952 resultados para Retaining wall. Instrumentation. Anchors
Experimental observations of the stress regime in unsaturated compacted clay when laterally confined
Construction processes often involve reformation of the landscape, which will inevitably encompass compaction of artificially placed soils. A common application of fill materials is their use as backfill in many engineering applications, for example behind a retaining wall. The post-construction behaviour of clay fills is complex with respect to stresses and deformation when the fills become saturated over time. Heavily compacted fills swells significantly more than the lightly compacted fills. This will produce enhanced lateral stresses if the fill is laterally restrained. The work presented in this paper examines how the stress regime in unsaturated clay fills changes with wetting under laterally restrained conditions. Specimens of compacted kaolin, with different initial conditions, were wetted to various values of suction under zero lateral strain at constant net overburden pressure which allowed the concept of K 0 (the ratio between the net horizontal stress and the net vertical stress) to be examined. Tests were also carried out to examine the traditional concept of the earth pressure coefficient ‘at rest' under loading and unloading and its likely effects on the stress–strain properties. The results have shown that the stress regime (i.e. the lateral stress) changes significantly during wetting under laterally restrained conditions. The magnitude of the change is affected by the initial condition of the soil. The results have also indicated that the earth pressure coefficient ‘at rest' during loading (under the normally consolidated condition) is unaffected by suction and such loading conditions inevitably lead to the development of anisotropic stress–strain properties
Compacted clay fills are generally placed at the optimum value of water content and, immediately after placement, they are unsaturated. Wetting might subsequently occur due, for example, to rainfall infiltration, which can cause volumetric deformation of the fill (either swell or collapse) with associated loss of shear strength and structural integrity. If swelling takes place under partially restrained deformation, due for example to the presence of a buried rigid structure or a retaining wall, additional stresses will develop in the soil and these can be detrimental to the stability of walling elements and other building assets. Factors such as dry density, overburden pressure, compaction water content and type of clay are known to influence the development of stresses. This paper investigates these factors by means of an advanced stress path testing programme performed on four different clays with different mineralogy, index properties and geological histories. Specimens of kaolin clay, London Clay, Belfast Clay and Ampthill Clay were prepared at different initial states and subjected to ‘controlled’ wetting, whereby the suction was reduced gradually to zero under laterally restrainedconditions (i.e. K0 conditions). The results showed that the magnitude of the increase in horizontal stresses (and therefore the increase of K0) is influenced by the overburden pressure, compaction water content, dry density at the time of compaction and mineralogy.
Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
A numerical study on the behavior of tied-back retaining walls in sand, using the finite element method (FEM) is presented. The analyses were performed using the software Plaxis 2D, and were focused on the development of horizontal displacements, horizontal stresses, shear forces and bending moments in the structure during the construction process. Emphasis was placed on the evaluation of wall embedment, tie-back horizontal spacing, wall thickness, and free anchor length on wall behavior. A representative soil profile of a specific region at the City of Natal, Brazil, was used in the numerical analyses. New facilities built on this region often include retaining structures of the same type studied herein. Soil behavior was modeled using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model, whereas the structural elements were modeled using the linear elastic model. Shear strength parameters of the soil layers were obtained from direct shear test results conducted with samples collected at the studied site. Deformation parameters were obtained from empirical correlations from SPT test results carried out on the studied site. The results of the numerical analyses revealed that the effect of wall embedment on the investigated parameters is virtually negligible. Conversely, the tie-back horizontal spacing plays an important role on the investigated parameters. The results also demonstrated that the wall thickness significantly affects the wall horizontal displacements, and the shear forces and bending moments within the retaining structure. However, wall thickness was not found to influence horizontal stresses in the structure
Usually masonry structures has low tension strength, hence the design to flexural efforts can results in high reinforcement ratio, specification of high unit and prism strength, structural members with larger section dimensions and modification in structural arrangement to be possible to use masonry members. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the stiffness, the efforts distribution and the effect of horizontal elements (girders) and vertical elements (counterforts) distribution on the behavior of masonry blocks retaining walls. For this purpose, numerical modeling was performed on typical retaining wall arrangements by varying the amount and placement of horizontal and vertical elements, beyond includes elements simulating the reactions of the soil supporting the foundation of the wall. The numerical modeling also include the macro modeling strategy in which the units, mortar and grout are discretized by a standard volume that represents the masonry elastic behavior. Also, numerical model results were compared with those ones of simplified models usually adopted in bending design of masonry elements. The results show horizontal displacements, principal and shear stresses distribution, and bending moments diagrams. From the analysis it was concluded that quantity and manner of distribution of the girders are both important factors to the panel flexural behavior, the inclusion of the foundation changed significantly the behavior of the wall, especially the horizontal displacements, and has been proposed a new way of considering the flanges section of the counterforts
During the retaining wall project in soil reinforced with geogrids and face milling system for segmental blocks is essential to determine the maximum connection resistance between the block and the geogrid. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the connection resistance based on ASTM D- 6638-01 between the segmental block model MW of Muros Terrae® company with the geogrids model Fortrac® M 35 / 20x20, Fortrac® M 55 / 30x20, Fortrac® M 80 / 30x20 and Fortrac® M 110 / 30x20 of HUESKER Synthetic GmbH using gravel 1 as a filling material. As a result, the resistance curves were obtained for the four models of geogrids and was described how it fracture. An additional investigation was the average gain connection resistance percentage when it is applied to geogrid a second layer instead of a single layer. The average percentage gains in the connection resistance to the geogrids model Fortrac® M 35 / 20x20, Fortrac® M 55 / 30x20, Fortrac® M 80 / 30x20 and Fortrac® M 110 / 30x20 were, respectively, 63.20 %, 63, 47%, 62.23 % and 51.34 %. Finally, we made a comparative analysis of the results of this study with those obtained by Guimarães (2006), Urashima et. al (2008) and Almeida and Toma (2011) to evaluate which combinations offered higher connection resistance
ABSTRACT Il presente lavoro vuole introdurre la problematica del rigonfiamento del terreno a seguito di grandi scavi in argilla. Il sollevamento del terreno dopo lo scavo può passare inosservato ma sono numerosi i casi in cui il rigonfiamento dura per molti anni e addirittura decenni, Shell Centre, London, Lion Yard, Cambridge, Bell Common, London, ecc. Questo rigonfiamento il più delle volte è impedito dalla presenza di fondazioni, si genera quindi una pressione distribuita che se non considerata in fase di progetto può portare alla fessurazione della fondazione stessa. L’anima del progetto è la modellazione e l’analisi del rigonfiamento di grandi scavi in argilla, confrontando poi i risultati con i dati reali disponibili in letteratura. L’idea del progetto nasce dalla difficoltà di ottenere stime e previsioni attendibili del rigonfiamento a seguito di grandi scavi in argilla sovraconsolidata. Inizialmente ho esaminato la teoria e i fattori che influenzano il grado e la velocità del rigonfiamento, quali la rigidezza, permeabilità, fessurazione, struttura del suolo, etc. In seguito ho affrontato lo studio del comportamento rigonfiante di argille sovraconsolidate a seguito di scarico tensionale (scavi), si è evidenziata l’importanza di differenziare il rigonfiamento primario e il rigonfiamento secondario dovuto al fenomeno del creep. Il tema centrale del progetto è l’analisi numerica tramite Flac di due grandi scavi in argilla, Lion Yard, Cambridge, e, Bell Common, London. Attraverso una dettagliata analisi parametrica sono riuscito a trovare i migliori parametri che modellano il comportamento reale nei due casi in esame, in questo modo è possibile arrivare a stime e previsioni attendibili del fenomeno rigonfiante del terreno a seguito di grandi scavi. Gli scavi modellati Lion Yard e Bell Common sono rispettivamente in Gault Clay e London Clay, grazie a famosi recenti articoli scientifici sono riuscito a evidenziare la principali propietà che diversificano i due terreni in esame, tali propietà sono estremamente differenti dalle normali caratteristiche considerate per la progettazione in presenza di terreno argilloso; sono così riuscito a implementare i migliori parametri per descrivere il comportamento dei due terreni nei diversi modelli. Ho inoltre studiato l’interazione terreno-struttura, la pressione esercitata dal rigonfiamento del terreno è strettamente funzione delle caratteristiche di connesione tra fondazione superficiale e muro di sostegno, tale pressione non deve essere ignorata in fase progettuale poichè può raggiungere importanti valori. Nello scavo di Lion Yard, considerando la presenza delle fondazioni profonde ho evidenziato il fatto che il rigonfiamento crea una forza distribuita di taglio tra i pali di fondazione ed il terreno, anche tale sollecitazione dovrebbe essere considerata ai fini della progettazione. La problematica non si ferma solo sull’interazione terreno-fondazioni, infatti durante gli scavi di importanti fondazioni londinesi lo scarico tensionale ha creato uno spostamento significativo positivo verso la superfice di tratti di tunnel della metropolita, questo fenomeno può creare seri problemi di sicurezza nella rete dei trasporti pubblici. Infine sono stati messi a confronto i risultati del programma Flac con quelli di metodi semplificati, ho trovato che utilizzando il metodo iterativo di O’Brien i risultati sono simili alla realtà e il tempo di calcolo è molto inferiore di quello richiesto utilizzando Flac, 2-3 giorni. In conclusione posso affermare che grazie ad una dettagliata analisi parametrica è stato possibile stimare il rigonfiamento del terreno, argilla sovraconsolidata, nei due casi analizzati.
The interplay between robotics and neuromechanics facilitates discoveries in both fields: nature provides roboticists with design ideas, while robotics research elucidates critical features that confer performance advantages to biological systems. Here, we explore a system particularly well suited to exploit the synergies between biology and robotics: high-speed antenna-based wall following of the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). Our approach integrates mathematical and hardware modeling with behavioral and neurophysiological experiments. Specifically, we corroborate a prediction from a previously reported wall-following template - the simplest model that captures a behavior - that a cockroach antenna-based controller requires the rate of approach to a wall in addition to distance, e.g., in the form of a proportional-derivative (PD) controller. Neurophysiological experiments reveal that important features of the wall-following controller emerge at the earliest stages of sensory processing, namely in the antennal nerve. Furthermore, we embed the template in a robotic platform outfitted with a bio-inspired antenna. Using this system, we successfully test specific PD gains (up to a scale) fitted to the cockroach behavioral data in a "real-world" setting, lending further credence to the surprisingly simple notion that a cockroach might implement a PD controller for wall following. Finally, we embed the template in a simulated lateral-leg-spring (LLS) model using the center of pressure as the control input. Importantly, the same PD gains fitted to cockroach behavior also stabilize wall following for the LLS model. © 2008 IEEE.
Surface proteins of Gram-positive bacteria play important roles during the pathogenesis of human infections and require sortase for anchoring to the cell-wall envelope. Sortase cleaves surface proteins at the LPXTG motif and catalyzes the formation of an amide bond between the carboxyl group of threonine (T) and the amino group of cell-wall crossbridges. The NMR structure of sortase reveals a unique β-barrel structure, in which the active-site sulfhydryl of cysteine-184 is poised for ionization by histidine-120, presumably enabling the resultant thiolate to attack the LPXTG peptide. Calcium binding near the active site stimulates catalysis, possibly by altering the conformation of a surface loop that recognizes newly translocated polypeptides. The structure suggests a mechanistic relationship to the papain/cathepsin proteases and should facilitate the design of new antiinfective agents.
Thoracoscopic instrumented anterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has clinical benefits that include reduced pulmonary morbidity, postoperative pain, and improved cosmesis. However, quantitative data on radiological improvement of vertebral rotation using this method is lacking. This study’s objectives were to measure preoperative and postoperative axial vertebral rotational deformity at the curve apex in endoscopically-treated anterior-instrumented scoliosis patients using CT, and assess the relevance of these findings to clinically measured chest wall rib hump deformity correction. This is the first quantitative CT study to confirm that endoscopic anterior instrumented fusion for AIS substantially improves axial vertebral body rotational deformity at the apex of the curve. The margin of correction of 43% compares favourably with historically published figures of 24% for patients with posterior all-hook-rod constructs. CT measurements correlated significantly to the clinical outcome of rib hump deformity correction.
In this paper an attempt is made to study the lateral earth pressures on retaining walls as affected by anisotropy and non-homogeneity with respect to cohesion, of the backfill. Both the passive and active conditions are studied and the method of characteristics is used in the analysis. Numerical results show that, as the coeficient of anisotropy, k, defined as the ratio of vertical strength to horizontal strength, changes from 0-8 to 2, the pressure at the top of the wall decreases considerably.Also, as k changes fvom 0.8 to 2, the mod$ed passive and active earth pressure coeficients decrease when cohesion increases with depth and are unaffected by k when cohesion is constant with depth. On the other hand, when the rate of increase of cohesion with depth increares, the mod@ed earth pressure coefficients are found to increase considerably.
Bacterial surface-associated proteins are important in communication with the environment and bacteria-host interactions. In this thesis work, surface molecules of Lactobacillus crispatus important in host interaction were studied. The L. crispatus strains of the study were known from previous studies to be efficient in adhesion to intestinal tract and ECM. L. crispatus JCM 5810 possess an adhesive surface layer (S-layer) protein, whose functions and domain structure was characterized. We cloned two S-layer protein genes (cbsA; collagen-binding S-layer protein A and silent cbsB) and identified the protein region in CbsA important for adhesion to host tissues, for polymerization into a periodic layer as well as for attachment to the bacterial cell surface. The analysis was done by extensive mutation analysis and by testing His6-tagged fusion proteins from recombinant Escherichia coli as well as by expressing truncated CbsA peptides on the surface of Lactobacillus casei. The N-terminal region (31-274) of CbsA showed efficient and specific binding to collagens, laminin and extracellular matrix on tissue sections of chicken intestine. The N-terminal region also contained the information for formation of periodic S-layer polymer. This region is bordered at both ends by a conserved short region rich in valines, whose substitution to leucines drastically affected the periodic polymer structure. The mutated CbsA proteins that failed to form a periodic polymer, did not bind collagens, which indicates that the polymerized structure of CbsA is needed for collagen-binding ability. The C-terminal region, which is highly identical in S-layer proteins of L. crispatus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus, was shown to anchor the protein to the bacterial cell wall. The C-terminal CbsA peptide specifically bound to bacterial teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acids. In conclusion, the N-terminal domain of the S-layer protein of L. crispatus is important for polymerization and adhesion to host tissues, whereas the C-terminal domain anchors the protein to bacterial cell-wall teichoic acids. Lactobacilli are fermentative organisms that effectively lower the surrounding pH. While this study was in progress, plasminogen-binding proteins enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were identified in the extracellular proteome of L. crispatus ST1. In this work, the cell-wall association of enolase and GAPDH were shown to rely on pH-reversible binding to the cell-wall lipoteichoic acids. Enolase from L. crispatus was functionally compared with enolase from L. johnsonii as well as from pathogenic streptococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes) and Staphylococcus aureus. His6-enolases from commensal lactobacilli bound human plasminogen and enhanced its activation by human plasminogen activators similarly to, or even better than, the enolases from pathogens. Similarly, the His6-enolases from lactobacilli exhibited adhesive characteristics previously assigned to pathogens. The results call for more detailed analyses of the role of the host plasminogen system in bacterial pathogenesis and commensalism as well of the biological role and potential health risk of the extracellular proteome in lactobacilli.
Films of CuInSe2 were deposited onto glass substrates by a hot wall deposition method using bulk CuInSe2 as a source material. All the deposited CuInSe2 films were found to be polycrystalline in nature exhibiting the chalcopyrite structure with the crystallite orientation along (101),(112),(103),(211),(220),(312) and (400) directions. The photocurrent was found to increase with increase in film thickness and also with increase of light intensity. Photocurrent spectra show a peak related to the band-to-band transition. The spectral response of CuInSe2 thin films was studied by allowing the radiation to pass through a series of interference filters in the wavelength range 700-1200 rim. Films of higher thickness exhibited higher photosensitivity while low thickness films exhibited moderate photosensitivity. CuInSe2-based Solar cells with different types of buffer layers such as US, Cdse, CuInSe2 and CdSe0.7Te0.3 were fabricated. The current and voltage were measured using an optical power meter and an electrometer respectively. The fabricated solar cells were illuminated using 100 mW/cm(2) white light under AM1 conditions. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The problem of finding the horizontal pullout capacity of vertical anchors embedded in sands with the inclusion of pseudostatic horizontal earthquake body forces, was tackled in this note. The analysis was carried out using an upper bound limit analysis, with the consideration of two different collapse mechanisms: bilinear and composite logarithmic spiral rupture surfaces. The results are presented in nondimensional form to find the pullout resistance with changes in earthquake acceleration for different combinations of embedment ratio of the anchor (lambda), friction angle of the soil (phi), and the anchor-soil interface wall friction angle (delta). The pullout resistance decreases quite substantially with increases in the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration. For values of delta up to about 0.25-0.5phi, the bilinear and composite logarithmic spiral rupture surfaces gave almost identical answers, whereas for higher values of delta, the choice of the logarithmic spiral provides significantly smaller pullout resistance. The results compare favorably with the existing theoretical data.