991 resultados para Reich, Wilhelm


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Este artículo es traducción del original alemán «Zum Stellenwert Astarloas und des Plan de Lenguas», publicado en B. Hurch (ed.), Die baskischen Materialien aus dem Nachlaß Wilhelm von Humboldts. Astarloa, Charpentier, Fréret, Aizpitarte und anderes. Paderborn: Schöningh, pp. 21-42. La traducción al español es obra de Oroitz Jauregi y ha sido revisada por Ricardo Gómez y Bernhard Hurch.


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Berta Raposo Fernández e Ingrid García Wistädt (editoras)


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A cartografia como método acadêmico pessoal, radical e instantâneo. Uma carta nova a um velho amigo morto há alguns dias. Terroristas, clandestinos e hedonistas preenchendo de vida a ciência. A vida, suas questões e seus renovados problemas. A urgência de escrever novos manifestos de uma forma diferente. A geografia afetiva e os limites sensitivos de uma cidade. As grandes redes do poder e o ocaso da inteligência tipicamente brasileira. A hipótese Wilhelm Reich. Articulações entre Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Erechim e Ibiraquera. Roberto Freire e sua somaterapia. O Coletivo Anarquista Brancaleone e a pedagogia libertária. Polêmicas: o legado da Modernidade. Os reinados humanos, natural e técnico. O homem como um bicho. O corpo como nossa casa que não nos pertence. O pensamento como dádiva da biologia. Um manifesto solícito e a urgência da intifada protomutante. Apresentando uma proposta diferente para a confecção de uma tese, Cartogramas de um Terapeuta Anárquico destila reflexão através de pequenas janelas comunicantes. Deve ser experimentada de forma não-linear, sob todos os pretextos possíveis.


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Winfried Romberg führt mit dem Band Die Würzburger Bischöfe von 1617 bis 1684 die Bischofsreihe fort, die Alfred Wendehorst begonnen hat (Germania Sacra Neue Folge 1/4/13). Damit erscheint ein Band, der in besonderer Weise für den Schwerpunkt der Dritten Folge der Germania Sacra steht: Die Darstellung von Diözesen und Domkapiteln der Kirche des Alten Reiches. Er beleuchtet die Lebensläufe und Amtstätigkeiten neuzeitlicher Würzburger Bischöfe des 17. Jahrhunderts und umfasst die Pontifikate von Johann Gottfried I. von Aschhausen (1617–1622) bis zum Pontifikat von Konrad Wilhelm von Wernau (1683–1684). Die Bischöfe dieser Zeit waren von überregionaler Bedeutung und Wirksamkeit, wie sich beispielhaft in der Person des Bischofs Johann Philipp I. von Schönborn (1642–1673) zeigt, der zugleich Erzbischof von Mainz war. Johann Gottfried I. von Aschhausen, Franz von Hatzfeld und Peter Philipp von Dernbach waren Bischöfe von Würzburg und Bamberg in Personalunion, womit sich der Band auch an die Darstellung der Bamberger Bischofsreihe von 1522 bis 1693 von Dieter J. Weiß (Germania Sacra Neue Folge 38) anschließt. Die Viten, die das Wirken des einzelnen Bischofs in seinem Amt in den Vordergrund stellen, bewegen sich im geschichtsträchtigen Umfeld von Rekatholisierung, Dreißigjährigem Krieg und Frühabsolutismus.


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In 1938, in Düsseldorf, the Nazis put on an exhibit entitled "Entartete Musik” (degenerate music), which included composers on the basis of their “racial origins” (i.e. Jews), or because of the “modernist style” of their music. Performance, publication, broadcast, or sale of music by composers deemed “degenerate” was forbidden by law throughout the Third Reich. Among these composers were some of the most prominent composers of the first half of the twentieth-century. They included Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Webern, Berg, Mahler, Ernst Krenek, George Gershwin, Kurt Weill, Erwin Schulhoff, and others. The music of nineteenth-century composers of Jewish origin, such as Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer, was also officially proscribed. In each of the three recitals for this project, significant works were performed by composers who were included in this exhibition, namely, Mendelssohn, Webern, Berg, Weill, and Hans Gal. In addition, as an example of self-censorship, a work of Karl Amadeus Hartmann was included. Hartmann chose “internal exile” by refusing to allow performance of his works in Germany during the Nazi regime. One notable exception to the above categories was a work by Beethoven that was presented as a bellwether of the relationship between music and politics. The range of styles and genres in these three recitals indicates the degree to which Nazi musical censorship cut a wide swath across Europe’s musical life with devastating consequences for its music and culture.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58695


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59372


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Ce texte constitue la version élargie du document soumis à la revue Argus.