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The mechanisms involved in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) decadal variability and predictability over the last 50 years are analysed in the IPSL–CM5A–LR model using historical and initialised simulations. The initialisation procedure only uses nudging towards sea surface temperature anomalies with a physically based restoring coefficient. When compared to two independent AMOC reconstructions, both the historical and nudged ensemble simulations exhibit skill at reproducing AMOC variations from 1977 onwards, and in particular two maxima occurring respectively around 1978 and 1997. We argue that one source of skill is related to the large Mount Agung volcanic eruption starting in 1963, which reset an internal 20-year variability cycle in the North Atlantic in the model. This cycle involves the East Greenland Current intensity, and advection of active tracers along the subpolar gyre, which leads to an AMOC maximum around 15 years after the Mount Agung eruption. The 1997 maximum occurs approximately 20 years after the former one. The nudged simulations better reproduce this second maximum than the historical simulations. This is due to the initialisation of a cooling of the convection sites in the 1980s under the effect of a persistent North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) positive phase, a feature not captured in the historical simulations. Hence we argue that the 20-year cycle excited by the 1963 Mount Agung eruption together with the NAO forcing both contributed to the 1990s AMOC maximum. These results support the existence of a 20-year cycle in the North Atlantic in the observations. Hindcasts following the CMIP5 protocol are launched from a nudged simulation every 5 years for the 1960–2005 period. They exhibit significant correlation skill score as compared to an independent reconstruction of the AMOC from 4-year lead-time average. This encouraging result is accompanied by increased correlation skills in reproducing the observed 2-m air temperature in the bordering regions of the North Atlantic as compared to non-initialized simulations. To a lesser extent, predicted precipitation tends to correlate with the nudged simulation in the tropical Atlantic. We argue that this skill is due to the initialisation and predictability of the AMOC in the present prediction system. The mechanisms evidenced here support the idea of volcanic eruptions as a pacemaker for internal variability of the AMOC. Together with the existence of a 20-year cycle in the North Atlantic they propose a novel and complementary explanation for the AMOC variations over the last 50 years.
Prediction mechanism is necessary for human visual motion to compensate a delay of sensory-motor system. In a previous study, “proactive control” was discussed as one example of predictive function of human beings, in which motion of hands preceded the virtual moving target in visual tracking experiments. To study the roles of the positional-error correction mechanism and the prediction mechanism, we carried out an intermittently-visual tracking experiment where a circular orbit is segmented into the target-visible regions and the target-invisible regions. Main results found in this research were following. A rhythmic component appeared in the tracer velocity when the target velocity was relatively high. The period of the rhythm in the brain obtained from environmental stimuli is shortened more than 10%. The shortening of the period of rhythm in the brain accelerates the hand motion as soon as the visual information is cut-off, and causes the precedence of hand motion to the target motion. Although the precedence of the hand in the blind region is reset by the environmental information when the target enters the visible region, the hand motion precedes the target in average when the predictive mechanism dominates the error-corrective mechanism.
Contemporary acquisition theorizing has placed a considerable amount of attention on interfaces, points at which different linguistic modules interact. The claim is that vulnerable interfaces cause particular difficulties in L1, bilingual and adult L2 acquisition (e.g. Platzack, 2001; Montrul, 2004; Müller and Hulk, 2001; Sorace, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005). Accordingly, it is possible that deficits at the syntax–pragmatics interface cause what appears to be particular non-target-like syntactic behavior in L2 performance. This syntax-before-discourse hypothesis is examined in the present study by analyzing null vs. overt subject pronoun distribution in L2 Spanish of English L1 learners. As ultimately determined by L2 knowledge of the Overt Pronoun Constraint (OPC) (Montalbetti, 1984), the data indicate that L2 learners at the intermediate and advanced levels reset the Null Subject Parameter (NSP), but only advanced learners have acquired a more or less target null/overt subject distribution. Against the predictions of Sorace (2004) and in line with Montrul and Rodríguez-Louro (2006), the data indicate an overuse of both overt and null subject pronouns. As a result, this behavior cannot be from L1 interference alone, suggesting that interface-conditioned properties are simply more complex and therefore, harder to acquire. Furthermore, the data from the advanced learners demonstrate that the syntax–pragmatics interface is not a predetermined locus for fossilization (in contra e.g. Valenzuela, 2006).
It has been argued that extended exposure to naturalistic input provides L2 learners with more of an opportunity to converge of target morphosyntactic competence as compared to classroom-only environments, given that the former provide more positive evidence of less salient linguistic properties than the latter (e.g., Isabelli 2004). Implicitly, the claim is that such exposure is needed to fully reset parameters. However, such a position conflicts with the notion of parameterization (cf. Rothman and Iverson 2007). In light of two types of competing generative theories of adult L2 acquisition – the No Impairment Hypothesis (e.g., Duffield and White 1999) and so-called Failed Features approaches (e.g., Beck 1998; Franceschina 2001; Hawkins and Chan 1997), we investigate the verifiability of such a claim. Thirty intermediate L2 Spanish learners were tested in regards to properties of the Null-Subject Parameter before and after study-abroad. The data suggest that (i) parameter resetting is possible and (ii) exposure to naturalistic input is not privileged.
Resetting of previously accumulated optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals during transport of sediment is a fundamental requirement for reliable optical dating. The completeness of optical resetting of 46 modern-age quartz samples from a variety of depositional environments was examined. All equivalent dose (De) estimates were View the MathML source, with the majority of aeolian samples View the MathML source, and fluvial samples View the MathML source. The OSL signal of quartz originates from several trap types with different rates of charge loss during illumination. As such, incomplete bleaching may be identifiable as an increase in De from easy-to-bleach through to hard-to-bleach components. For all modern fluvial samples with non-zero De values, SAR De(t) analysis and component-resolved linearly modulated OSL (LM OSL) De estimates showed this to be the case, implying incomplete resetting of previously accumulated charge. LM OSL measurements were also made to investigate the extent of bleaching of the slow components in the natural environment. In aeolian sediments examined, the natural LM OSL was effectively zero (i.e. all components were fully reset). The slow components of modern fluvial samples displayed measurable residual signals up to 15 Gy.
Modern age samples from various depositional environments were examined for signal resetting. For 19 modern aeolian/beach samples all De values obtained were View the MathML source, with ∼70% having View the MathML source. For 21 fluvial/colluvial samples, all De values were View the MathML source with ∼80% being View the MathML source. De as a function of illumination (OSL measurement) time (De(t)) plots were examined for all samples. Based on previous laboratory experiments, increases in De(t) were expected for partially reset samples, and constant De(t) for fully reset samples. All aeolian samples, both modern age and additional ‘young’ samples (<1000 years), showed constant (flat) De(t) while all modern, non-zero De, fluvial/colluvial samples showed increasing De(t). ‘Replacement plots’, where a regenerated signal is substituted for the natural, yielded constant (flat) De(t). These findings support strongly the use of De(t) as a method of identifying incomplete resetting in fluvial samples. Potential complicating factors, such as illumination (bleaching) spectrum, thermal instability and component composition are discussed and a series of internal checks on the applicability of the De(t) for each individual aliquot/grain level are outlined.
In the present study, to shed light on a role of positional error correction mechanism and prediction mechanism in the proactive control discovered earlier, we carried out a visual tracking experiment, in which the region where target was shown, was regulated in a circular orbit. Main results found in this research were following. Recognition of a time step, obtained from the environmental stimuli, is required for the predictive function. The period of the rhythm in the brain obtained from environmental stimuli is shortened about 10%, when the visual information is cut-off. The shortening of the period of the rhythm in the brain accelerates the motion as soon as the visual information is cut-off, and lets the hand motion precedes the target motion. Although the precedence of the hand in the blind region is reset by the environmental information when the target enters the visible region, the hand precedes in average the target when the predictive mechanism dominates the error-corrective mechanism.
Laboratory strains and natural isolates of Escherichia coli differ in their level of stress resistance due to strain variation in the level of the sigma factor sigma(S) (or RpoS), the transcriptional master controller of the general stress response. We found that the high level of RpoS in one laboratory strain (MC4100) was partially dependent on an elevated basal level of ppGpp, an alarmone responding to stress and starvation. The elevated ppGpp was caused by two mutations in spoT, a gene associated with ppGpp synthesis and degradation. The nature of the spoT allele influenced the level of ppGpp in both MC4100 and another commonly used K-12 strain, MG1655. Introduction of the spoT mutation into MG1655 also resulted in an increased level of RpoS, but the amount of RpoS was lower in MG1655 than in MC4100 with either the wild-type or mutant spoT allele. In both MC4100 and MG1655, high ppGpp concentration increased RpoS levels, which in turn reduced growth with poor carbon sources like acetate. The growth inhibition resulting from elevated ppGpp was relieved by rpoS mutations. The extent of the growth inhibition by ppGpp, as well as the magnitude of the relief by rpoS mutations, differed between MG1655 and MC4100. These results together suggest that spoT mutations represent one of several polymorphisms influencing the strain variation of RpoS levels. Stress resistance was higher in strains with the spoT mutation, which is consistent with the conclusion that microevolution affecting either or both ppGpp and RpoS can reset the balance between self-protection and nutritional capability, the SPANC balance, in individual strains of E coli.
New U-Pb (SHRIMP) and (40)Ar/(39)Ar isotopic data of igneous rocks and mylonites of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil) show that a wide range of tectonothermal events affected the province during the transition from the Precambrian to the Cambrian. Concordant zircon U-Pb data constrained the crystallization age of mafic stocks, mafic to felsic dikes and granite batholiths between 548 and 533 Ma. These bodies were emplaced in a regional strain field combining extension and dextral shearing. The ductile shear deformation overprinted an older basement fabric to develop a low- to medium metamorphic grade vertical mylonite belt that cut the province in the E-W direction. Magnetic fabrics of the Cambrian batholiths determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility are consistent with syntectonic emplacement. The magmatic pulses and shear deformation would have supplied enough heat to reset the synkinematic micas of mylonites to yield (40)Ar/(39)Ar plateau cooling ages between ca. 550 and 510 Ma. These results provide evidence that emplacement of Early Cambrian mafic and felsic magmas were accompanied by regional-scale shear deformations, probably in the consequence of late collisions along the West Gondwana margin. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
We report 6 K-Ar ages and paleomagnetic data from 28 sites collected in Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks of the Santa Marta massif, to test previous hypothesis of rotations and translations of this massif, whose rock assemblage differs from other basement-cored ranges adjacent to the Guyana margin. Three magnetic components were identified in this study. A first component has a direction parallel to the present magnetic field and was uncovered in all units (D 352, I = 25.6, k = 57.35, a95 = 5.3, N = 12). A second component was isolated in Cretaceous limestone and Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks (D = 8.8, I = 8.3, k = 24.71, a95 = 13.7, N = 6), and it was interpreted as of Early Cretaceous age. In Jurassic sites with this component, Early Cretaceous K-Ar ages obtained from this and previous studies are interpreted as reset ages. The third component was uncovered in eight sites of Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks, and its direction indicates negative shallow to moderate inclinations and northeastward declinations. K-Ar ages in these sites are of Early (196.5 +/- 4.9 Ma) to early Late Jurassic age (156.6 +/- 8.9 Ma). Due to local structural complexity and too few Cretaceous outcrops to perform a reliable unconformity test, we only used two sites with (1) K-Ar ages, (2) less structural complexity, and (3) reliable structural data for Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. The mean direction of the Jurassic component is (D = 20.4, I = -18.2, k = 46.9, a95 = 5.1, n = 18 specimens from two sites). These paleomagnetic data support previous models of northward along-margin translations of Grenvillian-cored massifs. Additionally, clockwise vertical-axis rotation of this massif, with respect to the stable craton, is also documented; the sense of rotation is similar to that proposed for the Perija Range and other ranges of the southern Caribbean margin. More data is needed to confirm the magnitudes of rotations and translations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The presented work deals with the calibration of a 2D numerical model for the simulation of long term bed load transport. A settled basin along an alpine stream was used as a case study. The focus is to parameterise the used multi fractional transport model such that a dynamically balanced behavior regarding erosion and deposition is reached. The used 2D hydrodynamic model utilizes a multi-fraction multi-layer approach to simulate morphological changes and bed load transport. The mass balancing is performed between three layers: a top mixing layer, an intermediate subsurface layer and a bottom layer. Using this approach bears computational limitations in calibration. Due to the high computational demands, the type of calibration strategy is not only crucial for the result, but as well for the time required for calibration. Brute force methods such as Monte Carlo type methods may require a too large number of model runs. All here tested calibration strategies used multiple model runs utilising the parameterization and/or results from previous run. One concept was to reset to initial bed elevations after each run, allowing the resorting process to convert to stable conditions. As an alternative or in combination, the roughness was adapted, based on resulting nodal grading curves, from the previous run. Since the adaptations are a spatial process, the whole model domain is subdivided in homogeneous sections regarding hydraulics and morphological behaviour. For a faster optimization, the adaptation of the parameters is made section wise. Additionally, a systematic variation was done, considering results from previous runs and the interaction between sections. The used approach can be considered as similar to evolutionary type calibration approaches, but using analytical links instead of random parameter changes.
O presente trabalho explora a aplicação de técnicas de injeção de falhas, que simulam falhas transientes de hardware, para validar o mecanismo de detecção e de recuperação de erros, medir os tempos de indisponibilidade do banco de dados após a ocorrência de uma falha que tenha provocado um FUDVK. Adicionalmente, avalia e valida a ferramenta de injeção de falhas FIDe, utilizada nos experimentos, através de um conjunto significativo de testes de injeção de falhas no ambiente do SGBD. A plataforma experimental consiste de um computador Intel Pentium 550 MHz com 128 MB RAM, do sistema operacional Linux Conectiva kernel versão 2.2.13. O sistema alvo das injeções de falhas é o SGBD centralizado InterBase versão 4.0. As aplicações para a carga de trabalho foram escritas em VFULSWV SQL e executadas dentro de uma sessão chamada LVTO. Para a injeção de falhas foram utilizadas três técnicas distintas: 1) o comando NLOO do sistema operacional; 2) UHVHW geral no equipamento; 3) a ferramenta de injeção de falhas FIDe, desenvolvida no grupo de injeção de falhas do PPGC da UFRGS. Inicialmente são introduzidos e reforçados os conceitos básicos sobre o tema, que serão utilizados no decorrer do trabalho e são necessários para a compreensão deste estudo. Em seguida é apresentada a ferramenta de injeção de falhas Xception e são também analisados alguns experimentos que utilizam ferramentas de injeção de falhas em bancos de dados. Concluída a revisão bibliográfica é apresentada a ferramenta de injeção de falhas – o FIDe, o modelo de falhas adotado, a forma de abordagem, a plataforma de hardware e software, a metodologia e as técnicas utilizadas, a forma de condução dos experimentos realizados e os resultados obtidos com cada uma das técnicas. No total foram realizados 3625 testes de injeções de falhas. Com a primeira técnica foram realizadas 350 execuções, com a segunda técnica foram realizadas 75 execuções e com a terceira técnica 3200 execuções, em 80 testes diferentes. O modelo de falhas proposto para este trabalho refere-se a falhas de crash baseadas em corrupção de memória e registradores, parada de CPU, aborto de transações ou reset geral. Os experimentos foram divididos em três técnicas distintas, visando a maior cobertura possível de erros, e apresentam resultados bastante diferenciados. Os experimentos com o comando NLOO praticamente não afetaram o ambiente do banco de dados. Pequeno número de injeção de falhas com o FIDe afetaram significativamente a dependabilidade do SGBD e os experimentos com a técnica de UHVHW geral foram os que mais comprometeram a dependabilidade do SGBD.
Marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, are strictly diurnal animals. The motor activity rhythmicity is generated by the circadian timing system and is modulated by environmental factors, mainly by photic stimuli that compose the light-dark cycle. Photic stimuli can reset the biological oscilators changing activity motor pattern, by a mechanism called entrainment. Otherwise, light can act directly on expressed rhythm, without act on the biological oscillators, promoting the masking. Thus, photic stimuli can synchronize the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) by two distinct mechanisms, acting isolated or at a combined way. Among the elements that can influence photic synchronization, the duration and time of photic exposure is pointed out. If in the natural environment the marmoset can choose places of different intensity illumination and is synchronized to light-dark cycle (LD), how the photic synchronization mechanism can be evaluated in laboratory by light self-selection? With objective to response this question, four adult male marmosets were studied at two conditions: with and without sleeping box. The animals were submitted to a LD cycle (12:12/ 350:2 lx) and constant light (LL: 350 lx) conditions in individual cages with an opaque sleeping box, that permitted the light self-selection. At the room, the temperature was 25.6 ºC (± 0.3 ºC) and humidity was 78.7 (± 5%). The motor activity was recorded at 5 min bins by infrared movement sensors installed at the top of the cages. The motor activity profile was distinct at the two conditions: without the sleeping box protection against light, the activity frequency was higher at CT 11-12 (ANOVA; F(3.23) = 62.27; p < 0.01). Also, the duration of the active phase (α) was prolonged of about 1 h (t test, p < 0.05) and the animals showed a significant delay on the activity onset and offset (t test, p < 0.05) and at the acrophase (confidence intervals of 5%) of CAR. In LL, the light continuous exposure prolonged the active phase and influenced the endogenous expression of the circadian activity rhythm period. From the result analysis, it is concluded that the light self-selection can modify several parameters of CAR in marmosets, allowing the study of the synchronization mechanism using the burrow model. Thus, without sleeping box there was a phase delay between the CAR and LD (entrainment) and an increase of activity near lights off (positive masking). Furthermore, in LL, the light continuous exposure modifies α and the endogenous expression of CAR. It is suggested that the light self-selection might be take into account at investigations that evaluate the biological rhythmicity in marmosets
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