963 resultados para Recovery phase
We discuss substorm observations made near 2100 magnetic local time (MLT) on March 7, 1991, in a collaborative study involving data from the European Incoherent Scatter radar, all-sky camera data, and magnetometer data from the Tromsø Auroral Observatory, the U.K. Sub-Auroral Magnetometer Network (SAMNET) and the IMAGE magnetometer chain. We conclude that for the substorm studied a plasmoid was not pinched off until at least 10 min after onset at the local time of the observations (2100 MLT) and that the main substorm electrojet expanded westward over this local time 14 min after onset. In the late growth phase/early expansion phase, we observed southward drifting arcs probably moving faster than the background plasma. Similar southward moving arcs in the recovery phase moved at a speed which does not appear to be significantly different from the measured plasma flow speed. We discuss these data in terms of the “Kiruna conjecture” and classical “near-Earth neutral line” paradigms, since the data show features of both models of substorm development. We suggest that longitudinal variation in behavior may reconcile the differences between the two models in the case of this substorm.
O presente estudo comparou valores de glicemia, frequência cardíaca em repouso e durante exercício, além da composição corporal entre hipertensos e normotensos. A amostra foi composta por 32 jovens do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 22,6 anos. Inicialmente, aferiu-se a pressão arterial, para divisão em dois grupos: hipertensos e normotensos. Posteriormente foram mensurados, glicemia em jejum, impedância bioelétrica, antropometria, e a frequência cardíaca no repouso, durante o teste de esforço máximo e na fase de recuperação. A análise estatística foi composta pelo teste t- Student e análise de variância para medidas repetidas two-way, entre os grupos. O valor de significância adotado foi p = 0,05. Os dados analisados mostraram que indivíduos hipertensos apresentam maiores índices metabólicos e valores hemodinâmicos do que indivíduos normotensos, sendo estes indicadores de risco cardiovascular.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We observed 82 healthy subjects, from both sexes, aged between 19 and 77 years. All subjects performed two different tests: for being scientifically acknowledged, the first one was used as a reference and it was a stress test (CPX). During the entire test, heart rate and gas exchange were recorded continuously; the second, the actual object of this study, was a submaximal test (TOP). Only heart rate was recorded continuously. The main purpose was to determinate an index of physical fitness as result of TOP. CPX test allowed us to individuate anaerobic threshold. We used an incremental protocol of 10/20 Watt/min, different by age. For our TOP test we used an RHC400 UPRIGHT BIKE, by Air Machine. Each subject was monitored for heart frequency. After 2 minutes of resting period there was a first step: 3 minutes of pedalling at a constant rate of 60 RPM, (40 watts for elder subjects and 60 watts for the younger ones). Then, the subject was allowed to rest for a recovery phase of 5 minutes. Third and last step consisted of 3 minutes of pedalling again at 60 RPM but now set to 60 watts for elder subjects and 80 watts for the young subjects. Finally another five minutes of recovery. A good correlation was found between TOP and CPX results especially between punctua l heart rate reserve (HRR’) and anaerobic threshold parameters such as Watt, VO2, VCO2 . HRR’ was obtained by subtracting maximal heart rate during TOP from maximal theoretic heart rate (206,9-(0,67*age)). Data were analyzed through cluster analysis in order to obtain 3 homogeneous groups. The first group contains the least fit subjects (inactive, women, elderly). The other groups contain the “average fit” and the fittest subjects (active, men, younger). Concordance between test resulted in 83,23%. Afterwards, a linear combinations of the most relevant variables gave us a formula to classify people in the correct group. The most relevant result is that this submaximal test is able to discriminate subjects with different physical condition and to provide information (index) about physical fitness through HRR’. Compared to a traditional incremental stress test, the very low load of TOP, short duration and extended resting period, make this new method suitable to very different people. To better define the TOP index, it is necessary to enlarge our subject sample especially by diversifying the age range.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war es, das Zusammenspiel zwischen DNA-Reparatur und zellulärem anitoxidativen Abwehrsystem in Melanomzellen und gesunden Hautfibroblasten näher zu untersuchen. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die dominierenden DNA-Läsionen im Falle einer Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht (400 – 800 nm) Fpg-sensitive Läsionen, zu denen die Basenmodifikation 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanin (8-oxoG) gehört, und im Falle der UVA-Bestrahlung Cyclobutan-Pyrimidindimere (CPDs) sind. Sowohl Melanomzellen als auch Hautfibroblasten waren problemlos in der Lage, die durch sichtbares Licht und UVA-Strahlung induzierten oxidativen DNA-Modifikationen zu reparieren. Jedoch reagierten Melanomzellen in einer adaptiven Antwort mit einer Erhöhung ihres Glutathion-Gehalts auf ein Maximum (nach circa 10 - 14 h) nach Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht, wohingegen die Hautfibroblasten einen massiven Einbruch direkt nach Bestrahlung und eine extrem lange Erholungsphase über 48 h aufzuweisen hatten. Die darauffolgende Untersuchung der DNA-Reparaturkapazität der Zellen unter Bedingungen von oxidativem Stress mit vorangegangener Depletion intrazellulären Glutathions zeigten eine dramatische, nahezu vollständige Hemmung der Reparatur durch UVA- bzw. Sonnenlicht-induzierter Fpg-sensitiver DNA-Modifikationen (8-oxoG) - sowohl in Melanomzellen als auch in Hautfibroblasten. Dieser Effekt ließ sich durch den Zusatz von Dithiothreitol (DTT), nach erfolgter Bestrahlung der Glutathion-depletierten Zellen, wieder komplett revertieren. Diese Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass an der Reparatur ein redoxempfindliches Protein oder zellulärer Cofaktor beteiligt sein muß. Zudem konnte durch Untersuchungen der Nukleotidexzisionsreparatur (NER) und der Einzelstrangbruchreparatur nach dem gleichen Versuchsdesign gezeigt werden, dass es sich hierbei sehr wahrscheinlich um einen für die Basenexzisionsreparatur (BER) von 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-guanine (8-oxoG) exklusiven Effekt handelte. Zwei der wichtigsten Reparaturproteine der BER, nämlich hOGG1 und APE1, wurden anschließend auf ihre Funktionsfähigkeit hin untersucht, da es naheliegend war, dass der Reparaturhemmung ein Funktionsverlust eines dieser beiden Enzyme zugrunde liegen könnte. Im Falle des APE1-Proteins konnte dies ausgeschlossen werden, da mit Hilfe der Alkalischen Elution die volle Funktionsfähigkeit für die Reparatur von AP-Läsionen nachgewiesen werden konnte. Interessanterweise zeigte aber das hOGG1-Protein eine zwischen der dritten und vierten Stunde nach Bestrahlung Glutathion-depletierter Zellen stark abfallende Aktivität der 8-oxoG-Glykosylasefunktion. Die Western-Blot-Analyse ergab allerdings keinen Hinweis auf eine Proteinoxidation von hOGG1. Möglicherweise wird nicht hOGG1 selbst, wohl aber ein anderes, für eine konzertierte Abfolge der einzelnen Reparaturschritte entscheidend notwendiges Protein innerhalb der Zelle durch ROS leicht oxidiert. In jedem Fall bleibt festzustellen, dass Glutathion eine wichtige Aufgabe hinsichtlich einer voll funktionsfähigen Basenexzisionreparatur zuzukommen scheint. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die mögliche Bedeutung von oxidativem Stress für die Entstehung von Krebs durch Sonnenlicht, insbesondere durch UVA, da die durch die Strahlung (und eventuell auftretende Entzündung) gebildeten ROS nicht nur DNA-Schäden induzieren, sondern auch ihre Reparatur verhindern können.
Early embryonic exposure to maternal glucocorticoids can broadly impact physiology and behaviour across phylogenetically diverse taxa. The transfer of maternal glucocorticoids to offspring may be an inevitable cost associated with poor environmental conditions, or serve as a maternal effect that alters offspring phenotype in preparation for a stressful environment. Regardless, maternal glucocorticoids are likely to have both costs and benefits that are paid and collected over different developmental time periods. We manipulated yolk corticosterone (cort) in domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus) to examine the potential impacts of embryonic exposure to maternal stress on the juvenile stress response and cellular ageing. Here, we report that juveniles exposed to experimentally increased cort in ovo had a protracted decline in cort during the recovery phase of the stress response. All birds, regardless of treatment group, shifted to oxidative stress during an acute stress response. In addition, embryonic exposure to cort resulted in higher levels of reactive oxygen metabolites and an over-representation of short telomeres compared with the control birds. In many species, individuals with higher levels of oxidative stress and shorter telomeres have the poorest survival prospects. Given this, long-term costs of glucocorticoid-induced phenotypes may include accelerated ageing and increased mortality.
The general practitioner has an important role in the acute management and during the rehabilitation process of children after a traumatic head injury. Latest research shows that sequelae may occur even after a mild head injury without loss of consciousness. Recognizing the warning signs and symptoms after a head injury allows the general practitioner to counsel the child and parents in secondary prevention, particularly in order to avoid any further head injury during the recovery phase. Under the supervision of the general practitioner, a gradual progressive return to the child's everyday activities optimizes the chances of a rapid and complete recovery.
The human respiratory tract pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis is a naturally competent microorganism. However, electrotransformation has long been used to introduce foreign DNA into this organism. This study demonstrated that electrotransformants obtained with linear or circular nonreplicating plasmid DNA originated exclusively from natural transformation processes taking place during the recovery phase after the application of current. Only replicating plasmid DNA could be introduced into M. catarrhalis by electrotransformation, in a type IV pilus-independent manner. Electrotransformation with homologous genomic DNA indicated that restriction of double-stranded DNA was independent of type III restriction-methylation systems. Nontransformability of M. catarrhalis by electrotransformation was observed using double- as well as single-stranded DNA. In addition, the study showed that natural competence is a very constant feature of M. catarrhalis.
Phobias are characterized by excessive fear, cued by the presence or anticipation of a fearful situation. Whereas it is well established that glucocorticoids are released in fearful situations, it is not known whether these hormones, in turn, modulate perceived fear. As extensive evidence indicates that elevated glucocorticoid levels impair the retrieval of emotionally arousing information, they might also inhibit retrieval of fear memory associated with phobia and, thereby, reduce phobic fear. Here, we investigated whether acutely administrated glucocorticoids reduced phobic fear in two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in 40 subjects with social phobia and 20 subjects with spider phobia. In the social phobia study, cortisone (25 mg) administered orally 1 h before a socio-evaluative stressor significantly reduced self-reported fear during the anticipation, exposure, and recovery phase of the stressor. Moreover, the stress-induced release of cortisol in placebo-treated subjects correlated negatively with fear ratings, suggesting that endogenously released cortisol in the context of a phobic situation buffers fear symptoms. In the spider phobia study, repeated oral administration of cortisol (10 mg), but not placebo, 1 h before exposure to a spider photograph induced a progressive reduction of stimulus-induced fear. This effect was maintained when subjects were exposed to the stimulus again 2 days after the last cortisol administration, suggesting that cortisol may also have facilitated the extinction of phobic fear. Cortisol treatment did not reduce general, phobia-unrelated anxiety. In conclusion, the present findings in two distinct types of phobias indicate that glucocorticoid administration reduces phobic fear.