52 resultados para Renovascular
No modelo de hipertensão renovascular, a redução do fluxo sangüíneo para o rim causada pela aplicação de um clipe na artéria renal, modelo 2 Rins/ 1 Clipe (2R/1C), leva à secreção de renina e um aumento secundário na concentração de angiotensina II (Ang II) periférica, que tem papel na elevação da pressão arterial. Além de seu efeito vasopressor a Ang II tem envolvimento na fisiologia reprodutiva. A Ang II está envolvida na regulação da secreção do hormônio liberador do hormônio luteinizante (LHRH), ovulação, e comportamento sexual em ratos machos e fêmeas. Nosso objetivo nesse trabalho foi analisar a regularidade do ciclo estral após a implantação do clipe, o comportamento sexual, peso ovariano, ovulação, como também, verificar as concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol, hormônio luteinizante (LH) e hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) durante a tarde do proestro em ratas submetidas ao modelo 2R/1C. Dos animais clipados, em torno de 55% apresentaram pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) maior que 150 mmHg, dessa forma os animais neste estudo foram divididos em três grupos: grupo de ratas FICT (submetidas à cirurgia fictícia), grupo 2R/1C (fêmeas submetidas à laparotomia, com dissecação da artéria renal esquerda, para a implantação de um clipe de prata de 0,15mm de diâmetro, e que apresentavam PAS <125 mmHg), e 2R/1C-H (fêmeas submetidas ao modelo 2R/1C e que apresentavam PAS >150 mmHg). O sangue foi centrifugado, o plasma coletado foi destinado ao radioimunoensaio para estradiol, LH, e FSH. Ao final das coletas as ratas retornaram ao biotério, e na manhã seguinte (fase estro), tiveram os ovários coletados, pesados separadamente, e em seguida foi realizada a contagem do número de óvulos. Os resultados mostraram que ratas 2R/1C-H e 2R/1C apresentam um maior tempo, em dias, para o retorno às mudanças de fases do ciclo estral, após a cirurgia. Ratas 2R/1C-H apresentaram redução na freqüência de lordose e um menor quociente de lordose (Freqüência de lordose/Freqüência de monta). Foi verificada redução no número de óvulos nos animais 2R/1C-H e 2R/1C quando comparado ao grupo FICT. As concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol e FSH na tarde do proestro não foram diferentes entre os grupos, porém a concentração plasmática de LH no grupo hipertenso foi menor às 16:00h em relação ao demais grupos. A redução no número de óvulos em ratas 2R/1C-H e 2R/1C, na fase estro, foi confirmada no experimento II, porém esta não foi acompanhada por alteração no peso do ovário direito e esquerdo. Em conjunto nossos resultados demonstraram que ratas 2R/1C-H apresentam redução na capacidade reprodutiva, que não foi associada a alterações nas concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol e FSH, mas sim a uma modificação do perfil da curva de secreção de LH na tarde do proestro. Sugere-se que a redução na função reprodutiva verificada seja devido ao aumento de Ang II e/ou elevação da pressão arterial.
We investigated the influence of myocardial collagen volume fraction (CVF, %) and hydroxyproline concentration (mu g/mg) on rat papillary muscle function. Collagen excess was obtained in 10 rats with unilateral renal ischemia for 5 wk followed by 3-wk treatment with ramipril (20 mg . kg(-1) . day(-1)) (RHTR rats; CVF = 3.83 +/- 0.80, hydroxyproline = 3.79 +/- 0.50). Collagen degradation was induced by double infusion of oxidized glutathione (GSSG rats; CVF 5 2.45 +/- 0.52, hydroxyproline = 2.85 +/- 0.18). Nine untreated rats were used as controls (CFV = 3.04 +/- 0.58, hydroxyproline = 3.21 +/- 0.30). Active stiffness (AS; g . cm(-2) . %L-max(-1)) and myocyte cross-sectional area (MA; mu m(2)) were increased in the GSSG rats compared with controls [AS 5.86 vs. 3.96 (P< 0.05); MA 363 +/- 59 vs. 305 +/- 28 (P< 0.05)]. In GSSG and RHTR groups the passive tension-length curves were shifted downwards, indicating decreased passive stiffness, and upwards, indicating increased passive stiffness, respectively. Decreased collagen content induced by GSSG is related to myocyte hypertrophy, decreased passive stiffness, and increased AS, and increased collagen concentration causes myocardial diastolic dysfunction with no effect on systolic function.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The pathogenesis of fibrosis and the functional features of pressure overload myocardial hypertrophy are still controversial. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the function and morphology of the hypertrophied myocardium in renovascular hypertensive (RHT) rats. Male Wistar rats were sacrificed at week 4 (RHT4) and 8 (RHT8) after unilateral renal ischemia (Goldblatt II hypertension model). Normotensive rats were used as controls. Myocardial function was analyzed in isolated papillary muscle preparations, morphological features were defined by light microscopy, and myocardial hydroxyproline concentration (HOP) was determined by spectrophotometry. Renal artery clipping resulted in elevated systolic arterial pressure (RHT4: 178 ± 19 mmHg and RHT8: 194 ± 24 mmHg, P<0.05 vs control: 123 ± 7 mmHg). Myocardial hypertrophy was observed in both renovascular hypertensive groups. The myocardial HOP concentration was increased in the RHT8 group (control: 2.93 ± 0.38 µg/mg; RHT4: 3.02 ± 0.40 µg/mg; RHT8: 3.44 ± 0.45 µg/mg of dry tissue, P<0.05 vs control and RHT4 groups). The morphological study demonstrated myocyte necrosis, vascular damage and cellular inflammatory response throughout the experimental period. The increased cellularity was more intense in the adventitia of the arterioles. As a consequence of myocyte necrosis, there was an early, local, conjunctive stroma collapse with disarray and thickening of the argyrophilic interstitial fibers, followed by scarring. The functional data showed an increased passive myocardial stiffness in the RHT4 group. We conclude that renovascular hypertension induces myocyte and arteriole necrosis. Reparative fibrosis occurred as a consequence of the inflammatory response to necrosis. The mechanical behavior of the isolated papillary muscle was normal, except for an early increased myocardial passive stiffness
Background: The aim of this study was to analyze stable hypertrophied myocardial function and its response to inotropic maneuvers in rats submitted to renovascular hypertension for a 10-week period (RHT group, n=10). Material/Methods: Myocardial performance was studied in isolated left ventricle papillary muscles in isometric contraction under the following conditions: at postrest contraction of 30 seconds (PRC), at extracellular calcium (ECa 2+) chloride concentration of 1.25 and 5.20 mM, and after beta-adrenergic stimulation with 10 -6 M isoproterenol (ISOP). Results: The results were compared with normotensive Wistar controls rats (C group, n=10). In basal condition, resting tension, and contraction time (TPT) were greater, while relaxation time (RT 50) tended to be longer in RHT than C group. PRC and ISOP promoted a similar change in muscle function response intensity (Δ) in both groups. ECa 2+ shift did not change TPT in the C group and decreased TPT in the RHT animals; Δ was different between these groups. RT 50 increased in C and decreased in RHT, both without statistical significance; however, Δ was different. Conclusions: These results suggest that hypertrophied myocardial dysfunction may be attibuted to changes in intracellular calcium cycling. © Med Sci Monit, 2010.
Resistant hypertension (RH) is characterized by blood pressure above 140 × 90 mm Hg, despite the use, in appropriate doses, of three antihypertensive drug classes, including a diuretic, or the need of four classes to control blood pressure. Resistant hypertension patients are under a greater risk of presenting secondary causes of hypertension and may be benefited by therapeutical approach for this diagnosis. However, the RH is currently little studied, and more knowledge of this clinical condition is necessary. In addition, few studies had evaluated this issue in emergent countries. Therefore, we proposed the analysis of specific causes of RH by using a standardized protocol in Brazilian patients diagnosed in a center for the evaluation and treatment of hypertension. The management of these patients was conducted with the application of a preformulated protocol which aimed at the identification of the causes of resistant hypertension in each patient through management standardization. The data obtained suggest that among patients with resistant hypertension there is a higher prevalence of secondary hypertension, than that observed in general hypertensive ones and a higher prevalence of sleep apnea as well. But there are a predominance of obesity, noncompliance with diet, and frequent use of hypertensive drugs. These latter factors are likely approachable at primary level health care, since that detailed anamneses directed to the causes of resistant hypertension are applied. © 2012 Livia Beatriz Santos Limonta et al.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As espécies reativas de oxigênio podem participar de mecanismos envolvidos em respostas fisiológicas, como os efeitos hipertensores e dipsogênicos da angiotensina II (ANG II) central, que seriam pelo menos em parte devidos a produção de radical superóxido (O2 −). Por isso, uma superexpressão da enzima superóxido dismutase que reduz a disponibilidade de O2 − convertendo-o em peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) inibiria o efeito pressor da ANG II administrada centralmente. Porém, alguns resultados de nosso laboratório demonstram que H2O2 injetado intracerebroventricularmente (icv) reduz a ingestão de água induzida pela ANG II em ratos normotensos. Portanto, no presente trabalho propomos estudar os efeitos de injeções de H2O2 ou de ATZ (inibidor da catalase) sozinhos ou combinados no ventrículo lateral (VL) e também os efeitos do ATZ injetado intravenosamente (i.v.) sozinho ou combinado com H2O2 no VL sobre a resposta pressora da ANG II também injetada no VL em ratos normotensos, espontaneamente hipertensos (SHRs) ou em ratos com hipertensão renovascular do tipo 2 rins 1 clipe (2R1C). Foram utilizados ratos Holtzman normotensos, SHRs e ratos com hipertensão renovascular 2R1C com cânulas de aço inoxidável previamente implantadas no VL. A pressão arterial e a freqüência cardíaca foram registradas em sistema computadorizado diretamente da aorta em ratos não anestesiados por uma cânula de polietileno introduzida pela artéria femoral e a injeção i.v. foi realizada por meio de uma cânula de polietileno introduzida na veia femoral. A pressão arterial e freqüência cardíaca foram registradas continuamente desde 30 minutos antes da primeira injeção (veículo, salina, H2O2 ou ATZ) até 30 minutos após a injeção de ANG II. Os resultados demonstraram que a injeção icv de H2O2 (5 μmol/1 μL) reduziu fortemente a reposta pressora produzida pela injeção... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A 25-year-old hypertensive female patient was referred to our institution. Initial workup exams demonstrated a 2.8 cm cortical lower pole tumor in the right kidney. She underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy without complications. Histopathologic examination revealed a rare juxtaglomerular cell tumor known as reninoma. After surgery, she recovered uneventfully and all medications were withdrawn. Case hypothesis: Secondary arterial hypertension is a matter of great interest to urologists and nephrologists. Renovascular hypertension, primary hyperadosteronism and pheocromocytoma are potential diagnosis that must not be forgotten and should be excluded. Although rare, chronic pyelonephritis and renal tumors as rennin-producing tumors, nephroblastoma, hypernephroma, and renal cell carcinoma might also induce hypertension and should be in the diagnostic list of clinicians. Promising future implications: Approximately 5% of patients with high blood pressure have specific causes and medical investigation may usually identify such patients. Furthermore, these patients can be successfully treated and cured, most times by minimally invasive techniques. This interesting case might expand knowledge of physicians and aid better diagnostic care in future medical practice.
Imbalanced matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression, including MMP-2, has been demonstrated in pre-eclampsia. However, little is known about the effect of polymorphisms in MMP-2 gene on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. We examined whether two functional MMP-2 polymorphisms (g.-1306C>T and g.-735C>T) are associated with pre-eclampsia and/or gestational hypertension and whether these polymorphisms affect therapeutic responses in women with these conditions. We studied 216 healthy pregnant women (HP), 185 patients with gestational hypertension (GH) and 216 patients with pre-eclampsia (PE). They were stratified as responsive or non-responsive to antihypertensive therapy according to clinical and laboratorial parameters of therapeutic responsiveness. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood and genotypes for g-1306C>T and g.-735C>T polymorphisms were determined by real-time PCR using Taqman allele discrimination assays. Haplotype frequencies were inferred using the PHASE 2.1 program. The distributions of MMP-2 genotypes and haplotypes were similar in HP, GH and PE patients (p > 0.05). In addition, we found no significant differences in MMP-2 genotype or haplotype frequencies when GH or PE patients were classified as responsive or non-responsive to antihypertensive therapy (p > 0.05). Our results suggest that MMP-2 polymorphisms do not affect the susceptibility to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. In parallel, MMP-2 polymorphisms apparently do not affect the responsiveness to antihypertensive therapy of women with these hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), are altered in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), with many of these alterations thought to be due to excess androgen concentrations. Despite oral contraceptives (OCs) being the first-line pharmacological treatment in women with PCOS and the importance of MMPs in many physiological conditions and pathological states, including cardiovascular diseases, no study has yet evaluated whether OCs alter plasma concentrations of MMPs. We therefore assessed whether treatment with an OC containing the anti-androgenic progestogen alters MMP profiles in women with PCOS. We analysed 20 women with PCOS who wanted hormonal contraception (OC-PCOS group), 20 ovulatory women who required hormonal contraception (OC-control group) and 20 ovulatory women who wanted non-hormonal contraception (non-OC-control group). OC consisted of cyclic use of 2 mg chlormadinone acetate/30 mu g ethinylestradiol for 6 months. Plasma concentrations of MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were measured by gelatin zymography or enzyme-linked immunoassays. OC treatment for 6 months significantly reduced plasma MMP-2 concentrations in the OC-control and OC-PCOS groups and TIMP-2 and TIMP-1 concentrations levels in the OC-control group (all p < 0.05), but had no effects on MMP-9 concentrations or on MMP-2/TIMP-2 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratios in any group (all p > 0.05). These findings indicated that long-term treatment with an OC containing chlormadinone acetate plus ethinylestradiol reduced plasma MMP-2 concentrations in both healthy and PCOS women. As the latter have imbalances in circulating matrix MMPs, treatment of these women with an OC may be beneficial.
Increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) promote matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activities and may underlie cardiomyocyte injury and the degradation of cardiac troponin I (cTI) during acute pulmonary thromboembolism (APT). We examined whether pretreatment or therapy with tempol (a ROS scavenger) prevents MMP activation and cardiomyocyte injury of APT. Anesthetized sheep received tempol infusion (1.0 mg kg(-1) min(-1), i.v.) or saline starting 30 min before or 30 min after APT (autologous blood clots). Control animals received saline. Hemodynamic measurements were performed. MMPs were studied in the right ventricle (RV) by gelatin zymography, fluorimetric activity assay, and in situ zymography. The ROS levels were determined in the RV and cTI were measured in serum samples. APT increased the pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance by 146 and 164 %, respectively. Pretreatment or therapy with tempol attenuated these increases. While APT increased RV + dP/dt (max), tempol infusions had no effects. APT increased RV MMP-9 (but not MMP-2) levels. In line with these findings, APT increased RV MMP activities, and this finding was confirmed by in situ zymography. APT increased the RV ROS levels and tempol infusion, before or after APT, and blunted APT-induced increases in MMP-9 levels, MMP activities, in situ MMP activities, and ROS levels in the RV. cTI concentrations increased after APT, and tempol attenuated these increases. RV oxidative stress after APT increases the RV MMP activities, leading to the degradation of sarcomeric proteins, including cTI. Antioxidant treatment may prevent MMP activation and protect against cardiomyocyte injury after APT.
Objective: To evaluate the anatomical and functional renal alterations and the association with post-traumatic arterial hypertension. Methods: The studied population included patients who sustained high grades renal injury (grades III to V) successfully non-operative management after staging by computed tomography over a 16-year period. Beyond the review of medical records, these patients were invited to the following protocol: clinical and laboratory evaluation, abdominal computed tomography, magnetic resonance angiography, DMSA renal scintigraphy, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The hypertensive patients also were submitted to dynamic renal scintigraphy (Tc-99m EC), using captopril stimulation to verify renal vascular etiology. Results: Of the 31 patients, there were thirteen grade III, sixteen grade IV (nine lacerations, and seven vascular lesions), and two grade V injuries. All the patients were asymptomatic and an average follow up post-injury of 6.4 years. None had abnormal BUN or seric creatinine. The percentage of renal volume reduction correlates with the severity as defined by OIS. There was no evidence of renal artery stenosis in Magnetic Resonance angiography (MRA). DMSA scanning demonstrated a decline in percentage of total renal function corresponding to injury severity (42.2 +/- 5.5% for grade III, 35.3 +/- 12.8% for grade IV, 13.5 +/- 19.1 for grade V). Six patients (19.4%) had severe compromised function (< 30%). There was statistically significant difference in the decrease in renal function between parenchymal and vascular causes for grade IV injuries (p < 0.001). The 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring detected nine patients (29%) with post-traumatic hypertension. All the patients were male, mean 35.6 years, 77.8 % had a familial history of arterial hypertension, 66.7% had grade III renal injury, and average post-injury time was 7.8 years. Seven patients had negative captopril renography. Conclusions: Late results of renal function after conservative treatment of high grades renal injuries are favorable, except for patients with grades IV with vascular injuries and grade V renal injuries. Moreover, arterial hypertension does not correlate with the grade of renal injury or reduction of renal function.