135 resultados para RBS


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The structure and photoluminscence (PL) properties of Pr-implanted GaN thin films have been studied. RBS/channeling technique was used to explore the damage recovery at high annealing temperature and study the dependence of the radiation damage with ion implantation direction. A complete recovery of the ion implantation damage cannot be achieved at annealing temperatures up to 1050degreesC. It is found that the channeling implantation results in the decrease of the damage. The PL experimental results indicate that the PL efficiency increases exponentially with annealing temperature up to the maximum temperature of 1050degreesC. Moreover, the PL intensity is also seriously affected by ion implantation geometries. The PL intensity for the sample implanted along channeled direction is nearly 2 times more intense than that observed from the sample implanted along random direction. The thermal quenching of PL intensity from 10 to 300K for sample annealed at 1050degreesC is only 30%. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Erbium was implanted with energies 200 or 400 keV into epitaxial (0 0 0 1) GaN grown on (0 0 0 1) Al2O3 substrate at room temperature (RT) and 400degreesC. Both random (10degrees tilt from c-axis) and channeled (along c-axis) implantations were studied. RBS/Channeling technique was used to study the dependences of the radiation damage with ion implantation energy, direction and temperature. It was found that the channeling implantation or elevating temperature implantation both resulted in the decrease of the damage. Moreover, the Photoluminscence (PL) properties of Er-implanted GaN thin filius were also studied. The experimental results indicate that the PL intensity can be enhanced by raising implantation energy or implanting along channeling direction. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method is demonstrated to be effective in reducing mismatch-induced tensile stress and suppressing the formation of cracks by inserting InAlGaN interlayers during the growth of GaN upon Si (1 1 1) substrate. Compared with GaN film without quaternary interlayer, GaN layer grown on InAlGaN compliant layers shows a five times brighter integrated PL intensity and a (0 0 0 2) High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) curve width of 18 arcmin. Its chi(min), derived from Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), is about 2.0%, which means that the crystalline quality of this layer is very good. Quaternary InAlGaN layers, which are used as buffer layers firstly, can play a compliant role to endure the large mismatch-induced stress and reduce cracks during the growth of GaN epitaxy. The mechanisms leading to crack density reduction are investigated and results show that the phase immiscibility and the weak In-N bond make interlayer to offer tenability in the lattice parameters and release the thermal stress. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si1-xCx:H) films were prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) using a gas mixture of silane, methane, and hydrogen as the reactive source. The previous results show that a high excitation frequency, together with a high hydrogen dilution ratio of the reactive gases, allow an easier incorporation of the carbon atoms into the silicon-rich a-Si1-xCx:H film, widen the valence controllability. The data show that films with optical gaps ranging from about 1.9 to 3.6 eV could be produced. In this work the influence of the hydrogen dilution ratio of the reactive gases on the a-Si1-xCx:H film properties was investigated. The microstuctural and photoelectronic properties of the silicon carbide films were characterized by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), and FT-IR spectrometry. The results show that a higher hydrogen dilution ratio enhances the incorporation of silicon atoms in the amorphous carbon matrix for carbon-rich a-Si1-xCx:H films. One pin structure was prepared by using the a-Si1-xCx:H film as the intrinsic layer. The light spectral response shows that this structure fits the requirement for the top junction of colour sensor. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A ZnO layer was grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrate. The perpendicular and parallel elastic strain of the ZnO epilayer, e(perpendicular to) = 0.19%, e(parallel to) = -0.29%, respectively, were derived by using the combination of Rutherford backscattering (RBS)/channeling and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The ratio vertical bar e(parallel to)/ e(perpendicular to)vertical bar = 1.5 indicates that ZnO layer is much stiffer in the a-axis direction than in the c-axis direction. By using RBS/C, the depth dependent elastic strain was deduced. The strain is higher at the depth close to the interface and decreases towards the surface. The negative tetragonal distortion was explained by considering the lattice mismatch and thermal mismatch in ZnO thin film. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Crack-free In0.08Al0.25Ga0.67N quaternary films, with and without thick (> 1.5 mum) high-temperature-GaN (HTGaN) interlayer, have been grown on Si(1 1 1) substrates by a low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system. Mole fractions of In and Al in quaternary alloy layers are determined by Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), which are recorded as similar to8% and similar to25-27%, respectively. High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and room temperature photoluminescence (RT-PL) results evidence the film's single crystal structure and the existence of local In- and/or Al-rich regions. Compared with GaN film grwon on Si(1 1 1) substrate, no crack is observed in the quaternary ones. Two explanations are proposed. First, mismatch-induced strain is relaxed significantly due to gradual changes of In concentration. Second, the weak In-N bond is likely to break when the sample is cooled down to the room temperature, which is expected to favor the releasing of thermal stress. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of Si and Mg doping on the crystalline quality and In distribution in the InGaN films were studied by atomic force microscope (AFM), triple crystal X-ray diffraction (TCXRD) and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). The undoped, Si-doped and Mg-doped InGaN films were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on (0 0 0 1) sapphire substrates. The electronic concentration in the Si-doped InGaN is about 2 x 10(19) cm(-3). It is found that the crystalline quality and In distribution in InGaN is slightly affected by the Si doping. In the Mg doped-case, the hole concentration is about 4 x 10(18) cm(-3) after annealing treatment. The surface morphology and crystalline quality of the Mg-doped InGaN are deteriorated significantly compared with the undoped InGaN. The growth rate of Mg-doped InGaN is higher than the undoped InGaN. Mg doping enhances the In incorporation in the InGaN alloy. The increase in In composition in the growth direction is more severe than the undoped InGaN. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-quality AlInGaN quaternary layers were grown on c-Al2O3 using a thick GaN template. A full width at half maximum of 0.075 degrees from AlInGaN(0004) rocking curve and a minimum yield of 5.6% from Rutherford backscattering/channelling spectrometry (RBS) prove the AlInGaN layer of a comparable crystalline quality with GaN layers. The chemical compositions (both of Al and In contents) of AlInGaN layers are directly obtained from RBS and elastic recoil detection analysis. The lattice parameters both in perpendicular and parallel directions are deduced from X-ray diffraction. The AlInGaN layer is found to process a compressive strain in parallel direction and a tensile strain in perpendicular direction. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rutherford backscattering/channeling (RBS/C) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are used to comprehensively characterize a heterostructure of AlInGaN/GaN/Al2O3(0001). The AlInGaN quaternary layer was revealed to process a high crystalline quality with a minimum yield of 1.4% from RBS/C measurements. The channeling spectrum of (1 (2) under bar 13) exhibits higher dechanneling than that of (0001) at the interface of AlInGaN/GaN. XRD measurements prove a coherent growth of AlInGaN on the GaN template layer. Combining RBS/C and XRD measurements, we found that the interface of GaN/Al2O3 is a nucleation layer, composed of a large amount of disorders and cubic GaN slabs, while the interface of AlInGaN/GaN is free of extra disordering (i.e. compare with the GaN layer). The conclusion is further evidenced by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A technique for analysis of total oxygen contents in high-T(c) superconducting films is demonstrated. It uses elastic backscattering (EBS) of 1.5-2.5 MeV protons. By comparing the H EBS spectra from substrate materials, the absolute oxygen content in the films can be easily calculated. It is estimated that the analysis can be accurate to better than 5% for YBCO films with thicknesses from several hundred angstroms to several microns. Comparisons with RBS are given and advantages of this technique are shown.


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The composition and microstructure of buried layers of AlN formed by high energy N+ ion implantation into polycrystalline Al have been determined. Both bulk and evaporated thin films of Al have been implanted with 100 and 200 keV N+ ions to doses of up to 1.8 x 10(18)/cm2. The layers have been characterised using SIMS, XTEM, X-ray diffraction, FTIR, RBS and in terms of their microhardness. It is found that, for doses greater than the critical dose, buried, polycrystalline AlN layers are formed with preferred (100) or (002) orientations, which are sample specific. With increasing dose the nitrogen concentration saturates at the value for stoichiometric AlN although the synthesised compound is found to be rich in oxygen.


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The electrical and structural characteristics of secondary defects in regrown amorphous layers formed in n-type Si(100) with a resistivity of 2 OMEGA cm and 6 OMEGA cm using Ge+ ions, has been studied. The amorphous layers with a thickness of 460 nm are formed by implantation of 1 x 10(15) Ge+ cm-2 at an energy of 400 keV. Both conventional furnace and rapid thermal annealing were used to regrow the amorphous layer and the residual defects have been characterised in terms of their concentration depth distribution and activation energies using C-V and DLTS. Structural information has been obtained from RBS and XTEM. By choosing suitable anneal conditions it is possible to eliminate extended defects, apart from a low concentration of end of range dislocation loops. However, a substantial population of electrically active point defects remain after simple low thermal budget anneals. In a sample implanted with 1 x 10(15) Ge+ cm-2 at 400 keV a region of deep donors approximately 460 nm from the surface is always present When the samples are annealed at higher temperatures (> 850-degrees the total deep donor concentration is reduced by one order of magnitude. Other electrically active defects not observable in the low (750-degrees-C) temperature annealed layers become apparent during anneals at intermediate temperatures.


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HF etching followed by relatively low temperature (almost-equal-to 600-degrees-C) pretreatment is shown to provide a suitable substrate for the heteroepitaxial growth of GaAs on Si(100) by CBE using TEGa and AsH3 as sources. Rutherford backscattering (RBS), photoluminescence (PL), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Raman measurements show the low-defect nature of the GaAs epilayer.


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The Mass Analyzed Low Energy Dual Ion Beam Epitaxy (MALE-DIBE) system has been designed and constructed in our laboratory. We believe that the system, which was installed and came into full operation in 1988, is the first facility of this kind. With our system we have carried out studies, for the first time, on compound synthesis of GaN and CoSi2 epitaxial thin films. RHEED and AES results show that GaN films, which were deposited on Si and sapphire substrates, are monocrystalline and of good stoichiometry. To our knowledge, GaN film heteroepitaxially grown on Si. which is more lattice-mismatched than GaN on sapphire, has not been reported before by other authors. RBS and TEM investigations indicated a rather good crystallinity of CoSi2 with a distinct interface between CoSi2 and the Si substrate. The channelling minimum yield chi(min) from the Co profile is approximately 4%. The results showed that the DIBE system with simultaneous arrival of two beams at the target is particularly useful in the formation of novel compounds at a relatively low substrate temperature.


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ErSi1.7 layers with high crystalline quality (chi(min) of Er is 1.5%) have been formed by 90 keV Er ion implantation to a dose of 1.6X10(17)/cm(2) at 450 degrees C using channeled implantation. The perpendicular and parallel elastic strain e(perpendicular to)=-0.94%+/-0.02% and e(parallel to)=1.24%+/-0.08% of the heteroepitaxial erbium silicide layers have been measured with symmetric and asymmetric x-ray reflections using a double-crystal x-ray diffractometer. The deduced tetragonal distortion e(T(XRD))=e(parallel to)-e(perpendicular to)=2.18%+/-0.10%, which is consistent with the value e(T(RBS))2.14+/-0.17% deduced from the Rutherford backscattering and channeling measurements. The quasipseudomorphic growth of the epilayer and the stiffness along a and c axes of the epilayer deduced from the x-ray diffraction are discussed.