968 resultados para Quality of the colleges


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The waters of Corumbataí River in the middle and eastern part of São Paulo State, Brazil, are extensively used for human consumption; their water quality has been modified mainly due to increasing pressure caused by population growth, accompanied by a more accentuated industrial development for the whole São Paulo State in the early 1970s. The Corumbataí River basin has, over time, received significant emissions of municipal waste products and discharges of wastewater, sludge, sewage, sanitary and industrial effluents, but the first effluent treatment plant at Rio Claro city was only inaugurated at the end of the 1990s. Data on river water quality from two widely spaced locations in the Corumbataí River basin are reported in this paper; they indicate the need for continuous initiatives and efforts by decision makers in order to improve and preserve the water quality in the basin for the 21st century. Copyright © 2007 IAHS Press.


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The aim of this study was to assess the influence of resin cement insertion methods on the bond strength of a fiber post to root dentin and quality of the cement layer. Forty bovine single-roots (length =16 mm) were randomly allocated into four groups, according to the cement insertion methods (N.=10): Gr1- Lentulo drill #40, Gr2- Centrix syringe, Gr3- Explorer #5, Gr4- fiber post. The root canals were prepared at 12 mm, using preparation bur # 3 of a cylinder quartz-FRC post (Aesthet post-plus, Bisco). The fiber posts were cemented using a multi-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system (All Bond 2®, Bisco) and a dual-cured resin cement (Duolink, Bisco). Each root was cut into seven samples: four samples of 1.8 mm thickness for push-out testing, and three with 0.5 mm for cement layer quality analyzing. One-way ANOVA was used for the push-out test values and the One-Way Kruskal-Wallis (P<0.05) and Dunn (10%) tests for the cement layer analyzes. ANOVA showed that the cement layer quality was affected by the cement insertion methods (P=0.0044): Gr1 (3.8 ± 1.3a), Gr2 (3.2 ± 1.3a), Gr3 (5.2 ± 1.5a,b) and Gr4 (5.2 ± 1.5b) (Dunn test), whereas the bond strength (MPa) was not affected by cement insertion methods: G1 (4.2 ± 1.3), G2 (3.2 ± 1.8), G3 (4.5 ± 0.9), G4 (3.1 ± 1.3). The fiber posts should be cemented with the assistance of the lentulo drill or centrix syringe to promote the best cement layer results.


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Includes bibliography


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Sectoral policies make explicit and implicit assumptions about the behaviour and capabilities of the agents (such as dynamic responses to market signals, demand-led assistance, collaborative efforts, participation in financing); which we consider to be rather unrealistic. Because of this lack of realism, policies that aim to be neutral often turn out to be highly exclusive. They fail to give sufficient importance to the special features of the sector -with its high climatic, biological and commercial risks and its slow adaptation- or to the fact that those who take decisions in agriculture are now mostly in an inferior position because of their incomes below the poverty line, their inadequate training, their traditions based on centuries of living in precarious conditions, and their geographical location in marginal areas, far from infrastructure and with only a minimum of services and sources of information. These people have only scanty and imperfect access to the markets which, according to the prevailing model, should govern decisions and the (re);distribution of the factors of production. In our opinion, this explains the patchy and lower-than-expected growth registered by the sector after the reforms to promote the liberalization of markets and external openness in the region. In view of the results of the application of the new model, it may be wondered whether Latin America can afford a form of development which excludes over half of its agricultural producers; what the alternatives are; and what costs and benefits each of them offers in terms of production and monetary, social, spatial and other aspects. The article outlines the changes in policies and their results at the aggregate level, summarizes the arguments usually put forward to explain agricultural performance in the region, and proposes a second set of explanations based on a description of the agents and the responses that may be expected from them, contrasting the latter with the supposedly neutral nature of the policies.


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This paper reports the results that are part of a series of experiments designed to evaluate aspects of the spatial resolution of the visual system of the opossum, Didelphis marsupialis aurita. This nocturnal marsupial presents a well-developed eye, displaying features that reflect specialization for operation at low levels of luminosity. The species was shown to be slightly myopic, a feature that may prove to be valuable because of the increased depth of field. Opossum visual acuity has been previously evaluated by means of determining the Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF). The results indicate rather poor visual acuity compared with other nocturnal animals. In this paper, we describe the results obtained for the optical quality of the opossum's eye using a single-pass method. The results suggest that the opossum's optical system is capable of forming images that can be resolved when separated by an angular distance on the order of 6 minutes of arc.


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A situação socioeconômica de Bragança depende principalmente dos recursos biológicos estuarinos e marinhos, que são influenciados pelos ciclos de marés e climatologia. Coletas oceanográficas (com medidas de variáveis hidrológicas, hidro-dinâmicas e microbiológicas) foram realizadas na área mais urbanizada do estuário do Caeté, para caracterizar a qualidade das águas no setor estudado. Durante o período seco, o estuário foi mais eutrófico e apresentou os maiores valores de temperatura (30,5°C em Out./06), salinidade (17 psu em Fev./07), pH (8,24 em Fev./07) e coliformes fecais (>1000 MNP/ 100 ml em Dez./06 e Fev./07). As espécies fitoplanctô-nicas Cyclotella meneghiniana, Coscinodiscus centralis e outras espécies r-estrategistas também foram observadas. A falta de saneamento básico foi responsável pela contaminação local, especialmente durante o período seco, quando o esgoto foi lançado mais concentrado no estuário, mostrando a influência humana na redução da qualidade da água estuarina estudada. A pesca é considerada uma das principais atividades econômicas do município de Bragança e, portanto, esta contaminação poderá afetar negativamente a qualidade ambiental deste ecossistema amazônico.


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Neste estudo, a qualidade da água foi verificada no manancial de abastecimento Água Preta, do município de Belém (PA). Houve seis amostragens em seis pontos de coleta e a concentração de coliformes foi verificada através da Técnica de Fermentação em Tubos Múltiplos para a determinação do NMP. Os isolados de Escherichia coli obtidos foram submetidos ao teste de sensibilidade aos seguintes antimicrobianos: cefoxitina, ampicilina, imipenem, gentamicina e amicacina. Além disso, foi investigado genes codificadores de fatores de virulência relacionados às variedades diarreiogênicas de E. coli. Não houve ocorrência de genes relacionados à patogenicidade, e as concentrações de coliformes termotolerantes apresentaram-se dentro dos padrões para mananciais de superfície usados para fins de abastecimento público. Contudo, as maiores concentrações de coliformes totais e termotolerantes foram observadas no ponto de coleta próximo à captação no rio Guamá e na área de maior adensamento populacional no entorno do lago. O teste de suscetibilidade dos isolados E. coli indicou uma alta porcentagem de resistência a ampicilina, a presença de seis perfis fenotípicos e a ocorrência de multiresistência. Assim, os resultados reforçam a necessidade do monitoramento sistemático deste manancial, visando a implementação de políticas de preservação e proteção dos mananciais utilizados para fins de abastecimento público, assim como a prevenção de doenças veiculadas pela água.


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OBJETIVO:Revisar a literatura sobre estudos que estimaram a prevalência de pressão arterial elevada (PAE) ou hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) em adolescentes brasileiros, considerando os procedimentos metodológicos empregados.MÉTODOS:Pesquisa bibliográfica de estudos de prevalência de PAE/HAS em adolescentes de 1995 a 2010. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados eletrônicos PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Isi e Adolec. Foram utilizados os descritores: hipertensão, pressão arterial, adolescente, estudantes, estudos transversais, prevalência e Brasil, nas línguas portuguesa e inglesa. Além disso, foi elaborado um escore, baseado nas Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement in Humans and Experimental Animals e nas VI Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão, para a análise dos procedimentos utilizados para medida da PA nos estudos variando de 0 a 18.RESULTADOS:Foram identificados 21 artigos, a maioria publicada nos últimos 10 anos, sendo 90,5% realizados em base escolar e nas regiões sudeste, nordeste e sul do país. As prevalências de PAE/HAS variaram de 2,5 a 30,9%. A pontuação dos estudos variou de 0 a 16. Foi observada uma correlação negativa significante (rho = -0,504; p = 0,020) entre a prevalência de PAE/HAS e o escore da qualidade da medida da PA.CONCLUSÃO:A grande variabilidade das estimativas da PAE/HAS parece ser influenciada pelos procedimentos metodológicos utilizados nos estudos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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When a physical activity professional is teaching a motor skill, he evaluates the movement's learner and considers which interventions could be done at the moment. However, many times the instructor does not have such resources which could help him/her to evaluate the learner movement. The skill acquisition process could be facilitated if instructors could have an instrument that identifies errors, prioritizing information to be given to the learner. Considering that the specialized literature presents a lack of information about such tool, the purpose of this study was to develop, and to determine the objectivity and reliability of an instrument to assess the movement quality of the basketball free throw shooting. The checklist was developed and evaluated by basketball experts. Additionally, the checklist was used to assess 10 trials (edited video) from four individuals in different learning stages. Data were organized by the critical error and the error sum appointed by the experts in two different occasions (one week interval). Contrasting both evaluations, and also, contrasting different experts assessments, in sum and critical error, it was observed an average error of 16.9%. It was concluded that the checklist to assess the basketball free throw is reliable, and could help instructors to make a qualitative analysis. Moreover, the checklist may allow instructors to make assumptions on the motor learning process.


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Sport psychology services have become to be an important brick stone when building athletic success. The strive for better performance is not only a characteristic of athletes, but of the whole support system in top level sport including sport psychology. Sport psychology consultants are permanently challenged to deliver highest quality services to their clients if they do not want to lose their contracts. Sport psychologists are continuously improving their consulting skills, learn new intervention techniques, read scientific papers and, last but not least, gain experience by accumulating hours of deliberate practice (Ericsson) in sport psychology. Even with increasing experience, the consultant has a certain number of degrees of freedom and has to make a series of decisions about how he or she wants to work. Quality, however, depends on a number of issues, and not all of them are under direct control of the consultant. It is argued that, in order for these choices being good, the following factors - among others - must be considered: Who is seeking assistance? What are the "issues and problems" (Gardner & Moore, 2006) the athlete is confronted with? What kind of approaches do fit with the client's need? Who is the 'client' the sport psychologist is supposed to work with? If it is a team, is the sport psychologist supposed to work with a number of individuals, with the coach, or with the whole system? Where are the boundaries of the system? What is the role of the sport psychologist in the sport system? All these issues directly affect the process and outcome quality of the sport psychology consultant. A sound theoretical basis, in connection with a distinct philosophy of the intervention, is an important cornerstone for the quality of sport psychology consultation.


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The Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) of the International GNSS Service (IGS) aims at the data collection and analysis of all available satellite navigation systems. In particular the new global and regional satellite navigation systems are of interest, i.e., the European Galileo, the Chinese BeiDou, the Japanese QZSS as well as satellite based augmentation systems. This article analyzes the orbit and clock quality of the Galileo products of four MGEX analysis centers for a common time period of 20 weeks. Orbit comparisons of the individual analysis centers have a consistency at the 5–30 cm level. Day boundary discontinuities range from 4 to 28 cm whereas 2-day orbit fit RMS values vary between 1 and 7 cm. The accuracy evaluated by satellite laser ranging residuals is on the one decimeter level with a systematic bias of about −5 cm for all analysis centers. In addition, systematic errors on the decimeter level related to solar radiation pressure mismodeling are present in all orbit products. Due to the correlation of radial orbit errors with the clock parameters, these errors are also visible as a bump in the Allan deviation of the Galileo satellite clocks at the orbital frequency.