942 resultados para Quality analysis


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Antecedentes: La enterocolitis neutropénica es una complicación que se presenta en niños tratados con quimioterapia. Se ha propuesto dentro del manejo el uso del factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos. Sin embargo, no se ha realizado una revisión sistemática para evaluar su eficacia. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia del uso del factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos en el manejo de la enterocolitis neutropénica. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura con búsqueda de ensayos clínicos a través de las bases de datos Pubmed, Cochrane, Embase, Ovid y Bireme. Como límites se tuvieron los idiomas ingles y español y la publicación entre los años 1996 y 2012. Se planteó la realización del análisis de calidad empleando la valoración del riesgo de sesgo propuesta por la Colaboración Cochrane. Se planteó la realización de un meta- análisis de la literatura. Resultados: No se encontraron estudios que exploraran el uso del factor estimulante de colonias en niños y adolescentes con enterocolitis neutropénica. Conclusión: No es posible emitir un juicio de valor positivo o negativo sobre la eficacia del factor en el manejo de la enterocolitis neutropénica en niños o adolescentes. No existe evidencia que evalúe el uso del factor estimulante de colonias en el paciente pediátrico con enterocolitis neutropénica.


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En aquest estudi s'ha determinat que al augmentar el ritme d'extraccions de semen es produeixen canvis en el patró d'absorció i secreció del fluid epididimari, que provoquen alteracions en la maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides i un desenvolupament anòmal de la motilitat espermàtica. La concentració de glutamat i carnitina al fluid epididimari augmenten al llarg del conducte epididimari, alhora que la concentració de myo-inositol disminueix. El contingut de myo-inositol a l'interior dels espermatozoides disminueix, mentre que el contingut de glutamat augmenta a partir del caput distal i el contingut de carnitina no varia al llarg del conducte. S'ha determinat la presència de la ruta del poliol a l'epidídim de porcí. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la glucosa difon de la sang cap al fluid epididimari, és convertida a sorbitol per l'aldosa reductasa, i aquest sorbitol s'acumula al fluid luminal i és convertit a fructosa per l'acció de la sorbitol deshidrogenasa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho, as características das carcaças e a qualidade da carne de cordeiros Santa Inês, terminados em confinamento, alimentados com dietas contendo 60% de concentrado e enriquecidas com soja grão ou gordura protegida. Os concentrados foram compostos de farelo de soja, milho, farelo de trigo, ureia, núcleo mineral, soja grão ou gordura protegida. Como volumoso foi utilizado o feno de capim-tifton 85. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros com aproximadamente 19,30 ± 1,77 kg e média de idade de 5 meses alojados em baias individuais por um período de 105 dias (21 de adaptação e 84 dias de período experimental). Os animais foram pesados ao início do experimento e a intervalos de 28 dias, com a finalidade de acompanhar o ganho de peso dos animais. Findo o experimento, foram abatidos para mensurações nas carcaças e avaliação das características quantitativas. Após o resfriamento das carcaças por 24 horas, foram retiradas amostras do lombo para análises da qualidade da carne. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e oito repetições. Os animais que receberam a gordura protegida apresentaram maior ganho em peso (0,24 kg/dia). As dietas contendo soja grão ou gordura protegida proporcionaram melhor conversão alimentar (4,80 e 4,06 respectivamente). O enriquecimento da dieta com soja grão ou gordura protegida não promove diferenças significativas nas características de carcaça nem na qualidade da carne.


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A demanda por manga tem apresentado crescimento significativo no mercado internacional. No Brasil, a produção de manga apresenta grande potencial de crescimento para exportação. A utilização de técnicas de indução floral e póscolheita tem permitido explorar brechas de mercado, no momento em que se reduz a oferta dos países concorrentes. O Estado de São Paulo tem aumentado a produção e a exportação de manga na última década. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a relação entre a adoção de técnicas de melhoria da qualidade da manga produzida, exigidas na exportação, e a expansão da cultura no Estado de São Paulo. Para a análise da qualidade da manga produzida, utilizou-se como parâmetro o grau de adequação do produtor às normas exigidas nos mercados consumidores, em duas cidades do Estado. A pesquisa de campo mostrou que a adequação aos requisitos exigidos de qualidade tem conformado regiões no Estado de São Paulo, onde o aumento de produção está diretamente relacionado com as exportações. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que essa atividade tem apresentado um retorno econômico atraente aos produtores.


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Urban growth of metropolitan areas has produced impacts of considerable importance on environment and water resources. Such impacts are in general associated with human activities, such as basin area uncontrolled development. In this context, Pitimbu river watershed, located at Natal metropolitan area, has been affected by uncontrolled development caused by urban expansion. Indeed, such effects have been reflected on water quantity and quality, which may produce social consequences. Pitimbu river is an important water supplier for human consumption, actually supplying a 2600 m3/h water discharge. This study aims to analyze the qualitative and quantitative aspects of water and sediment on Pitimbu river lowland portion. For this purpose, physical-chemical water properties were analyzed, and sediment macro invertebrates benthonic were monitored in two cross sections in a period between November 8th, 2007 and October 3rd, 2008. Monitoring methodology consisted of water and sediment sampling for laboratory analysis. Water quality analysis included Dissolved Oxygen, Oxygen Biochemical Demand, Nitrate, pH and Alkalinity, Suspended and Total Solids. The analysis of heavy metals in the sediment included Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Chrome, Silver and Nickel. Dry season water discharge data were measured and used to adjust recession function parameters, whose values reveal quick recession and strong river-aquifer unconfined interaction. Water quality analysis revealed the absence of degradation by organic composites. However, DO and BOD levels indicate that more consistent results could be provided if sampling time interval were reduced. Biomonitoring showed signs of aquatic ecosystem degradation by the absence of sensitive and abundance of resistant benthic organisms. Obtained results demonstrate the urgent need of effective management measures to provide environmental protection. The increase of environmental degradation will certainly make impracticable the use of water for human consumption


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Water vapor is an atmospheric component of major interest in atmospheric science because it affects the energy budget and plays a key role in several atmospheric processes. The Amazonian region is one of the most humid on the planet, and land use change is able to affect the hydrologic cycle in several areas and consequently to generate severe modifications in the global climate. Within this context, accessing the error associated with atmospheric humidity measurement and the validation of the integrated water vapor (IWV) quantification from different techniques is very important in this region. Using data collected during the Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in Amazonia during the Dry-to-Wet Transition Season (RACCI/DRY-TO-WET), an experiment carried out in southwestern Amazonia in 2002, this paper presents quality analysis of IWV measurements from RS80 radiosondes, a suite of GPS receivers, an Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) solar radiometer, and humidity sounding from the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB) aboard the Aqua satellite. When compared to RS80 IWV values, the root-mean-square (RMS) from the AERONET and GPS results are of the order of 2.7 and 3.8 kg m(-2), respectively. The difference generated between IWV from the GPS receiver and RS80 during the daytime was larger than that of the nighttime period because of the combination of the influence of high ionospheric activity during the RACCI experiment and a daytime drier bias from the RS80.


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Accuracy concepts that involve systematic and random effects and precision, that involves only random ones, are reviewed in this paper. An objective discussion is presented based on the definitions that appear in the literature, followed by examples that may be enough to clarify some concepts and allow the extension for other applications. The discussion presented aims at raising eventual inconsistencies in the interpretations so as to provide better possibilities of use for those involved with this topic, which is fundamentally important in the quality analysis of cartographic, geodetic and remote sensing or photogrammetric products.


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INTRODUCTION: Informatics and automation are important tools for the reduction of work, errors and costs in a hospital pharmacy. OBJECTIVES: To describe the structuring and function of an informatized system for the dispensing of medications and to assess its effect on nursing and pharmacy services during the period from 1997 to 2003. MATERIALS and METHODS: In this descriptive and retrospective study, we performed an analysis of documents addressing the structuring and implementation of the informatized medication dispensing system. In addition, we analyzed the perceptions of nurses, pharmacists and pharmacy assistants who participated in the structuring phase of the system when interviewed about the effect of informatization on administrative aspects (e.g., requisition of medications, presentation of the dispensed medication and system operationalization). RESULTS: The major advantages provided by the new system were 1) the elimination of manual transcripts for prescribed medications, 2) increased speed, 3) better identification of the doses prescribed by physicians, 4) medication labels containing all necessary identification and 5) practicality and safety of optical bar code-based verification of the requested and dispensed medications. CONCLUSIONS: The great majority of the interviewees considered the informatized medication supply system to be of good quality. Analysis of the data provided information that could contribute to the expansion and refinement of the system, provide support for studies regarding the utilization of medications and offer new perspectives for work and productivity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed to evaluate the tolerance of sugarcane cultivars to sulfentrazone, imazapic, isoxaflutole, clomazone and ametryn + trifloxysulfuron-sodium. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design in a split-plot scheme. The cultivars were allocated to the plots and the herbicides to the sub-plots (five 8.0 m long rows and 1.5 m spacing, with 4 repetitions. The herbicides sulfentrazone (0.8 kg ha(-1)), imazapic (0.147 kg ha(-1)), isoxaflutole (0.1125 kg ha(-1)), clomazone (1.1 kg ha(-1)), ametryn (1.463 kg ha(-1)) + trifloxysulfuron sodium (0.037 kg ha-1) and control were evaluated on 3-yr-old ratoons of the cultivars IACSP94-2094, IACSP94-2101, IACSP93-3046, IACSP94-4004, IAC86-2480 and RB72454 in post emergence. The traits evaluated were: plant toxicity symptoms in the plant leaves; total chlorophyll content and photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) at 15, 30 and 60 days after application (DAA); height (cm) at 30 and 270 DAA, and plant stand (stalk m(-1)) at 30 and 180 DAA. Diameter (cm), estimated productivity (t ha(-1)) and quality analysis were evaluated at 270 DAA. The sugarcane cultivars IACSP94-2094, IACSP93-3046, IACSP94-4004, IAC86-2480, RB72454, and IACSP94-2101 especially, were susceptible to clomazone up to 30 DAA, due to leaf chlorosis and lower chlorophyll content, but had no effect on quality characteristics and productivity. The cultivars were also tolerant to other herbicides.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA