978 resultados para Relative growth


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Light and soil water availability may limit carbon uptake of trees in tropical rainforests. The objective of this work was to determine how photosynthetic traits of juvenile trees respond to variations in rainfall seasonality, leaf nutrient content, and opening of the forest canopy. The correlation between leaf nutrient content and annual growth rate of saplings was also assessed. In a terra firme rainforest of the central Amazon, leaf nutrient content and gas exchange parameters were measured in five sapling tree species in the dry and rainy season of 2008. Sapling growth was measured in 2008 and 2009. Rainfall seasonality led to variations in soil water content, but it did not affect leaf gas exchange parameters. Subtle changes in the canopy opening affected CO2 saturated photosynthesis (A pot, p = 0.04). Although A pot was affected by leaf nutrient content (as follows: P > Mg > Ca > N > K), the relative growth rate of saplings correlated solely with leaf P content (r = 0.52, p = 0.003). At present, reduction in soil water content during the dry season does not seem to be strong enough to cause any effect on photosynthesis of saplings in central Amazonia. This study shows that leaf P content is positively correlated with sapling growth in the central Amazon. Therefore, the positive effect of atmospheric CO2 fertilization on long-term tree growth will depend on the ability of trees to absorb additional amount of P


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ABSTRACT Sorghum arundinaceum (Desv.) Stapf is a weed that belongs to the Poaceae family and is widespread throughout Brazil. Despite the frequent occurrence, infesting cultivated areas, there is little research concerning the biology and physiology of this species. The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth, carbon partitioning and physiological characteristics of the weed Sorghum arundinaceum in greenhouse. Plants were collected at regular intervals of seven days, from 22 to 113 days after transplanting (DAT). In each sample, we determined plant height, root volume, leaf area and dry matter, and subsequently we perfomed the growth analysis, we have determined the dry matter partitioning among organs, the accumulation of dry matter, the specific leaf area, the relative growth rate and leaf weight ratio. At 36, 78 and 113 DAT, the photosynthetic and transpiration rates, stomatal conductance, CO2 concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence were evaluated. The Sorghum arundinaceum reached 1.91 in height, with slow initial growth and allocated much of the biomass in the roots. The photosynthetic rate and the maximum quantum yield of FSII are similar throughout the growth cycle. At maturity the Sorghum arundinaceum presents higher values of transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ).


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The use of organic fertilizers and the inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi in the cultivation of oil crops is essential to reduce production costs and minimize negative impacts on natural resources. A field experiment was conducted in an Argissolo Amarelo (Ultisol) with the aim of evaluating the effects of fertilizer application and inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth attributes of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and on soil chemical properties. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, using a randomized block design with three replicates in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement consisting of four treatments in regard to application of organic fertilizer (liquid biofertilizer, cow urine, mineral fertilizer, and unfertilized control) and two treatments in regard to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (with and without mycorrhizal fungi). The results showed that the physiological attributes of relative growth rate and leaf weight ratio were positively influenced by fertilization, compared to the control treatment, likely brought about by the supply of nutrients from the fertilizers applied. The growth and productivity attributes were positively affected by mycorrhization.


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Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schultz (Convolvulaceae) and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich) Vahl. (Verbenaceae), two weeds found in pastures and crop areas in Brazilian Amazonia, were grown in controlled environment cabinets under high (800-1000 µmol m-² s-¹) and low (200-350 µmol m-² s-¹) light regimes during a 40-day period. For both species leaf dry mass and leaf area per total plant dry mass, and leaf area per leaf dry mass were higher for low-light plants, whereas root mass per total plant dry mass was higher for high-light plants. High-light S. cayennensis allocated significantly more biomass to reproductive tissue than low-light plants, suggesting a probably lower ability of this species to maintain itself under shaded conditions. Relative growth rate (RGR) in I. asarifolia was initially higher for high-light grown plants and after 20 days started decreasing, becoming similar to low-light plants at the last two harvests (at 30 and 40 days). In S. cayennensis, RGR was also higher for high-light plants; however, this trend was not significant at the first and last harvest dates (10 and 40 days). These results are discussed in relation to their ecological and weed management implications.


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The growth and biomass allocation responses of the tropical forage grasses Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and B. humidicola were compared for plants grown outdoors, in pots, in full sunlight and those shaded to 30% of full sunlight over a 30day period. The objective was to evaluate the acclimation capacity of these species to low light. Both species were able to quickly develop phenotypic adjustments in response to low light. Specific leaf area and leaf area ratio were higher for low-light plants during the entire experimental period. Low-light plants allocated significantly less biomass to root and more to leaf tissue than high-light plants. However, the biomass allocation pattern to culms was different for the two species under low light: it increased in B. brizantha, but decreased in B. humidicola, probably as a reflection of the growth habits of these species. Relative growth rate and tillering were higher in high-light plants. Leaf elongation rate was significantly increased on both species under low light; however, the difference between treatments was higher in B. brizantha. These results are discussed in relation to the pasture management implications.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the growth of champa fruit (Campomanesia lineatifolia) as a function of growing-degree days (GDD) in the municipality of Miraflores, in Boyacá, Colombia. Thirty trees were selected at random, and 100 flowers in full bloom were marked in each tree. From the 26th day after flowering until harvest, 10 samples were taken every 15 days to determine the fruit parameters and growth rate. Temperature was recorded to calculate the GDD. From flowering until harvest, 1,489.1 GDD were accumulated over 145 days. Dry and fresh matter mass of pulp, seed, and total fruit were fitted to a logistic growth model, and three growth stages (S1, S2 and S3) were defined. In the S1, growth was slow, and the relative growth remained nearly stable, whereas the absolute growth rate (AGR) increased slowly. In the S2, maximum growth was observed. In the S3, which corresponds to maturation, dry mass increased gradually, and the AGR decreased, while the fresh pulp and total mass did not cease to increase. The polar and equatorial diameters increased linearly, while the volume followed an exponential model. Champa fruit show a simple sigmoid growth curve.


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The effects of shade on growth, biomass allocation patterns and photosynthetic response was examined for Rolandra fruticosa (L.) Kuntze, a common perennial weed shrub in cultivated pastures and agricultural areas of Brazilian Amazonia, for plants grown in full sunlight and those shaded to 30 % of full sunlight over a 34-d period. Specific leaf area and leaf area ratio were higher for shade plants during all the experimental period. Shade plants allocated significantly less biomass to root tissue than sun plants and relative growth rate was higher in sun plants. Sun leaves had significantly higher dark respiration and light saturated rates of photosynthesis than shade leaves. The apparent quantum efficiency was higher for shade leaves, while light compensation point was higher for sun leaves. These results are discussed in relation to their ecological and weed management implications.


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The aim of this research paper was to compare the growth of D. ciliaris and D. nuda crabgrass species under non-competitive conditions. To this end, two experiments were conducted, one from March - July 2010 and the other from February - June 2011. The experimental design of both trials was completely randomized making a factorial (2 seasons x 2 species crabgrass x 12 evaluation periods) with four replications. Assessments began at 15 days after sowing (DAS), and repeated weekly until 92 DAS. The variables evaluated were total dry matter (roots+leaves+stems), leaf area, leaf number and tiller. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and the absolute growth rate, relative growth rate and leaf area ratio were calculated using the means, which were adjusted regression models. The crabgrass species were significantly different in leaf area, leaf number, tiller number and dry matter per plant. D. ciliaris for all variables was statistically higher than D. nuda. Regarding the speed at which the growth of the species occurred, the absolute growth rate and relative growth rate of D. ciliaris was also greater than D. nuda. In addition, D. ciliaris also had a lower leaf area ratio indicating greater efficiency in converting light energy into carbohydrates. It can be concluded that D. ciliaris has a higher growth rate in conditions where there is no limitation of nutrients and water availability in relation to D. nuda, mainly due to D. ciliaris have greater leaf area, number of leaves and dry matter accumulation per plant.


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Growth of seedlings of fifteen tropical tree species representative, at the adult stage, of different successional positions, was studied under field conditions. Seedlings were grown in three treatments: full sun (FS), artificial shade imposed by neutral screens (AS) and natural shade imposed by a closed canopy in a Forest Reserve in Southeast Brazil (NS). Most of the studied species survived in both shade treatments, although their growth was severely affected. Decreases in height, internode numbers, dry weight, leaf area, root:shoot ratio (R:S) and increases in leaf mass ratio (LMR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA) were common responses to shade. Relative growth rates (RGRs) and net assimilation rates (NARs) were consistently lower in the shaded treatments than in full sun. RGR was significantly correlated with NAR in the FS and NS treatments, whereas it was correlated with LAR in the AS treatment. Natural shade had more severe effects than artificial shade on leaf area reduction and RGR. Between-species differences in R:S, LMR, SLA and LAR were not related to the successional status of species. However, there was a tendency for early-successional species to have higher RGRs than late successional ones, regardless of the light environment. Late-successional species also showed less pronounced responses to shade than early ones. The characteristics presented by the late-successional species may be associated with shade tolerance, enabling their persistence under dense canopies.


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Rumohra adiantiformis (Forst.) Ching is a fern (Dryopteridaceae) used in floral arrangements. Spores sterilized in 15% (v/v) solution of commercial sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and unsterilized spores were plunged in liquid nitrogen and held for 15 minutes and for 90 days. After the cryogenic treatments, spores were taken out of liquid nitrogen and rapidly thawed out in a water bath or slowly at room temperature and were cultured in Mohr's mineral solution as modified by Dyer, kept at 25 ± 2 ºC and a 16-hours photoperiod. Statistical differences were not observed in the germination of unsterilized spores immersed or not immersed in liquid nitrogen, but when the spores were previously sterilized, a severe inhibition of germination was observed in cryopreserved spores. Faster mean germination time was observed for unsterilized spores cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for 15 minutes. The germination of spores stored in liquid nitrogen for 90 days reached the maximum percentage after 12 days, while control spores reached their maximum percentage after 16 days. Levels of soluble sugars did not vary among treatments in gametophytes cultivated for 10 weeks after spore inoculation. The number of fronds and the length of the longest frond on sporophytes did not differ statistically among treatments. The relative growth rate of sporophytes grown from cryopreserved and control spores were not statistically different among treatments. Spores of R. adiantiformis immersed in liquid nitrogen for 15 minutes apparently produced phenotypically normal plants.


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Cereal yield increases in legume rotations on west African soils were the subject of much recent research aiming at the development of more productive cropping systems for the mainly subsistence-oriented agriculture in this region. However, little has been done to elucidate the possible contribution of soil microbiological factors to these rotation effects. Therefore a pot trial was conducted using legume rotation and continuous cereal soils each from one site in Burkina Faso and two sites in Togo where cropping system experiments had been conducted over 4 yrs. All soils were planted with seedlings of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). From 21 days after sowing onwards relative growth rates in rotation soils were higher than in the continuous cereal soils, resulting in between 69 and 500% higher shoot dry matter of rotation sorghum compared to sorghum growing in continuous cereal soils. Across sites rotation soils were characterized by higher pH, higher microbial N and a lower microbial biomass C/N ratio and, with the exception of one site, a higher fungal biomass in the rhizosphere. The bacterial and eukaryal community structure in the soil, assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), differed between sites. However, only at one site differed the bacterial and the eukaryal community structure in the rotation soil significantly from that in the continuous cereal soil. Although the results of this study confirmed the marked plantgrowth differences between sub-Saharan legume-rotation soils and their continuous cereal counterparts they also showed the difficulties to differentiate possible microbiological causes from their effects.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The post-larval development of the mud crab Eurytium limosum was studied under laboratory conditions by using the offspring of ovigerous females collected at the Comprido River mangrove, SP, Brazil. The first crab stage is fully described and the juvenile development, until crab stage 10, is examined with emphasis on morphological change, sexual differentiation and growth patterns. The carapace of the first crab stage is nearly square as observed in other xanthids, becoming similar to adults only at stage 15. The sexes can be distinguished from stage four, based on the number of pleopods and their morphology. While the intermoult period increases, the moult percentage decreases at each stage. The abdominal allometric growth is sex-dependent, with males showing a negative (b=0.71) and females an isometric (b=0.95) relative growth pattern. Male gonopods undergo a positive allometric growth, and their shape changes remarkably until sexual maturity. The cheliped dentition can be observed after stage 4. Regardless of sex, most crabs have a molariform right cheliped, which is thought to aid the handling of asymmetric prey such as gastropods.


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A comparison of the cheliped's weight in two species of the genus Callinectes was accomplished. The species C. danae e C. ornatus were collected by two otter trawl in Ubatuba bay (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). The allometric constants obtained from the regression adjusted to a power function (Y = aX(b)) were analyzed. These species presented different allometry degrees for each sex considered. The relation Pe x PC presented positive allometry for sex of both species, but male presented higher positive allometry than female. C. danae presented higher positive allometry for chelipeds than C. ornatus. We suggest here that C. danae could be indicated to be submitted to grow out in ponds since it reaches higher size and bigger chelipeds.