786 resultados para Residual capacity reclaiming
BACKGROUND: Morphological changes in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) have functional consequences on lung volume, ventilation inhomogeneity and respiratory mechanics. Although some studies have shown lower lung volumes and increased ventilation inhomogeneity in BPD infants, conflicting results exist possibly due to differences in sedation and measurement techniques. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied 127 infants with BPD, 58 preterm infants without BPD and 239 healthy term-born infants, at a matched post-conceptional age of 44 weeks during quiet natural sleep according to ATS/ERS standards. Lung function parameters measured were functional residual capacity (FRC) and ventilation inhomogeneity by multiple breath washout as well as tidal breathing parameters. Preterm infants with BPD had only marginally lower FRC (21.4 mL/kg) than preterm infants without BPD (23.4 mL/kg) and term-born infants (22.6 mL/kg), though there was no trend with disease severity. They also showed higher respiratory rates and lower ratios of time to peak expiratory flow and expiratory time (t(PTEF)/t(E)) than healthy preterm and term controls. These changes were related to disease severity. No differences were found for ventilation inhomogeneity. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that preterm infants with BPD have a high capacity to maintain functional lung volume during natural sleep. The alterations in breathing pattern with disease severity may reflect presence of adaptive mechanisms to cope with the disease process.
OBJECTIVES: We compared ventilation inhomogeneity assessed by electrical impedance tomography (EIT) and multiple breath washout (MBW) in preterm and term-born infants. We hypothesised that EIT measurements in spontaneously breathing infants are repeatable and that differences in regional ventilation distribution measured by EIT can distinguish between preterm and term-born infants. DESIGN: Cross-sectional group comparison study. SETTING: Lung function laboratory at a University Children's Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Seventeen healthy term-born and 15 preterm infants at a matched postmenstrual age of 44 weeks. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: We concurrently measured ventilation inhomogeneity by EIT, ventilation inhomogeneity (LCI) and functional residual capacity (FRC) by MBW and tidal breathing variables during unsedated quiet sleep. EIT measurements were highly repeatable (coefficient of variation 3.6%). Preterm infants showed significantly more ventilation of the independent parts of the lungs compared to healthy term-born infants assessed by EIT (mean difference 5.0, 95 CI 1.3-8%). Whereas the two groups showed no differences in lung volumes or ventilation inhomogeneities assessed by MBW, EIT discriminated better between term and preterm infants. (FRC/kg: mean difference 1.1 mL, 95% CI -1.4-3.8 mL; LCI: mean difference 0.03, 95% CI -0.32-0.25). CONCLUSIONS: EIT shows distinct differences in ventilation distribution between preterm and term-born infants, which cannot be detected by MBW. Although preterm infants are capable of dynamically maintaining overall functional residual volume and ventilation distribution, they show some spatial differences from fullterm infants.
Background and Aim In patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) the architecture of the developing lungs and the ventilation of lung units are progressively affected, influencing intrapulmonary gas mixing and gas exchange. We examined the long-term course of blood gas measurements in relation to characteristics of lung function and the influence of different CFTR genotype upon this process. Methods Serial annual measurements of PaO2 and PaCO2 assessed in relation to lung function, providing functional residual capacity (FRCpleth), lung clearance index (LCI), trapped gas (VTG), airway resistance (sReff), and forced expiratory indices (FEV1, FEF50), were collected in 178 children (88 males; 90 females) with CF, over an age range of 5 to 18 years. Linear mixed model analysis and binary logistic regression analysis were used to define predominant lung function parameters influencing oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination. Results PaO2 decreased linearly from age 5 to 18 years, and was mainly associated with FRCpleth, (p < 0.0001), FEV1 (p < 0.001), FEF50 (p < 0.002), and LCI (p < 0.002), indicating that oxygenation was associated with the degree of pulmonary hyperinflation, ventilation inhomogeneities and impeded airway function. PaCO2 showed a transitory phase of low PaCO2 values, mainly during the age range of 5 to 12 years. Both PaO2 and PaCO2 presented with different progression slopes within specific CFTR genotypes. Conclusion In the long-term evaluation of gas exchange characteristics, an association with different lung function patterns was found and was closely related to specific genotypes. Early examination of blood gases may reveal hypocarbia, presumably reflecting compensatory mechanisms to improve oxygenation.
BACKGROUND To standardize multiple-breath washout (MBW) measurements, 1L tidal volume (VT) protocols were suggested. The effect on MBW derived ventilation inhomogeneity (VI) indices is unclear. METHODS We compared VI indices from free breathing MBW at baseline to 1L VT MBW performed in triplicates in 35 children (20 with CF). Mean (range) age was 12.8 (7.0-16.7) years, weight 42 (20-64) kg and height 151 (117-170) cm. RESULTS Baseline lung clearance index (LCI) increased from mean (SD) 11.0 (2.2) to 13.0 (2.6), p=0.011, in CF and from 6.8 (0.5) to 7.7 (1.4), p=0.004, in controls. Moment ratio and Scond similarly increased. While change in VI indices was heterogeneous in individuals, decrease in functional residual capacity was most strongly associated with LCI increase. CONCLUSION MBW protocols strongly influence measures of VI. The 1L VT MBW protocol leads to overestimation of VI and is not recommended in children.
INTRODUCTION The new ATS/ERS consensus report recommends in vitro validation of multiple-breath inert gas washout (MBW) equipment based on a lung model with simulated physiologic conditions. We aimed to assess accuracy of two MBW setups for infants and young children using this model, and to compare functional residual capacity (FRC) from helium MBW (FRCMBW ) with FRC from plethysmography (FRCpleth ) in vivo. METHODS The MBW setups were based on ultrasonic flow meter technology. Sulfur hexafluoride and helium were used as tracer gases. We measured FRC in vitro for specific model settings with and without carbon dioxide and calculated differences of measured to generated FRC. For in vivo evaluation, difference between FRCMBW and FRCpleth was calculated in 20 healthy children, median age 6.1 years. Coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated per FRC. RESULTS In the infant model (51 runs, FRC 80-300 ml), mean (SD) relative difference between generated and measured FRCs was 0.7 (4.7) %, median CV was 4.4% for measured FRCs. In the young child model, one setting (8 runs, FRC 400 ml) showed a relative difference of up to 13%. For the remaining FRCs (42 runs, FRC 600-1,400 ml), mean (SD) relative difference was -2.0 (3.4) %; median CV was 1.4% for measured FRCs. In vivo FRCpleth exceeded FRCMBW values by 37% on average. CONCLUSIONS Both setups measure lung volumes in the intended age group reliably and reproducibly. Characteristics of different techniques should be considered when measuring lung volumes in vivo. Pediatr Pulmonol. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Study objectives: Respiratory muscle weakness and decreased endurance have been demonstrated following mechanical ventilation. However, its relationship to the duration of mechanical ventilation is not known. The aim of this study was to assess respiratory muscle endurance and its relationship to the duration of mechanical ventilation. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Tertiary teaching hospital ICU. Patients: Twenty subjects were recruited for the study who had received mechanical ventilation for a 48 h and had been discharged from the ICU. Measurements: FEV1 FVC, and maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax) at functional residual capacity were recorded. The Pimax attained following resisted inspiration at 30% of the initial Pimax for 2 min was recorded, and the fatigue resistance index (FRI) [Pimax final/Pimax initial] was calculated. The duration of ICU length of stay (ICULOS), duration of mechanical ventilation (MVD), duration of weaning (WD), and Charlson comorbidities score (CCS) were also recorded. Relationships between fatigue and other parameters were analyzed using the Spearman correlations (p). Results: Subjects were admitted to the ICU for a mean duration of 7.7 days (SD, 3.7 days) and required mechanical ventilation for a mean duration of 4.6 days (SD, 2.5 days). The mean FRI was 0.88 (SD, 0.13), indicating a 12% fall in Pimax, and was negatively correlated with MVD (r = -0.65; p = 0.007). No correlations were found between the FRI and FEV1, FVC, ICULOS, WD, or CCS. Conclusions: Patients who had received mechanical ventilation for > 48 h have reduced inspiratory muscle endurance that worsens with the duration of mechanical ventilation and is present following successful weaning. These data suggest that patients needing prolonged mechanical ventilation are at risk of respiratory muscle fatigue and may benefit from respiratory muscle training.
Passive tilting increases ventilation in healthy subjects; however, controversy surrounds the proposed mechanism. This study is aimed to evaluate the possible mechanism for changes to ventilation following passive head-up tilt (HUT) and active standing by comparison of a range of ventilatory, metabolic and mechanical parameters. Ventilatory parameters (V (T), V (E), V (E)/VO2, V (E)/VCO2, f and PetCO(2)), functional residual capacity (FRC), respiratory mechanics with impulse oscillometry; oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in 20 healthy male subjects whilst supine, following HUT to 70 degrees and unsupported standing. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model. HUT to 70 degrees from supine increased minute ventilation (V (E)) (P < 0.001), tidal volume (V (T)) (P=0.001), ventilatory equivalent for O-2 (V (E)/VO2) (P=0.020) and the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (V (E)/VCO2) (P < 0.001) with no change in f (P=0.488). HUT also increased FRC (P < 0.001) and respiratory system reactance (X5Hz) (P < 0.001) with reduced respiratory system resistance (R5Hz) (P=0.004) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO(2)) (P < 0.001) compared to supine. Standing increased V (E) (P < 0.001), V (T) (P < 0.001) and V (E)/VCO2 (P=0.020) with no change in respiratory rate (f) (P=0.065), V (E)/VO2 (P=0.543). Similar changes in FRC (P < 0.001), R5Hz (P=0.013), X5Hz (P < 0.001) and PetCO(2) (P < 0.001) compared to HUT were found. In contrast to HUT, standing increased VO2 (P=0.002) and VCO2 (P=0.048). The greater increase in V (E) in standing compared to HUT appears to be related to increased VO2 and VCO2 associated with increased muscle activity in the unsupported standing position. This has implications for exercise prescription and rehabilitation of critically ill patients who have reduced cardiovascular and respiratory reserve.
Smoke inhalation injuries are the leading cause of mortality from burn injury. Airway obstruction due to mucus plugging and bronchoconstriction can cause severe ventilation inhomogeneity and worsen hypoxia. Studies describing changes of viscoelastic characteristics of the lung after smoke inhalation are missing. We present results of a new smoke inhalation device in sheep and describe pathophysiological changes after smoke exposure. Fifteen female Merino ewes were anesthetized and intubated. Baseline data using electrical impedance tomography and multiple-breath inert-gas washout were obtained by measuring ventilation distribution, functional residual capacity, lung clearance index, dynamic compliance, and stress index. Ten sheep were exposed to standardized cotton smoke insufflations and five sheep to sham smoke insufflations. Measured carboxyhemoglobin before inhalation was 3.87 +/- 0.28% and 5 min after smoke was 61.5 +/- 2.1%, range 50-69.4% ( P < 0.001). Two hours after smoke functional residual capacity decreased from 1,773 +/- 226 to 1,006 +/- 129 ml and lung clearance index increased from 10.4 +/- 0.4 to 14.2 +/- 0.9. Dynamic compliance decreased from 56.6 +/- 5.5 to 32.8 +/- 3.2 ml/ cmH(2)O. Stress index increased from 0.994 +/- 0.009 to 1.081 +/- 0.011 ( P < 0.01) ( all means +/- SE, P < 0.05). Electrical impedance tomography showed a shift of ventilation from the dependent to the independent lung after smoke exposure. No significant change was seen in the sham group. Smoke inhalation caused immediate onset in pulmonary dysfunction and significant ventilation inhomogeneity. The smoke inhalation device as presented may be useful for interventional studies.
We analyze the behavior of spot prices in the Colombian wholesale power market, using a series of models derived from industrial organization theory -- We first create a Cournot-based model that simulates the strategic behavior of the market-leader power generators, which we use to estimate two industrial organization variables, the Index of Residual Demand and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) -- We use these variables to create VAR models that estimate spot prices and power market impulse-response relationships -- The results from these models show that hydroelectric generators can use their water storage capability strategically to affect off-peak prices primarily, while the thermal generators can manage their capacity strategically to affect on-peak prices -- In addition, shocks to the Index of Residual Capacity and to the HHI cause spot price fluctuations, which can be interpreted as the generators´ strategic response to these shocks
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is the main complication after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Although the tissue damage and subsequent patient mortality are clearly dependent on T lymphocytes present in the grafted inoculum, the lethal effector molecules are unknown. Here, we show that acute lethal GVHD, induced by the transfer of splenocytes from C57BL/6 mice into sensitive BALB/c recipients, is dependent on both perforin and Fas ligand (FasL)-mediated lytic pathways. When spleen cells from mutant mice lacking both effector molecules were transferred to sublethally irradiated allogeneic recipients, mice survived. Delayed mortality was observed with grafted cells deficient in only one lytic mediator. In contrast, protection from lethal acute GVHD in resistant mice was exclusively perforin dependent. Perforin-FasL-deficient T cells failed to lyse most target cells in vitro. However, they still efficiently killed tumor necrosis factor alpha-sensitive fibroblasts, demonstrating that cytotoxic T cells possess a third lytic pathway.
Le facteur empirique de correlation du torque K(T), qui represente la capacite de soulevement du torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux, est generalement utilise comme instrument de controle de la qualite sur le terrain pour ce type de fondations. Dans cet article, une relation theorique entre la capacite de soulevement et le torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux places profondement dans du sable est presentee. Un programme experimental, qui comprend des essais centrifuge et de cisaillement direct a l`interface, a ete effectue dans le but de valider cette relation theorique. Les resultats experimentaux ont ete compares aux resultats predits par l`approche suggeree, et les resultats montrent une bonne concordance. Puisque le modele developpe depend de l`angle de friction residuel a l`interface delta(r) entre la surface de l`helice du pieu et le sable, les resultats de delta(r) obtenus a partir de differents echantillons de sable sont presentes afin d`etre utilises lors de l`application sur le terrain de la relation theorique proposee. De plus, les valeurs de K(T) obtenues dans ces travaux ont ete comparees a celles reportees dans la litterature; celles-ci ayant ete obtenues lors d`essais sur le terrain et en laboratoire sur des pieux helicoidaux dans le sable. Cette analyse a permis de demontrer que les valeurs mesurees de K(T) diminuent lorsque la dimension des pieux augmente, ainsi qu`avec une augmentation de l`angle de friction du sable, dans la plupart des cas. Ces derniers resultats ont aussi ete demontres avec le modele presente.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Within a large set of renewable energies being explored to tackle energy sourcing problems, bioenergy can represent an attractive solution if effectively managed. The supply chain design supported by mathematical programming can be used as a decision support tool to the successful bioenergy production systems establishment. This strategic decision problem is addressed in this paper where we intent to study the design of the residual forestry biomass to bioelectricity production in the Portuguese context. In order to contribute to attain better solutions a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed and applied in order to optimize the design and planning of the bioenergy supply chain. While minimizing the total supply chain cost the production energy facilities capacity and location are defined. The model also includes the optimal selection of biomass amounts and sources, the transportation modes selection, and links that must be established for biomass transportation and products delivers to markets. Results illustrate the positive contribution of the mathematical programming approach to achieve viable economic solutions. Sensitivity analysis on the most uncertain parameters was performed: biomass availability, transportation costs, fixed operating costs and investment costs. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Evaluation of radioinduced damage and repair capacity in blood lymphocytes of breast cancer patients
Genetic damage caused by ionizing radiation and repair capacity of blood lymphocytes from 3 breast cancer patients and 3 healthy donors were investigated using the comet assay. The comets were analyzed by two parameters: comet tail length and visual classification. Blood samples from the donors were irradiated in vitro with a 60Co source at a dose rate of 0.722 Gy/min, with a dose range of 0.2 to 4.0 Gy and analyzed immediately after the procedure and 3 and 24 h later. The basal level of damage and the radioinduced damage were higher in lymphocytes from breast cancer patients than in lymphocytes from healthy donors. The radioinduced damage showed that the two groups had a similar response when analyzed immediately after the irradiations. Therefore, while the healthy donors presented a considerable reduction of damage after 3 h, the patients had a higher residual damage even 24 h after exposure. The repair capacity of blood lymphocytes from the patients was slower than that of lymphocytes from healthy donors. The possible influence of age, disease stage and mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are discussed. Both parameters adopted proved to be sensitive and reproducible: the dose-response curves for DNA migration can be used not only for the analysis of cellular response but also for monitoring therapeutic interventions. Lymphocytes from the breast cancer patients presented an initial radiosensitivity similar to that of healthy subjects but a deficient repair mechanism made them more vulnerable to the genotoxic action of ionizing radiation. However, since lymphocytes from only 3 patients and 3 normal subjects were analyzed in the present paper, additional donors will be necessary for a more accurate evaluation.
Wernicke’s aphasia occurs following a stroke to classical language comprehension regions in the left temporoparietal cortex. Consequently, auditory-verbal comprehension is significantly impaired in Wernicke’s aphasia but the capacity to comprehend visually presented materials (written words and pictures) is partially spared. This study used fMRI to investigate the neural basis of written word and picture semantic processing in Wernicke’s aphasia, with the wider aim of examining how the semantic system is altered following damage to the classical comprehension regions. Twelve participants with Wernicke’s aphasia and twelve control participants performed semantic animate-inanimate judgements and a visual height judgement baseline task. Whole brain and ROI analysis in Wernicke’s aphasia and control participants found that semantic judgements were underpinned by activation in the ventral and anterior temporal lobes bilaterally. The Wernicke’s aphasia group displayed an “over-activation” in comparison to control participants, indicating that anterior temporal lobe regions become increasingly influential following reduction in posterior semantic resources. Semantic processing of written words in Wernicke’s aphasia was additionally supported by recruitment of the right anterior superior temporal lobe, a region previously associated with recovery from auditory-verbal comprehension impairments. Overall, the results concord with models which indicate that the anterior temporal lobes are crucial for multimodal semantic processing and that these regions may be accessed without support from classic posterior comprehension regions.