781 resultados para Reclau Viver, Cova del (Serinyà, Catalonia : Archaeological site)


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Descripció del jaciment arqueològic de Cal Coix, al terme municipal de Maçanet de la Selva. Es descriuen els fragments trobats pel seu descobridor, Francerc Riuró, i per Miquel Oliva i Josep M.Corominas, i dipositats al Museu Arqueològic Provincial de Girona


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Descripció de la necròpolis rural de Can Bel, a Pineda de Mar, el Maresme


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Descripció de la campanya arqueològica duta a terme entre el 27 de juliol al 12 d'agost de 1984 al jaciment paleontològic d' Incarcal. Les restes òssies excavades corresponien a les d'un elefant meridional jove


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The exact pattern, process and timing of the human re-colonization of northern Europe after the end of the last Ice Age remain controversial. Recent research has provided increasingly early dates for at least pioneer explorations of latitudes above 54°N in many regions, yet the far north-west of the European landmass, Scotland, has remained an unexplained exception to this pattern. Although the recently described Hamburgian artefacts from Howburn and an assemblage belonging to the arch-backed point complex from Kilmelfort Cave have established at least a sporadic human presence during earlier stages of the Lateglacial Interstadial, we currently lack evidence for Younger Dryas/Greenland Stadial 1 (GS-1) activity other than rare stray finds that have been claimed to be of Ahrensburgian affiliation but are difficult to interpret in isolation. We here report the discovery of chipped stone artefacts with technological and typological characteristics similar to those of the continental Ahrensburgian at a locality in western Scotland. A preliminary analysis of associated tephra, pollen and phytoliths, along with microstratigraphic analysis, suggest the artefacts represent one or more episodes of human activity that fall within the second half of GS-1 and the Preboreal period


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this article we present some results of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) studies carried out at the Lapa do Santo archaeological site. This cave is within the Lagoa Santa karstic region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Results from 44 GPR profiles obtained with 400 MHz shielded antennas indicated anomalous hyperbolic reflections and areas with high sub-horizontal reflection amplitude suggesting archaeological and geological potential targets, respectively. These results were encouraging and were used to guide excavations at this site. Excavation of test units (metre by metre) allowed identifying an anthropogenic feature, e.g., a fire hearth structure and natural features, such as a stalagmite and top of bedrock. Results also indicated the importance of the GPR survey as a tool for orienting archaeological researches, increasing the probability of finding archaeological interest targets in an excavation program in an area of environmental protection.


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Ponencia en el congreso internacional RESTAPIA 2012 que recoge los resultados de los trabajos de investigación realizados en el yacimiento arqueológico colonial de Piura la Vieja, La Matanza (Piura, Perú).


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We present an overview on different environmental zones within coastal areas and summarise the physical basis behind the three most important methods that are available to date Holocene coastal sediments. Besides radiocarbon and uranium series dating, Optically Stimulated Luminescence (Osl) has increasingly been applied for dating in coastal settings over the past decade. This is illustrated by a number of case studies showing that Osl can be applied to sediments from almost any kind of coastal environment, covering a potential dating range from some years up to several hundred thousand years. Osl dating may hence be the method of choice for deciphering natural environmental change along coasts as well as the presence and the impact of human occupation in such areas. In addition, we briefly show how and where these dating methods could be applied to constrain the palaeo-environmental context of an archaeological site at Vohemar in north-eastern Madagascar.


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The loess sediment embedding the main Gravettian layer at the Krems-Wachtberg archaeological site facilitates exceptional preservation. To gain insight in the sedimentation process before and after the Paleolithic settlement, the magnetic fabric (preferential orientation of magnetic particles) of loess of the Krems-Wachtberg site is investigated. Magnetic fabric properties clearly show an eolian origin of the loess, but may indicate some relocation in the meter above the cultural layer. The magnetic fabric properties can be divided into three intervals, the top interval shows lowest foliation and inconsistent magnetic fabric directions. The middle interval around the main cultural layer shows low foliation, but a clear preferential NW - SE direction of the lineation. This lineation is interpreted as preferential direction of the eolian loess accumulation from the South-East. The interval below ca. 0.5 m underneath the main find horizon shows a northeast-southwest lineation, but an imbrication suggesting that sediment accumulation occurred perpendicular to this direction, similar to the interval around the find horizon.