996 resultados para Quark model


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We consider a Coulomb gauge quark model which includes an explicit construct for a nontrivial vacuum structure in QCD. The dynamics is described by a Hamiltonain that contains a linearly rising confining potential and longitudinal and transverse Coulomb-type interactions. The Coulomb potential gives rise to ultraviolate divergences which are non-perturbatively renormalized by adding appropriate counter terms to the Hamiltonian. The equation of state for u and d quark matter at zero temperature is derived in the Hartree-Fock approximation.


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We examine the gamma p photoproduction and the hadronic gamma gamma total cross sections by means of a QCD eikonal model with a dynamical infrared mass scale. In this model, where the dynamical gluon mass is the natural regulator for the tree level gluon-gluon scattering, the gamma p and gamma gamma total cross sections are derived from the pp and (p) over barp forward scattering amplitudes assuming vector meson dominance and the additive quark model. We show that the validity of the cross section factorization relation sigma(pp)/sigma(gamma p)=sigma(gamma p)/sigma(gamma gamma) is fulfilled depending on the Monte Carlo model used to unfold the hadronic gamma gamma cross section data, and we discuss in detail the case of sigma(gamma gamma -> hadrons) data with W-gamma gamma> 10 GeV unfolded by the Monte Carlo generators PYTHIA and PHOJET. The data seems to favor a mild dependence with the energy of the probability (P-had) that the photon interacts as a hadron.


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Mass relations for hadrons containing a single heavy quark (charm or beauty) are studied from the viewpoint of a quark model with broken SU(8) symmetry, developed by Hendry and Lichtenberg some time ago, in comparison to that of the heavy quark effective theory. The interplay of the two approaches is explored and spectroscopic consequences derived.


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Starting from the Fock space representation of hadron bound states in a quark model, a change of representation is implemented by a unitary transformation such that the composite hadrons are redescribed by elementary-particle field operators. Application of the unitary transformation to the microscopic quark Hamiltonian gives rise to effective hadron-hadron, hadron-quark, and quark-quark Hamiltonians. An effective baryon Hamiltonian is derived using a simple quark model. The baryon Hamiltonian is free of the post-prior discrepancy which usually plagues composite-particle effective interactions.


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The electromagnetic tensor for inclusive electron scattering off the pion Wμν for momentum transfers such that q+ = 0, (q+ = q0 + q3) is shown to obey a sum-rule for the component W++. From this sum-rule, one can define the quark-antiquark correlation function in the pion, which characterizes the transverse distance distribution between the quark and antiquark in the light-front pion wave-function. Within the realistic models of the relativistic pion wave function (including instanton vacuum inspired wave function) it is shown that the value of the two-quark correlation radius (rqq̄) is near twice the pion electromagnetic radius (rπ), where rπ ≈ 2/3 fm. We also define the correlation length lcorr where the two-particle correlation have an extremum. The estimation of lcorr ≈ 0.3-0,5 fm is very close to estimations from instanton models of QCD vacuum. It is also shown that the above correlation is very sensitive to the pion light-front wave-function models. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Nonperturbative functions that parametrize off-diagonal hadronic matrix elements of the light-cone leading-twist quark operators are considered. These functions are calculated within the proposed relativistic quark model allowing for the nontrivial structure of the QCD vacuum, special attention being given to gauge invariance. Hadrons are treated as bound states of quarks; strong-interaction quark-pion vertices are described by effective interaction Lagrangians generated by instantons. The parameters of the instanton vacuum, such as the effective radius of the instanton and the quark mass, are related to the vacuum expectation values of the quark-gluon operators of the lowest dimension and to low-energy pion observables. © 2000 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.


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We investigate the scattering of heavy-light K and D mesons by nucleons at low energies. The short-distance part of the interaction is described by quark-gluon interchange and the longdistance part is described by a one-meson-exchange model that includes the contributions of vector (ρ, ω) and scalar (σ) mesons. The microscopic quark model incorporates a confining Coulomb potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The derived effective meson-nucleon potential is used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain s-wave phase shifts. Our final aim is to set up a theoretical framework that can be extended to finite temperatures and baryon densities. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We consider some existing relativistic models for the nucleon structure functions, relying on statistical approaches instead of perturbative ones. These models are based on the Fermi-Dirac distribution for the confined quarks, where a density of energy levels is obtained from an effective confining potential. In this context, it is presented some results obtained with a recent statistical quark model for the sea-quark asymmetry in the nucleon. It is shown, within this model, that experimental available observables, such as the ratio and difference between proton and neutron structure functions, are quite well reproduced with just three parameters: two chemical potentials used to reproduce the valence up and down quark numbers in the nucleon, and a temperature that is being used to reproduce the Gottfried sum rule violation. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We performed a signature-based search for long-lived charged massive particles (CHAMPs) produced in 1.0 $\rm{fb}^{-1}$ of $\bar{p}p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV, collected with the CDF II detector using a high transverse-momentum ($p_T$) muon trigger. The search used time-of-flight to isolate slowly moving, high-$p_T$ particles. One event passed our selection cuts with an expected background of $1.9 \pm 0.2$ events. We set an upper bound on the production cross section, and, interpreting this result within the context of a stable scalar top quark model, set a lower limit on the particle mass of 249 GeV/$c^2$ at 95% C.L.


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Cross sections for the photoproduction of neutral pi, eta, rho and phi mesons on hydrogen have been measured at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center using a missing mass spectrometer technique. The data cover photon energies between 5.0 and 17.8 GeV and four momentum transfer squared t between -.12 and -1.38 (GeV/c)2.

Pion differential cross sections at lower energies show a peak at low momentum transfers, a distinctive dip and secondary maximum for t in the region -.4 to -.9 (GeV /c)2, and a smooth decrease at higher momentum transfers. As photon energy increases, the dip becomes less pronounced, in contradiction to the expectations of simple Regge theories based on the exchange of omega and B trajectories only.

Eta photoproduction was measured only below 10 GeV. The cross section has about the same magnitude as the pion production cross section, but decreases exponentially with t, showing no dip.

Rho mesons appear to be diffractively produced. The differential cross section varies approximately as exp(8.5t + 2t2). It falls slowly with energy, decreasing about 35 percent from 6 GeV to 17.8 GeV. A simple quark model relation appears to describe the data well.

Phi meson cross sections are also consistent with diffraction production. The differential cross section varies approximately as exp(4t). The cross section tends to decrease slightly with photon energy.


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I. Crossing transformations constitute a group of permutations under which the scattering amplitude is invariant. Using Mandelstem's analyticity, we decompose the amplitude into irreducible representations of this group. The usual quantum numbers, such as isospin or SU(3), are "crossing-invariant". Thus no higher symmetry is generated by crossing itself. However, elimination of certain quantum numbers in intermediate states is not crossing-invariant, and higher symmetries have to be introduced to make it possible. The current literature on exchange degeneracy is a manifestation of this statement. To exemplify application of our analysis, we show how, starting with SU(3) invariance, one can use crossing and the absence of exotic channels to derive the quark-model picture of the tensor nonet. No detailed dynamical input is used.

II. A dispersion relation calculation of the real parts of forward π±p and K±p scattering amplitudes is carried out under the assumption of constant total cross sections in the Serpukhov energy range. Comparison with existing experimental results as well as predictions for future high energy experiments are presented and discussed. Electromagnetic effects are found to be too small to account for the expected difference between the π-p and π+p total cross sections at higher energies.


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In Part I, the common belief that fermions lying on linear trajectories must have opposite-parity partners is shown to be false. Reggeization of a sequence of positive-parity fermion resonance is carried out in the Van Hove model. As a consequence of the absence of negative-parity states, the partial-wave amplitudes must have a fixed cut in the J plane. This fixed cut, in conjunction with the moving Regge pole, provides a new parametrization for fermion-exchange reactions, which is in qualitative agreement with the data.

In Part II, the spin structure of three particle vertices is determined from the quark model. Using these SU(6)W vertices in the Van Hove model, we derive a Reggeized scattering amplitude. In addition to Regge poles there are necessarily fixed Regge cuts in both fermion and boson exchange amplitudes. These fixed cuts are similar to those found in Part I, and may be viewed as a consequence of the absence of parity doubled quarks. The magnitudes of the pole and cut terms in an entire class of SU(6) related reactions are determined by their magnitudes in a single reaction. As an example we explain the observed presence or absence of wrong-signature nonsense dips in a class of reactions involving vector meson exchange.


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A number of recent experiments have suggested the possibility of a highly inelastic resonance in K+p scattering. To study the inelastic K+p reactions, a 400 K exposure has been taken at the L.R.L. 25 inch bubble chamber. The data are spread over seven K+ momenta between 1.37 and 2.17 GeV/c.

Cross-sections have been measured for the reaction K+p → pK°π+ which is dominated by the quasi-two body channels K∆ and K*N. Both these channels are strongly peripheral, as at other momenta. The decay of the ∆ is in good agreement with the predictions of the rho-photon analogy of Stodolsky and Sakurai. The data on the K*p channel show evidence of both pseudo scalar and vector exchange.

Cross-sections for the final state pK+π+π- shows a strong contribution from the quasi-two body channel K*∆. This reaction is also very peripheral even at threshold. The decay angular distributions indicate the reaction is dominated as at higher momenta by a pion exchange mechanism. The data are also in good agreement with the quark model predictions of Bialas and Zalewski for the K* and ∆ decay.


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Neste trabalho, foram calculados os fatores de forma e as constantes de acoplamento dos vértices mesônicos J/ψ DsDs, J/ψ Ds*Ds e J/ψ Ds*Ds*usando a técnica das regras de soma da QCD (RSQCD) até a ordem 5 da OPE. Estes três vértices estão envolvidos em algumas das numerosas hipóteses que tentam explicar a estrutura interna de alguns mésons charmosos exóticos que começaram a ser observados a partir de 2003. Tais mésons não se encaixam no espectro do charmonium e/ou apresentam números quânticos exóticos dentro do modelo CQM (constituent quark model). Um exemplo é o méson Y(4140), cujo decaimento observado é no par J/ψφ enquanto o esperado seria que tivesse decaimento predominante em mésons com open charm, devido à sua massa. Uma das propostas para se entender este méson consiste em estudá-lo como um estado molecular Ds*ar{D}s*, de modo que seu decaimento seria Y(4140) → Ds* ar{D}s* → J/ψφ. Neste processo, aparecerão os vértices de interação estudados neste trabalho, de maneira que o conhecimento mais preciso de seus fatores de forma e de suas constantes de acoplamento pode beneficiar a compreensão sobre a constituição fundamental do Y(4140) assim como a de outros novos estados como o X(4350), Y(4274) e Y(4660) por exemplo. Foram considerados neste trabalho, todos os casos off-shell possíveis para cada um dos três vértices, obtendo assim dois fatores de forma distintos para o vértice J/ψ DsDs, três para o vértice J/ψ Ds*Ds e dois para o vértice J/ψ Ds* Ds*. Nestes três vértices, os fatores de forma para o caso J/ψ off-shell foram bem ajustados por curvas monopolares enquanto os casos Ds e Ds* foram ajustados por curvas exponenciais, o que está de acordo com o comportamento encontrado em trabalhos anteriores do grupo. Os cálculos das constantes de acoplamento tiveram como resultados: g_{J/ψ Ds Ds} = 5.98^{+0.67}_{ -0.58}, g_{J/ψ D*s Ds} = 4.30_{+0.41}^{-0.35}GeV^{-1} e g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds*} = 7.47^{+1.04}_{-0.71}, resultados estes que estão compatíveis com os trabalhos anteriores que utilizaram as RSQCD para o cálculo das constantes de acoplamento dos vértices J/ψ D(*)D(*).


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A theoretical study of the (p) over barp -> (p) over barn pi(+) reaction for antiproton beam energy from 1 to 4 GeV is made by including contributions from various known N* and Delta* resonances. It is found that for the beam energy around 1.5 GeV, the contribution of the Roper resonance N-(1440)* produced by the t-channel sigma exchange dominates over all other contributions. Since such a reaction can be studied in the forthcoming PANDA experiment at the GSI Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), the reaction will be realistically the cleanest place for studying the properties of the Roper resonance and the best place for looking for other "missing" N* resonances with large coupling to N sigma.