995 resultados para Rate of Convergence


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THE addition of catalysts normally serves the purpose of imparting a desired burning rate change in a composite propellant. These may either retard or enhance the burning rate. Some often quoted catalysts are oxides, chromites and chromates of metals. A lot of work has been done on rinding the effect of the addition of some of these catalysts on the burning rate; however, none seems to have appeared on the influence of lithium fluoride (LiF). Only qualitative reduction in the burning rate of composite propellants with the addition of LiF was reported by Williams et al.1 Dickinson and Jackson2 reported a slight decrease in the specific impulse of composite propellant with the addition of LiF; however, they made no mention of the effect of its addition on the burning rate. We have studied the effect of the addition of varying amounts of LiF on the burning rate of Ammonium Perchlorate (AP)-Polyester propellant.


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The finite-difference form of the basic conservation equations in laminar film boiling have been solved by the false-transient method. By a judicious choice of the coordinate system the vapour-liquid interface is fitted to the grid system. Central differencing is used for diffusion terms, upwind differencing for convection terms, and explicit differencing for transient terms. Since an explicit method is used the time step used in the false-transient method is constrained by numerical instability. In the present problem the limits on the time step are imposed by conditions in the vapour region. On the other hand the rate of convergence of finite-difference equations is dependent on the conditions in the liquid region. The rate of convergence was accelerated by using the over-relaxation technique in the liquid region. The results obtained compare well with previous work and experimental data available in the literature.


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Two methods were employed to measure the rate of ribonucleic acid (RNA) chain growth in vivo in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv cultures growing in Sauton medium at 37 degrees C, with a generation time of 10 h. In the first, the bacteria were allowed to assimilate [3H]uracil or [3H]guanine into their RNA for short time periods. The RNA was then extracted and hydrolyzed with alkali, and the radioactivity in the resulting nucleotides and nucleosides was measured. The data obtained by this method allowed the calculation of the individual nucleotide step times during the growth of RNA chains, from which the average rate of RNA chain elongation was estimated to be about 4 nucleotides per s. The second method employed the antibiotic rifampin, which specifically inhibits the initiation of RNA synthesis without interfering with the elongation and completion of nascent RNA chains. Usint this method, the transcription time of the 16S, 23S, and 5S ribosomal RNA genes was estimated to be 7.6 min, which corresponds to a ribosomal RNA chain growth rate of 10 nucleotides per s.


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Abstract is not available.


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Motivated by a problem from fluid mechanics, we consider a generalization of the standard curve shortening flow problem for a closed embedded plane curve such that the area enclosed by the curve is forced to decrease at a prescribed rate. Using formal asymptotic and numerical techniques, we derive possible extinction shapes as the curve contracts to a point, dependent on the rate of decreasing area; we find there is a wider class of extinction shapes than for standard curve shortening, for which initially simple closed curves are always asymptotically circular. We also provide numerical evidence that self-intersection is possible for non-convex initial conditions, distinguishing between pinch-off and coalescence of the curve interior.


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In [8], we recently presented two computationally efficient algorithms named B-RED and P-RED for random early detection. In this letter, we present the mathematical proof of convergence of these algorithms under general conditions to local minima.


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A Linear Processing Complex Orthogonal Design (LPCOD) is a p x n matrix epsilon, (p >= n) in k complex indeterminates x(1), x(2),..., x(k) such that (i) the entries of epsilon are complex linear combinations of 0, +/- x(i), i = 1,..., k and their conjugates, (ii) epsilon(H)epsilon = D, where epsilon(H) is the Hermitian (conjugate transpose) of epsilon and D is a diagonal matrix with the (i, i)-th diagonal element of the form l(1)((i))vertical bar x(1)vertical bar(2) + l(2)((i))vertical bar x(2)vertical bar(2)+...+ l(k)((i))vertical bar x(k)vertical bar(2) where l(j)((i)), i = 1, 2,..., n, j = 1, 2,...,k are strictly positive real numbers and the condition l(1)((i)) = l(2)((i)) = ... = l(k)((i)), called the equal-weights condition, holds for all values of i. For square designs it is known. that whenever a LPCOD exists without the equal-weights condition satisfied then there exists another LPCOD with identical parameters with l(1)((i)) = l(2)((i)) = ... = l(k)((i)) = 1. This implies that the maximum possible rate for square LPCODs without the equal-weights condition is the same as that or square LPCODs with equal-weights condition. In this paper, this result is extended to a subclass of non-square LPCODs. It is shown that, a set of sufficient conditions is identified such that whenever a non-square (p > n) LPCOD satisfies these sufficient conditions and do not satisfy the equal-weights condition, then there exists another LPCOD with the same parameters n, k and p in the same complex indeterminates with l(1)((i)) = l(2)((i)) = ... = l(k)((i)) = 1.


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An analytical treatment of performance analysis of guidance laws is possible only in simplistic scenarios. As the complexity of the guidance system increases, a search for analytical solutions becomes quite impractical. In this paper, a new performance measure, based upon the notion of a timescale gap that can be computed through numerical simulations, is developed for performance analysis of guidance laws. Finite time Lyapunov exponents are used to define the timescale gap. It is shown that the timescale gap can be used for quantification of the rate of convergence of trajectories to the collision course. Comparisonbetween several guidance laws, based on the timescale gap, is presented. Realistic simulations to study the effect of aerodynamicsand atmospheric variations on the timescale gap of these guidance laws are also presented.


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For p x n complex orthogonal designs in k variables, where p is the number of channels uses and n is the number of transmit antennas, the maximal rate L of the design is asymptotically half as n increases. But, for such maximal rate codes, the decoding delay p increases exponentially. To control the delay, if we put the restriction that p = n, i.e., consider only the square designs, then, the rate decreases exponentially as n increases. This necessitates the study of the maximal rate of the designs with restrictions of the form p = n+1, p = n+2, p = n+3 etc. In this paper, we study the maximal rate of complex orthogonal designs with the restrictions p = n+1 and p = n+2. We derive upper and lower bounds for the maximal rate for p = n+1 and p = n+2. Also for the case of p = n+1, we show that if the orthogonal design admit only the variables, their negatives and multiples of these by root-1 and zeros as the entries of the matrix (other complex linear combinations are not allowed), then the maximal rate always equals the lower bound.


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We present the theoretical foundations for the multiple rendezvous problem involving design of local control strategies that enable groups of visibility-limited mobile agents to split into subgroups, exhibit simultaneous taxis behavior towards, and eventually rendezvous at, multiple unknown locations of interest. The theoretical results are proved under certain restricted set of assumptions. The algorithm used to solve the above problem is based on a glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) technique, developed earlier, that finds multiple optima of multimodal objective functions. The significant difference between our work and most earlier approaches to agreement problems is the use of a virtual local-decision domain by the agents in order to compute their movements. The range of the virtual domain is adaptive in nature and is bounded above by the maximum sensor/visibility range of the agent. We introduce a new decision domain update rule that enhances the rate of convergence by a factor of approximately two. We use some illustrative simulations to support the algorithmic correctness and theoretical findings of the paper.


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Let n points be placed independently in d-dimensional space according to the density f(x) = A(d)e(-lambda parallel to x parallel to alpha), lambda, alpha > 0, x is an element of R-d, d >= 2. Let d(n) be the longest edge length of the nearest-neighbor graph on these points. We show that (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n) - b(n) converges weakly to the Gumbel distribution, where b(n) similar to ((d - 1)/lambda alpha) log log n. We also prove the following strong law for the normalized nearest-neighbor distance (d) over tilde (n) = (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n)/log log n: (d - 1)/alpha lambda <= lim inf(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= lim sup(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= d/alpha lambda almost surely. Thus, the exponential rate of decay alpha = 1 is critical, in the sense that, for alpha > 1, d(n) -> 0, whereas, for alpha <= 1, d(n) -> infinity almost surely as n -> infinity.