999 resultados para R..., Marie


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Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a heterogeneous group of disorders of the peripheral nervous system, mainly characterized by distal muscle weakness and atrophy leading to motor handicap. With an estimated prevalence of 1 in 2,500, this condition is one of the most commonly inherited neurological disorders. Mutations in more than 30 genes affecting glial and/or neuronal functions have been associated with different forms of CMT leading to a substantial improvement in diagnostics of the disease and in the understanding of implicated pathophysiological mechanisms. However, recent data from systematic genetic screening performed in large cohorts of CMT patients indicated that molecular diagnosis could be established only in ∼50-70% of them, suggesting that additional genes are involved in this disease. In addition to providing an overview of genetic and functional data concerning various CMT forms, this review focuses on recent data generated through the use of highly parallel genetic technologies (SNP chips, sequence capture and next-generation DNA sequencing) in CMT families, and the current and future impact of these technologies on gene discovery and diagnostics of CMTs.


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Marie Unna hereditary hypotrichosis (MUHH) is an autosomal dominant form of genetic hair loss. In a large Chinese family carrying MUHH, we identified a pathogenic initiation codon mutation in U2HR, an inhibitory upstream ORF in the 5' UTR of the gene encoding the human hairless homolog (HR). U2HR is predicted to encode a 34-amino acid peptide that is highly conserved among mammals. In 18 more families from different ancestral groups, we identified a range of defects in U2HR, including loss of initiation, delayed termination codon and nonsense and missense mutations. Functional analysis showed that these classes of mutations all resulted in increased translation of the main HR physiological ORF. Our results establish the link between MUHH and U2HR, show that fine-tuning of HR protein levels is important in control of hair growth, and identify a potential mechanism for preventing hair loss or promoting hair removal.


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Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) comprises a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of peripheral neuropathies characterized by progressive distal muscle weakness and atrophy, foot deformities and distal sensory loss. Following the analysis of two consanguineous families affected by a medium to late-onset recessive form of intermediate CMT, we identified overlapping regions of homozygosity on chromosome 1p36 with a combined maximum LOD score of 5.4. Molecular investigation of the genes from this region allowed identification of two homozygous mutations in PLEKHG5 that produce premature stop codons and are predicted to result in functional null alleles. Analysis of Plekhg5 in the mouse revealed that this gene is expressed in neurons and glial cells of the peripheral nervous system, and that knockout mice display reduced nerve conduction velocities that are comparable with those of affected individuals from both families. Interestingly, a homozygous PLEKHG5 missense mutation was previously reported in a recessive form of severe childhood onset lower motor neuron disease (LMND) leading to loss of the ability to walk and need for respiratory assistance. Together, these observations indicate that different mutations in PLEKHG5 lead to clinically diverse outcomes (intermediate CMT or LMND) affecting the function of neurons and glial cells.


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Certain typical gait characteristics such as foot-drop and foot supination are well described in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. These are directly related to the primary disease and due to the weakness of ankle dorsiflexors and everters characteristic of this hereditary neuropathy. We analysed 16 subjects aged 8-52 years old (11 with type I, 5 with type II Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) using three-dimensional gait analysis and identified kinematic features previously unreported. These patients showed a combination of tight tendo achillei, foot-drop, failure of plantar flexion and increased foot supination, but also presented with excessive internal rotation of the knee and/or tibia, knee hyperextension in stance, excessive external rotation at the hips and decreased hip adduction in stance (typical of a broad based gait). These proximal features could have been an adaptation to or consequence of the disrupted ankle and foot biomechanics, however a direct relation to the neuropathy is also possible since sub-normal muscle power was observed at the proximal levels in most subjects on both manual testing and kinetic analysis. Gait analysis is a useful tool in defining the characteristic gait of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.


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Comprend : [Bandeau folio Aij : allégorie de la Justice. Homme écrivant, singe. Ornements à la Bérin.] [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.1 : de la mécanique à carder le coton. Vues et développements de la machine à carder le coton.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.2 : de la mécanique à carder le coton. Machine à carder le coton.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.3 : de la mécanique à carder le coton. Machine à carder le coton. Fig.4 : petits cadres en fer, implantés sur la charpente de la mécanique, sur lesquels s'appuie et tourne l'axe des cylindres.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.4 : de la mécanique à filer le coton et de la manière de s'en servir.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.5 : de la mécanique à filer le coton et de la manière de s'en servir.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.6 : fabrication du velours. Fig.1 : moulins à retordre les fils de coton, doublés pour la châine des velours] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.7 : fabrication du velours. Fig.1 : vue perspective du métier monté et en travail.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.8 : fabrication du velours. Armure de piqué pour un carreau quatre points simple ou double, velours velvet-ret, croisé, piqué ou cannelé. Fig.8 : fabrication d'une toile sans lisière.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.9 : fabrication du velours. Le fourneau à brûler, griller ou raser les velours de coton et de la manière de faire cette opération.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.10 avec 3 vignettes : vignette 1, fabrication du velours. Des couleurs en bon teint. Atelier de teinture pour les coulers ordinaires, les garançages etc. Vignette 2 : atelier de teinture pour les cuves de bleu. Vignette 3 : atelier de teinture pour les tones de noir.] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257] ; [Pl.11 : fabrication du velours. Des couleurs en bon teint. De la cuve du bleu à chaud. Mécanique à imprimer au cylindre les toiles, croisés, satinettes, velours de coton etc. Mécanique à découper les velours cannelés et le velvet-ret avec l'ouvrier vu en travail. ] L'art du fabricant de velours de coton. [Cote : Res Atlas V 117/Microfilm R 101257]


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Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy (CMT) represents a heterogenous group of inherited disorders of the peripheral nervous system. One form of autosomal recessive demyelinating CMT (CMT4C, 5q32) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding KIAA1985, a protein of so far unknown function. Here we show that KIAA1985 is exclusively expressed in Schwann cells. KIAA1985 is tethered to cellular membranes through an N-terminal myristic acid anchor and localizes to the perinuclear recycling compartment. A search for proteins that interact with KIAA1985 identified the small GTPase Rab11, a key regulator of recycling endosome functions. CMT4C-related missense mutations disrupt the KIAA1985/Rab11 interaction. Protein binding studies indicate that KIAA1985 functions as a Rab11 effector, as it interacts only with active forms of Rab11 (WT and Q70L) and does not interact with the GDP locked mutant (S25N). Consistent with a function of Rab11 in Schwann cell myelination, myelin formation was strongly impaired when dorsal root ganglion neurons were co-cultured with Schwann cells infected with Rab11 S25N. Our data indicate that the KIAA1985/Rab11 interaction is relevant for peripheral nerve pathophysiology and place endosomal recycling on the list of cellular mechanisms involved in Schwann cell myelination.


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Collection : Outils pour la classe


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Mutations in GDAP1, which encodes protein located in the mitochondrial outer membrane, cause axonal recessive (AR-CMT2), axonal dominant (CMT2K) and demyelinating recessive (CMT4A) forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy. Loss of function recessive mutations in GDAP1 are associated with decreased mitochondrial fission activity, while dominant mutations result in impairment of mitochondrial fusion with increased production of reactive oxygen species and susceptibility to apoptotic stimuli. GDAP1 silencing in vitro reduces Ca2+ inflow through store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) upon mobilization of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+, likely in association with an abnormal distribution of the mitochondrial network. To investigate the functional consequences of lack of GDAP1 in vivo, we generated a Gdap1 knockout mouse. The affected animals presented abnormal motor behavior starting at the age of 3 months. Electrophysiological and biochemical studies confirmed the axonal nature of the neuropathy whereas histopathological studies over time showed progressive loss of motor neurons (MNs) in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and defects in neuromuscular junctions. Analyses of cultured embryonic MNs and adult dorsal root ganglia neurons from affected animals demonstrated large and defective mitochondria, changes in the ER cisternae, reduced acetylation of cytoskeletal α-tubulin and increased autophagy vesicles. Importantly, MNs showed reduced cytosolic calcium and SOCE response. The development and characterization of the GDAP1 neuropathy mice model thus revealed that some of the pathophysiological changes present in axonal recessive form of the GDAP1-related CMT might be the consequence of changes in the mitochondrial network biology and mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum interaction leading to abnormalities in calcium homeostasis.


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Analysée par Sigmund Freud, Marie Bonaparte (1882-1962) devint son élève et eu un rôle capital dans le développement de la psychanalyse en France. Elle fut aussi une proche de Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931), passionnée comme lui par les sciences et fréquenta notamment les scientifiques de L'Institut Pasteur. Outre son oeuvre de psychanalyste, elle publia en 1937 un texte sur le cancer de sa chienne Topsy qui sera traduit en allemand par Freud et connaitra un réel succès éditorial. L'analyse de cet ouvrage met à jour non seulement les spécificités de son rapport à l'animal mais aussi celui qu'elle entretient avec la science.


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Avhandligen studerar ambivalensen hos kvinnofigurerna i Marie Susinis författarskap från ett socialt och psykologiskt perspektiv. Avhandlingens centrala argument är att Susini som grundläggande ontologisk position för sina kvinnobeskrivningar väljer ett transitionnellt tillstånd: kvinnornas självförverkligande realiseras genom att de skapar sig en identitet via ett utanförskap orsakat av en existentiell ambivalens. De bär på omdevetet formulerade ideal, är kluvna av dilemman och deras handlingar kännetecknas av motstridiga principer, önskningar och strävanden. I avhandlingen granskas ambivalensens uttrycksformer från barndomen till vuxenlivet. Det karakteristiska för barnen och de unga kvinnorna är att deras ambivalens är sammankopplad med deras socialiseringsprocess. Deras dilemma består i att utröna vilka beteenden, attityder och värderingar det är legitimt att imitera, eftersom de sociala normerna står i konflikt med varandra och de ungas förväntningar. I parförhållanden vacklar kvinnorna mellan två motsatta sociala positioner: en kvinna som är engagerad i sitt förhållande och en emanciperad kvinna som väljer att leva ensam. Den här ambivalenta inställningen bidrar till ett misslyckande på det affektiva planet. Beträffade modern finns dels den korsikanska mamman, sträng och okänslig, men som under ytan brottas med frågeställningar som är förknippade med bl.a. sina döttrars kroppslighet. De här mödrarna konfronteras med den sociala ambivalens som uppstod vid brytningspunkten i Korsikas historia då traditionella värderingar gav vika för moderna influenser utifrån. Dels finns mödrar som är frigjorda kvinnor och som i sin frihet väljer bort mödraskapet. Texternas interna struktur återspeglar den klyvning som sliter kvinnorna: tidsperspektivet är fragementariskt och icke-kronologiskt och berättarrösterna växlar, vilket gör att läsaren samtidigt både identifierar sig med och distanserar sig från det som berättas. Metatextuella referenser signalerar å sin sida att Susini hämtar sin inspiration från sitt eget liv.