928 resultados para RADIAL-VELOCITY SURVEYS
The European Space Agency's Gaia mission will create the largest and most precise three dimensional chart of our galaxy (the Milky Way), by providing unprecedented position, parallax, proper motion, and radial velocity measurements for about one billion stars. The resulting catalogue will be made available to the scientific community and will be analyzed in many different ways, including the production of a variety of statistics. The latter will often entail the generation of multidimensional histograms and hypercubes as part of the precomputed statistics for each data release, or for scientific analysis involving either the final data products or the raw data coming from the satellite instruments. In this paper we present and analyze a generic framework that allows the hypercube generation to be easily done within a MapReduce infrastructure, providing all the advantages of the new Big Data analysis paradigmbut without dealing with any specific interface to the lower level distributed system implementation (Hadoop). Furthermore, we show how executing the framework for different data storage model configurations (i.e. row or column oriented) and compression techniques can considerably improve the response time of this type of workload for the currently available simulated data of the mission. In addition, we put forward the advantages and shortcomings of the deployment of the framework on a public cloud provider, benchmark against other popular solutions available (that are not always the best for such ad-hoc applications), and describe some user experiences with the framework, which was employed for a number of dedicated astronomical data analysis techniques workshops.
We have compiled optical and radio astrometric data of the microquasar LS 5039 and derived its proper motion. This, together with the distance and radial velocity of the system, allows us to state that this source is escaping from its own regional standard of rest, with a total systemic velocity of about 150 km/s and a component perpendicular to the galactic plane larger than 100 km/s. This is probably the result of an acceleration obtained during the supernova event that created the compact object in this binary system. We have computed the trajectory of LS 5039 in the past, and searched for OB associations and supernova remnants in its path. In particular, we have studied the possible association between LS 5039 and the supernova remnant G016.8-01.1, which, despite our efforts, remains dubious. We have also discovered and studied an HI cavity in the ISM, which could have been created by the stellar wind of LS 5039 or by the progenitor of the compact object in the system. Finally, in the symmetric supernova explosion scenario, we estimate that at least 17 solar masses were lost in order to produce the high eccentricity observed. Such a mass loss could also explain the observed runaway velocity of the microquasar.
Percarboxylic acids are commonly used as disinfection and bleaching agents in textile, paper, and fine chemical industries. All of these applications are based on the oxidative potential of these compounds. In spite of high interest in these chemicals, they are unstable and explosive chemicals, which increase the risk of synthesis processes and transportation. Therefore, the safety criteria in the production process should be considered. Microreactors represent a technology that efficiently utilizes safety advantages resulting from small scale. Therefore, microreactor technology was used in the synthesis of peracetic acid and performic acid. These percarboxylic acids were produced at different temperatures, residence times and catalyst i.e. sulfuric acid concentrations. Both synthesis reactions seemed to be rather fast because with performic acid equilibrium was reached in 4 min at 313 K and with peracetic acid in 10 min at 343 K. In addition, the experimental results were used to study the kinetics of the formation of performic acid and peracetic acid. The advantages of the microreactors in this study were the efficient temperature control even in very exothermic reaction and good mixing due to the short diffusion distances. Therefore, reaction rates were determined with high accuracy. Three different models were considered in order to estimate the kinetic parameters such as reaction rate constants and activation energies. From these three models, the laminar flow model with radial velocity distribution gave most precise parameters. However, sulfuric acid creates many drawbacks in this synthesis process. Therefore, a ´´greener´´ way to use heterogeneous catalyst in the synthesis of performic acid in microreactor was studied. The cation exchange resin, Dowex 50 Wx8, presented very high activity and a long life time in this reaction. In the presence of this catalyst, the equilibrium was reached in 120 second at 313 K which indicates a rather fast reaction. In addition, the safety advantages of microreactors were investigated in this study. Four different conventional methods were used. Production of peracetic acid was used as a test case, and the safety of one conventional batch process was compared with an on-site continuous microprocess. It was found that the conventional methods for the analysis of process safety might not be reliable and adequate for radically novel technology, such as microreactors. This is understandable because the conventional methods are partly based on experience, which is very limited in connection with totally novel technology. Therefore, one checklist-based method was developed to study the safety of intensified and novel processes at the early stage of process development. The checklist was formulated using the concept of layers of protection for a chemical process. The traditional and three intensified processes of hydrogen peroxide synthesis were selected as test cases. With these real cases, it was shown that several positive and negative effects on safety can be detected in process intensification. The general claim that safety is always improved by process intensification was questioned.
L’étoile Wolf-Rayet WR 46 est connue pour sa variabilité complexe sur des échelles de temps relativement courtes de quelques heures et sur des échelles de temps plus longues de plusieurs mois. Des décalages périodiques mais intermittents en vitesse radiale ont déjà été observés dans ses raies d’émission optiques. Plusieurs périodes photométriques ont aussi été mesurées dans le passé. Des pulsations non-radiales, une modulation liée à la rotation rapide, ou encore la présence d’un compagnon de faible masse dont la présence reste à confirmer ont été proposées pour expliquer le comportement de l’étoile sur des échelles de temps de quelques heures. Dans un effort pour dévoiler sa vraie nature, nous avons observé WR 46 avec le satellite FUSE sur plusieurs cycles de variabilité à court terme. Nous avons trouvé des variations sur une échelle de temps d’environ 7,5 heures dans le continu ultraviolet lointain, dans l’aile bleue de la composante d’absorption du profil P Cygni du doublet de O vi 1032, 1038, ainsi que dans la composante d’absorption du profil P Cygni de S vi 933, 944. Nous avons également récupéré des données archivées de cette étoile obtenues avec le satellite XMM-Newton. La courbe de lumière en rayons X montre des variations sur une échelle de temps similaire aux courbes de lumière du continu ultraviolet et ultraviolet lointain, et le spectre rayons X de WR 46 est très mou avec un pic d’émission à des énergies plus faibles que 1 keV. Nous discutons des différentes contraintes sur la nature de la variabilité de cette étoile que ces nouvelles observations aident à poser. Parmi les scénarios suggérés, nous concluons que celui des pulsations non-radiales est le plus probable, bien que nous soyons encore loin d’une compréhension détaillée de WR 46.
Formées lors de l’effondrement gravitationnel d’un nuage de gaz moléculaire, les étoiles naissantes auront différentes masses variant entre 0.08 et environ 100M . La majorité de la population stellaire de la Galaxie est constituée d’étoiles dont la masse est inférieure à environ 0.6 M . Le dernier évènement de formation stellaire dans le voisinage solaire s’est produit dans la bulle locale il y a au plus 100 millions d’années, vraisemblablement provoqué par le passage d’une onde de choc dans le bras local de la Galaxie. C’est ainsi que se formèrent de jeunes associations d’étoiles dont les membres se caractérisent en particulier par une vitesse spatiale et une position commune dans la Galaxie. Les associations jeunes étant peu densément peuplées et relativement proches du Soleil, leurs membres se font plutôt rares et dispersés sur toute la voûte céleste. Jusqu’à présent, surtout les étoiles les plus massives (brillantes) ont été répertoriées. Les étoiles jeunes de faible masse, constituant la majorité de la population, restent pour la plupart à être identifiées. Les étoiles jeunes de faible masse représentent une population clef pour contraindre les modèles évolutifs des étoiles M et des naines brunes. Elles sont également d’excellentes candidates pour chercher des exoplanètes via les techniques d’imagerie directe. Ce mémoire présente une nouvelle méthode utilisant un modèle cinématique enrichi d’une analyse statistique Bayesienne pour identifier des étoiles jeunes de faible masse dans les associations beta Pictoris, Tucana-Horologium et AB Doradus. À partir d’un échantillon de 1080 étoiles K et M, toutes comportant des indicateurs de jeunesse tels l’émission Halpha et une forte luminosité dans les rayons X, leurs propriétés cinématiques (mouvement propre) et photométriques sont analysées pour en extraire 98 candidates hautement probables membres d’une des trois associations. Une confirmation de leur statut comme membre nécessitera en particulier une mesure de leur vitesse radiale (prédit par notre analyse) et une mesure de la largeur équivalente du lithium à 6708 Å pour mieux contraindre leur âge.
Nous savons que la grande majorité des étoiles WC9 produit de la poussière à base de carbone. Cette dernière doit se former dans des zones de très haute densité afin de survivre à l’environnement hostile qu’est celui du vent d’une étoile WR. Les étoiles WC appartenant à un système binaire WR + O produisent de la poussière quand les vents des deux étoiles entrent en collision et forment une zone de choc pouvant augmenter la densité du gaz d’un facteur 1000. Par contre, plusieurs étoiles WC9 n’ont, à ce jour, montré aucun signe de la présence d’un compagnon. Le but du projet est de tenter d’identifier un mécanisme alternatif responsable de la formation de poussière dans les étoiles WC9 n’appartenant pas à un système binaire. Nous présentons les résultats d’une campagne d’observation visant à caractériser la variabilité spectroscopique d’un échantillon de huit étoiles WC9 et une étoile WC8d. Nos résultats indiquent que la majorité des étoiles montrent des variations à grande échelle dans la raie d’émission C III 5696, soit à un niveau d’au moins 5% du flux de la raie et que les structures dans le vent ont une dispersion de vitesses de l’ordre de 150-300 km/s. De manière générale, les variations de vitesse radiales sont anti-corrélées avec le coefficient d’asymétrie de la raie, ce qui semble infirmer la présence d’un compagnon. Des observations en photométrie de l’étoile WR103 montrent une période de 9.1 ± 0.6 jours qui s’accorde avec les variations spectroscopiques et qui ne semble pas, de manière évidente, d’origine binaire.
L'outil développé dans le cadre de cette thèse est disponible à l'adresse suivante: www.astro.umontreal.ca/~malo/banyan.php
A full description of the 5.5-yr low excitation events in. Carinae is presented. We show that they are not as simple and brief as previously thought, but a combination of two components. The first, the slow variation component, is revealed by slow changes in the ionization level of circumstellar matter across the whole cycle and is caused by gradual changes in the wind wind collision shock-cone orientation, angular opening and gaseous content. The second, the collapse component, is restricted to around the minimum, and is due to a temporary global collapse of the wind-wind collision shock. High-energy photons (E > 16 eV) from the companion star are strongly shielded, leaving the Weigelt objects at low-ionization state for more than six months. High-energy phenomena are sensitive only to the collapse, low energy only to the slow variation and intermediate energies to both components. Simple eclipses and mechanisms effective only near periastron (e. g. shell ejection or accretion on to the secondary star) cannot account for the whole 5.5-yr cycle. We find anti-correlated changes in the intensity and the radial velocity of P Cygni absorption profiles in Fe II lambda 6455 and He I lambda 7065 lines, indicating that the former is associated to the primary and the latter to the secondary star. We present a set of light curves representative of the whole spectrum, useful for monitoring the next event (2009 January 11).
We perform a statistical study of the process of orbital determination of the HD82943 extrasolar planetary system, using the current observational data set of N = 165 radial velocity (RV) measurements. Our aim is to analyse the dispersion of possible orbital fits leading to residuals compatible with the best solution, and to discuss the sensitivity of the results with respect to both the data set and the error distribution around the best fit. Although some orbital parameters (e.g. semimajor axis) appear well constrained, we show that the best fits for the HD82943 system are not robust, and at present it is not possible to estimate reliable solutions for these bodies. Finally, we discuss the possibility of a third planet, with a mass of 0.35M(Jup) and an orbital period of 900 d. Stability analysis and simulations of planetary migration indicate that such a hypothetical three-planet system could be locked in a double 2/1 mean-motion resonance, similar to the so-called Laplace resonance of the three inner Galilean satellites of Jupiter.
The CoRoT space observatory is a project which is led by the French space agency CNES and leading space research institutes in Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Germany and Spain and also the European Space Agency ESA. CoRoT observed since its launch in December 27, 2006 about 100 000 stars for the exoplanet channel, during 150 days uninterrupted high-precision photometry. Since the The CoRoT-team has several exoplanet candidates which are currently analyzed under its study, we report here the discoveries of nine exoplanets which were observed by CoRoT. Discovered exoplanets such as CoRoT-3b populate the brown dwarf desert and close the gap of measured physical properties between usual gas giants and very low mass stars. CoRoT discoveries extended the known range of planet masses down to about 4.8 Earth-masses (CoRoT-7b) and up to 21 Jupiter masses (CoRoT-3b), the radii to about 1.68 x 0.09 R (Earth) (CoRoT-7b) and up to the most inflated hot Jupiter with 1.49 x 0.09 R (Earth) found so far (CoRoT-1b), and the transiting exoplanet with the longest period of 95.274 days (CoRoT-9b). Giant exoplanets have been detected at low metallicity, rapidly rotating and active, spotted stars. Two CoRoT planets have host stars with the lowest content of heavy elements known to show a transit hinting towards a different planethost-star-metallicity relation then the one found by radial-velocity search programs. Finally the properties of the CoRoT-7b prove that rocky planets with a density close to Earth exist outside the Solar System. Finally the detection of the secondary transit of CoRoT-1b at a sensitivity level of 10(-5) and the very clear detection of the ""super-Earth"" CoRoT-7b at 3.5 x 10(-4) relative flux are promising evidence that the space observatory is being able to detect even smaller exoplanets with the size of the Earth.
The Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in an elongated cigar-shaped trap is reduced to an effective system of nonlinear equations depending on only one space coordinate along the trap axis. The radial distribution of the condensate density and its radial velocity are approximated by Gaussian functions with real and imaginary exponents, respectively, with parameters depending on the axial coordinate and time. The effective one-dimensional system is applied to a description of the ground state of the condensate, to dark and bright solitons, to the sound and radial compression waves propagating in a dense condensate, and to weakly nonlinear waves in repulsive condensate. In the low-density limit our results reproduce the known formulas. In the high-density case our description of solitons goes beyond the standard approach based on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dispersion relations for the sound and radial compression waves are obtained in a wide region of values of the condensate density. The Korteweg-de Vries equation for weakly nonlinear waves is derived and the existence of bright solitons on a constant background is predicted for a dense enough condensate with a repulsive interaction between the atoms.
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
We present a photometric catalogue of compact groups of galaxies (p2MCGs) automatically extracted from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) extended source catalogue. A total of 262 p2MCGs are identified, following the criteria defined by Hickson, of which 230 survive visual inspection (given occasional galaxy fragmentation and blends in the 2MASS parent catalogue). Only one quarter of these 230 groups were previously known compact groups (CGs). Among the 144 p2MCGs that have all their galaxies with known redshifts, 85 (59?per cent) have four or more accordant galaxies. This v2MCG sample of velocity-filtered p2MCGs constitutes the largest sample of CGs (with N = 4) catalogued to date, with both well-defined selection criteria and velocity filtering, and is the first CG sample selected by stellar mass. It is fairly complete up to Kgroup similar to 9 and radial velocity of similar to 6000?km?s-1. We compared the properties of the 78 v2MCGs with median velocities greater than 3000?km?s-1 with the properties of other CG samples, as well as those (mvCGs) extracted from the semi-analytical model (SAM) of Guo et al. run on the high-resolution Millennium-II simulation. This mvCG sample is similar (i.e. with 2/3 of physically dense CGs) to those we had previously extracted on three other SAMs run on the Millennium simulation with 125 times worse spatial and mass resolutions. The space density of v2MCGs within 6000?km?s-1 is 8.0 X 10-5?h3?Mpc-3, i.e. four times that of the Hickson sample [Hickson Compact Group (HCG)] up to the same distance and with the same criteria used in this work, but still 40?per cent less than that of mvCGs. The v2MCG constitutes the first group catalogue to show a statistically large firstsecond ranked galaxy magnitude gap according to TremaineRichstone statistics, as expected if the first ranked group members tend to be the products of galaxy mergers, and as confirmed in the mvCGs. The v2MCG is also the first observed sample to show that first-ranked galaxies tend to be centrally located, again consistent with the predictions obtained from mvCGs. We found no significant correlation of group apparent elongation and velocity dispersion in the quartets among the v2MCGs, and the velocity dispersions of apparently round quartets are not significantly larger than those of chain-like ones, in contrast to what has been previously reported in HCGs. By virtue of its automatic selection with the popular Hickson criteria, its size, its selection on stellar mass, and its statistical signs of mergers and centrally located brightest galaxies, the v2MCG catalogue appears to be the laboratory of choice to study physically dense groups of four or more galaxies of comparable luminosity.
V393 Scorpii is a double periodic variable characterized by a relatively stable non-orbital photometric cycle of 253 d. Mennickent et al. argue for the presence of a massive optically thick disc around the more massive B-type component and describe the evolutionary stage of the system. In this paper, we analyse the behaviour of the main spectroscopic optical lines during the long non-orbital photometric cycle. We study the radial velocity of the donor determining its orbital elements and find a small but significant orbital eccentricity (e = 0.04). The donor spectral features are modelled and removed from the spectrum at every observing epoch using the light-curve model given by Mennickent et al. We find that the line emission is larger during eclipses and mostly comes from a bipolar wind. We also find that the long cycle is explained in terms of a modulation of the wind strength; the wind has a larger line and continuum emissivity at the high state. We report the discovery of highly variable chromospheric emission in the donor, as revealed by the Doppler maps of the emission lines Mg II 4481 and C I 6588. We discuss notable and some novel spectroscopic features like discrete absorption components, especially visible at blue depressed O I 7773 absorption wings during the second half-cycle, Balmer double emission with V/R curves showing 'Z-type' and 'S-type' excursions around secondary and main eclipses, respectively, and H beta emission wings extending up to +/- 2000 km s(-1). We also discuss possible causes for these phenomena and for their modulations with the long cycle.
We present a new catalogue of galaxy triplets derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. The identification of systems was performed considering galaxies brighter than Mr=-20.5 and imposing constraints over the projected distances, radial velocity differences of neighbouring galaxies and isolation. To improve the identification of triplets, we employed a data pixelization scheme, which allows us to handle large amounts of data as in the SDSS photometric survey. Using spectroscopic and photometric data in the redshift range 0.01 =z= 0.40, we obtain 5901 triplet candidates. We have used a mock catalogue to analyse the completeness and contamination of our methods. The results show a high level of completeness ( 80 per cent) and low contamination ( 5 per cent). By using photometric and spectroscopic data, we have also addressed the effects of fibre collisions in the spectroscopic sample. We have defined an isolation criterion considering the distance of the triplet brightest galaxy to the closest neighbour cluster, to describe a global environment, as well as the galaxies within a fixed aperture, around the triplet brightest galaxy, to measure the local environment. The final catalogue comprises 1092 isolated triplets of galaxies in the redshift range 0.01 =z= 0.40. Our results show that photometric redshifts provide very useful information, allowing us to complete the sample of nearby systems whose detection is affected by fibre collisions, as well as extending the detection of triplets to large distances, where spectroscopic redshifts are not available.