830 resultados para REFORMATION
Recent research on the Reformation has been concerned with the process by which lay people acquired a religious identity, whether it began merely as an act of political obedience or by a sudden ‘conversion’ to new doctrines. Confessional politics made it imperative for rulers to try to control the religious allegiances of their people, but the doctrine of conversion (as a spiritual change) made this theoretically impossible. Instead, a ‘culture of persuasion’ developed by which clerical and secular rulers sought to persuade their people to accept teachings authorized by the state. The possibility of religious dissent, of converting away from the state-sanctioned denomination, made conversion an issue whose importance was far greater than the actual number of converts. The study of confessionalism and conversion emphasises two theses fundamental to Reformation studies: that the era produced radical changes in the ways that people thought about their personal and communal identities, and that it made individuals’ religious choices the urgent concern of their governors.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore and understand the process of successful introduction of total quality management (TQM) in Poland and the way in which it impacted on identity of Polish managers. Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on a combination of ethnographic research and repertory grid interviews. Findings – The process of TQM introduction and implementation is examined through the application of translation as a model incorporating cultural and socio-economical dimensions in addition to individual and organizational levels that shaped the development of TQM in Poland. It then draws on the idea of fantasy as theorized in Lacanian psychoanalysis in order to incorporate the unconscious element of translation process which is missing from Latour’s theorization and which forms an important aspect of adoption of new technology and the emergence of a new post-transition generation of managers in Poland. The paper argues that a complex combination of contextual factors, amongst them the notion of fantasy shaped the process of translation of TQM to Poland, the identity formation of Polish managers and to the emergence of a new post-transition generation of managers in Poland. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the literature on the post-command transition by illustrating this process through the fantasy of total quality management explored in a specific socio-cultural and geographical context and by combining the idea of Latour’s translation with Lacanian fantasy.
Background: Recent clinical studies have described maxillary sinus floor augmentation by simply elevating the maxillary sinus membrane without the use of adjunctive grafting materials. Purpose: This experimental study aimed at comparing the histologic outcomes of sinus membrane elevation and simultaneous placement of implants with and without adjunctive autogenous bone grafts. The purpose was also to investigate the role played by the implant surface in osseointegration under such circumstances. Materials and Methods: Four tufted capuchin primates had all upper premolars and the first molar extracted bilaterally. Four months later, the animals underwent maxillary sinus membrane elevation surgery using a replaceable bone window technique. The schneiderian membrane was kept elevated by insertion of two implants (turned and oxidized, Brånemark System®, Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden) in both sinuses. The right sinus was left with no additional treatment, whereas the left sinus was filled with autogenous bone graft. Implant stability was assessed through resonance frequency analysis (Osstell™, Integration Diagnostics AB, Göteborg, Sweden) at installation and at sacrifice. The pattern of bone formation in the experimental sites and related to the different implant surfaces was investigated using fluorochromes. The animals were sacrificed 6 months after the maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedure for histology and histomorphometry (bone-implant contact, bone area in threads, and bone area in rectangle). Results: The results showed no differences between membrane-elevated and grafted sites regarding implant stability, bone-implant contacts, and bone area within and outside implant threads. The oxidized implants exhibited improved integration compared with turned ones as higher values of bone-implant contact and bone area within threads were observed. Conclusions: The amount of augmented bone tissue in the maxillary sinus after sinus membrane elevation with or without adjunctive autogenous bone grafts does not differ after 6 months of healing. New bone is frequently deposited in contact with the schneiderian membrane in coagulum-alone sites, indicating the osteoinductive potential of the membrane. Oxidized implants show a stronger bone tissue response than turned implants in sinus floor augmentation procedures. © 2006 Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
Background: Previous studies have shown that membrane elevation results in predictable bone formation in the maxillary sinus provided that implants can be placed as tent poles. In situations with an extremely thin residual crest which impairs implant placement, it is possible that a space-making device can be used under the sinus membrane to promote bone formation prior to placement of implants. Purpose: The present study was conducted to test the hypothesis that the use of a space-making device for elevation of the sinus membrane will result in predictable bone formation at the maxillary sinus floor to allow placement of dental implants. Materials and Methods: Eight tufted capuchin primates underwent bilateral sinus membrane elevation surgery, and a bioresorbable space-making device, about 6 mm wide and 6 mm in height, was placed below the elevated membrane on the sinus floor. An oxidized implant (Nobel Biocare AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) was installed in the residual bone protruding into the created space at one side while the other side was left without an implant. Four animals were sacrificed after 6 months of healing. The remaining four animals received a second implant in the side with a space-making device only and followed for another 3 months before sacrifice. Implant stability was assessed through resonance frequency analysis (RFA) using the Osstell™ (Osstell AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) at installation, 6 months and 9 months after the first surgery. The bone-implant contact (BIC) and bone area inside the threads (BA) were histometrically evaluated in ground sections. Results: Histologically there were only minor or no signs of bone formation in the sites with a space-making device only. Sites with simultaneous implant placement showed bone formation along the implant surface. Sites with delayed implant placement showed minor or no bone formation and/or formation of a dense fibrous tissue along the apical part of the implant surface. In the latter group the apical part of the implant was not covered with the membrane but protruded into the sinus cavity. Conclusions: The use of a space-making device, with the design used in the present study, does not result in bone formation at the sinus floor. However, membrane elevation and simultaneous placement of the device and an implant does result in bone formation at the implant surface while sites with implants placed 6 months after membrane elevation show only small amounts of bone formation. It is suggested that lack of stabilization of the device and/or a too extensive elevation of the membrane may explain the results. © 2009, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.