986 resultados para Residual forestry biomass


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This paper provides an interdisciplinary perspective on mine reclamation in forested areas of Ghana, a country characterised by conflicts between mining and forest conservation. A comparison was made between above ground biomass (AGB) and soil organic carbon (SOC) content from two reclaimed mine sites and adjacent undisturbed forest. Findings suggest that on decadal timescales, reclaimed mine sites contain approximately 40% of the total carbon and 10% the AGB carbon of undisturbed forest. This raises questions regarding the potential for decommissioning mine sites to provide forestry-based legacies. Such a move could deliver a host of benefits, including improving the longevity and success of reclamation, mitigating climate change and delivering corollary enumeration for local communities under carbon trading schemes. A discussion of the antecedents and challenges associated with establishing forest-legacies highlights the risk of neglecting the participation and heterogeneity of legitimate local representatives, which threatens the equity of potential benefits and sustainability of projects. Despite these risks, implementing pilot projects could help to address the lack of transparency and data which currently characterises mine reclamation.


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This paper reports a study regarding the distribution of lead in the organic matter fractions of a loamy oxisol treated with stable manure, and its effect on the soil microbial biomass. The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial with three replicates. Treatments were four lead (Pb) rates (0, 200, 400, and 600 mg kg(-1) soil), two levels of manure (0 and 30 Mg ha(-1)) and two sampling times (30 and 60 days after lead application). Total and soil lead soluble in Mehlich 1 extractant, and Ph in the different fractions of the organic matter (fulvic acid, humic acid, and residual) were evaluated along with the soil microbial biomass. Data showed that lead, applied as PbCl2, was concentrated in the residual fraction. The application of manure at the rate of 30 Mg ha(-1) did not affect lead distribution in the fractions until 60 days after incorporation. Lead extracted by Mehlich 1 increased as function of the quantity applied. Manure stimulated the growth of the soil microbial biomass which was reduced by the 200 mg kg(-1) doses of lead, with manure application, increasing, however, with larger rates. Mehlich 1 extracted only part of the lead present in the residual fraction.


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Aboveground biomass predictive equations were developed for a highly productive 47-year-old mixed Douglas-fir and western hemlock stand in southwest Washington State to characterize the preharvest stand attributes for the Fall River Long-Term Site Productivity Study. The equations were developed using detailed biomass data taken from 31 Douglas-fir and 11 western hemlock trees within the original stand. The stand had an average of 615 live trees per hectare, with an average dbh of 35.6 cm (39.1 cm for Douglas-fir and 33.3 cm for western hemlock) and an average total tree height of 31.6 m (32.8 m for Douglas-fir and 30.2 m for western hemlock). Equations developed were of the form In Y = b(1) + b(2) In dbh, where Y = biomass in kg, dbh = diameter in cm at 1.3 m height, b(1) = intercept, and b(2) = slope of equation. Each tree part was estimated separately and also combined into total aboveground biomass. The total aboveground biomass estimation equations were In Y = -0.9950 + 2.0765 In dbh for Douglas-fir, and In Y = -1.6612 + 2.2321 In dbh for western hemlock. The estimate of the aboveground live-free biomass was of 395 Mg ha(-1) (235 Mg ha(-1) for Douglas-fir and 160 Mg ha(-1) for western hemlock), with 9.5, 29.3, 12.9, 308, and 32.7 Mg ha(-1) in the foliage, live branches, dead branches, stem wood, and stem hark, respectively. When compared with biomass estimates from six other studies, ranging in age from 22 to 110 years and from 96.3 to 636 Mg ha(-1), the biomass of the Fall River site was relatively high for its age, indicating very high productivity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this work is the application of the Interior Point and Branch and Bound methods in multiobjective optimization models related to sugarcane harvest residual biomass. These methods showed their viability to help on choosing the sugarcane planting varieties, searching to optimize cost and energy balance of harvest residual biomass, which have conflitant objectives. These methods provide satisfactory results, with fair computing performance and reliable and consistent solutions to the analyzed models. © 2011 IEEE.


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In tropical regions, the residual effect of phosphate fertilizer source is of crucial importance. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of application of P sources in chemical properties of soil, nutrition and productivity of sugarcane plant and during the first and second ratoon. The sources of P applied in furrows at planting were, triple superphosphate, Arad phosphate, bone meal (100 kg ha-1 P2O5 total) and a control without P, the varieties of sugarcane studied were IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. A randomized block design in a 4 × 2 factorial was used, with four replications. The study was conducted in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil, in Typic Hapludox. After each cutting, in soil P content, pH and Ca were evaluated. In the plant, the production of green and dry matter of shoots, the concentration of P in the biomass harvested, the export of P and agronomic efficiency of the sources of P were determined. The bone meal had a higher agronomic efficiency resulted in greater accumulation and export of P by crop, higher content of available Ca and P and increase soil pH. The Arad reactive phosphate increased its agronomic efficiency between crop cycles.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A promoção das energias renováveis, como estratégias para mitigar as alterações climáticas é um grande desafio mundial, principalmente para países em desenvolvimento como Brasil que busca diversificar sua matriz energética a partir de fontes renováveis, mas possui restrições de custo de investimentos. Neste contexto, são necessárias ferramentas que mensurem os riscos de investimento em projetos de fontes de energia renovável. Este trabalho contribui para o desenvolvimento sustentável da Amazônia através do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de análise de risco de investimento em projetos de eficiência energética aplicada no aproveitamento da biomassa do dendê. A crescente produção de dendê na região amazônica para geração de produtos alimentícios e biodiesel está gerando um grande volume de biomassa. Verificou-se que a utilização do resíduo da biomassa de dendê para a geração de energia e comercialização no mercado aumenta o seu valor econômico, para tanto se identificou os Critérios e Indicadores (C&I) de sustentabilidade da cadeia do dendê agrupando-os em: econômicos, ambientais, sociais e técnicos. Qualificando e quantificando os riscos que afetam os indicadores identificados. A metodologia desenvolvida foi analisada em três cenários futuros de crescimento econômico para o Brasil que foram construídos balizados nos cenários contidos no Plano Nacional de Energia 2030.


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The infestation of weeds is a major biotic factor in the agroecosystem of cane sugar that may interfere in development and crop productivity. This study aimed to evaluate the potential for leaching and residual effects of the herbicide amicarbazone in contrasting soils. Samples were Quartzarenic Neosol (NR - sandy texture) and Red Latosol (LR - clay texture). For the leaching potential, after application of herbicide amicarbazone (NR 1.05 kg ha(-1) and LR 1.40 kg ha(-1)), layers of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm of water were applied to soil columns. We evaluated the residual effect after the permanence of the herbicide in soil of clay texture and sandy for periods of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 days after application (DAA) of amicarbazone (0, 1.05, 1.40 kg ha(-1)) treatments. The amicarbazone started showing high leaching from the 60 mm layer of water in sandy texture soils, evidencing a shorter residual effect. In clay soil, slides from 20 to 80 mm of water reduced the biomass until a depth of 5-10 cm, with the use of this herbicide. Based on these results, we conclude that the amicarbazone showed higher leaching and lower residual effects in sandy soil. The residual effect of amicarbazone was prolonged as the content of clay and organic matter present in the soil increased.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Indicators of soil quality associated with N-cycling were assessed under different land-use systems (native forest NAT, reforestation with Araucaria angustifolia or Pinus taeda and agricultural use AGR) to appraise the effects on the soil potential for N supply. The soil total N ranged from 2 to 4 g/kg (AGR and NAT, respectively), and the microbial biomass N ranged from 80 to 250 mg/kg, being higher in NAT and A. angustifolia, and lower in P. taeda and AGR sites. Activities of asparaginase (ca. 50200 mg NH4+-N/kg per h), glutaminase (ca. 200800 mg NH4+-N/kg per h) and urease (ca. 80200 mg NH4+-N/kg/h) were also more intense in the NAT and A. angustifolia-reforested soils, indicating greater capacity for N mineralization. The NAT and AGR soils showed the highest and the lowest ammonification rate, respectively (ca. 1 and 0.4 mg NH4+-N/kg per day), but the inverse for nitrification rate (ca. 12 and 26%), indicating a low capacity for N supply, in addition to higher risks of N losses in the AGR soil. A multivariate analysis indicated more similarity between NAT and A. angustifolia-reforested sites, whilst the AGR soil was different and associated with a higher nitrification rate. In general, reforestation with the native species A. angustifolia had less impact than reforestation with the exogenous species P. taeda, considering the soil capacity for N supply. However, AGR use caused more changes, generally decrease in indicators of N-cycling, showing a negative soil management effect on the sustainability of this agroecosystem.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the stock of biomass and organic carbon in a montane mixed shade forest located near General Carneiro, PR. 20 plots of 12 m x 12 m were installed, in which all trees with a CBH (Circumference at Breast Height) >= 31.4 cm were felled. From these the following information was obtained: total height, commercial height (agreed as being the morphological inversion point in the natural forest and the height of the first live branch), CBH, identification and collection of herbarium specimens. For the quantification of biomass in the understory and roots, three subunits 1 m x 1 m in each sampling unit were installed (12 m x 12 m) arranged in the lower left corner, center and diagonal upper right corner. To quantify accumulated litter at random, eight samples in each sampling unit were collected (12 m x 12 m), using a metal device measuring 0.25 m x 0.25 m. The montane mixed shade forest has more than 85% of its total biomass and total organic carbon stored in above ground plant structures. The total stock of organic carbon found in this study (104.7 Mg ha(-1)) demonstrates the importance of maintaining and preserving natural ecosystems as a way of maintaining this stock of organic carbon fixed in plant biomass.


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Green-tree retention under the conceptual framework of ecological forestry has the potential to provide both biomass feedstock for industry and maintain quality wildlife habitat. I examined the effects of retained canopy trees as biological legacies (“legacy trees”) in aspen (Populus spp.) forests on above-ground live woody biomass, understory plant floristic quality, and bird diversity. Additionally, I evaluated habitat quality for a high conservation priority species, the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). I selected 27 aspen-dominated forest stands in northern Wisconsin with nine stands in each of three legacy tree retention treatments (conifer retention, hardwood retention, and clearcuts or no retention) across a chronosequence (4-36 years post-harvest). Conifer retention stands had greater legacy tree and all tree species biomass but lower regenerating tree biomass than clearcuts. Coniferous but not hardwood legacy trees appeared to suppress regenerating tree biomass. I evaluated the floristic quality of the understory plant assemblage by estimating the mean coefficient of conservatism (C). Mean C was lower in young stands than in middle-age or old stands; there was a marginally significant (p=0.058) interaction effect between legacy tree retention treatment and stand age. Late-seral plant species were positively associated with stand age and legacy tree diameter or age revealing an important relationship between legacy tree retention and stand development. Bird species richness was greatest in stands with hardwood retention particularly early in stand development. Six conservation priority bird species were indicators of legacy tree retention or clearcuts. Retention of legacy trees in aspen stands provided higher quality nest habitat for the Golden-winged Warbler than clearcuts based on high pairing success and nesting activity. Retention of hardwoods, particularly northern red oak (Quercus rubra), yielded the most consistent positive effects in this study with the highest bird species richness and the highest quality habitat for the Golden-winged Warbler. This treatment maintained stand biomass comparable to clearcuts and did not suppress regenerating tree biomass. In conclusion, legacy tree retention can enhance even-aged management techniques to produce a win-win scenario for the conservation of declining bird species and late-seral understory plants and for production of woody biomass feedstock from naturally regenerating aspen forests.