939 resultados para Radial distribution networks


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The Finnish electricity distribution sector, rural areas in particular, is facing major challenges because of the economic regulation, tightening supply security requirements and the ageing network asset. Therefore, the target in the distribution network planning and asset management is to develop and renovate the networks to meet these challenges in compliance with the regulations in an economically feasible way. Concerning supply security, the new Finnish Electricity Market Act limits the maximum duration of electricity supply interruptions to six hours in urban areas and 36 hours in rural areas. This has a significant impact on distribution network planning, especially in rural areas where the distribution networks typically require extensive modifications and renovations to meet the supply security requirements. This doctoral thesis introduces a methodology to analyse electricity distribution system development. The methodology is based on and combines elements of reliability analysis, asset management and economic regulation. The analysis results can be applied, for instance, to evaluate the development of distribution reliability and to consider actions to meet the tightening regulatory requirements. Thus, the methodology produces information for strategic decision-making so that DSOs can respond to challenges arising in the electricity distribution sector. The key contributions of the thesis are a network renovation concept for rural areas, an analysis to assess supply security, and an evaluation of the effects of economic regulation on the strategic network planning. In addition, the thesis demonstrates how the reliability aspect affects the placement of automation devices and how the reserve power can be arranged in a rural area network.


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The Thesis is dedicated to development of an operative tool to support decision making of battery energy storages implementation in distribution networks. The basics of various battery technologies, their perspectives and challenges are represented in the Thesis. Mathematical equations that describe economic effect from battery energy storage installation are offered. The main factors that influence profitability of battery settings have been explored and mathematically defined. Mathematical model and principal trends of battery storage profitability under an impact of the major factors are determined. The meaning of annual net value was introduced to show the difference between savings and required costs. The model gives a clear vision for dependencies between annual net value and main factors. Proposals for optimal network and battery characteristics are suggested.


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Recent Storms in Nordic countries were a reason of long power outages in huge territories. After these disasters distribution networks' operators faced with a problem how to provide adequate quality of supply in such situation. The decision of utilization cable lines rather than overhead lines were made, which brings new features to distribution networks. The main idea of this work is a complex analysis of medium voltage distribution networks with long cable lines. High value of cable’s specific capacitance and length of lines determine such problems as: high values of earth fault currents, excessive amount of reactive power flow from distribution to transmission network, possibility of a high voltage level at the receiving end of cable feeders. However the core tasks was to estimate functional ability of the earth fault protection and the possibility to utilize simplified formulas for operating setting calculations in this network. In order to provide justify solution or evaluation of mentioned above problems corresponding calculations were made and in order to analyze behavior of relay protection principles PSCAD model of the examined network have been created. Evaluation of the voltage rise in the end of a cable line have educed absence of a dangerous increase in a voltage level, while excessive value of reactive power can be a reason of final penalty according to the Finish regulations. It was proved and calculated that for this networks compensation of earth fault currents should be implemented. In PSCAD models of the electrical grid with isolated neutral, central compensation and hybrid compensation were created. For the network with hybrid compensation methodology which allows to select number and rated power of distributed arc suppression coils have been offered. Based on the obtained results from experiments it was determined that in order to guarantee selective and reliable operation of the relay protection should be utilized hybrid compensation with connection of high-ohmic resistor. Directional and admittance based relay protection were tested under these conditions and advantageous of the novel protection were revealed. However, for electrical grids with extensive cabling necessity of a complex approach to the relay protection were explained and illustrated. Thus, in order to organize reliable earth fault protection is recommended to utilize both intermittent and conventional relay protection with operational settings calculated by the use of simplified formulas.


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Increasingly growing share of distributed generation in the whole electrical power system’s generating system is currently a worldwide tendency, driven by several factors, encircling mainly difficulties in refinement of megalopolises’ distribution networks and its maintenance; widening environmental concerns adding to both energy efficiency approaches and installation of renewable sources based generation, inherently distributed; increased power quality and reliability needs; progress in IT field, making implementable harmonization of needs and interests of different-energy-type generators and consumers. At this stage, the volume, formed by system-interconnected distributed generation facilities, have reached the level of causing broad impact toward system operation under emergency and post-emergency conditions in several EU countries, thus previously implementable approach of their preliminary tripping in case of a fault, preventing generating equipment damage and disoperation of relay protection and automation, is not applicable any more. Adding to the preceding, withstand capability and transient electromechanical stability of generating technologies, interconnecting in proximity of load nodes, enhanced significantly since the moment Low Voltage Ride-Through regulations, followed by techniques, were introduced in Grid Codes. Both aspects leads to relay protection and auto-reclosing operation in presence of distributed generation generally connected after grid planning and construction phases. This paper proposes solutions to the emerging need to ensure correct operation of the equipment in question with least possible grid refinements, distinctively for every type of distributed generation technology achieved its technical maturity to date and network’s protection. New generating technologies are equivalented from the perspective of representation in calculation of initial steady-state short-circuit current used to dimension current-sensing relay protection, and widely adopted short-circuit calculation practices, as IEC 60909 and VDE 0102. The phenomenon of unintentional islanding, influencing auto-reclosing, is addressed, and protection schemes used to eliminate an sustained island are listed and characterized by reliability and implementation related factors, whereas also forming a crucial aspect of realization of the proposed protection operation relieving measures.


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The use of expert system techniques in power distribution system design is examined. The selection and siting of equipment on overhead line networks is chosen for investigation as the use of equipment such as auto-reclosers, etc., represents a substantial investment and has a significant effect on the reliability of the system. Through past experience with both equipment and network operations, most decisions in selection and siting of this equipment are made intuitively, following certain general guidelines or rules of thumb. This heuristic nature of the problem lends itself to solution using an expert system approach. A prototype has been developed and is currently under evaluation in the industry. Results so far have demonstrated both the feasibility and benefits of the expert system as a design aid.


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Recently, it has been proposed that there are two type Ia supernova progenitors: short-lived and long-lived. On the basis of this idea, we develop a theory of a unified mechanism for the formation of the bimodal radial distribution of iron and oxygen in the Galactic disc. The underlying cause for the formation of the fine structure of the radial abundance pattern is the influence of the spiral arms, specifically the combined effect of the corotation resonance and turbulent diffusion. From our modelling, we conclude that in order to explain the bimodal radial distributions simultaneously for oxygen and iron and to obtain approximately equal total iron output from different types of supernovae, the mean ejected iron mass per supernova event should be the same as quoted in the literature if the maximum mass of stars, which eject heavy elements, is 50 M(circle dot). For the upper mass limit of 70 M(circle dot), the production of iron by a type II supernova explosion should increase by about 1.5 times.


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Demands are one of the most uncertain parameters in a water distribution network model. A good calibration of the model demands leads to better solutions when using the model for any purpose. A demand pattern calibration methodology that uses a priori information has been developed for calibrating the behaviour of demand groups. Generally, the behaviours of demands in cities are mixed all over the network, contrary to smaller villages where demands are clearly sectorised in residential neighbourhoods, commercial zones and industrial sectors. Demand pattern calibration has a final use for leakage detection and isolation. Detecting a leakage in a pattern that covers nodes spread all over the network makes the isolation unfeasible. Besides, demands in the same zone may be more similar due to the common pressure of the area rather than for the type of contract. For this reason, the demand pattern calibration methodology is applied to a real network with synthetic non-geographic demands for calibrating geographic demand patterns. The results are compared with a previous work where the calibrated patterns were also non-geographic.


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Drinking water distribution networks risk exposure to malicious or accidental contamination. Several levels of responses are conceivable. One of them consists to install a sensor network to monitor the system on real time. Once a contamination has been detected, this is also important to take appropriate counter-measures. In the SMaRT-OnlineWDN project, this relies on modeling to predict both hydraulics and water quality. An online model use makes identification of the contaminant source and simulation of the contaminated area possible. The objective of this paper is to present SMaRT-OnlineWDN experience and research results for hydraulic state estimation with sampling frequency of few minutes. A least squares problem with bound constraints is formulated to adjust demand class coefficient to best fit the observed values at a given time. The criterion is a Huber function to limit the influence of outliers. A Tikhonov regularization is introduced for consideration of prior information on the parameter vector. Then the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is applied that use derivative information for limiting the number of iterations. Confidence intervals for the state prediction are also given. The results are presented and discussed on real networks in France and Germany.


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This paper presents a method for calculating the power flow in distribution networks considering uncertainties in the distribution system. Active and reactive power are used as uncertain variables and probabilistically modeled through probability distribution functions. Uncertainty about the connection of the users with the different feeders is also considered. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to generate the possible load scenarios of the users. The results of the power flow considering uncertainty are the mean values and standard deviations of the variables of interest (voltages in all nodes, active and reactive power flows, etc.), giving the user valuable information about how the network will behave under uncertainty rather than the traditional fixed values at one point in time. The method is tested using real data from a primary feeder system, and results are presented considering uncertainty in demand and also in the connection. To demonstrate the usefulness of the approach, the results are then used in a probabilistic risk analysis to identify potential problems of undervoltage in distribution systems. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The neutral wire in most existing power flow and fault analysis software is usually merged into phase wires using Kron's reduction method. In some applications, such as fault analysis, fault location, power quality studies, safety analysis, loss analysis etc., knowledge of the neutral wire and ground currents and voltages could be of particular interest. A general short-circuit analysis algorithm for three-phase four-wire distribution networks, based on the hybrid compensation method, is presented. In this novel use of the technique, the neutral wire and assumed ground conductor are explicitly represented. A generalised fault analysis method is applied to the distribution network for conditions with and without embedded generation. Results obtained from several case studies on medium- and low-voltage test networks with unbalanced loads, for isolated and multi-grounded neutral scenarios, are presented and discussed. Simulation results show the effects of neutrals and system grounding on the operation of the distribution feeders.


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The problems of wave propagation and power flow in the distribution network composed of an overhead wire parallel to the surface of the ground have not been satisfactorily solved. While a complete solution of the actual problem is impossible, as it is explained in the famous Carson's paper (1926), the solution of the problem, where the actual earth is replaced by a plane homogenous semi-infinite solid, is of considerable interest. In this paper, a power flow algorithm in distribution networks with earth return, based on backward-forward technique, is discussed. In this novel use of the technique, the ground is explicitly represented. In addition, an iterative method for determining impedance for modelling ground effect in the extended power flow algorithm is suggested. Results obtained from single-wire and three-wire studies using IEEE test networks are presented and discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents a comparison of reactive power support in distribution networks provided by switched Capacitor Banks (CBs) and Distributed Generators (DGs). Regarding switched CBs, a Tabu Search metaheuristic algorithm is developed to determine their optimal operation with the objective of reducing the power losses in the lines on the system, while meeting network constraints. on the other hand, the optimal operation of DGs is analyzed through an evolutionary Multi-Objective (MO) programming approach. The objectives of such approach are the minimization of power losses and operation cost of the DGs. The comparison of the reactive power support provided by switched CBs and DGs is carried out using a modified IEEE 34 bus distribution test system.


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In this paper, it is presented a methodology for three-phase distribution transformer modeling, considering several types of transformer configuration, to be used in algorithms of power flow in three-phase radial distribution networks. The paper provides a detailed discussion about the models and the results from an implementation of the power flow algorithm. The results, taken from three different networks, are presented for several transformer configurations and for voltage regulators as well.