980 resultados para Realidade em literatura


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This research refers to the production of green buildings, defined, mainly, based on the use of sources of alternative energies, smaller emission of pollutant, use of recyclable materials, systems of recycling of the waters, maximization of the natural illumination, preservation of green areas or native, and appropriate quality of the internal air. From the conception of those buildings, it appears the needs of evaluating them, creating the methodologies for the evaluation of environmental performance of buildings. In that way, this work can be divided in two moments: the first one when it identifies the methodologies for the evaluation of environmental performance for buildings existents in the literature, defining their categories, criteria and sub-criteria to be appropriate to the reality of the Brazilian Northeast; and the second one when starting from the analysis of the systems of existent evaluation. It defines a methodological base and it generates a new evaluation system, denominated MEDACNE (Methodology of Evaluation of Environmental Acting for Construction in the Northeast). In that moment, the process of framing of the section of the building site is verified under the maintainable optics, stimulated mainly by the pressures of the society - conferences, protocols and agreements. Finally, the proposed methodology was applied in a case study, a residential building, called Maria José Gurgel , located in Natal-RN, Brazil, for its validation. This methodological proposition should increase the patterns environmental places for the production of new buildings, and it will be a reference guide for architects, engineers and planners to develop their constructions considering the criteria of the sustainability. This study made use of bibliographical research in books and specialized magazines and the analysis of the data was realized in an interpretative way


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This research analyses the silencehood use by the A República journal (Natal/RN), today not being distributed, during the Second World War. Its objective is to unveil the production condition of the news texts, and it was observed that the use of silencehood as a speech strategy with its implications that falls upon the way of behaving and thinking of the society, all that time, influencing the reader in the construction of his image of the reality. During the coverage of the conflict by the local journal it was possible to also observe different speech marks that represented the change in attitude of the Brazilian Government, responsible for the control of what was spread as news. The country lived the dictatorship of the New State and as the war went on the government changed its speech, according to political, social and economical interest s thoughts being played, silencing themes in the name of the national security. We admit as research material journalistic texts that refer to the main facts that occurred during the six years of the world conflict and that is why we used as theoric-metodological support the Speech Analysis


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This study analyzes the processes of meaning construction in the Livro do Desassossego, by semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares - Fernando Pessoa. We use theoretical grounds from an interface between Cognitive Linguistics and Textual Linguistics to observe how certain linguistic mechanisms build a reality that tells us of a time, a being and his conceptions of language and writing. We focus on description and explanation of procedures of categorization and referentiation accomplished, for example, through metaphor and metonymy. For the construction of the intended theoretical interface, we use analytical categories proposed and developed by the Socio-cognitive Approach of Language, Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Mental Space Theory. Armed with this theoretical background, we observed the dynamics of language in relation to its social, cultural and historical features, as well as the cognitive aspects that underlie it. We seek, therefore, encourage discussions about the functioning of language considering primarily the creative processes that allow us to organize and shape our experiences. We also try to provide an approximation of Linguistics, Literature and Philosophy, with a view to relations between language structure, cognitive activity and socio-cultural organization. From the results obtained, we found that a literary text attests, with a particular property, the mutual relations between language, cognition and culture, as indicates cognitive approach to language studies


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This work has the general proposal of studying the composition of the trevisanian fictional universe, the aesthetic expression engineered to formulate this universe, and last, the representations of reality that emanates from this aesthetic-narrative construction. It seemed to us, however, that it would be impossible to cover, even superficially, so vast and voluminous set of texts as the trevisanian. Therefore, so that we could accomplish this task, and still do it in a way that was, at the same time, plausible and thorough, it was necessary an objective cut within that library. Then we selected a book, representative of the whole trevisanian work, which served as the object of study: Cemitério de Elefantes, 1964, one of the first books of short stories by this author. Within this one, we focused even more our sight, then moving towards what we call a reality forked in paralytic world and world in violence . Supported by the theories and methodologies of Auerbach (2011), Candido (2002, 2006), Adorno (2003), Gennete (1995), Friedman (2002), and still moved by the spirit of Russian Formalism (1973), we built our criticism. Our approach was based then in three steps: first we are dedicated to comment the general context of the trevisanian work, supported strongly by reading two of the biggest critics of his literature, Miguel Sanches Neto and Berta Waldman, secondly, we turn us to comment on the detailed formal construction of language and narrative elements of the trevisanian prose; finally we raised our criticism to the level of reading representations of reality, and then we started to comment the construction of the trevisanian fictional universe, focusing in splitting this universe in paralytic world and world in violence


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Este trabalho é uma reflexão sobre a representação do real no romance Inferno provisório, de Luiz Ruffato, considerando as proposições de Claudio Magris acerca da forma romanesca moderna e sua possível transformação nas últimas décadas. O objetivo é questionar de que modo o projeto estético do romance incorpora uma visão em profundidade do real, originando um princípio ético de análise e crítica da sociedade contemporânea.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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A presente Dissertação foi realizada tendo como foco o fracasso escolar enquanto fenômeno educativo fortemente presente em nossa sociedade, ainda que grande parte das políticas públicas educacionais implementadas atualmente vise o combater do mesmo. Desta forma, a pesquisa aqui efetivada objetivou investigar o contexto sócio-histórico que engendrou, de maneira atroz, o fracasso escolar entre a maioria dos moradores da comunidade da Vila da Barca. Dentre estes moradores, elegi para realizar a pesquisa empírica crianças e jovens que, desde a infância, residem na comunidade ora citada, em particular os que foram atendidos pelo Programa Bolsa Familiar para a Educação (Bolsa Escola), implantado pela Prefeitura Municipal de Belém em 1997 e que, entre 1998 e 2004, atendeu famílias pobres da localidade analisada. Deste modo, além da análise da literatura, realizei a recolha de parte da memória da comunidade ao ouvir, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, as representações destes comunitários acerca do fracasso escolar verificado durante a trajetória escolar desses. Optei por investigar o referido fenômeno a partir do olhar do materialismo histórico e dialético recorrendo às contribuições de Patto (1996), especialmente, às questões por ela analisadas em A produção do fracasso escolar: histórias de submissão e rebeldia. Esta pesquisa realizou-se tendo como inquietação a seguinte problemática: de que forma os indivíduos que repetem e evadem com freqüência as escolas administradas pelo poder público expressam as motivações e obstáculos que os levaram a fracassar na escola? O propósito residia em identificar as formas de resistência efetivadas pelos referidos indivíduos frente às condições, objetivas e subjetivas, que favorecem o fracasso escolar.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo a compreensão e estudo de cultura da Amazônia, visando a produzir conhecimento qualificado sobre Literatura e Cinema na Amazônia e suas relações com estratégias artísticas para interpretá-las. Para atingir este objetivo, utilizo o conto „As Mulheres Choradeiras‟, de Fábio Castro, e o curta homônimo, de Jorane Castro, permitindo assim um estudo focado em material de análise específico voltado para os costumes, as crenças, o mito, a hibridização e as traduções interculturais que se desenham nessa obra. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é estudar o conto e o curtametragem, enfatizando assim a diferença de linguagens por ele apresentadas e mostrar a leitura universal que se pode fazer a partir de cada uma dessas expressões artísticas. Essa pesquisa pretende apresentar leituras universais de um conto paraense com temática voltada para a realidade amazônica e ressaltar o estudo dos mitos e da oralidade que envolve a criação do conto de Fábio Castro e sua propagação. Os mitos e a oralidade possibilitam uma (re)construção e desenvolvimento de conhecimentos que permeiam a atividade da leitura (conhecimentos artístico, cultural, social, filosófico e histórico) além de enriquecer e (re)afirmar a identidade latino-americana. Por isso, esse trabalho tem o intuito de relacionar a história do conto a outras leituras, tais quais sua aproximação e semelhança aos mitos, oralidade e outras literaturas em geral. Entende-se, portanto, que todos estes elementos constituem uma literatura rica e de grande importância para o mundo, e não apenas para a região onde foi produzida.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)