998 resultados para Quantum fluctuations


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The present work is an attempt to explain particle production in the early univese. We argue that nonzero values of the stress-energy tensor evaluated in squeezed vacuum state can be due to particle production and this supports the concept of particle production from zero-point quantum fluctuations. In the present calculation we use the squeezed coherent state introduced by Fan and Xiao [7]. The vacuum expectation values of stressenergy tensor defined prior to any dynamics in the background gravitational field give all information about particle production. Squeezing of the vacuum is achieved by means of the background gravitational field, which plays the role of a parametric amplifier [8]. The present calculation shows that the vacuum expectation value of the energy density and pressure contain terms in addition to the classical zero-point energy terms. The calculation of the particle production probability shows that the probability increases as the squeezing parameter increases, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases.


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The present work is an attempt to explain particle production in the early univese. We argue that nonzero values of the stress-energy tensor evaluated in squeezed vacuum state can be due to particle production and this supports the concept of particle production from zero-point quantum fluctuations. In the present calculation we use the squeezed coherent state introduced by Fan and Xiao [7]. The vacuum expectation values of stressenergy tensor defined prior to any dynamics in the background gravitational field give all information about particle production. Squeezing of the vacuum is achieved by means of the background gravitational field, which plays the role of a parametric amplifier [8]. The present calculation shows that the vacuum expectation value of the energy density and pressure contain terms in addition to the classical zero-point energy terms. The calculation of the particle production probability shows that the probability increases as the squeezing parameter increases, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases.


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This paper investigates the predictions of an inflationary phase starting from a homogeneous and anisotropic universe of the Bianchi I type. After discussing the evolution of the background spacetime, focusing on the number of e-folds and the isotropization, we solve the perturbation equations and predict the power spectra of the curvature perturbations and gravity waves at the end of inflation. The main features of the early anisotropic phase is (1) a dependence of the spectra on the direction of the modes, (2) a coupling between curvature perturbations and gravity waves and (3) the fact that the two gravity wave polarizations do not share the same spectrum on large scales. All these effects are significant only on large scales and die out on small scales where isotropy is recovered. They depend on a characteristic scale that can, but a priori must not, be tuned to some observable scale. To fix the initial conditions, we propose a procedure that generalizes the one standardly used in inflation but that takes into account the fact that the WKB regime is violated at early times when the shear dominates. We stress that there exist modes that do not satisfy the WKB condition during the shear-dominated regime and for which the amplitude at the end of inflation depends on unknown initial conditions. On such scales, inflation loses its predictability. This study paves the way for the determination of the cosmological signature of a primordial shear, whatever the Bianchi I spacetime. It thus stresses the importance of the WKB regime to draw inflationary predictions and demonstrates that, when the number of e-folds is large enough, the predictions converge toward those of inflation in a Friedmann-Lemaitre spacetime but that they are less robust in the case of an inflationary era with a small number of e-folds.


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The aim of this work is to derive theWard Identity for the low energy effective theory of a fermionic system in the presence of a hyperbolic Fermi surface coupled with a U(1) gauge field in 2+1 dimensions. These identities are important because they establish requirements for the theory to be gauge invariant. We will see that the identity associated Ward Identity (WI) of the model is not preserved at 1-loop order. This feature signalizes the presence of a quantum anomaly. In other words, a classical symmetry is broken dynamically by quantum fluctuations. Furthermore, we are considering that the system is close to a Quantum Phase Transitions and in vicinity of a Quantum Critical Point the fermionic excitations near the Fermi surface, decay through a Landau damping mechanism. All this ingredients need to be take explicitly to account and this leads us to calculate the vertex corrections as well as self energies effects, which in this way lead to one particle propagators which have a non-trivial frequency dependence


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We present an analytic study of the finite size effects in sine-Gordon model, based on the semi-classical quantization of an appropriate kink background defined on a cylindrical geometry. The quasi-periodic kink is realized as an elliptic function with its real period related to the size of the system. The stability equation for the small quantum fluctuations around this classical background is of Lame type and the corresponding energy eigenvalues are selected inside the allowed bands by imposing periodic boundary conditions. We derive analytical expressions for the ground state and excited states scaling functions, which provide an explicit description of the flow between the IR and UV regimes of the model. Finally, the semiclassical form factors and two-point functions of the basic field and of the energy operator are obtained, completing the semiclassical quantization of the sine-Gordon model on the cylinder. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate a dilute mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions in one dimension. With an attractive Bose-Fermi scattering length the ground state is a self-bound droplet, i.e., a Bose-Fermi bright soliton where the Bose and Fermi clouds are superimposed. We find that the quantum fluctuations stabilize the Bose-Fermi soliton such that the one-dimensional bright soliton exists for any finite attractive Bose-Fermi scattering length. We study density profile and collective excitations of the atomic bright soliton showing that they depend on the bosonic regime involved: mean-field or Tonks-Girardeau.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Planck scale physics may influence the evolution of cosmological fluctuations in the early stages of cosmological evolution. Because of the quasiexponential redshifting, which occurs during an inflationary period, the physical wavelengths of comoving scales that correspond to the present large-scale structure of the Universe were smaller than the Planck length in the early stages of the inflationary period. This trans-Planckian effect was studied before using toy models. The Horava-Lifshitz (HL) theory offers the chance to study this problem in a candidate UV complete theory of gravity. In this paper we study the evolution of cosmological perturbations according to HL gravity assuming that matter gives rise to an inflationary background. As is usually done in inflationary cosmology, we assume that the fluctuations originate in their minimum energy state. In the trans-Planckian region the fluctuations obey a nonlinear dispersion relation of Corley-Jacobson type. In the "healthy extension" of HL gravity there is an extra degree of freedom which plays an important role in the UV region but decouples in the IR, and which influences the cosmological perturbations. We find that in spite of these important changes compared to the usual description, the overall scale invariance of the power spectrum of cosmological perturbations is recovered. However, we obtain oscillations in the spectrum as a function of wave number with a relative amplitude of order unity and with an effective frequency which scales nonlinearly with wave number. Taking the usual inflationary parameters we find that the frequency of the oscillations is so large as to render the effect difficult to observe.


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Mit Hilfe der Pfadintegral-Monte Carlo-Methode werdenPhasendiagramme von physisorbierten Molekülschichten aufGraphit untersucht. Die Verwendung von realistischen Potenzialen sowie dieBehandlung aller translatorischen und rotatorischenFreiheitsgrade erlaubt einen quantitativen Vergleich mit denExperimenten.Krypton-Atome bilden in der Monolage ein kommensurablesGitter mit den Atomen über der Mitte jeder drittenGraphitwabe.Die Vorgänge am Schmelzübergang werden von der Desorptioneiniger Atome dominiert. Die Argon-Schicht auf Graphit ist dagegen inkommensurabel.Zweiatomigen Stickstoff-Moleküle bilden eineorientierungsgeordnete Tieftemperaturphase(Fischgrät-Struktur). Quantenfluktuationen führen zu einer Erniedrigung der mitklassischen Methoden berechneten Phasenübergangstemperaturum 12%.Damit wird der experimentelle Wert von 28 K erreicht.Die Anisotropie und das Dipolmoment von Kohlenmonoxid führenzu einer dipolar geordneten Tieftemperaturphase.Die experimentell nicht geklärte Struktur kann in derQuantensimulation als antiferroelektrischeFischgrät-Struktur identifiziert werden.Der Phasenübergang liegt mit 6 K sehr nahe am Experiment(5.2 K).Für die Argon-Stickstoff-Mischsysteme wird dasPhasendiagramm in der Konzentrations(x)-Temperatur(T)-Ebeneerstellt. Die Übergangstemperaturen decken sich mit denen desExperiments.In Konfigurationen mit zufälliger Teilchenbesetzung weisen die linearen Moleküle ab Argon-Konzentrationen von10% ein Orientierungsglas-Verhalten auf.Durch einen zusätzlichen Teilchenaustausch wird in denMischsystemen die Bildung einer Windrad-Phase ermöglicht, inder die Argon-Atome eine Überstruktur annehmen.Diese Phase wird experimentell imArgon-Kohlenmonoxid-Mischsystem vorgefunden, dessenx-T-Phasendiagramm in guter Übereinstimmung mit denSimulationsergebnissen steht.Die explizite Berücksichtigung der Quantenmechanik in denComputersimulationen liefert wesentliche Beiträge zurKlärung des Phasenverhaltens und der Bestimmung vonÜbergangstemperaturen der Tieftemperaturstrukturen.


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It is argued that within the standard Big Bang cosmological model the bulk of the mass of the luminous parts of the large galaxies likely had been assembled by redshift z ∼ 10. Galaxy assembly this early would be difficult to fit in the widely discussed adiabatic cold dark matter model for structure formation, but it could agree with an isocurvature version in which the cold dark matter is the remnant of a massive scalar field frozen (or squeezed) from quantum fluctuations during inflation. The squeezed field fluctuations would be Gaussian with zero mean, and the distribution of the field mass therefore would be the square of a random Gaussian process. This offers a possibly interesting new direction for the numerical exploration of models for cosmic structure formation.


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We use series expansion methods to calculate the dispersion relation of the one-magnon excitations for the spin-(1)/(2) triangular-lattice nearest-neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet above a three-sublattice ordered ground state. Several striking features are observed compared to the classical (large-S) spin-wave spectra. Whereas, at low energies the dispersion is only weakly renormalized by quantum fluctuations, significant anomalies are observed at high energies. In particular, we find rotonlike minima at special wave vectors and strong downward renormalization in large parts of the Brillouin zone, leading to very flat or dispersionless modes. We present detailed comparison of our calculated excitation energies in the Brillouin zone with the spin-wave dispersion to order 1/S calculated recently by Starykh, Chubukov, and Abanov [Phys. Rev. B74, 180403(R) (2006)]. We find many common features but also some quantitative and qualitative differences. We show that at temperatures as low as 0.1J the thermally excited rotons make a significant contribution to the entropy. Consequently, unlike for the square lattice model, a nonlinear sigma model description of the finite-temperature properties is only applicable at temperatures < 0.1J. Finally, we review recent NMR measurements on the organic compound kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3). We argue that these are inconsistent with long-range order and a description of the low-energy excitations in terms of interacting magnons, and that therefore a Heisenberg model with only nearest-neighbor exchange does not offer an adequate description of this material.


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The main goal of this dissertation was to study two- and three-nucleon Short Range Correlations (SRCs) in high energy three-body breakup of 3He nucleus in 3He(e, e'NN) N reaction. SRCs are characterized by quantum fluctuations in nuclei during which constituent nucleons partially overlap with each other. ^ A theoretical framework is developed within the Generalized Eikonal Approximation (GEA) which upgrades existing medium-energy methods that are inapplicable for high momentum and energy transfer reactions. High momentum and energy transfer is required to provide sufficient resolution for probing SRCs. GEA is a covariant theory which is formulated through the effective Feynman diagrammatic rules. It allows self-consistent calculation of single and double re-scatterings amplitudes which are present in three-body breakup processes. The calculations were carried out in detail and the analytical result for the differential cross section of 3He(e, e'NN)N reaction was derived in a form applicable for programming and numerical calculations. The corresponding computer code has been developed and the results of computation were compared to the published experimental data, showing satisfactory agreement for a wide range of values of missing momenta. ^ In addition to the high energy approximation this study exploited the exclusive nature of the process under investigation to gain more information about the SRCs. The description of the exclusive 3He( e, e'NN)N reaction has been done using the formalism of the nuclear decay function, which is a practically unexplored quantity and is related to the conventional spectral function through the integration of the phase space of the recoil nucleons. Detailed investigation showed that the decay function clearly exhibits the main features of two- and three-nucleon correlations. Four highly practical types of SRCs in 3He nucleus were discussed in great detail for different orders of the final state re-interactions using the decay function as an unique identifying tool. ^ The overall conclusion in this dissertation suggests that the investigation of the decay function opens up a completely new venue in studies of short range nuclear properties. ^


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The main goal of this dissertation was to study two- and three-nucleon Short Range Correlations (SRCs) in high energy three-body breakup of 3He nucleus in 3He(e, e'NN)N reaction. SRCs are characterized by quantum fluctuations in nuclei during which constituent nucleons partially overlap with each other. A theoretical framework is developed within the Generalized Eikonal Approximation (GEA) which upgrades existing medium-energy methods that are inapplicable for high momentum and energy transfer reactions. High momentum and energy transfer is required to provide sufficient resolution for probing SRCs. GEA is a covariant theory which is formulated through the effective Feynman diagrammatic rules. It allows self-consistent calculation of single and double re-scatterings amplitudes which are present in three-body breakup processes. The calculations were carried out in detail and the analytical result for the differential cross section of 3He(e, e'NN)Nreaction was derived in a form applicable for programming and numerical calculations. The corresponding computer code has been developed and the results of computation were compared to the published experimental data, showing satisfactory agreement for a wide range of values of missing momenta. In addition to the high energy approximation this study exploited the exclusive nature of the process under investigation to gain more information about the SRCs. The description of the exclusive 3He(e, e'NN)N reaction has been done using the formalism of the nuclear decay function, which is a practically unexplored quantity and is related to the conventional spectral function through the integration of the phase space of the recoil nucleons. Detailed investigation showed that the decay function clearly exhibits the main features of two- and three-nucleon correlations. Four highly practical types of SRCs in 3He nucleus were discussed in great detail for different orders of the final state re-interactions using the decay function as an unique identifying tool. The overall conclusion in this dissertation suggests that the investigation of the decay function opens up a completely new venue in studies of short range nuclear properties.


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Quantum coherence can affect the thermodynamics of small quantum systems. Coherences have been shown to affect the power generated by a quantum heat engine (QHE) which is coupled to two thermal photon reservoirs and to an additional cavity mode. We show that the fluctuations of the heat exchanged between the QHE and the reservoirs strongly depend on quantum coherence, especially when the engine operates as a refrigerator, i.e., heat current flows from the cold bath to the hot bath. Intriguingly, we find that the ratio of positive and negative (with respect to the thermodynamic force) fluctuations in the heat current satisfies a universal coherence-independent fluctuation theorem.