952 resultados para RC beams
Summary In this work the structural dependence of plastic rotation capacity in RC beams is evaluated using the Finite Element Method. The objective is to achieve a better understanding of the non-linear behavior of reinforced concrete members and perform extensive parameter studies, using a rational model developed by Bigaj [1] to analyze the phenomenon of plastic rotation capacity in reinforced concrete members. It is assumed that only bending failure is relevant due to sufficient member resistance against shear and torsion. The paper begins with the physical and theoretical background of the phenomenon of plastic hinge development in RC structures. Special emphasis is laid on the issue of structural dependence of deformation capacity of plastic hinges in RC members. Member size dependence and influence of properties of construction materials were emphasized as well. The essential components of the Bigajs model for calculating the plastic rotation capacity are discussed. The behaviour of the plastic hinge is analysed taking into account the strain localisation in the damage zones of the hinge region. The Fictitious Crack Model (FCM) and the Compressive Damage Zone Model (CDZ) are adopted in a Fracture Mechanics approach to model the behaviour of concrete in tension and compression, respectively. The approach is implemented in FEMOOP, a FEM in-house solver under development, and applied to evaluate ductility in 2D beams. The models were generated with GiD, a pre-processor and post-processor developed by CIMNE, and analyzed with the capabilities implemented in FEMOOP. © Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, España 2010.
El uso de materiales compuestos para el refuerzo, reparación y rehabilitación de estructuras de hormigón se ha convertido en una técnica muy utilizada en la última década. Con independencia de la técnica del refuerzo, uno de los principales condicionantes del diseño es el fallo de la adherencia entre el hormigón y el material compuesto, atribuida generalmente a las tensiones en la interfaz de estos materiales. Las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón y de los materiales compuestos son muy distintas. Los materiales compuestos comúnmente utilizados en ingeniería civil poseen alta resistencia a tracción y tienen un comportamiento elástico y lineal hasta la rotura, lo cual, en contraste con el ampliamente conocido comportamiento del hormigón, genera una clara incompatibilidad para soportar esfuerzos de forma conjunta. Esta incompatibilidad conduce a fallos relacionados con el despegue del material compuesto del sustrato de hormigón. En vigas de hormigón reforzadas a flexión o a cortante, el despegue del material compuesto es un fenómeno que frecuentemente condiciona la capacidad portante del elemento. Existen dos zonas potenciales de iniciación del despegue: los extremos y la zona entre fisuras de flexión o de flexión-cortante. En el primer caso, la experiencia a través de los últimos años ha demostrado que se puede evitar prolongando el refuerzo hasta los apoyos o mediante el empleo de algún sistema de anclaje. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones para evitar el segundo caso de despegue aún se encuentran lejos de poder prever el fallo de forma eficiente. La necesidad de medir la adherencia experimentalmente de materiales FRP adheridos al hormigón ha dado lugar a desarrollar diversos métodos por la comunidad de investigadores. De estas campañas experimentales surgieron modelos para el pronóstico de la resistencia de adherencia, longitud efectiva y relación tensión-deslizamiento. En la presente tesis se propone un ensayo de beam-test, similar al utilizado para medir la adherencia de barras de acero, para determinar las características de adherencia del FRP al variar la resistencia del hormigón y el espesor del adhesivo. A la vista de los resultados, se considera que este ensayo puede ser utilizado para investigar diferentes tipos de adhesivos y otros métodos de aplicación, dado que representa con mayor realidad el comportamiento en vigas reforzadas. Los resultados experimentales se trasladan a la comprobación del fallo por despegue en la región de fisuras de flexión o flexión cortante en vigas de hormigón presentando buena concordancia. Los resultados condujeron a la propuesta de que la limitación de la deformación constituye una alternativa simple y eficiente para prever el citado modo de fallo. Con base en las vigas analizadas, se propone una nueva expresión para el cálculo de la limitación de la deformación del laminado y se lleva a cabo una comparación entre los modelos existentes mediante un análisis estadístico para evaluar su precisión. Abstract The use of composite materials for strengthening, repairing or rehabilitating concrete structures has become more and more popular in the last ten years. Irrespective of the type of strengthening used, design is conditioned, among others, by concrete-composite bond failure, normally attributed to stresses at the interface between these two materials. The mechanical properties of concrete and composite materials are very different. Composite materials commonly used in civil engineering possess high tensile strength (both static and long term) and they are linear elastic to failure, which, in contrast to the widely known behavior of concrete, there is a clear incompatibility which leads to bond-related failures. Bond failure in the composite material in bending- or shear-strengthened beams often controls bearing capacity of the strengthened member. Debonding failure of RC beams strengthened in bending by externally-bonded composite laminates takes place either, at the end (plate end debonding) or at flexure or flexure-shear cracks (intermediate crack debonding). In the first case, the experience over the past years has shown that this can be avoided by extending laminates up to the supports or by using an anchoring system. However, recommendations for the second case are still considered far from predicting failure efficiently. The need to experimentally measure FRP bonding to concrete has induced the scientific community to develop test methods for that purpose. Experimental campaigns, in turn, have given rise to models for predicting bond strength, effective length and the stress-slip relationship. The beam-type test proposed and used in this thesis to determine the bonding characteristics of FRP at varying concrete strengths and adhesive thicknesses was similar to the test used for measuring steel reinforcement to concrete bonding conditions. In light of the findings, this test was deemed to be usable to study different types of adhesives and application methods, since it reflects the behavior of FRP in strengthened beams more accurately than the procedures presently in place. Experimental results are transferred to the verification of peeling-off at flexure or flexure-shear cracks, presenting a good general agreement. Findings led to the conclusion that the strain limitation of laminate produces accurate predictions of intermediate crack debonding. A new model for strain limitation is proposed. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation based on a statistical analysis among existing models is carried out in order to assess their accuracy.
Methods for predicting the shear capacity of FRP shear strengthened RC beams assume the traditional approach of superimposing the contribution of the FRP reinforcing to the contributions from the reinforcing steel and the concrete. These methods become the basis for most guides for the design of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening concrete structures. The variations among them come from the way they account for the effect of basic shear design parameters on shear capacity. This paper presents a simple method for defining improved equations to calculate the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams externally shear strengthened with FRP. For the first time, the equations are obtained in a multiobjective optimization framework solved by using genetic algorithms, resulting from considering simultaneously the experimental results of beams with and without FRP external reinforcement. The performance of the new proposed equations is compared to the predictions with some of the current shear design guidelines for strengthening concrete structures using FRPs. The proposed procedure is also reformulated as a constrained optimization problem to provide more conservative shear predictions.
El empleo de refuerzos de FRP en vigas de hormigón armado es cada vez más frecuente por sus numerosas ventajas frente a otros métodos más tradicionales. Durante los últimos años, la técnica FRP-NSM, consistente en introducir barras de FRP sobre el recubrimiento de una viga de hormigón, se ha posicionado como uno de los mejores métodos de refuerzo y rehabilitación de estructuras de hormigón armado, tanto por su facilidad de montaje y mantenimiento, como por su rendimiento para aumentar la capacidad resistente de dichas estructuras. Si bien el refuerzo a flexión ha sido ampliamente desarrollado y estudiado hasta la fecha, no sucede lo mismo con el refuerzo a cortante, debido principalmente a su gran complejidad. Sin embargo, se debería dedicar más estudio a este tipo de refuerzo si se pretenden conservar los criterios de diseño en estructuras de hormigón armado, los cuales están basados en evitar el fallo a cortante por sus consecuencias catastróficas Esta ausencia de información y de normativa es la que justifica esta tesis doctoral. En este pro-yecto se van a desarrollar dos metodologías alternativas, que permiten estimar la capacidad resistente de vigas de hormigón armado, reforzadas a cortante mediante la técnica FRP-NSM. El primer método aplicado consiste en la implementación de una red neuronal artificial capaz de predecir adecuadamente la resistencia a cortante de vigas reforzadas con este método a partir de experimentos anteriores. Asimismo, a partir de la red se han llevado a cabo algunos estudios a fin de comprender mejor la influencia real de algunos parámetros de la viga y del refuerzo sobre la resistencia a cortante con el propósito de lograr diseños más seguros de este tipo de refuerzo. Una configuración óptima de la red requiere discriminar adecuadamente de entre los numerosos parámetros (geométricos y de material) que pueden influir en el compor-tamiento resistente de la viga, para lo cual se han llevado a cabo diversos estudios y pruebas. Mediante el segundo método, se desarrolla una ecuación de proyecto que permite, de forma sencilla, estimar la capacidad de vigas reforzadas a cortante con FRP-NSM, la cual podría ser propuesta para las principales guías de diseño. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se plantea un pro-blema de optimización multiobjetivo a partir de resultados de ensayos experimentales llevados a cabo sobre vigas de hormigón armado con y sin refuerzo de FRP. El problema multiobjetivo se resuelve mediante algoritmos genéticos, en concreto el algoritmo NSGA-II, por ser más apropiado para problemas con varias funciones objetivo que los métodos de optimización clásicos. Mediante una comparativa de las predicciones realizadas con ambos métodos y de los resulta-dos de ensayos experimentales se podrán establecer las ventajas e inconvenientes derivadas de la aplicación de cada una de las dos metodologías. Asimismo, se llevará a cabo un análisis paramétrico con ambos enfoques a fin de intentar determinar la sensibilidad de aquellos pa-rámetros más sensibles a este tipo de refuerzo. Finalmente, se realizará un análisis estadístico de la fiabilidad de las ecuaciones de diseño deri-vadas de la optimización multiobjetivo. Con dicho análisis se puede estimar la capacidad resis-tente de una viga reforzada a cortante con FRP-NSM dentro de un margen de seguridad espe-cificado a priori. ABSTRACT The use of externally bonded (EB) fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites has gained acceptance during the last two decades in the construction engineering community, particularly in the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Currently, to increase the shear resistance of RC beams, FRP sheets are externally bonded (EB-FRP) and applied on the external side surface of the beams to be strengthened with different configurations. Of more recent application, the near-surface mounted FRP bar (NSM-FRP) method is another technique successfully used to increase the shear resistance of RC beams. In the NSM method, FRP rods are embedded into grooves intentionally prepared in the concrete cover of the side faces of RC beams. While flexural strengthening has been widely developed and studied so far, the same doesn´t occur to shearing strength mainly due to its great complexity. Nevertheless, if design criteria are to be preserved more research should be done to this sort of strength, which are based on avoiding shear failure and its catastrophic consequences. However, in spite of this, accurately calculating the shear capacity of FRP shear strengthened RC beams remains a complex challenge that has not yet been fully resolved due to the numerous variables involved in the procedure. The objective of this Thesis is to develop methodologies to evaluate the capacity of FRP shear strengthened RC beams by dealing with the problem from a different point of view to the numerical modeling approach by using artificial intelligence techniques. With this purpose two different approaches have been developed: one concerned with the use of artificial neural networks and the other based on the implementation of an optimization approach developed jointly with the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and solved with genetic algorithms (GAs). With these approaches some of the difficulties concerned regarding the numerical modeling can be overcome. As an alternative tool to conventional numerical techniques, neural networks do not provide closed form solutions for modeling problems but do, however, offer a complex and accurate solution based on a representative set of historical examples of the relationship. Furthermore, they can adapt solutions over time to include new data. On the other hand, as a second proposal, an optimization approach has also been developed to implement simple yet accurate shear design equations for this kind of strengthening. This approach is developed in a multi-objective framework by considering experimental results of RC beams with and without NSM-FRP. Furthermore, the results obtained with the previous scheme based on ANNs are also used as a filter to choose the parameters to include in the design equations. Genetic algorithms are used to solve the optimization problem since they are especially suitable for solving multi-objective problems when compared to standard optimization methods. The key features of the two proposed procedures are outlined and their performance in predicting the capacity of NSM-FRP shear strengthened RC beams is evaluated by comparison with results from experimental tests and with predictions obtained using a simplified numerical model. A sensitivity study of the predictions of both models for the input parameters is also carried out.
A significant number of short-to-mid height RC buildings with wide beams have been constructed in areas of moderate seismicity of Spain, mainly for housing and administrative use. The buildings have a framed structure with one-way slabs; the wide beams constitute the distinctive characteristic, their depth being equal to that of the rest of the slab, thus providing a flat lower surface, convenient for construction and the layout of facilities. Seismic behavior in the direction of the wide beams appears to be deficient because of: (i) low lateral strength, mainly because of the small effective depth of the beams, (ii) inherent low ductility of the wide beams, generated by high amount of reinforcement, (iii) the big strut compressive forces developed inside the column-beam connections due to the low height of the beams, and (iv) the fact that the wide beams are wider than the columns, meaning that the contribution of the outer zones to the resistance of the beam-column joints is unreliable because there is no torsion reinforcement. In the orthogonal direction, the behavior is worse since the only members of the slabs that contribute to the lateral resistance are the joists and the façade beams. Moreover, these buildings were designed with codes that did not include ductility requirements and required only a low lateral resistance; indeed, in many cases, seismic action was not considered at all. Consequently, the seismic capacity of these structures is not reliable. The objective of this research is to assess numerically this capability, whereas further research will aim to propose retrofit strategies. The research approach consists of: (i) selecting a number of 3-story and 6-story buildings that represent the vast majority of the existing ones and (ii) evaluating their vulnerability through three types of analyses, namely: code-type, push-over and nonlinear dynamic analysis. Given the low lateral resistance of the main frames, the cooperation of the masonry infill walls is accounted for; for each representative building, three wall densities are considered. The results of the analyses show that the buildings in question exhibit inadequate seismic behavior in most of the examined situations. In general, the relative performance is less deficient for Target Drift CP (Collapse Prevention) than for IO (Immediate Occupancy). Since these buildings are selected to be representative of the vast majority of buildings with wide beams that were constructed in Spain without accounting for any seismic consideration, our conclusions can be extrapolated to a broader scenario.
Using prestressed near surface mounted fibre reinforced polymers (NSM-FRP) is nowadays regaining the attention from the scientific community for the strengthening of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The application of prestressed internal FRP bars and externally bonded prestressed FRPs has already been deeply investigated and revealed considerable benefits when compared to the corresponding passive solutions. A certain amount of prestress provides benefits mainly associated to structural integrity and material durability. Immediately after prestress transference, it is possible to close some of the existing cracks, decreasing the susceptibility of the element to corrosion and, a certain amount of deflection can be recovered due to the creation of a negative curvature. However, very few studies have been carried out to properly assess the preservation of prestress over time. In this context, several reinforced concrete beams strengthened with prestressed NSM carbon FRP (CFRP) laminates were prestressed and monitored for about 40 days. The data obtained from these experimental programs is in this paper presented and analysed. The observed prestress losses were later modelled using finite elements analysis and, although this topic is not addressed in this paper, the obtained results revealed considerable precision. The largest strain losses in the CFRP laminate were found to be mainly located in the extremities of the bonded length, while in the central zone most of the applied pre-strain was retained over time. The highest CFRP strain losses were observed in the first 6 to 12 days after prestress transfer, suggesting that the application of prestressed NSM-FRP will be very effective over time.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
El presente trabajo trata de elementos reforzados con barras de armadura y Fibras Metálicas Recicladas (FMR). El objetivo principal es mejorar el comportamiento a fisuración de elementos sometidos a flexión pura y a flexión compuesta, aumentando en consecuencia las prestaciones en servicio de aquellas estructuras con requerimientos estrictos con respecto al control de fisuración. Entre éstas últimas se encuentran las estructuras integrales, es decir aquellas estructuras sin juntas (puentes o edificios), sometidas a cargas gravitatorias y deformaciones impuestas en los elementos horizontales debidas a retracción, fluencia y temperatura. Las FMR son obtenidas a partir de los neumáticos fuera de uso, y puesto que el procedimiento de reciclado se centra en el caucho en vez que en el acero, su forma es aleatoria y con longitud variable. A pesar de que la eficacia del fibrorefuerzo mediante FMR ha sido demostrada en investigaciones anteriores, la innovación que representa este trabajo consiste en proponer la acción combinada de barras convencionales y FMR en la mejora del comportamiento a fisuración. El objetivo es por tanto mejorar la sostenibilidad del proyecto de la estructura en HA al utilizar materiales reciclados por un lado, y aumentando por el otro la durabilidad. En primer lugar, se presenta el estado del arte con respecto a la fisuración en elementos de HA, que sucesivamente se amplía a elementos reforzados con barras y fibras. Asimismo, se resume el método simplificado para el análisis de columnas de estructuras sin juntas ya propuesto por Pérez et al., con particular énfasis en aquellos aspectos que son incompatibles con la acción de las fibras a nivel seccional. A continuación, se presenta un modelo para describir la deformabilidad seccional y la fisuración en elementos en HA, que luego se amplía a aquellos elementos reforzados con barras y fibras, teniendo en cuenta también los efectos debidos a la retracción (tension stiffening negativo). El modelo es luego empleado para ampliar el método simplificado para el análisis de columnas. La aportación consiste por tanto en contar con una metodología amplia de análisis para este tipo de elementos. Seguidamente, se presenta la campaña experimental preliminar que ha involucrado vigas a escala reducida sometidas a flexión simple, con el objetivo de validar la eficiencia y la usabilidad en el hormigón de las FMR de dos diferentes tipos, y su comportamiento con respecto a fibras de acero comerciales. Se describe a continuación la campaña principal, consistente en ensayos sobre ocho vigas en flexión simple a escala 1:1 (variando contenido en FRM, Ø/s,eff y recubrimiento) y doce columnas a flexión compuesta (variando contenido en FMR, Ø/s,eff y nivel de fuerza axil). Los resultados obtenidos en la campaña principal son presentados y comentados, resaltando las mejoras obtenidas en el comportamiento a fisuración de las vigas y columnas, y la rigidez estructural de las columnas. Estos resultados se comparan con las predicciones del modelo propuesto. Los principales parámetros estudiados para describir la fisuración y el comportamiento seccional de las vigas son: la separación entre fisuras, el alargamiento medio de las armaduras y la abertura de fisura, mientras que en los ensayos de las columnas se ha contrastado las leyes momento/curvatura, la tensión en las barras de armadura y la abertura de fisura en el empotramiento en la base. La comparación muestra un buen acuerdo entre las predicciones y los resultados experimentales. Asimismo, se nota la mejora en el comportamiento a fisuración debido a la incorporación de FMR en aquellos elementos con cuantías de armadura bajas en flexión simple, en elementos con axiles bajos y para el control de la fisuración en elementos con grandes recubrimientos, siendo por tanto resultados de inmediato impacto en la práctica ingenieril (diseño de losas, tanques, estructuras integrales, etc.). VIIIComo punto final, se presentan aplicaciones de las FMR en estructuras reales. Se discuten dos casos de elementos sometidos a flexión pura, en particular una viga simplemente apoyada y un tanque para el tratamiento de agua. En ambos casos la adicción de FMR al hormigón lleva a mejoras en el comportamiento a fisuración. Luego, utilizando el método simplificado para el análisis en servicio de columnas de estructuras sin juntas, se calcula la máxima longitud admisible en casos típicos de puentes y edificación. En particular, se demuestra que las limitaciones de la práctica ingenieril actual (sobre todo en edificación) pueden ser aumentadas considerando el comportamiento real de las columnas en HA. Finalmente, los mismos casos son modificados para considerar el uso de MFR, y se presentan las mejoras tanto en la máxima longitud admisible como en la abertura de fisura para una longitud y deformación impuesta. This work deals with elements reinforced with both rebars and Recycled Steel Fibres (RSFs). Its main objective is to improve cracking behaviour of elements subjected to pure bending and bending and axial force, resulting in better serviceability conditions for these structures demanding keen crack width control. Among these structures a particularly interesting type are the so-called integral structures, i.e. long jointless structures (bridges and buildings) subjected to gravitational loads and imposed deformations due to shrinkage, creep and temperature. RSFs are obtained from End of Life Tyres, and due to the recycling process that is focused on the rubber rather than on the steel they come out crooked and with variable length. Although the effectiveness of RSFs had already been proven by previous research, the innovation of this work consists in the proposing the combined action of conventional rebars and RSFs to improve cracking behaviour. Therefore, the objective is to improve the sustainability of RC structures by, on the one hand, using recycled materials, and on the other improving their durability. A state of the art on cracking in RC elements is firstly drawn. It is then expanded to elements reinforced with both rebars and fibres (R/FRC elements). Finally, the simplified method for analysis of columns of long jointless structures already proposed by Pérez et al. is resumed, with a special focus on the points that conflict when taking into account the action of fibres. Afterwards, a model to describe sectional deformability and cracking of R/FRC elements is presented, taking also into account the effect of shrinkage (negative tension stiffening). The model is then used to implement the simplified method for columns. The novelty represented by this is that a comprehensive methodology to analyse this type of elements is presented. A preliminary experimental campaign consisting in small beams subjected to pure bending is described, with the objective of validating the effectiveness and usability in concrete of RSFs of two different types, and their behaviour when compared with commercial steel fibres. With the results and lessons learnt from this campaign in mind, the main experimental campaign is then described, consisting in cracking tests of eight unscaled beams in pure bending (varying RSF content, Ø/s,eff and concrete cover) and twelve columns subjected to imposed displacement and axial force (varying RSF content, Ø/s,eff and squashing load ratio). The results obtained from the main campaign are presented and discussed, with particular focus on the improvement in cracking behaviour for the beams and columns, and structural stiffness for the columns. They are then compared with the proposed model. The main parameters studied to describe cracking and sectional behaviours of the beam tests are crack spacing, mean steel strain and crack width, while for the column tests these were moment/curvature, stress in rebars and crack with at column embedment. The comparison showed satisfactory agreement between experimental results and model predictions. Moreover, it is pointed out the improvement in cracking behaviour due to the addition of RSF for elements with low reinforcement ratios, elements with low squashing load ratios and for crack width control of elements with large concrete covers, thus representing results with a immediate impact in engineering practice (slab design, tanks, integral structures, etc.). Applications of RSF to actual structures are finally presented. Two cases of elements in pure bending are presented, namely a simple supported beam and a water treatment tank. In both cases the addition of RSF to concrete leads to improvements in cracking behaviour. Then, using the simplified model for the serviceability analysis of columns of jointless structures, the maximum achievable jointless length of typical cases of a bridge and building is obtained. In XIIparticular, it is shown how the limitations of current engineering practice (this is especially the case of buildings) can be increased by considering the actual behaviour of RC supports. Then, the same cases are modified considering the use of RSF, and the improvements both in maximum achievable length and in crack width for a given length and imposed strain at the deck/first floor are shown.
The application of the Electro-Mechanical Impedance (EMI) method for damage detection in Structural Health Monitoring has noticeable increased in recent years. EMI method utilizes piezoelectric transducers for directly measuring the mechanical properties of the host structure, obtaining the so called impedance measurement, highly influenced by the variations of dynamic parameters of the structure. These measurements usually contain a large number of frequency points, as well as a high number of dimensions, since each frequency range swept can be considered as an independent variable. That makes this kind of data hard to handle, increasing the computational costs and being substantially time-consuming. In that sense, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-based data compression has been employed in this work, in order to enhance the analysis capability of the raw data. Furthermore, a Support Vector Machine (SVM), which has been widespread used in machine learning and pattern recognition fields, has been applied in this study in order to model any possible existing pattern in the PCAcompress data, using for that just the first two Principal Components. Different known non-damaged and damaged measurements of an experimental tested beam were used as training input data for the SVM algorithm, using as test input data the same amount of cases measured in beams with unknown structural health conditions. Thus, the purpose of this work is to demonstrate how, with a few impedance measurements of a beam as raw data, its healthy status can be determined based on pattern recognition procedures.
Advanced composite materials are increasingly used in the strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The use of externally bonded strips made of fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) as strengthening method has gained widespread acceptance in recent years since it has many advantages over the traditional techniques. However, unfortunately, this strengthening method is often associated with a brittle and sudden failure caused by some form of FRP bond failure, originated at the termination of the FRP material or at intermediate areas in the vicinity of flexural cracks in the RC beam. Up to date, little effort in the early prediction of the debonding in its initial instants even though this effect is not noticeable by simple visual observation. An early detection of this phenomenon might help in taking actions to prevent future catastrophes. Fibre-optic Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are able to measure strains locally with high resolution and accuracy. Furthermore, as their physical size is extremely small compared with other strain measuring components, it enables to be embedded at the concrete-FRP interface for determining the strain distribution without influencing the mechanical properties of the host materials. This paper shows the development of a debonding identification methodology based on strains experimentally measured. For, it a simplified model is implemented to simulate the behaviour of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams. This model is taken as a basis to. develop an model updating procedure able to detect minor debonding at the concrete-FRP interface from experimental strains obtained by using FBG sensors embedded at the interface
Apresentamos nesse trabalho, um experimento realizado nos Laboratórios didáticos do Instituto de Física da USP, relacionado ao estudo do funcionamento de filtros RC para baixas e altas freqüências. Para tal, foi especialmente projetado um circuito que efetua a superposição de um sinal gerado internamente, a uma onda senoidal externa. Várias situações experimentais podem ser geradas, por meio da variação da freqüência, tanto do sinal interno quanto da onda senoidal externa. Um estudo das componentes de freqüência de Fourier é também realizado para se estabelecer os parâmetros de funcionamento dos filtros. O funcionamento dos circuitos como integradores e diferenciadores também é explorado. Os estudantes são, portanto, levados a compreender a eficácia desses filtros mais simples, dependendo das freqüências dos sinais de entrada e correspondentes componentes de Fourier, e das freqüências de corte estabelecidas.
The theory of nonlinear diffraction of intensive light beams propagating through photorefractive media is developed. Diffraction occurs on a reflecting wire embedded in the nonlinear medium at a relatively small angle with respect to the direction of the beam propagation. It is shown that this process is analogous to the generation of waves by a flow of a superfluid past an obstacle. The ""equation of state"" of such a superfluid is determined by the nonlinear properties of the medium. On the basis of this hydrodynamic analogy, the notion of the ""Mach number"" is introduced where the transverse component of the wave vector plays the role of the fluid velocity. It is found that the Mach cone separates two regions of the diffraction pattern: inside the Mach cone oblique dark solitons are generated and outside the Mach cone the region of ""optical ship waves"" (the wave pattern formed by a two-dimensional packet of linear waves) is situated. Analytical theory of the ""optical ship waves"" is developed and two-dimensional dark soliton solutions of the generalized two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing the light beam propagation are found. Stability of dark solitons with respect to their decay into vortices is studied and it is shown that they are stable for large enough values of the Mach number.
We show that scalable multipartite entanglement among light fields may be generated by optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). The tripartite entanglement existent among the three bright beams produced by a single OPO-pump, signal, and idler-is scalable to a system of many OPOs by pumping them in cascade with the same optical field. This latter serves as an entanglement distributor. The special case of two OPOs is studied, as it is shown that the resulting five bright beams share genuine multipartite entanglement. In addition, the structure of entanglement distribution among the fields can be manipulated to some degree by tuning the incident pump power. The scalability to many fields is straightforward, allowing an alternative implementation of a multipartite quantum information network with continuous variables.
This work extends a previously presented refined sandwich beam finite element (FE) model to vibration analysis, including dynamic piezoelectric actuation and sensing. The mechanical model is a refinement of the classical sandwich theory (CST), for which the core is modelled with a third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT). The FE model is developed considering, through the beam length, electrically: constant voltage for piezoelectric layers and quadratic third-order variable of the electric potential in the core, while meclianically: linear axial displacement, quadratic bending rotation of the core and cubic transverse displacement of the sandwich beam. Despite the refinement of mechanical and electric behaviours of the piezoelectric core, the model leads to the same number of degrees of freedom as the previous CST one due to a two-step static condensation of the internal dof (bending rotation and core electric potential third-order variable). The results obtained with the proposed FE model are compared to available numerical, analytical and experimental ones. Results confirm that the TSDT and the induced cubic electric potential yield an extra stiffness to the sandwich beam. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.