990 resultados para Redes em chip sem fio


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Electronic applications are currently developed under the reuse-based paradigm. This design methodology presents several advantages for the reduction of the design complexity, but brings new challenges for the test of the final circuit. The access to embedded cores, the integration of several test methods, and the optimization of the several cost factors are just a few of the several problems that need to be tackled during test planning. Within this context, this thesis proposes two test planning approaches that aim at reducing the test costs of a core-based system by means of hardware reuse and integration of the test planning into the design flow. The first approach considers systems whose cores are connected directly or through a functional bus. The test planning method consists of a comprehensive model that includes the definition of a multi-mode access mechanism inside the chip and a search algorithm for the exploration of the design space. The access mechanism model considers the reuse of functional connections as well as partial test buses, cores transparency, and other bypass modes. The test schedule is defined in conjunction with the access mechanism so that good trade-offs among the costs of pins, area, and test time can be sought. Furthermore, system power constraints are also considered. This expansion of concerns makes it possible an efficient, yet fine-grained search, in the huge design space of a reuse-based environment. Experimental results clearly show the variety of trade-offs that can be explored using the proposed model, and its effectiveness on optimizing the system test plan. Networks-on-chip are likely to become the main communication platform of systemson- chip. Thus, the second approach presented in this work proposes the reuse of the on-chip network for the test of the cores embedded into the systems that use this communication platform. A power-aware test scheduling algorithm aiming at exploiting the network characteristics to minimize the system test time is presented. The reuse strategy is evaluated considering a number of system configurations, such as different positions of the cores in the network, power consumption constraints and number of interfaces with the tester. Experimental results show that the parallelization capability of the network can be exploited to reduce the system test time, whereas area and pin overhead are strongly minimized. In this manuscript, the main problems of the test of core-based systems are firstly identified and the current solutions are discussed. The problems being tackled by this thesis are then listed and the test planning approaches are detailed. Both test planning techniques are validated for the recently released ITC’02 SoC Test Benchmarks, and further compared to other test planning methods of the literature. This comparison confirms the efficiency of the proposed methods.


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The greater part of monitoring onshore Oil and Gas environment currently are based on wireless solutions. However, these solutions have a technological configuration that are out-of-date, mainly because analog radios and inefficient communication topologies are used. On the other hand, solutions based in digital radios can provide more efficient solutions related to energy consumption, security and fault tolerance. Thus, this paper evaluated if the Wireless Sensor Network, communication technology based on digital radios, are adequate to monitoring Oil and Gas onshore wells. Percent of packets transmitted with successful, energy consumption, communication delay and routing techniques applied to a mesh topology will be used as metrics to validate the proposal in the different routing techniques through network simulation tool NS-2


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This dissertation aims to develop a software applied to a communication system for a wireless sensor network (WSN) for tracking analog and digital variables and control valve of the gas flow in artificial oil s elevation units, Plunger Lift type. The reason for this implementation is due to the fact that, in the studied plant configuration, the sensors communicate with the PLC (Programmable and Logic Controller) by the cables and pipelines, making any changes in that system, such as changing the layout of it, as well as inconveniences that arise from the nature of the site, such as the vicinity s animals presence that tend to destroy the cables for interconnection of sensors to the PLC. For software development, was used communication polling method via SMAC protocol (Simple Medium Access ControlIEEE 802.15.4 standard) in the CodeWarrior environment to which generated a firmware, loaded into the WSN s transceivers, present in the kit MC13193-EVK, (all items described above are owners of Freescale Semiconductors Inc.). The network monitoring and parameterization used in its application, was developed in LabVIEW software from National Instruments. The results were obtained through the observation of the network s behavior of sensors proposal, focusing on aspects such as: indoor and outdoor quantity of packages received and lost, general aspects of reliability in data transmission, coexistence with other types of wireless networks and power consumption under different operating conditions. The results were considered satisfactory, which showed the software efficiency in this communication system


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Even living in the XXI century are still some difficulties in access to broadband Internet in several Brazilian cities, due to the purchasing power of people and lack of government investment. But even with these difficulties, we seek to encourage the use of wireless technology, which is based on the IEEE 802.11b protocol - also known as Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Wireless Fidelity Communications, having wide range of commercial applications in the world market, nationally and internationally. In Brazil, this technology is in full operation in major cities and has proved attractive in relation to the access point to multipoint and point-to-point. This paper is a comparative analysis of prediction field, using models based on the prediction of propagation loss. To validate the techniques used here, the Okumura-Hata models, modified Okumura-Hata, Walfisch-Ikegami model, were applied to a wireless computer network, located in the neighborhood of Cajupiranga in the city of Melbourn, in Rio Grande do Norte . They are used for networking wireless 802.11b, using the Mobile Radio to measure signal levels, beyond the heights of the antennas and distances from the transmitter. The performance data versus distance are added to the graphs generated and compared with results obtained through calculations of propagation models


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Wireless sensor networks are reality nowadays. The growing necessity of connectivity between existing industrial plant equipments pushes the research and development of several technologies. The IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN comes as a low-cost and powersaving viable solution, which are important concerns while making decisions on remote sensoring projects. This study intends to propose a wireless communication system which makes possible the monitoring of analogic and/or digital variables (i. e., the pressure studied) involved on the artificial methods for oil and gas lifting. The main issues are: To develop a software based on SMAC Standard in order to create a wireless network to monitoring analogic and/or digital variables; To evaluate the communication link based on the number of lost packets tested in different environments (indoor and outdoor) and To propose an instrumentation system consisting of wireless devices


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Alongside the advances of technologies, embedded systems are increasingly present in our everyday. Due to increasing demand for functionalities, many tasks are split among processors, requiring more efficient communication architectures, such as networks on chip (NoC). The NoCs are structures that have routers with channel point-to-point interconnect the cores of system on chip (SoC), providing communication. There are several networks on chip in the literature, each with its specific characteristics. Among these, for this work was chosen the Integrated Processing System NoC (IPNoSyS) as a network on chip with different characteristics compared to general NoCs, because their routing components also accumulate processing function, ie, units have functional able to execute instructions. With this new model, packets are processed and routed by the router architecture. This work aims at improving the performance of applications that have repetition, since these applications spend more time in their execution, which occurs through repeated execution of his instructions. Thus, this work proposes to optimize the runtime of these structures by employing a technique of instruction-level parallelism, in order to optimize the resources offered by the architecture. The applications are tested on a dedicated simulator and the results compared with the original version of the architecture, which in turn, implements only packet level parallelism


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Esta tese apresenta uma metodologia para avaliação de desempenho de redes de acesso banda larga. A avaliação de desempenho de redes é uma forma de identificar e analisar como determinadas características tais como diferentes tipos de tráfego ou formas de utilização, por exemplo, podem influenciar no comportamento da rede em foco, podendo assim prever como tal rede se comportará frente a situações futuras. A metodologia apresentada é composta de duas abordagens: uma abordagem baseada em medições e outra baseada em modelagem via processos Markovianos. As redes analisadas englobam os dois tipos básicos de arquitetura de acesso: redes ADSL2+ (linha digital do assinante assimétrica 2+ – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2+), as quais são redes cabeadas que utilizam cabos metálicos de pares trançados; redes FBWN (rede sem fio banda larga fixa – Fixed Broadband Wireless Network), as quais são redes sem fio (wireless) baseadas no padrão IEEE 802.16. A abordagem de medições é focada na forma como a rede analisada se comporta frente a três situações: transmissão de um tráfego genérico; impacto de ruídos não-estacionários no sistema; e uso da rede como meio de transmissão de tráfego multimídia em tempo real. A abordagem de modelagem, por sua vez, ´e baseada em prever o comportamento das redes analisadas utilizando uma formulação matemática fundamentada em processos Markovianos. Os resultados apresentados indicam a viabilidade de aplicação desta metodologia como forma de avaliação de desempenho. Os resultados ainda tornam possível a extensão desta metodologia a outros tipos de redes de acesso banda larga, tais como: redes de fibras ópticas, redes de enlaces de microondas, redes VDSL/VDSL2 (linha digital do assinante de alta taxa de dados – Very-high-data-rate DSL), etc.


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As Redes de Sensores Sem Fio possuem capacidades limitadas de processamento, armazenamento, comunicação (largura de banda) e fonte de energia, além de possuírem características e requisitos básicos de uma RSSF como: necessidade de se auto-organizar, comunicação com difusão de curto alcance e roteamento com múltiplos saltos. Neste trabalho é proposto uma ferramenta que otimize o posicionamento e os pacotes entregues através do uso de Algoritmo Genético (AG). Para solucionar o problema de roteamento que melhore o consumo de energia e maximize a agregação de dados é proposto a utilização de lógica fuzzy no protocolo de roteamento Ad hoc Ondemand Distance Vector (AODV). Esta customização é intitulada AODV – Fuzzy for Wireless Sensor Networks (AODV-FWSN). Os resultados mostram que a solução proposta é eficiente e consegue prolongar a vida útil da RSSF e melhorar a taxa de entrega de dados quando comparado com soluções similares.


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This Bachelor’s Thesis of Bachelor of Computer Science defines a research and a network sensor simulation on non-planar surfaces . The report is composed of an introduction of the research, a theoretic study, a state of the art and a historic context of sensor network. The simulation consists of the formation of terrain, node’s random distribution and a production and a transmission of the node’s packages. Based on these three important topics , the exchange of information/packages between multiple nodes is through breadth-first search algorithm. The active nodes, node quantity and operation range are also defined in the program. After the program analysis the node activation, the packages are created and transmitted to the next node. This process occurs many times and help on the analysis of the sensor network on non-planar surfaces parameters


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The objective of this project is to collaborate with the society, working on a subject that is directly linked to issues of sustainability and environmental preservation. For this, a survey is being developed in order to make possible the creation of an intelligent mechanism, with the use of wireless solutions for the control of energy consumption in order to meet the needs of quality of life and reduce the average consumption of electrical energy. An intelligent lighting system can be explained simply, as an interconnected network of lamps in order to meet needs such as light intensity, the location of it, the moment will turn on or turn off the lights, among other possibilities. This network of lamps is controlled by algorithms implemented using microcontrollers, which may or may not have changed its characteristics. This can be automatic (pre-programmed by the administrator) or manual (controlled via a remote control, phones, etc.), and will depend upon the manager himself and also the characteristics imposed on the project. However, it is important to note that after the search is complete, decisions will be consistent with the Brazilian reality, ie, this system can only be feasible if it has all the characteristics described above, but with an affordable price so that people can acquire it


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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As redes de sensores sem fio, aplicadas à automação do controle de ambientes representam um paradigma emergente da computação, onde múltiplos nós providos de sensores, sistemas computacionais autônomos e capacidade de comunicação sem fio, conformam uma rede cuja topologia altamente dinâmica permite adquirir informações sobre sistemas complexos sendo monitorados. Um dos fatores essenciais para obter um ganho na produtividade avícola é o controle da ambiência animal. Atualmente os métodos utilizados para o monitoramento e controle ambiental não podem considerar a grande quantidade de microambientes internos nos ambientes de produção animal e também requerem infraestruturas cabeadas complexas. Dentro desse contexto o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e testar um sistema automatizado de controle ambiental, através da utilização de sensores sem fio, que auxilie e proporcione maior segurança no controle de ambientes automatizados. O sistema monitora variáveis que influenciam na produtividade de aves, tais como temperatura e umidade e outras variáveis físico-químicas do aviário. A infraestrutura desenvolvida foi testada em um aviário experimental e resultou em um sistema seguro e com grande escalabilidade, que é capaz de controlar e monitorar o ambiente e ainda coletar e gravar dados. Foi utilizado o protocolo ZigBee® para gerenciar o fluxo de dados do sistema. Foram feitas análises da eficiência de comunicação do sistema no aviário, monitorando os pacotes de dados perdidos. Os testes demonstraram uma perda de dados de aproximadamente 2% dos pacotes enviados, demonstrando a eficiência das redes ZigBee® para gerenciar o fluxo de dados no interior do aviário. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que é possível e viável a implantação de uma rede ZigBee®, para automatizar ambientes de produção animal com coleta de dados em tempo real, utilizando um sistema integrado via internet, que compreende: instrumentação eletrônica, comunicação sem fio e engenharia de software\".