97 resultados para Relaxor


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Relaxor-Ferroelektrika sind wegen ihrer möglichen technischen Anwendungen und vom Standpunkt der Grundlagenforschung als Beispiel für ungeordnete Systeme von wissenschaftlichem Interesse. Trotz zahlreicher experimenteller Untersuchungen sind die mikroskopischen Ursachen ihrer Eigenschaften aber nach wie vor ungeklärt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das Relaxor-Ferroelektrikum Bleimagnesiumniobat-Bleititanat (PMN-10PT) mittels linearer und nichtlinearer dielektrischer Spektroskopie untersucht. Durch Anregung mit starken elektrischen Wechselfeldern konnten mit der Methode des nichtresonanten dielektrischen Lochbrennens frequenzselektiv einzelne spektrale Bereiche aus dem verbreiterten Relaxationsspektrum herausgegriffen und deren Rückrelaxation separat verfolgt werden. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigten, daß eine langlebige dynamische Heterogenität der dipolaren Reorientierung existiert. Durch ihr ausgeprägt nichtergodisches Verhalten zeigen Relaxor-Ferroelektrika starke Alterungseffekte. Die Untersuchung des Alterungsverhaltens der dielektrischen Suszeptibilität zeigte, daß ein Gedächtnis für die bei einer Alterungstemperatur eingenommene Konfiguration bestehen bleibt, sofern die Temperatur nach einer unvollständigen isothermen Alterung nur um einige Grad abgesenkt oder erhöht wurde.Außerdem wurde die induzierte Polarisation bei stochastischen dielektrischen Anregungen mit elektrischen Feldern, die in sehr guter Näherung ein weißes Rauschen darstellten, untersucht. Über die Bildung der Kreuzkorrelationsfunktion zwischen Feld und Polarisation konnte die Impulsantwortfunktion des Systems berechnet werden.Die experimentellen Ergebnisse am Relaxor-Ferroelektrikum PMN-10PT können sehr gut mit einem Modell eines ungeordneten Ferroelektrikums erklärt werden, dessen Domänenwände unordnungsbedingt an sogenannten Pinning-Zentren festhaften.


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Sr1−xPrxTiO3 has recently been shown to exhibit ferroelectricity at room temperature. In this paper powder x-ray and neutron-diffraction patterns of this system at room temperature have been analyzed to show that the system exhibits cubic (Pm-3m) structure for x<=0.05 and tetragonal (I4/mcm) for x>0.05. The redundancy of the noncentrosymmetric structural model (I4cm) in the ferroelectric state suggests the absence of long-range ordered ferroelectric domains and supports the relaxor ferroelectric model for this system.


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Structural, microstructural, and dielectric studies have been carried out on Pr-modified PbTiO3. A comparative analysis with La-modified PbTiO3 suggests that for chemical modification by same amount, the Pr-modified system has larger tetragonal strain and Curie point. No clear feature of relaxor ferroelectric state is observed for Pr concentration as high as x=0.35, suggesting that Pr modification is less effective, as compared to La-modification, in inducing a relaxor ferroelectric state. Results suggest that inspite of increased chemical disorder, Pr modification partly tends to restore the ferroelectric distortion of the lattice through partial occupancy of the Pr4+ ions on the Ti4+ sites.


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We describe an investigation of the structure and dielectric properties of MM'O-4 and MTiM'O-6 rutile-type oxides for M = Cr, Fe, Ga and M' = Nb. Ta and Sb. All the oxides adopt a disordered rutile structure (P4(2)/mnm) at ambient temperature. A partial ordered trirutile-type structure is confirmed for FeTaO4 from the low temperature (17 K) neutron diffraction studies While both the MM'O-4 oxides (CrTaO4 and FeTaO4) investigated show a normal dielectric property MTiM'O-6 oxides for M = Fe, Cr and M' = Nb/Ta/Sb display a distinct relaxor/relaxor-like response. Significantly the corresponding gallium analogs, GaTiNbO6 and GaTiTaO6, do not show a relaxor response at T<500K (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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A solid solution of the type Ba5x/2Bi(1-x)5/3Nb5O15 has been identified in the BaO-Bi2O3-Nb2O5 system for the first time. The limits of the solid solution are within the range 0.52 <= x <= 0.80. The compositions x = 0.52, 0.60, 0.72, 0.77, 0.78, and 0.80 were synthesized by the solid-state technique from the starting materials in stoichiometric quantities. The powder X-ray patterns of all the phases in the domain indicate a structural similarity to tetragonal tungsten bronzes (TTBs). The compositions below x = 0.52 and those above x = 0.80 exhibit barium niobate and bismuth niobate impurities, respectively. Single crystals of the composition x = 0.77 were obtained by the melt cooling technique. The crystal structure of Ba3.85/2Bi1.15/3Nb5O15 (x = 0.77) was solved in the tetragonal space group P4bm (No. 100) with a = 12.4938 (14) angstrom, c = 3.9519 (2) A, V = 616.87 (10) angstrom(3), and Z = 2 and was refined to an R index of 0.034. Dielectric measurements on all the phases indicate a typical relaxor behavior with a broad phase transition at T-m approximate to 300 K.


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Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 (PCT24) nanoparticles were synthesized by modified sal gel method and characterized by a number of experimental techniques such as X-ray diffraction, TGA-DTA, FTIR and transmission electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) investigations demonstrated that the postannealed (650 degrees C for 1 h) PCT24 nanoparticles have tetragonal perovskite crystal structure. TEM have been employed to characterize the morphology, structure and composition of the as prepared nanoparticles. Dielectric results indicates the evidence for relaxor type behavior while observed leaky ferroelectric loops may be because of the defects such as grain boundaries and the pores in the sample as the sample was not heated at higher temperature, to retain the nanosize dimension of the particles.


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We describe the synthesis structures and dielectric properties of new perovskite oxides of the formula (Ba3MTiMO9)-Ti-III-O-V for M-III = Fe Ga Y Lu and M-V = Nb Ta Sb While M-V = Nb and Ta oxides adopt disordered/partially ordered 3C perovskite structures where M-III/Ti/M-V metal-oxygen octahedra are corner connected the M-V = Sb oxides show a distinct preference for the 6H structure where Sb-V/Ti-IV metal-oxygen octahedra share a common face forming (Sb Ti)O-9 dimers that are corner-connected to the (MO6)-O-III octahedra The preference of antimony oxides (Sb-V 4d(10)) for the 6H structure which arises from a special Sb-V-O chemical bonding that tends to avoid linear Sb-O-Sb linkages unlike Nb-V/Ta-V d(0) atoms which prefer similar to 180 degrees Nb/Ta-O-Nb/Ta linkages - is consistent with the crystal chemistry of M-V-O oxides in general The dielectric properties reveal a significant difference among Mill members All the oxides with the 3C structure excepting those with Mill = Fe show a normal low loss dielectric behaviour with epsilon = 20-60 in the temperature range 50-400 degrees C the M-III = Fe members with this structure (M-V = Nb Ta) display a relaxor-like ferroelectric behaviour with large E values at frequencies <= 1 MHz (50-500 degrees C) (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS All rights reserved


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The results of the studies on the effect of rare earth Nd doping on the phase formation behavior and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Pb-1.05(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) thin films are presented. The perovskite phase is obtained up to 5 at. % doping and beyond that pyrochlore phase was found to coexist with the perovskite phase in all the films. The transition temperature of undoped lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film was found to be reduced with Nd doping. The Nd doped films also exhibited typical relaxor-type behavior and a diffuse phase transition, similar to that observed in relaxor materials. The introduction of Nd into the PZT lattice probably introduces disorder in the B site of ABO(3) lattice, which causes the observed dielectric relaxation. Efforts were made to isolate the irreversible component contributions in low field dielectric and high field polarization switching behavior. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Recently, there has been growing interest in Ca modified BaTiO3 structures due to their larger electro-optic coefficients for their use in optical storage of information over conventional BaTiO3 crystals. Barium Calcium Titanate (BCT) shows promising applications in advanced laser systems, optical interconnects and optical storage devices. BaTiO3 thin films of varied Ca (3 at. % - 15 at. %) doping were deposited using pulsed laser ablation (KrF excimer laser) technique over Pt/Si substrates. The stoichiometric and the compositional analysis were carried out using EDAX and SIMS. The dielectric studies were done at the frequency regime of 40 Hz to 100 kHz at different ambient temperatures from 200 K to 600 K. The BCT thin films exhibited diffuse phase transition, which was of a typical non lead relaxor behavior and had high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss. The phase transition for the different compositions of BCT thin films was near the room temperature, showing a marked departure from the bulk phase transition. The C - V and the hysteresis behavior confirmed the ferroelectric nature below the phase transition and paraelectric at the room temperature.


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We have performed Rietveld refinements on neutron and synchrotron diffraction patterns and density functional calculations on various ferroelectric lead perovskites and on α lead monoxide (litharge). These structural data have allowed to shed some light on lead stereochemistry in these compounds. In particular, we discuss the changing in the lead behaviour between the paraelectric cubic phases and the low temperature anti or ferroelectric phases in Pb2CoWO6 and Pb2MgTeO6 (both incommensurate), in Pb2MgWO6 (antiferroelectric) and in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (relaxor). The possible phase transition mechanisms are reviewed and the bonds are compared to those in the aperiodic structure of α-lead monoxide.


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DC electric field induced dielectric properties of 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) thin films were studied as a function of frequency at different temperatures. It was observed that the dielectric constant (ε) and dissipation factor (tanδ) were decreased in presence of bias field. The temperature of dielectric maxima was found to increase with increasing bias level. The low temperature (relaxor property of films was disappeared i.e. the films exhibited normal ferroelectric behavior. Since the absence of long range interaction among the nanopolar clusters in PMN and its family is believed to be the origin of relaxor behavior, disappearance of relaxor nature in PMN-PT (70/30) films could be attributed to manifestation of long-range order at higher bias voltage. This was observed in the temperature dependence of dielectric constant i.e. the films neither exhibited any frequency dispersion in the temperature of dielectric maximum (Tm) nor showed any diffused phase transition. The relaxor property of PMN-PT thin films was studied in terms of diffused phase transition together with frequency dispersion of the temperature of dielectric maximum (Tm). Vogel-Fulcher relation was used to analyze the frequency dependence of temperature of dielectric maximum.


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A study was done on pulsed laser deposited relaxor ferroelectric thin films of 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) deposited on platinized silicon substrates with template layers to observe the influence of the template layers on physical and electrical properties. Initial results, showed that perovskite phase (80% by volume) was obtained through proper selection of the processing conditions on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The films were grown at 300°C and then annealed in a rapid thermal annealing furnace in the temperature range of 750-850°C to induce crystallization. Comparison of the films annealed at different temperatures revealed a change in crystallinity, perovskite phase formation and grain size. These results were further used to improve the quality of the perovskite PMN-PT phase by inserting thin layers of TiO2 on the Pt substrate. These resulted in an increase in perovskite phase in the films even at lower annealing temperatures. Dielectric studies on the PMN-PT films show very high values of dielectric constant (1300) at room temperature, which further improved with the insertion of the template seed layer. The relaxor properties of the PMN-PT were correlated with Vogel-Fulcher theory to determine the actual nature of the relaxation process.


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Relaxor ferroelectric thin films of 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-0.3PbTiO(3) (PMN-PT) deposited on platinized silicon substrates with and without template layers were studied. Perovskite phase (80% by volume) was obtained through proper selection of the processing conditions on bare Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The films were initially grown at 300 degreesC using pulsed-laser ablation and subsequently annealed in a rapid thermal annealing furnace in the temperature range of 750-850 degreesC to induce crystallization. Comparison of microstructure of the films annealed at different temperatures showed change in perovskite phase formation and grain size etc. Results from compositional analysis of the films revealed that the films initially possessed high content of lead percentage, which subsequently decreased after annealing at temperature 750-850 degreesC. Films with highest perovskite content were found to form at 820-840 degreesC on Pt substrates where the Pb content was near stoichiometric. Further improvement in the formation of perovskite PMN-PT phase was obtained by using buffer layers of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (LSCO) on the Pt substrate. This resulted 100% perovskite phase formation in the films deposited at 650 degreesC. Dielectric studies on the PMN-PT films with LSCO template layers showed high values of relative dielectric constant (3800) with a loss factor (tan delta) of 0.035 at a frequency of 1 kHz at room temperature. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Low-temperature dielectric measurements on FeTiMO(6) (M = Ta,Nb,Sb) rutile-type oxides at frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz revealed anomalous dielectric relaxations with frequency dispersion. Unlike the high-temperature relaxor response of these materials, the low-temperature relaxations are polaronic in nature. The relationship between frequency and temperature of dielectric loss peak follows T(-1/4) behavior. The frequency dependence of ac conductivity shows the well-known universal dielectric response, while the dc conductivity follows Mott variable range hopping (VRH) behavior, confirming the polaronic origin of the observed dielectric relaxations. The frequency domain analysis of the dielectric spectra shows evidence for two relaxations, with the high-frequency relaxations following Mott VRH behavior more closely. Significantly, the Cr- and Ga-based analogs, CrTiNbO(6) and GaTiMO(6) (M = Ta,Nb), that were also studied, did not show these anomalies.


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Combining experiments with first-principles calculations, we show that site-specific doping of Mn into SrTiO(3) has a decisive influence on the dielectric properties of these doped systems. We find that phonon contributions to the dielectric constant invariably decrease sharply on doping at any site. However, a sizable, random dipolar contribution only for Mn at the Sr site arises from a strong off-centric displacement of Mn in spite of Mn being in a non-d(0) state; this leads to a large dielectric constant at higher temperatures and gives rise to a relaxor ferroelectric behavior at lower temperatures. We also investigate magnetic properties in detail and critically reevaluate the possibility of a true multiglass state in such systems.