives and the possibility of a social ascent by the choice of these practices as professional career.


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Love experiences have changed along time and have set new meanings, especially for young people. Thus, this qualitative research aimed at understanding the meanings of love relationships, hooking up and dating in the vision of ten adolescents between 17 and 23 years old using a questionnaire. The results revealed that the hooking up is permeated by kisses, fondling and even by sexual intercourse in a short period of time and often through the intermediary of a friend at the time of the conquest. The commitment of dating, on the other hand, is established when love is present in the relationship. Therefore, adolescents revealed that opt for dating, which can begin in the hooking up. However, in the opinion of the participants, the young people's preference nowadays is the hooking up.


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The curriculum is an important instrument, through which are outlined the main aspects to be achieved in the educational context . It can be real, occurs in the classroom as a result of the education program, and be hidden normally be transmitted without being mentioned by teachers. Sexuality although it is not integrated with the components of the formal curriculum, and is present in said prohibited school , the way you act, speak and articulate the school community , expressing itself through the hidden curriculum. Considering this, the present study based on qualitative and quantitative aimed to analyze the curriculum of a course in pedagogy of a State University located in the State of São Paulo, as well as giving voice to students of that course in order to analyze if sexuality is to clearly present the formal curriculum. Therefore , a study of the documents in that course , but precisely its curriculum process n º 342/89 , their volumes I to IX , the period extending from 1959 to 200, as well as the curriculum in force until the year 2007. In addition, we used a closed questionnaire containing 20 questions which included the participation of 70 students Pedagogy daytime and night of that educational institution. Since its initial curriculum to the latest nonexistent space for disciplines sexuality, and the ' progress ' that can be noted is the introduction of the limited elective courses that no longer exist in the current course. In the words of most students sexuality is not a matter encompassed in that course. These data show that both the real and the hidden curriculum does not give due importance to this issue. Therefore, it is imperative that this course, as well as the different undergraduate courses, should adhere to sexuality need to be part of the actual curriculum, in order to allow students access to this knowledge.


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This article, about reflections on the condition of Brazilian women from the Colony to the first decades of the twentieth century, reveals the historical position of them and the attitudes and behaviors related to gender and sexuality. Subdued, it was treated as a sexual object, arousing all sorts of misogyny by men. Rebel, veiled or ostensibly, could serve their own desires. Throughout history, the Church and medical institutions which jointly accounted for, significantly, established the meaning and place of women. In Colony period, the woman is a ward from the Catholic ideology, but from the nineteenth century, after Independence, this power control arises to Medicine. The physician submits the religious discourse, naturalizing the status of women as one that breeds, namely the insertion of the medical issues of family scientifically legitimate colonial patriarchy. This is accentuated in the early twentieth century, when medicine consolidated setting standards and rules for marriage, to motherhood and family life. We note how the feminine universe was (and it is nowadays) ambivalent, with "one foot" in virtue and another in sin, with a tendency to contain and another to trespass. On the one hand we have the home and motherhood, validated in marriage, in which the woman is cared for and dependent on her husband. Reflecting on the motherhood of Virgin Mary, comes to the sacred dimension of the idealized woman saint by the Church. At the same time, however, feels the need for freedom, identity and independence, needing to give a voice to the desire to have their sexuality and all that it is due in full. The manifestation of the desire and the call for sexual satisfaction, and put in permanent conflict personal, psychological and social split between moral entrenched across generations and cultural transformations resulting from decades of the 20th Century.


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The present study, theoretical, aims to talk about educational policies in Brazil, aiming to unveil what they say these policies, the legitimacy and visibility that give coverage of sexuality in schools. Both sexuality and gender relations have gained attention in a Brazilian educational research in the mid-90th century. These policies have been the National Curricular Parameters (PCN). They present the cross-cutting themes: ethics, health, environment, cultural diversity and sexual orientation, which should be integrated into conventional areas of the school said. Another document of this same decade of education is the National Education Plan (PNE), however this encompasses so hidden sexuality and gender relations. In fact, both the new Law of Directives and Bases (LDB), the PNE in these subjects are veiled. An interesting initiative is happening in Brazil is the project Gender and Sexual Diversity (GDE) for the training of professionals in education issues of gender, sexuality and sexual orientation and ethnic-racial relations, is entering the national perspective of implementation public policy of equality and respect for diversity. However, much remains to be done thinking about the effectiveness of public policies that are effective with respect to space and visibility for the treatment of sexuality. We must also articulate the integration of these themes in these policies, strategies to raise awareness of education professionals in order to secure that they are actually implemented.


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The article presents, from the Analysis of French Discourse, different gestures of reading and interpretation of the body and sexuality at various times in history. It demonstrates that such gestures reading are the fruit of experience that each society sets about their cultural values and norms in each period, both in the first civilizations to the economy of sex for birth control and the survival of the group and in the Medieval Christianity control of sex in the fight against sin. Each society according to Michel Foucault, establishes a system of knowledge and power to order and classify the type of body and citizen you desire, like the city of Sparta with its regime of knowledge and training of the soldier and in Athens with the democratic regime in the formation of the political, or contemporary society in the formation of the body of perfect proportions that meet the stipulations of the market.


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The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the conceptions of sexuality and female sexual behavior and conduct, formed from the merger of information and securities purchased under the eyes, rules and guidelines established relations with the Holy Office during his visit to Inquisitorial Brazil in the late sixteenth century. It is a survey of historical methodology in which we used as the exploratory research and literature. In the sixteenth century the Church increases the pressure to change the sexual mores that were free in the Middle Ages, a fact which influences the rules and regulations that are adopted by the Holy Office regarding the person's sex life. The first structure was based on Brazilian sexual alliance between Indians and settlers, which led to sugar, by the Portuguese, the customs of the land, which included sexual practices free since the Indians were out of Christian influence. Supported by the absence of white women, the settlers took them wives of the earth, usually more than one, creating conflict with the Jesuits who condemned Indian polygamy. In this context, in 1591, landed on Brazilian soil Heitor Furtado de Mendonca, and with it, the First Visitation of the Holy Office to investigate, arguing, exploring feelings and behaviors, to discover the true facts, finally, to demonstrate the errors Faith and punish them with the rigor of ecclesiastical law. His passing opens us to visualize traces of sexuality in the current "Tropic" a racist, misogynist world where black women and degraded land could be subject to the wishes of the white man, with whom he could mate at will. Alone and forgotten, women have not found the colony margin to denounce or to speak and were stigmatized by the look of travelers and writers have been through here.