967 resultados para Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation REDD
Despite covering only approximately 138,000 km2, mangroves are globally important carbon sinks with carbon density values 3 to 4 times that of terrestrial forests. A key challenge in evaluating the carbon benefits from mangrove forest conservation is the lack of rigorous spatially resolved estimates of mangrove sediment carbon stocks; most mangrove carbon is stored belowground. Previous work has focused on detailed estimations of carbon stores over relatively small areas, which has obvious limitations in terms of generality and scope of application. Most studies have focused only on quantifying the top 1m of belowground carbon (BGC). Carbon stored at depths beyond 1m, and the effects of mangrove species, location and environmental context on these stores, is poorly studied. This study investigated these variables at two sites (Gazi and Vanga in the south of Kenya) and used the data to produce a country-specific BGC predictive model for Kenya and map BGC store estimates throughout Kenya at spatial scales relevant for climate change research, forest management and REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). The results revealed that mangrove species was the most reliable predictor of BGC; Rhizophora muronata had the highest mean BGC with 1485.5t C ha-1. Applying the species-based predictive model to a base map of species distribution in Kenya for the year 2010 with a 2.5m2 resolution, produced an estimate of 69.41 Mt C ( 9.15 95% C.I.) for BGC in Kenyan mangroves. When applied to a 1992 mangrove distribution map, the BGC estimate was 75.65 Mt C ( 12.21 95% C.I.); an 8.3% loss in BGC stores between 1992 and 2010 in Kenya. The country level mangrove map provides a valuable tool for assessing carbon stocks and visualising the distribution of BGC. Estimates at the 2.5m2 resolution provide sufficient detail for highlighting and prioritising areas for mangrove conservation and restoration.
Dar ateno para as reas com florestas, que representam 82% da Amaznia, ou para os 18% j desmatados constitui o atual dilema poltico. A nfase na biodiversidade como sendo a grande opo futura para a Amaznia carrega equvocos na busca futurstica de produtos, esquecendo a biodiversidade do passado e do presente, na qual esto as grandes oportunidades. Os atuais recursos financeiros do Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) seriam adequados na gerao de tecnologias apropriadas do que a criao de um assistencialismo ambiental. A reduo dos desmatamentos e queimadas precisa estar acompanhada da incorporao de reas desmatadas, sob risco de prejudicar as atividades produtivas da Amaznia
Motor vehicle emission factors are generally derived from driving tests mimicking steady state conditions or transient drive cycles. However, neither of these test conditions completely represents real world driving conditions. In particular, they fail to determine emissions generated during the accelerating phase a condition in which urban buses spend much of their time. In this study we analyse and compare the results of time-dependant emission measurements conducted on diesel and compressed natural gas (CNG) buses during an urban driving cycle on a chassis dynamometer and we derive power-law expressions relating carbon dioxide (CO2) emission factors to the instantaneous speed while accelerating from rest. Emissions during acceleration are compared with that during steady speed operation. These results have important implications for emission modelling particularly under congested traffic conditions.
The overarching objective of the research was to identify the existence and nature of international legal principles governing sustainable forest use and management. This research intended to uncover a set of forest legal considerations that are relevant for consideration across the globe. The purpose behind this, is to create a theoretical base of international forest law literature which be drawn upon to inform future international forestry research. This research will be of relevance to those undertaking examination of a particular forest issue or those focusing on forests in a particular region. The thesis explains the underlying legal issues in forest regulation, the dominant international regulatory approaches and makes suggestions as to how international and national forest policy could be improved.
Kenya aims to prepare for both public and private Reduced Emission from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) investment flows. This chapter examines how current Kenyan law can be used as a starting point for building a regulatory regime to support public sector finance. For present purposes, public sector finance is defined as money flowing from multilateral international institutions and bi-lateral donor funds. Key issues addressed by this chapter The nature and form of public sector finance for REDD+ in Kenya. The management and laws relating to public funds in Kenya; Mechanisms that can be utilised to manage risk associated with REDD+ investments with a focus on Kenyan anti-corruption laws and policies; The regulatory regime for distributing the benefits from REDD+ investment to relevant forest stakeholders.
Volatilization of ammonia (NH3) from animal manure is a major pathway for nitrogen (N) losses that cause eutrophication, acidification, and other environmental hazards. In this study, the effect of alternative techniques of manure treatment (aeration, separation, addition of peat) and application (broadcast spreading, band spreading, injection, incorporation by harrowing) on ammonia emissions in the field and on nitrogen uptake by ley or cereals was studied. The effect of a mixture of slurry and peat on soil properties was also investigated. The aim of this study was to find ways to improve the utilization of manure nitrogen and reduce its release to the environment. Injection into the soil or incorporation by harrowing clearly reduced ammonia volatilization from slurry more than did the surface application onto a smaller area by band spreading or reduction of the dry matter of slurry by aeration or separation. Surface application showed low ammonia volatilization, when pig slurry was applied to tilled bare clay soil or to spring wheat stands in early growth stages. Apparently, the properties of both slurry and soil enabled the rapid infiltration and absorption of slurry and its ammoniacal nitrogen by the soil. On ley, however, surface-applied cattle slurry lost about half of its ammoniacal nitrogen. The volatilization of ammonia from surface-applied peat manure was slow, but proceeded over a long period of time. After rain or irrigation, the peat manure layer on the soil surface retarded evaporation. Incorporation was less important for the fertilizer effect of peat manure than for pig slurry, but both manures were more effective when incorporated. Peat manure applications increase soil organic matter content and aggregate stability. Stubble mulch tillage hastens the effect in surface soil compared with ploughing. The apparent recovery of ammoniacal manure nitrogen in crop yield was higher with injection and incorporation than with surface applications. This was the case for leys as well as for spring cereals, even though ammonia losses from manures applied to cereals were relatively low with surface applications as well. The ammoniacal nitrogen of surface-applied slurry was obviously adsorbed by the very surface soil and remained mostly unavailable to plant roots in the dry soil. Supplementing manures with inorganic fertilizer nitrogen, which adds plant-available nitrogen to the soil at the start of growth, increased the overall recovery of applied nitrogen in crop yields.
In this paper, a broad combined orange-red emission from Eu2+- and Eu3+-doped low-silica calcium aluminosilicate (LSCAS) glass is reported. Spectroscopic results demonstrate that it is possible to tune the emission wavelength by changing the excitation wavelength in the UV-Vis region. The color coordinates for the emission spectra were calculated, and using the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage 1931 and 1976 chromatic diagrams, it is possible to note that they are dependent on the excitation wavelength. In addition, the (u', v') color coordinates for the investigated LSCAS samples are close to the Planckian spectrum in the cold region between 2000 and 2600K. Our results show that the Eu:LSCAS system can be used in a white light phosphor when mixed in aggregate with phosphors using green-yellow luminescent ions. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America
La prdida de bosques en la Tierra, principalmente en ecosistemas amaznicos, es un factor clave en el proceso del cambio climtico. Para revertir esta situacin, los mecanismos REDD (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation) estn permitiendo la implementacin de actividades de proteccin del clima a travs de la reduccin de emisiones por deforestacin evitada, segn los esquemas previstos en el Protocolo de Kioto. El factor tcnico ms crtico en un proyecto REDD es la determinacin de la lnea de referencia de emisiones, que define la expectativa futura sobre las emisiones de CO2 de origen forestal en ausencia de esfuerzos adicionales obtenidos como consecuencia de la implementacin del programa REDD para frenar este tipo de emisiones. La zona del estudio se ubica en la regin de San Martn (Per), provincia cubierta fundamentalmente por bosques tropicales cuyas tasas de deforestacin son de las ms altas de la cuenca amaznica. En las ltimas dcadas del siglo XX, la regin empez un acelerado proceso de deforestacin consecuencia de la integracin vial con el resto del pas y la rpida inmigracin desde zonas rurales en busca de nuevas tierras agrcolas. Desde el punto de vista de la investigacin llevada a cabo en la tesis doctoral, se pueden destacar dos lneas: 1. El estudio multitemporal mediante imgenes de satlite Landsat 5/TM con el propsito de calcular las prdidas de bosque entre perodos. El estudio multitemporal se llev a cabo en el perodo 1998-2011 utilizando imgenes Landsat 5/TM, aplicando la metodologa de Anlisis de Mezclas Espectrales (Spectral Mixtures Analysis), que permite descomponer la reflectancia de cada pxel de la imagen en diferentes fracciones de mezcla espectral. En este proceso, las etapas ms crticas son el establecimiento de los espectros puros o endemembers y la recopilacin de libreras espectrales adecuadas, en este caso de bosques tropicales, que permitan reducir la incertidumbre de los procesos. Como resultado de la investigacin se ha conseguido elaborar la lnea de referencia de emisiones histrica, para el perodo de estudio, teniendo en cuenta tanto los procesos de deforestacin como de degradacin forestal. 2. Relacionar los resultados de prdida de bosque con factores de causalidad directos e indirectos. La determinacin de los procesos de cambio de cobertura forestal utilizando tcnicas geoespaciales permite relacionar, de manera significativa, informacin de los indicadores causales de dichos procesos. De igual manera, se pueden estimar escenarios futuros de deforestacin y degradacin de acuerdo al anlisis de la evolucin de dichos vectores, teniendo en cuenta otros factores indirectos o subyacentes, como pueden ser los econmicos, sociales, demogrficos y medioambientales. La identificacin de los agentes subyacentes o indirectos es una tarea ms compleja que la de los factores endgenos o directos. Por un lado, las relaciones causa efecto son mucho ms difusas; y, por otro, los efectos pueden estar determinados por fenmenos ms amplios, consecuencia de superposicin o acumulacin de diferentes causas. A partir de los resultados de prdida de bosque obtenidos mediante la utilizacin de imgenes Landsat 5/TM, se investigaron los criterios de condicionamiento directos e indirectos que podran haber influido en la deforestacin y degradacin forestal en ese perodo. Para ello, se estudiaron las series temporales, para las mismas fechas, de 9 factores directos (infraestructuras, hidrografa, temperatura, etc.) y 196 factores indirectos (econmicos, sociales, demogrficos y ambientales, etc.) con, en principio, un alto potencial de causalidad. Finalmente se ha analizado la predisposicin de cada factor con la ocurrencia de deforestacin y degradacin forestal por correlacin estadstica de las series temporales obtenidas. ABSTRACT Forests loss on Earth, mainly in Amazonian ecosystems, is a key factor in the process of climate change. To reverse this situation, the REDD (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation) are allowing the implementation of climate protection activities through reducing emissions from avoided deforestation, according to the schemes under the Kyoto Protocol. Also, the baseline emissions in a REDD project defines a future expectation on CO2 emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in the absence of additional efforts as a result of REDD in order to stop these emissions. The study area is located in the region of San Martn (Peru), province mainly covered by tropical forests whose deforestation rates are the highest in the Amazon basin. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the region began an accelerated process of deforestation due to road integration with the rest of the country and the rapid migration from rural areas for searching of new farmland. From the point of view of research in the thesis, we can highlight two lines: 1. The multitemporal study using Landsat 5/TM satellite images in order to calculate the forest loss between periods. The multitemporal study was developed in the period 1998-2011 using Landsat 5/TM, applying the methodology of Spectral Mixture Analysis, which allows decomposing the reflectance of each pixel of the image in different fractions of mixture spectral. In this process, the most critical step is the establishment of pure spectra or endemembers spectra, and the collecting of appropriate spectral libraries, in this case of tropical forests, to reduce the uncertainty of the process. As a result of research has succeeded in developing the baseline emissions for the period of study, taking into account both deforestation and forest degradation. 2. Relate the results of forest loss with direct and indirect causation factors. Determining the processes of change in forest cover using geospatial technologies allows relating, significantly, information of the causal indicators in these processes. Similarly, future deforestation and forest degradation scenarios can be estimated according to the analysis of the evolution of these drivers, taking into account other indirect or underlying factors, such as economic, social, demographic and environmental. Identifying the underlying or indirect agents is more complex than endogenous or direct factors. On the one hand, cause - effect relationships are much more diffuse; and, second, the effects may be determined by broader phenomena, due to superposition or accumulation of different causes. From the results of forest loss obtained using Landsat 5/TM, the criteria of direct and indirect conditioning that might have contributed to deforestation and forest degradation in that period were investigated. For this purpose, temporal series, for the same dates, 9 direct factors (infrastructure, hydrography, temperature, etc.) and 196 underlying factors (economic, social, demographic and environmental) with, in principle, a high potential of causality. Finally it was analyzed the predisposition of each factor to the occurrence of deforestation and forest degradation by statistical correlation of the obtained temporal series.
Although mitigating GHG emissions is necessary to reduce the overall negative climate change impacts on crop yields and agricultural production, certain mitigation measures may generate unintended consequences to food availability and access due to land use competition and economic burden of mitigation. Prior studies have examined the co-impacts on food availability and global producer prices caused by alternative climate policies. More recent studies have looked at the reduction in total caloric intake driven by both changing income and changing food prices under one specific climate policy. However, due to inelastic calorie demand, consumers well-being are likely further reduced by increased food expenditures. Built upon existing literature, my dissertation explores how alternative climate policy designs might adversely affect both caloric intake and staple food budget share to 2050, by using the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) and a post-estimated metric of food availability and access (FAA). My dissertation first develop a set of new metrics and methods to explore new perspectives of food availability and access under new conditions. The FAA metric consists of two components, the fraction of GDP per capita spent on five categories of staple food and total caloric intake relative to a reference level. By testing the metric against alternate expectations of the future, it shows consistent results with previous studies that economic growth dominates the improvement of FAA. As we increase our ambition to achieve stringent climate targets, two policy conditions tend to have large impacts on FAA driven by competing land use and increasing food prices. Strict conservation policies leave the competition between bioenergy and agriculture production on existing commercial land, while pricing terrestrial carbon encourages large-scale afforestation. To avoid unintended outcomes to food availability and access for the poor, pricing land emissions in frontier forests has the advantage of selecting more productive land for agricultural activities compared to the full conservation approach, but the land carbon price should not be linked to the price of energy system emissions. These results are highly relevant to effective policy-making to reduce land use change emissions, such as the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).
Current climate mitigation policies have not fully resolved contentious issues regarding the inclusion of carbon sequestration through changes in forestry and agricultural management practices. Terrestrial carbon sinks could be a low-cost mitigation option that fosters conservation and development, yet issues related to accurately documenting the amount of carbon sequestered undermine confidence that emission offsets through sequestration are equivalent to emission reductions. From an atmospheric perspective, net of CO2 removals through sequestration are equivalent to emission reductions over a given period of time. But carbon will not remain sequestered in biomass or soils indefinitely and investments in sequestration could stifle investments in reducing emissions from other sources. Many international climate agreements cap emissions from some countries or sectors but enable participation of uncapped countries or sectors for forestry and agricultural sequestration. This structure can prompt emission increases in parts of the uncapped entities that weaken the value of emission reductions earned through sequestration. This has been a minor issue under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. Reduced emissions through deforestation and degradation is susceptible to the same problems. The purpose of this article is to review the science, politics, and policy that form the basis of arguments for and against the inclusion forestry and agricultural sequestration as a component of current and future international climate mitigation policies.
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) typically reward landowners for managing their land to provide ecosystem services that would not otherwise be provided. REDDReduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradationis a form of PES aimed at decreasing carbon emissions from forest conversion and extraction in lower-income countries. A key challenge for REDD occurs when it is implemented at the community rather than the individual landowner level. Whilst achieving this community-level reduction relies on individuals changing their interaction with the forest, incentives are not aligned explicitly at the individual level. Rather, payments are made to the community as a single entity in exchange for verified reduced forest loss, as per a PES scheme. In this paper, we explore how community level REDD has been implemented in one multiple-village pilot in Tanzania. Our findings suggest that considerable attention has been paid to monitoring, reporting, verification, and equity. Though no explicit mechanism ensures individual compliance with the group PES, the development of village level institutions, social fencing, and a shared future through equal REDD payments factor into community decisions that influence the level of community compliance that the program will eventually achieve. However, few villages allocate funds for explicit enforcement efforts to protect the forest from illegal activities undertaken by outsiders.
The international mechanism for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) supposedly offers new opportunities for combining climate mitigation, conservation of the environment, and socio-economic development for development countries. In Laos REDD is abundantly promoted by the government and development agencies as a potential option for rural development. Yet, basic information for carbon management is missing: to date no knowledge is available at the national level on the quantities of carbon stored in the Lao landscapes. In this study we present an approach for spatial assessment of vegetation-based carbon stocks. We used Google Earth, Landsat and MODIS satellite imagery and refined the official national land cover data to assess carbon stocks. Our study showed that more than half (52%) of carbon stock of Laos is stored in natural forests, but that 70% of this stock is located outside of national protected areas. On the basis of two carbon-centered land use scenarios we calculated that between 30 and 40 million tons of carbon could be accumulated in shifting cultivation areas; this is less than 3% of the existing total stock. Our study suggests that the main focus of REDD in Laos should be on the conservation of existing carbon stocks, giving highest priority to the prevention of deforestation outside of national protected areas.
Disponer de informacin precisa y actualizada de inventario forestal es una pieza clave para mejorar la gestin forestal sostenible y para proponer y evaluar polticas de conservacin de bosques que permitan la reduccin de emisiones de carbono debidas a la deforestacin y degradacin forestal (REDD). En este sentido, la tecnologa LiDAR ha demostrado ser una herramienta perfecta para caracterizar y estimar de forma continua y en reas extensas la estructura del bosque y las principales variables de inventario forestal. Variables como la biomasa, el nmero de pies, el volumen de madera, la altura dominante, el dimetro o la altura media son estimadas con una calidad comparable a los inventarios tradicionales de campo. La presente tesis se centra en analizar la aplicacin de los denominados mtodos de masa de inventario forestal con datos LIDAR bajo diferentes condiciones y caractersticas de masa forestal (bosque templados puros y mixtos) y utilizando diferentes bases de datos LiDAR (informacin proveniente de vuelo nacionales e informacin capturada de forma especfica). Como consecuencia de lo anterior, se profundiza en la generacin de inventarios forestales continuos con LiDAR en grandes reas. Los mtodos de masa se basan en la bsqueda de relaciones estadsticas entre variables predictoras derivadas de la nube de puntos LiDAR y las variables de inventario forestal medidas en campo con el objeto de generar una cartografa continua de inventario forestal. El rpido desarrollo de esta tecnologa en los ltimos aos ha llevado a muchos pases a implantar programas nacionales de captura de informacin LiDAR aerotransportada. Estos vuelos nacionales no estn pensados ni diseados para fines forestales por lo que es necesaria la evaluacin de la validez de esta informacin LiDAR para la descripcin de la estructura del bosque y la medicin de variables forestales. Esta informacin podra suponer una drstica reduccin de costes en la generacin de informacin continua de alta resolucin de inventario forestal. En el captulo 2 se evala la estimacin de variables forestales a partir de la informacin LiDAR capturada en el marco del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografa Area (PNOA-LiDAR) en Espaa. Para ello se compara un vuelo especfico diseado para inventario forestal con la informacin de la misma zona capturada dentro del PNOA-LiDAR. El caso de estudio muestra cmo el ngulo de escaneo, la pendiente y orientacin del terreno afectan de forma estadsticamente significativa, aunque con pequeas diferencias, a la estimacin de biomasa y variables de estructura forestal derivadas del LiDAR. La cobertura de copas result ms afectada por estos factores que los percentiles de alturas. Considerando toda la zona de estudio, la estimacin de la biomasa con ambas bases de datos no present diferencias estadsticamente significativas. Las simulaciones realizadas muestran que las diferencias medias en la estimacin de biomasa entre un vuelo especfico y el vuelo nacional podrn superar el 4% en reas abruptas, con ngulos de escaneo altos y cuando la pendiente de la ladera no est orientada hacia la lnea de escaneo. En el captulo 3 se desarrolla un estudio en masas mixtas y puras de pino silvestre y haya, con un enfoque multi-fuente empleando toda la informacin disponible (vuelos LiDAR nacionales de baja densidad de puntos, imgenes satelitales Landsat y parcelas permanentes del inventario forestal nacional espaol). Se concluye que este enfoque multi-fuente es adecuado para realizar inventarios forestales continuos de alta resolucin en grandes superficies. Los errores obtenidos en la fase de ajuste y de validacin de los modelos de rea basimtrica y volumen son similares a los registrados por otros autores (usando un vuelo especfico y parcelas de campo especficas). Se observan errores mayores en la variable nmero de pies que los encontrados en la literatura, que pueden ser explicados por la influencia de la metodologa de parcelas de radio variable en esta variable. En los captulos 4 y 5 se evalan los mtodos de masa para estimar biomasa y densidad de carbono en bosques tropicales. Para ello se trabaja con datos del Parque Nacional Volcn Pos (Costa Rica) en dos situaciones diferentes: i) se dispone de una cobertura completa LiDAR del rea de estudio (capitulo 4) y ii) la cobertura LiDAR completa no es tcnica o econmicamente posible y se combina una cobertura incompleta de LiDAR con imgenes Landsat e informacin auxiliar para la estimacin de biomasa y carbono (capitulo 5). En el captulo 4 se valida un modelo LiDAR general de estimacin de biomasa area en bosques tropicales y se compara con los resultados obtenidos con un modelo ajustado de forma especfica para el rea de estudio. Ambos modelos estn basados en la variable altura media de copas (TCH por sus siglas en ingls) derivada del modelo digital LiDAR de altura de la vegetacin. Los resultados en el rea de estudio muestran que el modelo general es una alternativa fiable al ajuste de modelos especficos y que la biomasa area puede ser estimada en una nueva zona midiendo en campo nicamente la variable rea basimtrica (BA). Para mejorar la aplicacin de esta metodologa es necesario definir en futuros trabajos procedimientos adecuados de medicin de la variable rea basimtrica en campo (localizacin, tamao y forma de las parcelas de campo). La relacin entre la altura media de copas del LiDAR y el rea basimtrica (Coeficiente de Stock) obtenida en el rea de estudio vara localmente. Por tanto es necesario contar con ms informacin de campo para caracterizar la variabilidad del Coeficiente de Stock entre zonas de vida y si estrategias como la estratificacin pueden reducir los errores en la estimacin de biomasa y carbono en bosques tropicales. En el captulo 5 se concluye que la combinacin de una muestra sistemtica de informacin LiDAR con una cobertura completa de imagen satelital de moderada resolucin (e informacin auxiliar) es una alternativa efectiva para la realizacin de inventarios continuos en bosques tropicales. Esta metodologa permite estimar altura de la vegetacin, biomasa y carbono en grandes zonas donde la captura de una cobertura completa de LiDAR y la realizacin de un gran volumen de trabajo de campo es econmica o/y tcnicamente inviable. Las alternativas examinadas para la prediccin de biomasa a partir de imgenes Landsat muestran una ligera disminucin del coeficiente de determinacin y un pequeo aumento del RMSE cuando la cobertura de LiDAR es reducida de forma considerable. Los resultados indican que la altura de la vegetacin, la biomasa y la densidad de carbono pueden ser estimadas en bosques tropicales de forma adecuada usando coberturas de LIDAR bajas (entre el 5% y el 20% del rea de estudio). ABSTRACT The availability of accurate and updated forest data is essential for improving sustainable forest management, promoting forest conservation policies and reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). In this sense, LiDAR technology proves to be a clear-cut tool for characterizing forest structure in large areas and assessing main forest-stand variables. Forest variables such as biomass, stem volume, basal area, mean diameter, mean height, dominant height, and stem number can be thus predicted with better or comparable quality than with costly traditional field inventories. In this thesis, it is analysed the potential of LiDAR technology for the estimation of plot-level forest variables under a range of conditions (conifer & broadleaf temperate forests and tropical forests) and different LiDAR capture characteristics (nationwide LiDAR information vs. specific forest LiDAR data). This study evaluates the application of LiDAR-based plot-level methods in large areas. These methods are based on statistical relationships between predictor variables (derived from airborne data) and field-measured variables to generate wall to wall forest inventories. The fast development of this technology in recent years has led to an increasing availability of national LiDAR datasets, usually developed for multiple purposes throughout an expanding number of countries and regions. The evaluation of the validity of nationwide LiDAR databases (not designed specifically for forest purposes) is needed and presents a great opportunity for substantially reducing the costs of forest inventories. In chapter 2, the suitability of Spanish nationwide LiDAR flight (PNOA) to estimate forest variables is analyzed and compared to a specifically forest designed LiDAR flight. This study case shows that scan angle, terrain slope and aspect significantly affect the assessment of most of the LiDAR-derived forest variables and biomass estimation. Especially, the estimation of canopy cover is more affected than height percentiles. Considering the entire study area, biomass estimations from both databases do not show significant differences. Simulations show that differences in biomass could be larger (more than 4%) only in particular situations, such as steep areas when the slopes are non-oriented towards the scan lines and the scan angles are larger than 15. In chapter 3, a multi-source approach is developed, integrating available databases such as nationwide LiDAR flights, Landsat imagery and permanent field plots from SNFI, with good resultos in the generation of wall to wall forest inventories. Volume and basal area errors are similar to those obtained by other authors (using specific LiDAR flights and field plots) for the same species. Errors in the estimation of stem number are larger than literature values as a consequence of the great influence that variable-radius plots, as used in SNFI, have on this variable. In chapters 4 and 5 wall to wall plot-level methodologies to estimate aboveground biomass and carbon density in tropical forest are evaluated. The study area is located in the Poas Volcano National Park (Costa Rica) and two different situations are analyzed: i) available complete LiDAR coverage (chapter 4) and ii) a complete LiDAR coverage is not available and wall to wall estimation is carried out combining LiDAR, Landsat and ancillary data (chapter 5). In chapter 4, a general aboveground biomass plot-level LiDAR model for tropical forest (Asner & Mascaro, 2014) is validated and a specific model for the study area is fitted. Both LiDAR plot-level models are based on the top-of-canopy height (TCH) variable that is derived from the LiDAR digital canopy model. Results show that the pantropical plot-level LiDAR methodology is a reliable alternative to the development of specific models for tropical forests and thus, aboveground biomass in a new study area could be estimated by only measuring basal area (BA). Applying this methodology, the definition of precise BA field measurement procedures (e.g. location, size and shape of the field plots) is decisive to achieve reliable results in future studies. The relation between BA and TCH (Stocking Coefficient) obtained in our study area in Costa Rica varied locally. Therefore, more field work is needed for assessing Stocking Coefficient variations between different life zones and the influence of the stratification of the study areas in tropical forests on the reduction of uncertainty. In chapter 5, the combination of systematic LiDAR information sampling and full coverage Landsat imagery (and ancillary data) prove to be an effective alternative for forest inventories in tropical areas. This methodology allows estimating wall to wall vegetation height, biomass and carbon density in large areas where full LiDAR coverage and traditional field work are technically and/or economically unfeasible. Carbon density prediction using Landsat imaginery shows a slight decrease in the determination coefficient and an increase in RMSE when harshly decreasing LiDAR coverage area. Results indicate that feasible estimates of vegetation height, biomass and carbon density can be accomplished using low LiDAR coverage areas (between 5% and 20% of the total area) in tropical locations.
This paper assesses the complex interplay between global Renewable Energy Directives (RED) and the United Nations programme to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD). We examine the interaction of the two policies using a scenario approach with a recursive-dynamic global Computable General Equilibrium model. The consequences of a global biofuel directive on worldwide land use, agricultural production, international trade flows, food prices and food security out to 2030 are evaluated with and without a strict global REDD policy. We address a key methodological challenge of how to model the supply of land in the face of restrictions over its availability, as arises under the REDD policy. The paper introduces a flexible land supply function, which allows for large changes in the total potential land availability for agriculture. Our results show that whilst both RED and REDD are designed to reduce emissions, they have opposing impacts on land use. RED policies are found to extend land use whereas the REDD policy leads to an overall reduction in land use and intensification of agriculture. Strict REDD policies to protect forest and woodland lead to higher land prices in all regions. World food prices are slightly higher overall with some significant regional increases, notably in Southern Africa and Indonesia, leading to reductions in food security in these countries. This said, real food prices in 2030 are still lower than the 2010 level, even with the RED and REDD policies in place. Overall this suggests that RED and REDD are feasible from a worldwide perspective, although the results show that there are some regional problems that need to be resolved. The results show that countries directly affected by forest and woodland protection would be the most economically vulnerable when the REDD policy is implemented. The introduction of REDD policies reduces global trade in agricultural products and moves some developing countries to a net importing position for agricultural products. This suggests that the protection of forests and woodlands in these regions reverses their comparative advantage as they move from being land-abundant to land-scarce regions. The full REDD policy setting, however, foresees providing compensation to these countries to cover their economic losses.