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An analysis of the experimental conditions under which low-frequency (70-150 kHz) Alfven eigertmodes (AE) are excited during the monster sawtooth in Joint European Torus [F Romanelli et al, Proceedings of the 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008] is presented for the specific case of a discharge with ion cyclotron heating (5 MW) Using a simplified AE model for modes excited at the Alfven wave continuum maximum with geodesic corrections taken into account, the temporal evolution of the value of the safety factor q(0) at the magnetic axis is determined We describe a new scheme to determine the time variation of q(0) that works under conditions in which other standard diagnostics, such as the motional Stark effect do not give reliable results such as during a monster sawtooth [doi 10 1063/1 3494212]
We determined the absolute branch of the T=2 superallowed decay of (32)Ar by detecting the beta(+)-delayed protons and gamma decays of the daughter state. We obtain b(SA)(beta)=(22.71 +/- 0.16)%, which represents the first determination of a proton branch to better than 1%. Using this branch along with the previously determined (32)Ar half-life and energy release, we determined ft=(1552 +/- 12) s for the superallowed decay. This ft value, together with the corrected Ft value extracted from previously known T=1 superallowed decays, yields a measurement of the isospin symmetry breaking correction in (32)Ar decay delta(exp)(C)=(2.1 +/- 0.8)%. This can be compared to a theoretical calculation delta(C)=(2.0 +/- 0.4)%. As by-products of this work, we determined the gamma and proton branches for the decay of the lowest T=2 state of (32)Cl, made a precise determination of the total proton branch and relative intensities of proton groups that leave (31)S in its first excited state and deduced an improved value for the (32)Cl mass.
A modular superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) consisting of 16 elements was constructed and tested in a 220 V line for a fault current between 1 kA to 7.4 kA. The elements are made up of second generation (2G) YBCO-coated conductor tapes with stainless steel reinforcement. For each element four tapes were electrically connected in parallel with effective length of 0.4 m per element, totaling 16 elements connected in series. The evaluation of SFCL performance was carried out under DC and AC tests. The DC test was performed through pulsed current tests and its recovery characteristics under load current were analysed by changing the shunt resistor value. The AC test performed using a 3 MVA/220 V/60 Hz transformer has shown the current limiting ratio achieved a factor higher than 10 during fault of up to five cycles without conductor degradation. The measurement of the voltage for each element during the AC test showed that in this modular SFCL the quench is homogeneous and the transition occurs similarly in all the elements.
This paper evaluates the advantages of using hardwood short fibre pulp (eucalyptus) as alternative to softwood long fibre pulp (pinus) and polymer fibres, traditionally used in reinforcement of cement-based materials. The effects of cellulose fibre length on microstructure and on mechanical performance of fibre-cement composites were evaluated before and after accelerated ageing cycles. Hardwood pulp fibres were better dispersed in the cement matrix and provided higher number of fibres per unitary weight or volume, in relation to softwood long fibre pulp. The short reinforcing elements lead to an effective crack bridging of the fragile matrix, which contributes to the improvement of the mechanical performance of the composite after ageing. These promising results show the potential of eucalyptus short fibres for reducing costs by both the partial replacement of expensive synthetic fibres in air curing process and the energy savings during pulp refining. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Several studies using vegetable fibers as the exclusive reinforcement in fiber-cement composites have shown acceptable mechanical performance at the first ages. However, after the exposure to accelerated aging tests, these composites have shown significant reduction in the toughness or increase in embrittlement. This was mainly attributed to the improved fiber-matrix adhesion and fiber mineralization after aging process. The objective of the present research was to evaluate composites produced by the slurry dewatering technique followed by pressing and air curing, reinforced with combinations of polypropylene fibers and sisal kraft pulp at different pulp freeness. The physical properties, mechanical performance, and microstructural characteristics of the composites were evaluated before and after accelerated and natural aging. Results showed the great contribution of pulp refinement on the improvement of the mechanical strength in the composites. Higher intensities of refinement resulted in higher modulus of rupture for the composites with hybrid reinforcement after accelerated and natural aging. The more compact microstructure was due to the improved packing of the mineral particles with refined sisal pulp. The toughness of the composites after aging was maintained in relation to the composites at 28 days of cure.
This paper analyzes the punching strength of concrete flat slabs with shear reinforcement that does not embrace flexural reinforcement. This paper also reports the results of tests of slabs without shear reinforcement. Finally, this paper shows some comparisons of tests of similar slabs without shear reinforcement and slabs with different types of shear reinforcement. The obtained results show that the use of shear reinforcement elements without embracement in the flexural reinforcement improves the punching strength of reinforced concrete flat slabs.
Banana flour obtained from unripe banana (Musa acuminata, var. Nanico) under specific drying conditions was evaluated regarding its chemical composition and nutritional value. Results are expressed in dry weight (dw). The unripe banana flour (UBF) presented a high amount of total dietary fiber (DF) (56.24 g/100 g), which consisted of resistant starch (RS) (48.99 g/100 g), fructans (0.05 g/100 g) and DF without RS or fructans (7.2 g/100 g). The contents of available starch (AS) (27.78 g/100 g) and soluble sugars (1.81 g/100 g) were low. The main phytosterols found were campesterol (4.1 mg/100 g), stigmasterol (2.5 mg/100 g) and beta-sitosterol (6.2 mg/100 g). The total polyphenol content was 50.65 mg GAE/100 g. Antioxidant activity, by the FRAP and ORAC methods, was moderated, being 358.67 and 261.00 mu mol of Trolox equivalent/100 g, respectively. The content of Zn, Ca and Fe and mineral dialyzability were low. The procedure used to obtain UBF resulted in the recovery of undamaged starch granules and in a low-energy product (597 kJ/100 g).
A survey study of twenty-two Australian CEOs and their subordinates assessed relationships between Australian leader motives, Australian value based leader behaviour, subordinate tall poppy attitudes and subordinate commitment, effectiveness, motivation and satisfaction (CEMS). On the whole, the results showed general support for value based leadership processes. Subsequent regression analyses of the second main component of Value Based Leadership Theory, value based leader behaviour, revealed that the collectivistic, inspirational, integrity and visionary behaviour sub-scales of the construct were positively related with subordinate CEMS. Although the hypothesis that subordinate tall poppy attitudes would moderate value based leadership processes was not clearly supported, subsequent regression analyses found that subordinate tall poppy attitudes were negatively related with perceptions of value based leader behaviour and CEMS. These findings suggest complex relationships between the three constructs, and the proposed model for the Australian context is accordingly amended. Overall, the research supports the need to consider cultural-specific attitudes in management development.
We give conditions on f involving pairs of lower and upper solutions which lead to the existence of at least three solutions of the two point boundary value problem y" + f(x, y, y') = 0, x epsilon [0, 1], y(0) = 0 = y(1). In the special case f(x, y, y') = f(y) greater than or equal to 0 we give growth conditions on f and apply our general result to show the existence of three positive solutions. We give an example showing this latter result is sharp. Our results extend those of Avery and of Lakshmikantham et al.
A modified formula for the integral transform of a nonlinear function is proposed for a class of nonlinear boundary value problems. The technique presented in this paper results in analytical solutions. Iterations and initial guess, which are needed in other techniques, are not required in this novel technique. The analytical solutions are found to agree surprisingly well with the numerically exact solutions for two examples of power law reaction and Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction in a catalyst pellet.
This study describes the pedagogical impact of real-world experimental projects undertaken as part of an advanced undergraduate Fluid Mechanics subject at an Australian university. The projects have been organised to complement traditional lectures and introduce students to the challenges of professional design, physical modelling, data collection and analysis. The physical model studies combine experimental, analytical and numerical work in order to develop students’ abilities to tackle real-world problems. A first study illustrates the differences between ideal and real fluid flow force predictions based upon model tests of buildings in a large size wind tunnel used for research and professional testing. A second study introduces the complexity arising from unsteady non-uniform wave loading on a sheltered pile. The teaching initiative is supported by feedback from undergraduate students. The pedagogy of the course and projects is discussed with reference to experiential, project-based and collaborative learning. The practical work complements traditional lectures and tutorials, and provides opportunities which cannot be learnt in the classroom, real or virtual. Student feedback demonstrates a strong interest for the project phases of the course. This was associated with greater motivation for the course, leading in turn to lower failure rates. In terms of learning outcomes, the primary aim is to enable students to deliver a professional report as the final product, where physical model data are compared to ideal-fluid flow calculations and real-fluid flow analyses. Thus the students are exposed to a professional design approach involving a high level of expertise in fluid mechanics, with sufficient academic guidance to achieve carefully defined learning goals, while retaining sufficient flexibility for students to construct there own learning goals. The overall pedagogy is a blend of problem-based and project-based learning, which reflects academic research and professional practice. The assessment is a mix of peer-assessed oral presentations and written reports that aims to maximise student reflection and development. Student feedback indicated a strong motivation for courses that include a well-designed project component.
Every day trillions of dollars circulate the globe in a digital data space and new forms of property and ownership emerge. Massive corporate entities with a global reach are formed and disappear with breathtaking speed, making and breaking personal fortunes the size of which defy imagination. Fictitious commodities abound. The genomes of entire nations have become corporately owned. Relationships have become the overt basis of economic wealth and political power. Hypercapitalism explores the problems of understanding this emergent form of global political economic organization by focusing on the internal relations between language, new media networks, and social perceptions of value. Taking an historical approach informed by Marx, Phil Graham draws upon writings in political economy, media studies, sociolinguistics, anthropology, and critical social science to understand the development, roots, and trajectory of the global system in which every possible aspect of human existence, including imagined futures, has become a commodity form.
Quality measurement and benchmarking in aged cave presents several challenges. A model which addresses this by linking four dimensions of outcomes has been developed - the Clinical Value Compass (CVC). A CVC was developed for stroke rehabilitation and measured across four sites. The CVC teas well accepted by the treatment teams and proved practical to measure. The results revealed differences in practices and client groups that led to a closer analysis of process and subsequent changes in these processes. Remeasuring of the CVC is required to demonstrate improved outcomes arising from these process changes.
The measurement of organic carbon in soils has traditionally used dichromate oxidation procedures including the Wakley and Black and the Heanes methods. The measurement of carbon in soils by high temperature combustion is now widely used providing a rapid automated procedure without the use of toxic chemicals. This procedure however measures total carbon thus requiring some means of correction for soil samples containing carbonate and charcoal forms of carbon. This paper examines the effects of known additions of charcoal to a range of soil types on the results obtained by the Walkley and Black, Heanes and combustion methods. The results show, that while the charcoal carbon does not react under Walkley and Black conditions, some proportion does so with the Heanes method. A comparison of six Australian Soil and Plant Analysis Council reference soil samples by the three methods showed good agreement between the Heanes method, the combustion method and only slightly lower recoveries by the Walkley and Black procedure. Carbonate carbon will cause an overestimation of soil organic carbon by the combustion method thus requiring a separate determination of carbonate carbon to be applied as a correction. This work shows that a suitable acid pre-treatment of alkaline soils in the sample boats followed by a drying step eliminates the carbonate carbon prior to combustion and the need for an additional measurement. The measurement of carbon in soils by high temperature combustion in an oxygen atmosphere has been shown to be a rapid and reliable method capable of producing results in good agreement with one of the established dichromate oxidation procedures.