959 resultados para Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees (RPART)


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Existing crowd counting algorithms rely on holistic, local or histogram based features to capture crowd properties. Regression is then employed to estimate the crowd size. Insufficient testing across multiple datasets has made it difficult to compare and contrast different methodologies. This paper presents an evaluation across multiple datasets to compare holistic, local and histogram based methods, and to compare various image features and regression models. A K-fold cross validation protocol is followed to evaluate the performance across five public datasets: UCSD, PETS 2009, Fudan, Mall and Grand Central datasets. Image features are categorised into five types: size, shape, edges, keypoints and textures. The regression models evaluated are: Gaussian process regression (GPR), linear regression, K nearest neighbours (KNN) and neural networks (NN). The results demonstrate that local features outperform equivalent holistic and histogram based features; optimal performance is observed using all image features except for textures; and that GPR outperforms linear, KNN and NN regression


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The use of camera traps in wildlife management is an increasingly common practice. A phenomenon which is also becoming more common is for such camera traps to unintentionally film individuals engaged in a variety of activities, ranging from the innocent to the nefarious and including lewd or potentially embarrassing behaviour. It is therefore possible for the use of camera traps to accidentally encroach upon the privacy rights of persons who venture into the area of surveillance. In this chapter we describe the legal framework of privacy in Australia and discuss the potential risk of this sleeping tiger for users of camera traps. We also present the results of a survey of camera trap users to assess the frequency of such unintended captures and the nature of activity being filmed before discussing the practical implications of these laws for camera traps users in this country and make recommendations.


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The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6 is associated with susceptibility to more common diseases than any other region of the human genome, including almost all disorders classified as autoimmune. In type 1 diabetes the major genetic susceptibility determinants have been mapped to the MHC class II genes HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DRB1 (refs 1–3), but these genes cannot completely explain the association between type 1 diabetes and the MHC region4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Owing to the region's extreme gene density, the multiplicity of disease-associated alleles, strong associations between alleles, limited genotyping capability, and inadequate statistical approaches and sample sizes, which, and how many, loci within the MHC determine susceptibility remains unclear. Here, in several large type 1 diabetes data sets, we analyse a combined total of 1,729 polymorphisms, and apply statistical methods—recursive partitioning and regression...


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Old trees growing in urban environments are often felled due to symptoms of mechanical defects that could be hazardous to people and property. The decisions concerning these removals are justified by risk assessments carried out by tree care professionals. The major motivation for this study was to determine the most common profiles of potential hazard characteristics for the three most common urban tree genera in Helsinki City: Tilia, Betula and Acer, and in this way improve management practices and protection of old amenity trees. For this research, material from approximately 250 urban trees was collected in cooperation with the City of Helsinki Public Works Department during 2001 - 2004. From the total number of trees sampled, approximately 70% were defined as hazardous. The tree species had characteristic features as potential hazard profiles. For Tilia trees, hollowed heartwood with low fungal activity and advanced decay caused by Ganoderma lipsiense were the two most common profiles. In Betula spp., the primary reason for tree removal was usually lowered amenity value in terms of decline of the crown. Internal cracks, most often due to weak fork formation, were common causes of potential failure in Acer spp. Decay caused by Rigidoporus populinus often increased the risk of stem breakage in these Acer trees. Of the decay fungi observed, G. lipsiense was most often the reason for the increased risk of stem collapse. Other fungi that also caused extensive decay were R. populinus, Inonotus obliquus, Kretzschmaria deusta and Phellinus igniarius. The most common decay fungi in terms of incidence were Pholiota spp., but decay caused by these species did not have a high potential for causing stem breakage, because it rarely extended to the cambium. The various evaluations used in the study suggested contradictions in felling decisions based on trees displaying different stages of decay. For protection of old urban trees, it is crucial to develop monitoring methods so that tree care professionals could better analyse the rate of decay progression towards the sapwood and separate those trees with decreasing amounts of sound wood from those with decay that is restricted to the heartwood area.


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The problem of scheduling divisible loads in distributed computing systems, in presence of processor release time is considered. The objective is to find the optimal sequence of load distribution and the optimal load fractions assigned to each processor in the system such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. This is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem and hence genetic algorithms approach is presented for its solution.


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The present work presents the results of experimental investigation of semi-solid rheocasting of A356 Al alloy using a cooling slope. The experiments have been carried out following Taguchi method of parameter design (orthogonal array of L-9 experiments). Four key process variables (slope angle, pouring temperature, wall temperature, and length of travel of the melt) at three different levels have been considered for the present experimentation. Regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) has also been performed to develop a mathematical model for degree of sphericity evolution of primary alpha-Al phase and to find the significance and percentage contribution of each process variable towards the final outcome of degree of sphericity, respectively. The best processing condition has been identified for optimum degree of sphericity (0.83) as A(3), B-3, C-2, D-1 i.e., slope angle of 60 degrees, pouring temperature of 650 degrees C, wall temperature 60 degrees C, and 500 mm length of travel of the melt, based on mean response and signal to noise ratio (SNR). ANOVA results shows that the length of travel has maximum impact on degree of sphericity evolution. The predicted sphericity obtained from the developed regression model and the values obtained experimentally are found to be in good agreement with each other. The sphericity values obtained from confirmation experiment, performed at 95% confidence level, ensures that the optimum result is correct and also the confirmation experiment values are within permissible limits. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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How similar species co-exist in nature is a fundamental question in community ecology. Resource partitioning has been studied in desert lizard communities across four continents, but data from South Asia is lacking. We used area-constrained visual encounter surveys to study community composition and spatial and temporal resource partitioning in a lizard community during summer in the Thar Desert, western India, addressing an important biogeographic gap in knowledge. Twelve one-hectare grids divided into 25 m x 25 m plots were placed across four habitats barren dunes, stabilized dunes, grassland, and rocky hills. We recorded 1039 sightings of 12 species during 84 sampling sessions. Lizard abundance decreased in the order stabilized dunes > grassland > barren dunes > rocky hills; richness was in roughly the opposite order. Resource partitioning was examined for the seven commonest species. Overall spatial overlap was low (<0.6) between species pairs. Overlap was higher within habitats, but species showed finer separation through use of different microhabitat categories and specific spatial resources, as well as by positioning at different distances to vegetation. Diurnal species were also separated by peak time of activity. Space appears to be an important resource dimension facilitating coexistence in this desert lizard community. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a dynamic distributed load balancing algorithm for parallel, adaptive Finite Element simulations in which we use preconditioned Conjugate Gradient solvers based on domain-decomposition. The load balancing is designed to maintain good partition aspect ratio and we show that cut size is not always the appropriate measure in load balancing. Furthermore, we attempt to answer the question why the aspect ratio of partitions plays an important role for certain solvers. We define and rate different kinds of aspect ratio and present a new center-based partitioning method of calculating the initial distribution which implicitly optimizes this measure. During the adaptive simulation, the load balancer calculates a balancing flow using different versions of the diffusion algorithm and a variant of breadth first search. Elements to be migrated are chosen according to a cost function aiming at the optimization of subdomain shapes. Experimental results for Bramble's preconditioner and comparisons to state-of-the-art load balancers show the benefits of the construction.


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In this Chapter we discuss the load-balancing issues arising in parallel mesh based computational mechanics codes for which the processor loading changes during the run. We briefly touch on geometric repartitioning ideas and then focus on different ways of using a graph both to solve the load-balancing problem and the optimisation problem, both locally and globally. We also briefly discuss whether repartitioning is always valid. Sample illustrative results are presented and we conclude that repartitioning is an attractive option if the load changes are not too dramatic and that there is a certain trade-off between partition quality and volume of data that the underlying application needs to migrate.


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A voluminous literature exists on the analysis of water-soluble ions extracted from gypsum crusts and patinas formed on building surfaces. However, less data is available on the intermediate dust layer and the important role its complex matrix and constituents play in crust/patina formation. To address this issue, surface dust samples were collected from two buildings in the city of Budapest. Substrate properties, different pollution levels and environmental variations were considered by collecting samples from a city centre granite building exposed to intense traffic conditions and from an oolitic limestone church situated in a pedestrian area outside and high above the main pollution zone. Selective extraction examines both water-soluble ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, NO3- SO42-) and selected elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni) from the water-soluble, exchangeable/carbonate, amorphous Mn, amorphous Fe/Mn, crystalline Fe/Mn, organic and residual phases, their mobility and potential to catalyse heterogeneous surface reactions. Salt weathering processes are highlighted by high concentrations of water-soluble Ca2+, Na+, Cl- and SO42-- at both sites. Manganese, Zn and Cu and to a lesser extent Pb and Ni, are very mobile in the city centre dust, where 30%, 54%, 38%, 11% and 11% of their totals are bound by the water-soluble phase, respectively. Church dust shows a sharp contrast for Mn, Zn, Cu and Pb with only 3%, 1%, 12% and 3% of their totals being bound by the water-soluble phase respectively. This may be due to (a) different environmental conditions at the church e.g. lower humidity (b) continuous replenishment of salts under intensive city centre traffic conditions (c) enrichment in oxidisable organic carbon by a factor of 4.5 and a tenfold increase in acidity in the city centre dust.