950 resultados para Recovery rate
The discovery of the highly productive Renqiu buried hill reservoir in Bohai Bay Basin in 1975 started the high tide of finding buried hill reservoirs in China and their research. As the advance of E&P technologies, the study of buried hill reservoir in China had a qualitative leap. The reservoir description and some other aspects of development have reached or approached to the international leading level. However, some core techniques for reservoir study such as structure & faulting system study, formation prediction and connection study and heterogeneous model's construction could not completely carry out the quantitative or accurate reservoir description, e. g. the areal distribution of porosity, permeability and oil saturation. Especially, the modeling for reservoir simulation is still wandering in the stage of simplicity. The inaccurate understanding of geology could not derive 3D heterogeneous geological model that can reveal the actual underground situation thus could not design practical and feasible oilfield development plan. Therefore, the problems of low oil recovery rate, low recovery factor and poor development effectiveness have not been solved. The poor connection of the reservoir determined that waterflooding could not get good development effect and the production had to depend on the reservoir elastic energy, and this will bring big difficulty for development modification and improvement of oil recovery. This study formed a series of techniques for heterogeneous model research that can be used to construct heterogeneous model consistent with the reservoir geology. Thus the development effectiveness, success ratio of drilling and percent of producing reserves can be enhanced. This study can make the development of buried hill reservoir be of high recovery rate and high effect. The achievements of this study are as follows: 1. Evaluated the resources, summarized the geological characteristics and carried out the reservoir classification of the buried hill reservoirs in Shengli petroliferous area; 2. Established the markers for stratigraphical correlation and formed the correlation method for complex buried hill reservoirs; 3. Analyzed the structural features of the buried hill reservoirs, finished the structure interpretation and study of faulting system using synthetic seismograms, horizontal slices and coherent analysis, and clarified structural development history of the buried hill reservoirs in Shengli petroliferous area; 4. Determined the 3 classes and 7 types of pore space and the main pore space type, the logging response characteristics and the FMI logging identified difference between artificial and natural fractures by the comprehensive usage of core analysis, other lab analyses, conventional logging, FMI logging and CMR logging; 5. Determined the factors controlled the growth of the fractures, vugs and cavities, proposed the main formation prediction method for buried hill reservoir and analyzed their technical principium and applicability, and formed the seismic method and process for buried hill reservoir description; 6. Established the reserve calculation method for buried hill reservoirs, i. e. the reserves of fractures and matrix are calculated separately; the recoverable reserves are calculated by decline method and are classified by the SPE criteria; 7. Studied restraining barriers and the sealing of the faults thus clarified the oil-bearing formations of the buried hill reservoirs, and verified the multiple reservoir forming theory; 8. Formed reasonable procedure of buried hill reservoir study; 9. Formed the 3 D modeling technology for buried hill reservoirs; 10. Studied a number of buried hill blocks on the aspects of reservoir description, reservoir engineering and development plan optimization based on the above research and the profit and social effect are remarkable.
Meng, Q., & Lee, M. (2005). Novelty and Habituation: the Driving Forces in Early Stage Learning for Developmental Robotics. Wermter, S., Palm, G., & Elshaw, M. (Eds.), In: Biomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots: Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Robotics, and Neuroscience. (pp. 315-332). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Q. Meng and M. H. Lee, Novelty and Habituation: the Driving Forces in Early Stage Learning for Developmental Robotics, AI-Workshop on NeuroBotics, University of Ulm, Germany. September 2004.
The design and development of a comprehensive computational model of a copper stockpile leach process is summarized. The computational fluid dynamic software framework PHYSICA+ and various phenomena were used to model transport phenomena, mineral reaction kinetics, bacterial effects, and heat, energy and acid balances for the overall leach process. In this paper, the performance of the model is investigated, in particular its sensitvity to particle size and ore permeability. A combination of literature and laboratory sources was used to parameterize the model. The simulation results from the leach model are compared with closely controlled column pilot scale tests. The main performance characteristics (e.g. copper recovery rate) predicted by the model compare reasonably well with the experimental data and clearly reflect the qualitiative behavior of the process in many respects. The model is used to provide a measure of the sensitivity of ore permeability on leach behavior, and simulation results are examined for several different particle size distributions.
Cryopreservation of human spermatozoa is extensively used in artifical insemination and IVF programmes. Despite various advances in cryopreservation methodology, the recovery rate of functional post thaw spermatozoa remains mediocre, with sperm motility being significantly decreased after freezing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cryopreservation on both DNA integrity and morphology of spermatozoa from fertile and infertile men. Semen samples were obtained from 17 fertile men and 40 infertile men. All samples were prepared by discontinuous Percoll density centrifugation ( 95.0:47.5). Samples were divided into aliquots to allow direct comparison of fresh and frozen spermatozoa from the same ejaculate. Aliquots for cryopreservation were mixed with a commercial cryoprotectant and frozen by static phase vapour cooling before plunging into liquid nitrogen. Thawing was carried out slowly at room temperature. Sperm DNA integrity was determined using a modified alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis ( comet ) assay and sperm morphology analysed using the Tygerberg criteria. DNA of semen and prepared sperm from fertile men was found to be unaffected by cryopreservation. In marked contrast, spermatozoa from infertile men were significantly damaged by freeze- thawing. Cryopreservation had a detrimental effect on morphology of semen and prepared sperm from fertile and infertile men.
The detection of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in contaminated shellfish is essential for human health preservation. Ethical and technical reasons have prompted the search for new detection procedures as an alternative to the mouse bioassay. On the basis of the detection of molecular interactions by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors, an inhibition assay was developed using an anti-GTX2/3 antibody (GT13-A) and a saxitoxin-CM5 chip. This assay allowed for quantification of saxitoxin (STX), decarbamoyl saxitoxin (dcSTX), gonyautoxin 2,3 (GTX2/3), decarbamoyl gonyautoxin 2,3 (dcGTX2/3), gonyautoxin 5 (GTX5), and C 1,2 (C1/2) at concentrations from 2 to 50 ng/mL. The interference of five shellfish matrixes with the inhibition assay was analyzed. Mussels, clams, cockles, scallops, and oysters were extracted with five published methods. Ethanol extracts and acetic acid/heat extracts (AOAC Lawrence method) performed adequately in terms of surface regeneration and baseline interference, did not inhibit antibody binding to the chip surface significantly, and presented STX calibration curves similar to buffer controls in all matrixes tested. Hydrochloric acid/heat extracts (AOAC mouse bioassay method) presented surface regeneration problems, and although ethanol-acetic acid/dichloromethane extracts performed well, they were considered too laborious for routine sample testing. Overall the best results were obtained with the ethanol extraction method with calibration curves prepared in blank matrix extracts. STX recovery rate with the ethanol extraction method was 60.52 ± 3.72%, with variations among species. The performance of this biosensor assay in natural samples, compared to two AOAC methods for PSP toxin quantification (mouse bioassay and HPLC), suggests that this technology can be useful as a PSP screening assay. In summary, the GT13-A-STX chip inhibition assay is capable of PSP toxin detection in ethanol shellfish extracts, with sufficient sensitivity to quantify the toxin in the range of the European regulatory limit of 80 g/100 g of shellfish meat.
To elucidate the contribution of environmental versus genetic factors to the significant losses in visual function associated with normal aging.
A classical twin study.
Forty-two twin pairs (21 monozygotic and 21 dizygotic; age 57-75 years) with normal visual acuity recruited through the Australian Twin Registry.
Cone function was evaluated by establishing absolute cone contrast thresholds to flicker (4 and 14 Hz) and isoluminant red and blue colors under steady state adaptation. Adaptation dynamics were determined for both cones and rods. Bootstrap resampling was used to return robust intrapair correlations for each parameter.
Psychophysical thresholds and adaptational time constants.
The intrapair correlations for all color and flicker thresholds, as well as cone absolute threshold, were significantly higher in monozygotic compared with dizygotic twin pairs (P<0.05). Rod absolute thresholds (P = 0.28) and rod and cone recovery rate (P = 0.83; P = 0.79, respectively) did not show significant differences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins in their intrapair correlations, indicating that steady-state cone thresholds and flicker thresholds have a marked genetic contribution, in contrast with rod thresholds and adaptive processes, which are influenced more by environmental factors over a lifetime.
Genes and the environment contribute differently to important neuronal processes in the retina and the role they may play in the decline in visual function as we age. Consequently, retinal structures involved in rod thresholds and adaptive processes may be responsive to appropriate environmental manipulation. Because the functions tested are commonly impaired in the early stages of age-related macular degeneration, which is known to have a multifactorial etiology, this study supports the view that pathogenic pathways early in the disease may be altered by appropriate environmental intervention.
Paralytic shellfish poisoning is a toxic syndrome described in humans following the ingestion of seafood contaminated with saxitoxin and/or its derivatives. The presence of these toxins in shellfish is considered an important health threat and their levels in seafood destined to human consumption are regulated in many countries, as well as the levels of other chemically unrelated toxins. We studied the feasibility of immunodetection of saxitoxin and its analogs using a solid-phase microsphere assay coupled to flow cytometry detection in a Luminex 200 system. The technique consists of a competition assay where the toxins in solution compete with bead-bound saxitoxin for binding to an antigonyautoxin 2/3 monoclonal antibody (GT-13A). The assay allowed the detection of saxitoxin both in buffer and mussel extracts in the range of 2.2-19.7 ng/mL (IC(20)-IC(80)). Moreover, the assay cross-reactivity with other toxins of the group is similar to previously published immunoassays, with adequate detection of most analogs except N-1 hydroxy analogs. The recovery rate of the assay for saxitoxin was close to 100%. This microsphere-based immunoassay is suitable to be used as a screening method, detecting saxitoxin from 260 to 2360 µg/kg. This microsphere/flow cytometry system provided similar sensitivities to previously published immunoassays and provides a solid background for the development of easy, flexible multiplexing of toxin detection in one sample.
This paper uses the framework developed by Vrugt (2010) to extract the recovery rate and term-structure of risk-neutral default probabilities implied in the cross-section of Portuguese sovereign bonds outstanding between March and August 2011. During this period the expectations on the recovery rate remain firmly anchored around 50 percent while the instantaneous default probability increases steadily from 6 to above 30 percent. These parameters are then used to calculate the fair-value of a 5-year and 10- year CDS contract. A credit-risk-neutral strategy is developed from the difference between the market price of a CDS of the same tenors and the fair-value calculated, yielding a sharpe ratio of 3.2
De nombreux travailleurs utilisent le captan et le folpet comme fongicides en agriculture, mais leur exposition n’est pas toujours mesurée de manière spécifique et précise. La surveillance biologique est un excellent outil à cet effet puisqu’elle permet de quantifier l’exposition réelle. Toutefois, la majorité des connaissances toxicologiques pour ces fongicides proviennent d’études sur les animaux, et les données chez l’humain sont limitées. Le but du présent projet est donc de développer des outils de surveillance biologique pour évaluer l’exposition de travailleurs au captan et au folpet. Dans cette perspective, le projet a été subdivisé en trois parties complémentaires, soit i) de développer des méthodes analytiques spécifiques pour quantifier les biomarqueurs d’intérêt du captan, à savoir le tétrahydrophtalimide (THPI), et du folpet, à savoir le phtalimide (PI) et l’acide phtalique, dans le plasma et l’urine; ii) de déterminer la toxicocinétique des deux fongicides en exposant des volontaires de façon aigüe à de faibles doses de captan ou de folpet par voie orale et cutanée dans des conditions semi-contrôlées et en quantifiant les biomarqueurs dans chacune des deux matrices, excepté l’acide phtalique qui a été mesuré seulement dans l’urine; iii) de valider les biomarqueurs d’exposition sélectionnés et d’évaluer l’exposition réelle des travailleurs et les voies prédominantes d’exposition au captan et au folpet en collectant des données biologiques chez des travailleurs en arboriculture et en viticulture lors d’activités de traitement et d’effeuillage pendant sept jours consécutifs. Selon ces travaux, le THPI et le PI sont deux biomarqueurs valides et spécifiques pour quantifier l’exposition au captan et au folpet, respectivement, chez l’humain. En effet, les méthodes développées pour ces deux métabolites sont robustes avec des limites de détection plus sensibles que celles rapportées dans la littérature, un taux de recouvrement de 90% pour le THPI et de 75% pour le PI, une très bonne linéarité (R2>0,99) et une bonne stabilité avec des variations intra- et inter-journalières faibles (RSD<15%). Elles ont permis de déterminer les profils cinétiques des deux métabolites chez les volontaires et chez les travailleurs. Ces derniers indiquent d’ailleurs une élimination rapide, avec une demi-vie d’élimination dans l’urine de 11,7 h et 18,7 h pour le THPI et de 27,3 h et 28,8 h pour le PI, respectivement après une absorption par voie orale et cutanée, ainsi qu’une faible absorption cutanée lorsque les valeurs sont comparées pour les deux voies d’exposition. Des profils parallèles sont aussi observés entre le PI et l’acide phtalique pour les volontaires et les agriculteurs, mais le folpet se retrouve davantage métabolisé sous forme d’acide phtalique que de PI. Quant à l’étude des agriculteurs, elle montre que la voie principale d’exposition de ces travailleurs est la voie cutanée. Il est aussi souligné qu’il est important 1) de favoriser les collectes d’urines complètes sur 24 h au urines ponctuelles, 2) de mesurer plusieurs métabolites, et 3) d’associer les données de surveillance biologique à la toxicocinétique. Ainsi, les connaissances acquises par cette étude peuvent s’appliquer à d’autres fongicides, voire d’autres substances.
Introducción: En 1979, con la monitorización del uso rutinario de los relajantes neuromusculares, se determinó incidencia en la relajación neuromuscular residual del 45%, con múltiples complicaciones respiratorias que incrementan la estancia hospitalaria. No es conocida la eficacia y seguridad del manejo del vecuronio y su reversión con el uso del sugammadex dentro del manejo rutinario de anestesia. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de artículos sobre el comportamiento del sugammadex cuando se realiza reversión para el efecto del vecuronio, por ser la primera droga que ha demostrado eficacia y seguridad frente a relajantes musculares no despolarizantes esteroideos, que ayuda a prevenir bloqueo residual en el posoperatorio. Resultados: Búsqueda en las bases de datos de EMBASE, EBSCO y MEDLINE y Pubmed (desde enero 2000-diciembre 2012), con palabras MeSH, sugammadex, vecuronium, binding reversal agents, neuromuscular blocking agents; artículos en idioma inglés de estudios clínicos controlados en pacientes humanos adultos en los cuales el sugammadex fue comparado con placebo u otro medicamento. Se aprecia disminución del tiempo de recuperación de la relajación neuromuscular en el bloqueo moderado con un rango de 1,5 a 2,3min con el sugammadex vs 18,9 a 66,2min con la neostigmine y en un bloqueo profundo desde 35,5-68,4min, con dosis de 0,5mgrs/kg de sugammadex hasta 1,4-1,7min con 8mgrs/kg. Discusión: Resultados favorables en el suministro de dosis mayores a 2mgrs/kg en pacientes que presentaban bloqueo neuromuscular moderado y mayores de 4mgrs/kg en bloqueo neuromuscular profundo. Existe necesidad de nuevos estudios clínicos que soporten estos hallazgos. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que sí existe una adecuada reversión de la relajación neuromuscular del vecuronio con el uso de sugammadex a 2mgrs/kg, con disminución importante del tiempo y mayor recuperación del paciente sin presencia de relajación residual.
With the purpose of eliciting a superovulatory response, 12 adult nulliparous Boer goat does were actively immunized against a recombinant a-subunit of ovine inhibin (roIHN-alpha; two injections of 100 mg 4 weeks apart). Another 12 control Boer goat does were treated with physiological saline and acted as controls. One year later the immunized animals were boostered by the administration of another dose (100 mg) of the immunogen. Following treatment, blood samples were collected twice weekly for the periods of 16 and 12 weeks, respectively, to monitor the inhibin binding ability with the aid of a radio-tracer binding assay. Throughout the experiment, estrus detection was conducted twice daily with the aid of an aproned intact buck. From the first day after treatment to 48 h after standing estrus, ovarian activity was monitored daily by transrectal ultrasonography. On alternate estrous cycles, does were mated and 6 days later flushed transcervically to recover embryos. All goats treated with the roIHN-alpha produced antibodies reactive to the native bovine inhibin tracer-the titre increasing from 2.9 +/- 0.4 to a maximum of 21.9 +/- 2.9% binding after the second injection. The antibody titre gradually subsided over the next 16 weeks. The booster injection restored an elevated antibody titre (11.7 +/- 0.4%), which was maintained until the end of the sampling period 12 weeks later. In the control goats only trace amounts of antibody were recorded throughout the trial. In the roIHN-alpha-immunized goats the number of follicles reaching a diameter of > 4 mm was 14.6 +/- 1.2 per doe. A positive correlation was recorded between the follicle number and antibody titre (r=0.61; P < 0.01). The number of follicles ovulating per doe (6.9 +/- 0.7) followed the same tendency-however, the proportion decreased with increasing follicle numbers. A relatively weak correlation was recorded between the inhibin binding ability and number of ovulations (r=0.27; P < 0.05). In the control goats the majority (92%) of follicles exceeding 4 mm in diameter ovulated (2.5 +/- 0.1 follicles/doe). Embryo collection proved unsatisfactory (42% versus 39% recovery for immunized and control animals, respectively)-presumably because the uterine lumen of the nulliparous does was too narrow to permit effective flushing. In the group of immunized goats the occurrence of short estrous cycles (< 15 days) recorded was 34% versus only 6% in the controls. Overall, immunization of goats against roIHN-alpha led to an almost six-fold increase in number of ovarian follicles, a three-fold increase in ovulations and, despite the low recovery rate, a more than three-fold increase in ova or embryos recovered. It may be concluded that treatment of female goats with roIHN-alpha leads to an inhibin antibody response, accompanied by enhanced ovarian activity. The response was, however, accompanied by a large proportion of retained follicles and a high incidence of short estrous cycles. These problems need to be further investigated before rendering the method fit for application in embryo transfer programs in goats. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is little consensus on how agriculture will meet future food demands sustainably. Soils and their biota play a crucial role by mediating ecosystem services that support agricultural productivity. However, a multitude of site-specific environmental factors and management practices interact to affect the ability of soil biota to perform vital functions, confounding the interpretation of results from experimental approaches. Insights can be gained through models, which integrate the physiological, biological and ecological mechanisms underpinning soil functions. We present a powerful modelling approach for predicting how agricultural management practices (pesticide applications and tillage) affect soil functioning through earthworm populations. By combining energy budgets and individual-based simulation models, and integrating key behavioural and ecological drivers, we accurately predict population responses to pesticide applications in different climatic conditions. We use the model to analyse the ecological consequences of different weed management practices. Our results demonstrate that an important link between agricultural management (herbicide applications and zero, reduced and conventional tillage) and earthworms is the maintenance of soil organic matter (SOM). We show how zero and reduced tillage practices can increase crop yields while preserving natural ecosystem functions. This demonstrates how management practices which aim to sustain agricultural productivity should account for their effects on earthworm populations, as their proliferation stimulates agricultural productivity. Synthesis and applications. Our results indicate that conventional tillage practices have longer term effects on soil biota than pesticide control, if the pesticide has a short dissipation time. The risk of earthworm populations becoming exposed to toxic pesticides will be reduced under dry soil conditions. Similarly, an increase in soil organic matter could increase the recovery rate of earthworm populations. However, effects are not necessarily additive and the impact of different management practices on earthworms depends on their timing and the prevailing environmental conditions. Our model can be used to determine which combinations of crop management practices and climatic conditions pose least overall risk to earthworm populations. Linking our model mechanistically to crop yield models would aid the optimization of crop management systems by exploring the trade-off between different ecosystem services.
Leite-Dellova DC, Malnic G, Mello-Aires M. Genomic and non-genomic stimulatory effect of aldosterone on H(+)-ATPase in proximal S3 segments. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 300: F682-F691, 2011. First published December 29, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00172.2010.-The genomic and nongenomic effects of aldosterone on the intracellular pH recovery rate (pHirr) via H(-)(+)ATPase and on cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) were investigated in isolated proximal S3 segments of rats during superfusion with an Na(+)-free solution, by using the fluorescent probes BCECF-AM and FLUO-4-AM, respectively. The pHirr, after cellular acidification with a NH(4)Cl pulse, was 0.064 +/- 0.003 pH units/min (n = 17/74) and was abolished with concanamycin. Aldosterone (10(-12), 10(-10),10(-8), or 10(-6) M with 1-h or 15- or 2-min preincubation) increased the pHirr. The baseline [Ca(2+)](i) was 103 +/- 2 nM (n = 58). After 1 min of aldosterone preincubation, there was a transient and dose-dependent increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and after 6-min preincubation there was a new increase in [Ca(2+)](i) that persisted after 1 h. Spironolactone [mineralocorticoid (MR) antagonist], actinomycin D, or cycloheximide did not affect the effects of aldosterone (15- or 2-min preincubation) on pHirr and on [Ca(2+)](i) but inhibited the effects of aldosterone (1-h preincubation) on these parameters. RU 486 [glucocorticoid (GR) antagonist] and dimethyl-BAPTA (Ca(2+) chelator) prevented the effect of aldosterone on both parameters. The data indicate a genomic (1 h, via MR) and a nongenomic action (15 or 2 min, probably via GR) on the H(+)-ATPase and on [Ca(2+)](i). The results are compatible with stimulation of the H(+)-ATPase by increases in [Ca(2+)](i) (at 10(-12)-10(-6) M aldosterone) and inhibition of the H(+)-ATPase by decreases in [Ca(2+)](i) (at 10(-12) or 10(-6) M aldosterone plus RU 486).
Long-term effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) on vacuolar H(+)-ATPase were studied in a SV40-transformed cell line derived from rat proximal tubules (IRPTC). Using pH(i) measurements with the fluorescent dye BCECF, the hormone increased Na(+)-independent pH recovery rate from an NH(4)Cl pulse from 0.066 +/- 0.014 pH U/min (n = 7) to 0.14 +/- 0.021 pH U/min (n = 13; p < 0.05) in 10 h Ang II (10(-9) M)-treated cells. The increased activity of H(+)-ATPase did not involve changes in mRNA or protein abundance of the B2 subunit but increased cell surface expression of the V-ATPase. Inhibition of tyrosine kinase by genistein blocked Ang II-dependent stimulation of H(+)-ATPase. Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) by wortmannin and of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by SB 203580 also blocked this effect. Thus, long-term exposure of IRPTC cells to Ang II causes upregulation of H(+)-ATPase activity due, at least in part, to increased B2 cell surface expression. This regulatory pathway is dependent on mechanisms involving tyrosine kinase, p38 MAPK, and PI3K activation.