959 resultados para Rectangular-microstrip antennas
In this Master Thesis the characteristics of the chosen fractal microstrip antennas are investigated. For modeling has been used the structure of the square Serpinsky fractal curves. During the elaboration of this Master thesis the following steps were undertaken: 1) calculation and simulation of square microstrip antennа, 2) optimizing for obtaining the required characteristics on the frequency 2.5 GHz, 3) simulation and calculation of the second and third iteration of the Serpinsky fractal curves, 4) radiation patterns and intensity distribution of these antennas. In this Master’s Thesis the search for the optimal position of the port and fractal elements was conducted. These structures can be used in perspective for creation of antennas working at the same time in different frequency range.
A new dual port microstrip antenna geometry for dual frequency operation is presented. The structure consists of the intersection of two circles of the same radius with their centres displaced by a small fraction of the wavelength . This antenna provides wide impedance bandwidth and excellent isolation between its ports. The gain of the antenna is comparable to that of a standard circular microstrip antenna operating at the same resonant frequency. A theoretical analysis for calculating the resonant frequencies of the two ports is also presented
compact multihand planar octagonal-shaped microstrip antenna simultaneously suitable for mobile communication and blue tooth application is presented. The antenna provides sufficient isolation benveen the two operating bands and an area reduction of -29 % with respect to a circular patch operating in the same band
A broadband rectangular tnicrostrip antenna utilizing an electromagnetically coupled L-strip feed is presented. Experimental study shows a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of a 10% and excellent cross-polarization performance with a radiation coverage almost as same as that of the rectangular microstrip antenna fed by conventional methods. The variation of bandwidth for different feed parameters is also studied. The proposed antenna is suitable for broadband communications
Development of a new compact circular-sided microstrip antenna is presented. This antenna offers considerable area re- TABLE 2. Variation of Resonant Frequencies duction compared to standard rectangular microstrip antenna designed for the same frequency. Typical antenna design and experimental results for circular polarization are also demonstrated. 77je antenna has a 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 1.5%
Experimental and simulated results for a dual-port dual-polarized microstrip antenna are presented. The antenna excites two orthogonally polarized resonant frequencies providing an isolation of -30 dB between the ports. The patch geometry consists of two circular arcs of different radii with their centers displaced by a distance. This new design offers an area reduction of -70% coinpared to it standard rectangular microstrip antenna with a reduction in gain of 1.7 dB
In this paper, we introduce a novel feeding technique for bandwidth enhancement of a rectangular microstrip antenna This antenna offers an impedance bandwidth of 22% without degrading the effciencv. The effect of the feed parameters upon patch characteristics such as resonant frequency, impedance bandwidth, and radiation pattern are studied in detail. The experimental results are verified using the FDTD results
A new compact microstrip antenna element is analyzed. The analysis can accurately predict the resonant frequency, input impedance, and radiation patterns. The predicted results are compared with experimental results and excellent agreement is observed . These antenna elements are more suitable in applications where limited antenna real estate is available
Antennas are indispensable component of any wireless communication device. An antenna is a transducer between the transmitter and the free space waves and vice versa. They efficiently transfer electromagnetic energy from a transmission line into free space. But the present day communication applications require compact and ultra wide band designs which cannot be catered by simple microstrip based designs. PIFAs have solved the problem to some extend, but the field of antennas needs more innovative designs In this thesis the design and development of compact planner antenna are presented. Emphasis is given to the design of the feed as well as the radiator resulting in simple compact uniplanar geometries. The Asymmetric coplanar feed used to excite the antennas is found to be a suitable choice for feeding compact antennas.The main objectives of the study are the design of compact single, dual and multi band antennas with uniplanar structure and extension of the design for practical GSM/WLAN applications and Ultra compact antennas using the above techniques and extension of the design to antennas for practical applications like RFID/DVB-H. All the above objectives are thoroughly studied. Antennas with ultra compact dimensions are obtained as a result of the study. Simple equations are provided to design antennas with the required characteristics. The design equations are verified by designing different antennas for different applications.
The thesis is the outcome of the experimental and theoretical investigations on a new compact drum-shaped microstrip antenna. A new compact antenna suitable for personal communication system(PCS), Global position System(GPS) and array applications is developed and analysed. The generalised cavity model and spatial fourier transform technique are suitably modified for the analysis of the antenna. The predicted results are compared with experimental results and excellent agreement is observed. The experimental work done by the author in related fields are incorporated as three appendices in this thesis. A single feed dual frequency microstrip antenne is presented in appendix A.Appendix B describes a new broadband dual frequeny microstrip antenna. The bandwidth enhancement effect of microstrip antennas through dielectric resonator loading is demonstarted in Appendix C.
In this thesis, we explore the design, computation, and experimental analysis of photonic crystals, with a special emphasis on structures and devices that make a connection with practically realizable systems. First, we analyze the propenies of photonic-crystal: periodic dielectric structures that have a band gap for propagation. The band gap of periodically loaded air column on a dielectric substrate is computed using Eigen solvers in a plane wave basis. Then this idea is extended to planar filters and antennas at microwave regime. The main objectives covered in this thesis are:• Computation of Band Gap origin in Photonic crystal with the abet of Maxwell's equation and Bloch-Floquet's theorem • Extension of Band Gap to Planar structures at microwave regime • Predict the dielectric constant - synthesized dieletric cmstant of the substrates when loaded with Photonic Band Gap (PBG) structures in a microstrip transmission line • Identify the resonant characteristic of the PBG cell and extract the equivalent circuit based on PBG cell and substrate parameters for microstrip transmission line • Miniaturize PBG as Defected Ground Structures (DGS) and use the property to be implemented in planar filters with microstrip transmission line • Extended the band stop effect of PBG / DGS to coplanar waveguide and asymmetric coplanar waveguide. • Formulate design equations for the PBG / DGS filters • Use these PBG / DGS ground plane as ground plane of microstrip antennas • Analysis of filters and antennas using FDID method
A new design of a dual-band dual-polarized electromagnetically coupled slot loaded square patch antenna, covering the WLAN 5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands, achieving bandwidth enhancement by using tapered slot structure, is presented here. The proposed antenna covers 5.09–5.47 GHz and 5.7–5.88 GHz bands. Details of the antenna design along with experimental and simulated results are presented and discussed.
With the recent progress and rapid increase in the field of communication, the designs of antennas for small mobile terminals with enhanced radiation characteristics are acquiring great importance. Compactness, efficiency, high data rate capacity etc. are the major criteria for the new generation antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to design a compact printed radiating structure having broadband behavior along with good efficiency and enhanced gain. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of planar transmission lines in mid-seventies. When we view the antenna through a transmission line concept, the mechanism behind any electromagnetic radiator is quite simple and interesting. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and orientation of the discontinuities control the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non-resonant. This thesis deals with antennas that are developed from a class of transmission lines known as coplanar strip-CPS, a planar analogy of parallel pair transmission line. The specialty of CPS is its symmetric structure compared to other transmission lines, which makes the antenna structures developed from CPS quite simple for design and fabrication. The structural modifications on either metallic strip of CPS results in different antennas. The first part of the thesis discusses a single band and dual band design derived from open ended slot lines which are very much suitable for 2.4 and 5.2 GHz WLAN applications. The second section of the study is vectored into the development of enhanced gain dipoles. A single band dipole and a wide band enhanced gain dipole suitable for 5.2/5.8 GHZ band and imaging applications are developed and discussed. Last part of the thesis discusses the development of directional UWBs. Three different types of ultra-compact UWBs are developed and almost all the frequency domain and time domain analysis of the structures are discussed.
In this paper the design issues of compact genetic microstrip antennas for mobile applications has been investigated. The antennas designed using Genetic Algorithms (GA) have an arbitrary shape and occupies less area (compact) compared to the traditionally designed antenna for the same frequency but with poor performance. An attempt has been made to improve the performance of the genetic microstrip antenna by optimizing the ground plane (GP) to have a fish bone like structure. The genetic antenna with the GP optimized is even better compared to the traditional and the genetic antenna.