994 resultados para Renewable water filters
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente – Perfil de Engenharia Sanitária
The world energy consumption is expected to increase strongly in coming years, because of the emerging economies. Biomass is the only renewable carbon resource that is abundant enough to be used as a source of energy Grape pomace is one of the most abundant agro-industrial residues in the world, being a good biomass resource. The aim of this work is the valorization of grape pomace from white grapes (WWGP) and from red grapes (RWGP), through the extraction of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity, as well as through the extraction/hydrolysis of carbohydrates, using subcritical water, or hot compressed water (HCW). The main focus of this work is the optimization of the process for WWGP, while for RWGP only one set of parameters were tested. The temperatures used were 170, 190 and 210 °C for WWGP, and 180 °C for RWGP. The water flow rates were 5 and 10 mL/min, and the pressure was always kept at 100 bar. Before performing HCW assays, both residues were characterized, revealing that WWGP is very rich in free sugars (around 40%) essentially glucose and fructose, while RWGP has higher contents of structural sugars, lignin, lipids and protein. For WWGP the best results were achieved at 210 °C and 10 mL/min: higher yield in water soluble compounds (69 wt.%), phenolics extraction (26.2 mg/g) and carbohydrates recovery (49.3 wt.% relative to the existing 57.8%). For RWGP the conditions were not optimized (180 °C and 5 mL/min), and the values of the yield in water soluble compounds (25 wt.%), phenolics extraction (19.5 mg/g) and carbohydrates recovery (11.4 wt.% relative to the existing 33.5%) were much lower. The antioxidant activity of the HCW extracts from each assay was determined, the best result being obtained for WWGP, namely for extracts obtained at 210 °C (EC50=20.8 μg/mL; EC50 = half maximum effective concentration; EC50 = 22.1 μg/mL for RWGP, at 180 ºC).
Succinic acid (SA) is a highly versatile building block that is used in a wide range of industrial applications. The biological production of succinic acid has emerged in the last years as an efficient alternative to the chemical production based on fossil fuels. However, in order to fully replace the competing petro-based chemical process from which it has been produced so far, some challenges remain to be surpassed. In particular, one main obstacle would be to reduce its production costs, mostly associated to the use of refined sugars. The present work is focused on the development of a sustainable and cost-e↵ective microbial production process based on cheap and renewable resources, such as agroindustrial wastes. Hence, glycerol and carob pods were identified as promising feedstocks and used as inexpensive carbon sources for the bioproduction of succinic acid by Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z, one of the best naturally producing strains. Even though glycerol is a highly available carbon source, as by-product of biodiesel production, its consumption by A. succinogenes is impaired due to a redox imbalance during cell growth. However, the use of an external electron acceptor such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) may improve glycerol metabolism and succinic acid production by this strain. As such, DMSO was tested as a co-substrate for glycerol consumption and concentrations of DMSO between 1 and 4% (v/v) greatly promoted glycerol consumption and SA production by this biocatalyst. Aiming at obtaining higher succinic acid yield and production rate, batch and fed-batch experiments were performed under controlled cultivation conditions. Batch experiments resulted in a succinic acid yield on glycerol of 0.95 g SA/g GLY and a production rate of 2.13 g/L.h, with residual production of acetic and formic acids. In fed-batch experiment, the SA production rate reached 2.31 g/L.h, the highest value reported in the literature for A. succinogenes using glycerol as carbon source. DMSO dramatically improved the conversion of glycerol by A. succinogenes and may be used as a co-substrate, opening new perspectives for the use of glycerol by this biocatalyst. Carob pods, highly available in Portugal as a residue from the locust bean gum industry, contain a significant amount of fermentable sugars such as sucrose, glucose and fructose and were also used as substrate for succinic acid production. Sugar extraction from raw and roasted carobs was optimized varying solid/water ratio and extraction time, maximizing sugar recovery while minimizing the extraction of polyphenols. Kinetic studies of glucose, fructose and sucrose consumption by A. succinogenes as individual carbon sources till 30 g/L were first determined to assess possible metabolic diferences. Results showed no significant diferences related to sugar consumption and SA production between the diferent sugars. Carob pods water extracts were then used as carbon source during controlled batch cultivations. (...)
From four solutions tested to extract tannins from mangrove bark for wood adhesives, hot water is recommended. Hot water extracted 21.4% of formaldehyde-hydrochloric acid reactive polyphenols on oven-dry bark basis.
Quantitative method of viral pollution determination for large volume of water using ferric hydroxide gel impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter. The use of ferric hydroxide gel, impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter enable us to recover 62.5% of virus (Poliomylitis type I, Lsc strain) exsogeneously added to 400 liters of tap-water. The virus concentrator system consists of four cartridge filters, in which the three first one are clarifiers, where the contaminants are removed physically, without significant virus loss at this stage. The last cartridge filter is impregnated with ferric hydroxide gel, where the virus is adsorbed. After the required volume of water has been processed, the last filter is removed from the system and the viruses are recovered from the gel, using 1 liter of glycine/NaOH buffer, at pH 11. Immediately the eluate is clarified through series of cellulose acetate membranes mounted in a 142mm Millipore filter. For the second step of virus concentration, HC1 1N is added slowly to the eluate to achieve pH 3.5-4. MgC1, is added to give a final concentration of 0.05M and the viruses are readsorbed on a 0.45 , porosity (HA) cellulose acetate membrane, mounted in a 90 mm Millipore filter. The viruses are recovered using the same eluent plus 10% of fetal calf serum, to a final volume of 3 ml. In this way, it was possible to concentrate virus from 400 liters of tap-water, into 1 liter in the first stage of virus concentration and just to 3 ml of final volume in a second step. The efficiency, simplicity and low operational cost, provded by the method, make it feasible to study viral pollution of recreational and tap-water sources.
The complex ecology of free-living amoebae (FLA) and their role in spreading pathogenic microorganisms through water systems have recently raised considerable interest. In this study, we investigated the presence of FLA and amoebae-resisting bacteria (ARB) at various stages of a drinking water plant fed with river water. We isolated various amoebal species from the river and from several points within the plant, mostly at early steps of water treatment. Echinamoeba- and Hartmannella-related amoebae were mainly recovered in the drinking water plant whereas Acanthamoeba- and Naegleria-related amoebae were recovered from the river water and the sand filtration units. Some FLA isolates were recovered immediately after the ozonation step, thus suggesting resistance of these microorganisms to this disinfection procedure. A bacterial isolate related to Mycobacterium mucogenicum was recovered from an Echinamoeba-related amoeba isolated from ozone-treated water. Various other ARB were recovered using co-culture with axenic Acanthamoeba castellanii, including mycobacteria, legionella, Chlamydia-like organisms and various proteobacteria. Noteworthy, a new Parachlamydia acanthamoebae strain was recovered from river water and from granular activated carbon (GAC) biofilm. As amoebae mainly multiply in sand and GAC filters, optimization of filter backwash procedures probably offers a possibility to better control these protists and the risk associated with their intracellular hosts
Summary: Lipophilicity plays an important role in the determination and the comprehension of the pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs. It is usually expressed by the partition coefficient (log P) in the n-octanol/water system. The use of an additional solvent system (1,2-dichlorethane/water) is necessary to obtain complementary information, as the log Poct values alone are not sufficient to explain ail biological properties. The aim of this thesis is to develop tools allowing to predict lipophilicity of new drugs and to analyze the information yielded by those log P values. Part I presents the development of theoretical models used to predict lipophilicity. Chapter 2 shows the necessity to extend the existing solvatochromic analyses in order to predict correctly the lipophilicity of new and complex neutral compounds. In Chapter 3, solvatochromic analyses are used to develop a model for the prediction of the lipophilicity of ions. A global model was obtained allowing to estimate the lipophilicity of neutral, anionic and cationic solutes. Part II presents the detailed study of two physicochemical filters. Chapter 4 shows that the Discovery RP Amide C16 stationary phase allows to estimate lipophilicity of the neutral form of basic and acidic solutes, except of lipophilic acidic solutes. Those solutes present additional interactions with this particular stationary phase. In Chapter 5, 4 different IANI stationary phases are investigated. For neutral solutes, linear data are obtained whatever the IANI column used. For the ionized solutes, their retention is due to a balance of electrostatic and hydrophobie interactions. Thus no discrimination is observed between different series of solutes bearing the same charge, from one column to an other. Part III presents two examples illustrating the information obtained thanks to Structure-Properties Relationships (SPR). Comparing graphically lipophilicity values obtained in two different solvent systems allows to reveal the presence of intramolecular effects .such as internai H-bond (Chapter 6). SPR is used to study the partitioning of ionizable groups encountered in Medicinal Chemistry (Chapter7). Résumé La lipophilie joue un .rôle important dans la détermination et la compréhension du comportement pharmacocinétique des médicaments. Elle est généralement exprimée par le coefficient de partage (log P) d'un composé dans le système de solvants n-octanol/eau. L'utilisation d'un deuxième système de solvants (1,2-dichloroéthane/eau) s'est avérée nécessaire afin d'obtenir des informations complémentaires, les valeurs de log Poct seules n'étant pas suffisantes pour expliquer toutes les propriétés biologiques. Le but de cette thèse est de développer des outils permettant de prédire la lipophilie de nouveaux candidats médicaments et d'analyser l'information fournie par les valeurs de log P. La Partie I présente le développement de modèles théoriques utilisés pour prédire la lipophilie. Le chapitre 2 montre la nécessité de mettre à jour les analyses solvatochromiques existantes mais inadaptées à la prédiction de la lipophilie de nouveaux composés neutres. Dans le chapitre 3, la même méthodologie des analyses solvatochromiques est utilisée pour développer un modèle permettant de prédire la lipophilie des ions. Le modèle global obtenu permet la prédiction de la lipophilie de composés neutres, anioniques et cationiques. La Partie II présente l'étude approfondie de deux filtres physicochimiques. Le Chapitre 4 montre que la phase stationnaire Discovery RP Amide C16 permet la détermination de la lipophilie de la forme neutre de composés basiques et acides, à l'exception des acides très lipophiles. Ces derniers présentent des interactions supplémentaires avec cette phase stationnaire. Dans le Chapitre 5, 4 phases stationnaires IAM sont étudiées. Pour les composés neutres étudiés, des valeurs de rétention linéaires sont obtenues, quelque que soit la colonne IAM utilisée. Pour les composés ionisables, leur rétention est due à une balance entre des interactions électrostatiques et hydrophobes. Donc aucune discrimination n'est observée entre les différentes séries de composés portant la même charge d'une colonne à l'autre. La Partie III présente deux exemples illustrant les informations obtenues par l'utilisation des relations structures-propriétés. Comparer graphiquement la lipophilie mesurée dans deux différents systèmes de solvants permet de mettre en évidence la présence d'effets intramoléculaires tels que les liaisons hydrogène intramoléculaires (Chapitre 6). Cette approche des relations structures-propriétés est aussi appliquée à l'étude du partage de fonctions ionisables rencontrées en Chimie Thérapeutique (Chapitre 7) Résumé large public Pour exercer son effet thérapeutique, un médicament doit atteindre son site d'action en quantité suffisante. La quantité effective de médicament atteignant le site d'action dépend du nombre d'interactions entre le médicament et de nombreux constituants de l'organisme comme, par exemple, les enzymes du métabolisme ou les membranes biologiques. Le passage du médicament à travers ces membranes, appelé perméation, est un paramètre important à optimiser pour développer des médicaments plus puissants. La lipophilie joue un rôle clé dans la compréhension de la perméation passive des médicaments. La lipophilie est généralement exprimée par le coefficient de partage (log P) dans le système de solvants (non miscibles) n-octanol/eau. Les valeurs de log Poct seules se sont avérées insuffisantes pour expliquer la perméation à travers toutes les différentes membranes biologiques du corps humain. L'utilisation d'un système de solvants additionnel (le système 1,2-dichloroéthane/eau) a permis d'obtenir les informations complémentaires indispensables à une bonne compréhension du processus de perméation. Un grand nombre d'outils expérimentaux et théoriques sont à disposition pour étudier la lipophilie. Ce travail de thèse se focalise principalement sur le développement ou l'amélioration de certains de ces outils pour permettre leur application à un champ plus large de composés. Voici une brève description de deux de ces outils: 1)La factorisation de la lipophilie en fonction de certaines propriétés structurelles (telle que le volume) propres aux composés permet de développer des modèles théoriques utilisables pour la prédiction de la lipophilie de nouveaux composés ou médicaments. Cette approche est appliquée à l'analyse de la lipophilie de composés neutres ainsi qu'à la lipophilie de composés chargés. 2)La chromatographie liquide à haute pression sur phase inverse (RP-HPLC) est une méthode couramment utilisée pour la détermination expérimentale des valeurs de log Poct.
A modified adsorption-elution method for the concentration of seeded rotavirus from water samples was used to determine various factors which affected the virus recovery. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect the rotavirus antigen after concentration. Of the various eluents compared, 0.05M glycine, pH 11.5 gave the highest rotavirus antigen recovery using negatively charged membrane filtration whereas 2.9% tryptose phosphate broth containing 6% glycine; pH 9.0 was found to give the greatest elution efficiency when a positively charged membrane was used. Reconcentration of water samples by a speedVac concentrator showed significantly higher rotavirus recovery than polyethylene glycol precipitation through both negatively and positively charged filters (p-value <0.001). In addition, speedVac concentration using negatively charged filtration resulted in greater rotavirus recovery than that using positively charged filtration (p-value = 0.004). Thirty eight environmental water samples were collected from river, domestic sewage, canals receiving raw sewage drains, and tap water collected in containers for domestic use, all from congested areas of Bangkok. In addition, several samples of commercial drinking water were analyzed. All samples were concentrated and examined for rotavirus antigen. Coliforms and fecal coliforms (0->1,800 MPN/100 ml) were observed but rotavirus was not detected in any sample. This study suggests that the speedVac reconcentration method gives the most efficient rotavirus recovery from water samples.
This paper presents general problems and approaches for the spatial data analysis using machine learning algorithms. Machine learning is a very powerful approach to adaptive data analysis, modelling and visualisation. The key feature of the machine learning algorithms is that they learn from empirical data and can be used in cases when the modelled environmental phenomena are hidden, nonlinear, noisy and highly variable in space and in time. Most of the machines learning algorithms are universal and adaptive modelling tools developed to solve basic problems of learning from data: classification/pattern recognition, regression/mapping and probability density modelling. In the present report some of the widely used machine learning algorithms, namely artificial neural networks (ANN) of different architectures and Support Vector Machines (SVM), are adapted to the problems of the analysis and modelling of geo-spatial data. Machine learning algorithms have an important advantage over traditional models of spatial statistics when problems are considered in a high dimensional geo-feature spaces, when the dimension of space exceeds 5. Such features are usually generated, for example, from digital elevation models, remote sensing images, etc. An important extension of models concerns considering of real space constrains like geomorphology, networks, and other natural structures. Recent developments in semi-supervised learning can improve modelling of environmental phenomena taking into account on geo-manifolds. An important part of the study deals with the analysis of relevant variables and models' inputs. This problem is approached by using different feature selection/feature extraction nonlinear tools. To demonstrate the application of machine learning algorithms several interesting case studies are considered: digital soil mapping using SVM, automatic mapping of soil and water system pollution using ANN; natural hazards risk analysis (avalanches, landslides), assessments of renewable resources (wind fields) with SVM and ANN models, etc. The dimensionality of spaces considered varies from 2 to more than 30. Figures 1, 2, 3 demonstrate some results of the studies and their outputs. Finally, the results of environmental mapping are discussed and compared with traditional models of geostatistics.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety of a combined heat and moisture exchanger filter (HMEF) for the conditioning of inspired gas in long-term mechanical ventilation (MV). DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Medical ICU in a large teaching hospital. PATIENTS: One hundred fifteen consecutive patients who required > or = 48 h of MV. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomized at intubation time (day 1) to receive inspired gas conditioned either by a water-bath humidifier heated at 32 degrees C (HWBH) or by an HMEF (Hygroster; DAR; Mirandola, Italy). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The two study groups were comparable in terms of primary pathologic condition at the time of hospital admission, disease severity as measured by the Simplified Acute Physiology Score, and ICU mortality. They did not differ with respect to ventilator days per patient (mean +/- SD: HMEF, 7.6 +/- 6.5; HWBH, 7.8 +/- 5.8), incidence of endotracheal tube obstruction (HMEF, 0/59; HWBH, 1/56), and incidence of hypothermic episodes (HMEF, five; HWBH, two). In 41 patients receiving MV for > or = 5 days, the morphologic integrity of respiratory epithelium was evaluated on day 1 and day 5, using a cytologic examination of tracheal aspirate smears. The state of ciliated epithelium was scored on a scale from 0 (poorest integrity) to 1,200 (maximum integrity), according to a well-described method. In both patient groups, the scores slightly but significantly decreased from day 1 to day 5 (mean +/- SD: HWBH, from 787 +/- 104 to 745 +/- 88; HMEF, from 813 +/- 79 to 739 +/- 62; p < 0.01 for both groups); there were no statistically significant differences between groups. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate acceptable safety of HMEFs of the type used in the present study for long-term mechanical ventilation.
The expansion dynamics of the ablation plume generated by KrF laser irradiation of hydroxyapatite targets in a 0.1 mbar water atmosphere has been studied by fast intensified charge coupled device imaging with the aid of optical bandpass filters. The aim of the filters is to isolate the emission of a single species, which allows separate analysis of its expansion. Images obtained without a filter revealed two emissive components in the plume, which expand at different velocities for delay times of up to 1.1 ¿s. The dynamics of the first component is similar to that of a spherical shock wave, whereas the second component, smaller than the first, expands at constant velocity. Images obtained through a 520 nm filter show that the luminous intensity distribution and evolution of emissive atomic calcium is almost identical to those of the first component of the total emission and that there is no contribution from this species to the emission from the second component of the plume. The analysis through a 780 nm filter reveals that atomic oxygen partially diffuses into the water atmosphere and that there is a contribution from this species to the emission from the second component. The last species studied here, calcium oxide, was analyzed by means of a 600 nm filter. The images revealed an intensity pattern more complex than those from the atomic species. Calcium oxide also contributes to the emission from the second component. Finally, all the experiments were repeated in a Ne atmosphere. Comparison of the images revealed chemical reactions between the first component of the plume and the water atmosphere.
The noise power spectrum (NPS) is the reference metric for understanding the noise content in computed tomography (CT) images. To evaluate the noise properties of clinical multidetector (MDCT) scanners, local 2D and 3D NPSs were computed for different acquisition reconstruction parameters.A 64- and a 128-MDCT scanners were employed. Measurements were performed on a water phantom in axial and helical acquisition modes. CT dose index was identical for both installations. Influence of parameters such as the pitch, the reconstruction filter (soft, standard and bone) and the reconstruction algorithm (filtered-back projection (FBP), adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR)) were investigated. Images were also reconstructed in the coronal plane using a reformat process. Then 2D and 3D NPS methods were computed.In axial acquisition mode, the 2D axial NPS showed an important magnitude variation as a function of the z-direction when measured at the phantom center. In helical mode, a directional dependency with lobular shape was observed while the magnitude of the NPS was kept constant. Important effects of the reconstruction filter, pitch and reconstruction algorithm were observed on 3D NPS results for both MDCTs. With ASIR, a reduction of the NPS magnitude and a shift of the NPS peak to the low frequency range were visible. 2D coronal NPS obtained from the reformat images was impacted by the interpolation when compared to 2D coronal NPS obtained from 3D measurements.The noise properties of volume measured in last generation MDCTs was studied using local 3D NPS metric. However, impact of the non-stationarity noise effect may need further investigations.
The cost of reusing water in micro-irrigation at the field level has not been studied in depth although the use of effluents in agriculture is a viable alternative in areas where water is scarce or there is intense competition for its use. The aim of the present study is to analyse the private costs of water reuse in micro-irrigation in an experimental plot. This analysis is intended to provide information about the decision a farmer would make when the choice to use conventional or reclaimed water is guided by cost criteria. The components of the total costs of different combinations of four types of filters and five emitters that can be installed in micro-irrigation systems using reclaimed water have been studied with the data obtained from an experimental plot in conditions similar to those of fruit orchards. Different scenarios that compared the costs of using conventional or reclaimed water in terms of water price and nutrient content were also studied. The results show that a proper combination of filters and emitters can save up to 33% in irrigation costs. Capital costs and maintenance costs were the most variable among the different combinations. Scenario analysis showed that the greater price of reclaimed water could be compensated by high nutrient contents, which would reduce fertilizer costs
Water electrolysis is one of the simplest methods used for hydrogen production. It has the advantage of being able to produce hydrogen using only renewable energy. To expand the use of water electrolysis, it is mandatory to reduce energy consumption, cost, and maintenance of current electrolyzers, and, on the other hand, to increase their efficiency, durability, and safety. In this study, modern technologies for hydrogen production by water electrolysis have been investigated. In this article, the electrochemical fundamentals of alkaline water electrolysis are explained and the main process constraints (e.g., electrical, reaction, and transport) are analyzed. The historical background of water electrolysis is described, different technologies are compared, and main research needs for the development of water electrolysis technologies are discussed.
This study presents an evaluation of a pilot multistage filtration system (MSF) with different dosages, 131 mg L-1 and 106 mg L-1, of the natural coagulant extracted from Moringa oleifera seeds in pre-filtration and slow filtration stages, respectively. The system was comprised by a dynamic pre-filter unit, two upflow filters in parallel and four slow filters in parallel, and in one of the four filters had the filter media altered. The performance of the system was evaluated by monitoring some water quality parameters such as: turbidity, apparent color and slow filter load loss. The stages that have received the coagulant solution had better treatment efficiency compared with the steps without it. However, the direct application of the coagulant solution in the slow filter caused rapid clogging of the non-woven blanket and shorter career length.