842 resultados para Quality Model


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The aim of the present work is to study the occupants' exposure to fine particulate concentrations in ten nightclubs (NCs) in Athens, Greece. Measurements of PM1 and PM 2.5 were made in the outdoor and indoor environment of each NC. The average indoorPM1 andPM 2.5 concentrations were found to be 181.77 μgm−3 and 454.08 μg m−3 respectively, while the corresponding outdoor values were 11.04 μg m−3 and 32.19 μg m−3. Ventilation and resuspension rates were estimated through consecutive numerical experiments with an indoor air quality model and were found to be remarkably lower than the minimum values recommended by national standards. The relative effects of the ventilation and smoking on the occupants' exposures were examined using multiple regression techniques. Itwas found that given the low ventilation rates, the effect of smoking as well as the occupancy is of the highest importance. Numerical evaluations showed that if the ventilation rates were at the minimum values set by national standards, then the indoor exposures would be reduced at the 70% of the present exposure values.


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The relative contribution of the main mechanisms that control indoor air quality in residential flats was examined. Indoor and outdoor concentration measurements of different type pollutants (black carbon, SO2, O3, NO, NO2,) were monitored in three naturally ventilated residential flats in Athens, Greece. At each apartment, experiments were conducted during the cold as well as during the warm period of the year. The controlling parameters of transport and deposition mechanisms were calculated from the experimental data. Deposition rates of the same pollutant differ according to the site (different construction characteristics) and to the measuring period for the same site (variations in relative humidity and differences in furnishing). Differences in the black carbon deposition rates were attributed to different black carbon size distributions. The highest deposition rates were observed for O3 in the residential flats with the older construction and the highest humidity levels. The calculated parameters as well as the measured outdoor concentrations were used as input data of a one-compartment indoor air quality model, and the indoor concentrations, the production, and loss rates of the different pollutants were calculated. The model calculated concentrations are in good agreement with the measured values. Model simulations revealed that the mechanism that mainly affected the change rate of indoor black carbon concentrations was the transport from the outdoor environment, while the removal due to deposition was insignificant. During model simulations, it was also established that that the change rate of SO2 concentrations was governed by the interaction between the transport and the deposition mechanisms while NOX concentrations were mainly controlled through photochemical reactions and the transport from outdoors.


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This Thesis deals with a study on customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement focusing on a model of factors antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The model is based on a Satisfaction Index model adopted in Norway developed by Johnson et al.(2001) and the service quality drivers from the literature. It is surveyed a sample of 130 patients of a gynecology clinical. It is used a multiple regression analysis as the main statistical method in order to verify the factors affecting satisfaction and loyalty. The main findings are that the quality model explain 54% of the satisfaction but the whole model explain only 31% of the loyalty. Although the results are consistent with the literature in term of quality as the main driver of the satisfaction and that the satisfaction is not only one factor to explain loyalty, both the quality model to satisfaction and the factors model affecting loyalty should be improved to explain better the satisfaction and loyalty in health care service


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Over the years the use of application frameworks designed for the View and Controller layers of MVC architectural pattern adapted to web applications has become very popular. These frameworks are classified into Actions Oriented and Components Oriented , according to the solution strategy adopted by the tools. The choice of such strategy leads the system architecture design to acquire non-functional characteristics caused by the way the framework influences the developer to implement the system. The components reusability is one of those characteristics and plays a very important role for development activities such as system evolution and maintenance. The work of this dissertation consists to analyze of how the reusability could be influenced by the Web frameworks usage. To accomplish this, small academic management applications were developed using the latest versions of Apache Struts and JavaServer Faces frameworks, the main representatives of Java plataform Web frameworks of. For this assessment was used a software quality model that associates internal attributes, which can be measured objectively, to the characteristics in question. These attributes and metrics defined for the model were based on some work related discussed in the document


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The tracking between models of the requirements and architecture activities is a strategy that aims to prevent loss of information, reducing the gap between these two initial activities of the software life cycle. In the context of Software Product Lines (SPL), it is important to have this support, which allows the correspondence between this two activities, with management of variability. In order to address this issue, this paper presents a process of bidirectional mapping, defining transformation rules between elements of a goaloriented requirements model (described in PL-AOVgraph) and elements of an architectural description (defined in PL-AspectualACME). These mapping rules are evaluated using a case study: the GingaForAll LPS. To automate this transformation, we developed the MaRiPLA tool (Mapping Requirements to Product Line Architecture), through MDD techniques (Modeldriven Development), including Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) with specification of Ecore metamodels jointly with Xtext , a DSL definition framework, and Acceleo, a code generation tool, in Eclipse environment. Finally, the generated models are evaluated based on quality attributes such as variability, derivability, reusability, correctness, traceability, completeness, evolvability and maintainability, extracted from the CAFÉ Quality Model


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Environmental computer models are deterministic models devoted to predict several environmental phenomena such as air pollution or meteorological events. Numerical model output is given in terms of averages over grid cells, usually at high spatial and temporal resolution. However, these outputs are often biased with unknown calibration and not equipped with any information about the associated uncertainty. Conversely, data collected at monitoring stations is more accurate since they essentially provide the true levels. Due the leading role played by numerical models, it now important to compare model output with observations. Statistical methods developed to combine numerical model output and station data are usually referred to as data fusion. In this work, we first combine ozone monitoring data with ozone predictions from the Eta-CMAQ air quality model in order to forecast real-time current 8-hour average ozone level defined as the average of the previous four hours, current hour, and predictions for the next three hours. We propose a Bayesian downscaler model based on first differences with a flexible coefficient structure and an efficient computational strategy to fit model parameters. Model validation for the eastern United States shows consequential improvement of our fully inferential approach compared with the current real-time forecasting system. Furthermore, we consider the introduction of temperature data from a weather forecast model into the downscaler, showing improved real-time ozone predictions. Finally, we introduce a hierarchical model to obtain spatially varying uncertainty associated with numerical model output. We show how we can learn about such uncertainty through suitable stochastic data fusion modeling using some external validation data. We illustrate our Bayesian model by providing the uncertainty map associated with a temperature output over the northeastern United States.


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En este trabajo se desarrolló un modelo probabilístico que utiliza la teoría de la función de densidad de probabilidades derivada para estimar la carga media anual de nitratos transportada por el escurrimiento superficial, utilizando una relación funcional entre el escurrimiento y la carga de nitratos. El modelo determinístico hidrológico y de calidad de agua denominado Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins - Water Quality (SWRRB-WQ) fue utilizado para estimar la carga de nitratos en el escurrimiento superficial. Este modelo emplea como variable de entrada la precipitación diaria observada en la Estación del Aeropuerto de Olavarría durante el período 1988 a 2002. Para la calibración del modelo se aplicó una nueva metodología que estima la incertidumbre en los valores observados. Ambos modelos probabilístico y determinístico se aplican en una subcuenca rural del arroyo Tapalqué (provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) y finalmente se comparan los valores de la carga de nitratos estimados con los dos modelos con las observaciones realizadas en la sección del arroyo motivo de este estudio. Los resultados muestran que la carga media de nitratos obtenida con el modelo probabilístico es del mismo orden de magnitud que los valores medios observados y estimados con el modelo hidrológico y de calidad de agua SWRRB-WQ.


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Semantic technologies have become widely adopted in recent years, and choosing the right technologies for the problems that users face is often a difficult task. This paper presents an application of the Analytic Network Process for the recommendation of semantic technologies, which is based on a quality model for semantic technologies. Instead of relying on expert-based comparisons of alternatives, the comparisons in our framework depend on real evaluation results. Furthermore, the recommendations in our framework derive from user quality requirements, which leads to better recommendations tailored to users’ needs. This paper also presents an algorithm for pairwise comparisons, which is based on user quality requirements and evaluation results.


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The need for a better quantification of the influence of Saharan dust transport processes on the air quality modelling in the Mediterranean basin led to the formulation of a dust emission module (DEM) integrated into the Air Quality Risk Assessment System for the Iberian Peninsula (SERCA). This paper is focused on the formulation of DEM based on the GOCART aerosol model, along with its integration and execution into the air quality model. It also addresses the testing of the module and its evaluation by contrasting results against satellite products such as MODIS and CALIPSO and ground-level observations of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and concentration levels of PM10 for different periods in July 2007. DEM was found capable of reproducing the spatial (horizontal and vertical) and temporal profiles of Saharan dust outbreaks into the Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic coast of Africa. Moreover, it was observed that its combination with CMAQ increased the correlation degree between observed and modelled PM10 concentrations at the selected monitoring locations. DEM also enhanced CMAQ capabilities to reproduce observed AOT, although significant underestimations remain. The implementation of CMAQ + DEM succeeded in capturing Saharan dust transport into the Iberian Peninsula, with contributions up to 25 and 14 μg m−3 in 1 h and 24 h average PM10 respectively. The general improvement of total PM10 predictions in Spain are however moderate. The analysis of model performance for the main PM components points out that remaining PM10 underestimation is due to dust local sources missing in the inventories and misrepresentation of organic aerosol processes, which constitutes the main areas for future improvement of CMAQ capabilities to simulate particulate matter within SERCA.


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La evaluación de ontologías, incluyendo diagnóstico y reparación de las mismas, es una compleja actividad que debe llevarse a cabo en cualquier proyecto de desarrollo ontológico para comprobar la calidad técnica de las ontologías. Sin embargo, existe una gran brecha entre los enfoques metodológicos sobre la evaluación de ontologías y las herramientas que le dan soporte. En particular, no existen enfoques que proporcionen guías concretas sobre cómo diagnosticar y, en consecuencia, reparar ontologías. Esta tesis pretende avanzar en el área de la evaluación de ontologías, concretamente en la actividad de diagnóstico. Los principales objetivos de esta tesis son (a) ayudar a los desarrolladores en el diagnóstico de ontologías para encontrar errores comunes y (b) facilitar dicho diagnóstico reduciendo el esfuerzo empleado proporcionando el soporte tecnológico adecuado. Esta tesis presenta las siguientes contribuciones: • Catálogo de 41 errores comunes que los ingenieros ontológicos pueden cometer durante el desarrollo de ontologías. • Modelo de calidad para el diagnóstico de ontologías alineando el catálogo de errores comunes con modelos de calidad existentes. • Diseño e implementación de 48 métodos para detectar 33 de los 41 errores comunes en el catálogo. • Soporte tecnológico OOPS!, que permite el diagnstico de ontologías de forma (semi)automática. De acuerdo con los comentarios recibidos y los resultados de los test de satisfacción realizados, se puede afirmar que el enfoque desarrollado y presentado en esta tesis ayuda de forma efectiva a los usuarios a mejorar la calidad de sus ontologías. OOPS! ha sido ampliamente aceptado por un gran número de usuarios de formal global y ha sido utilizado alrededor de 3000 veces desde 60 países diferentes. OOPS! se ha integrado en software desarrollado por terceros y ha sido instalado en empresas para ser utilizado tanto durante el desarrollo de ontologías como en actividades de formación. Abstract Ontology evaluation, which includes ontology diagnosis and repair, is a complex activity that should be carried out in every ontology development project, because it checks for the technical quality of the ontology. However, there is an important gap between the methodological work about ontology evaluation and the tools that support such an activity. More precisely, not many approaches provide clear guidance about how to diagnose ontologies and how to repair them accordingly. This thesis aims to advance the current state of the art of ontology evaluation, specifically in the ontology diagnosis activity. The main goals of this thesis are (a) to help ontology engineers to diagnose their ontologies in order to find common pitfalls and (b) to lessen the effort required from them by providing the suitable technological support. This thesis presents the following main contributions: • A catalogue that describes 41 pitfalls that ontology developers might include in their ontologies. • A quality model for ontology diagnose that aligns the pitfall catalogue to existing quality models for semantic technologies. • The design and implementation of 48 methods for detecting 33 out of the 41 pitfalls defined in the catalogue. • A system called OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!) that allows ontology engineers to (semi)automatically diagnose their ontologies. According to the feedback gathered and satisfaction tests carried out, the approach developed and presented in this thesis effectively helps users to increase the quality of their ontologies. At the time of writing this thesis, OOPS! has been broadly accepted by a high number of users worldwide and has been used around 3000 times from 60 different countries. OOPS! is integrated with third-party software and is locally installed in private enterprises being used both for ontology development activities and training courses.


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Este documento corresponde a la Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Arquitectura y Urbanismo en el marco del Programa de Doctorado conjunto de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad de Chile. La investigación realizada es de carácter exploratorio-descriptivo con el propósito de establecer y relacionar conceptualmente las teorías y principios de la ergonomía y del diseño urbano, para proponer desde un enfoque sistémico criterios de confort en el diseño de la ciudad, que contribuyan a la calidad de vida y la vida urbana, dando a luz lineamientos para la “Ergociudad”; concepto que surge de la unión de las palabras Ergonomía y Ciudad. Al estudiar a diversos autores se concluye en la carencia de referentes de confort y de políticas basados en la relación empírica del ser humano en la ciudad que posibiliten la configuración del medio ambiente urbano a partir de ella. La ciudad se piensa y se construye desde su estructura y no desde una mirada sistémica e integrada de los factores dimensionales, ambientales y psicosociales condicionantes del confort en sus distintas escalas. La mirada respecto del desarrollo de la ciudad es físico constructiva y, por tanto, deja de lado el problema de los estresores o de la percepción de los factores de riesgo en el entorno construido. El tema central de esta tesis es proponer una estructura modélica de calidad de vida urbana denominada Ergociudad en base a los fundamentos teóricos de la Ergonomía y el Diseño Urbano y establecer el “Índice Ergourbano”, como representación de los factores ergonómicos presentes en la ciudad. En este marco, el enfoque de la ergonomía y sus prestaciones han sido trabajados en orden a facilitar mecanismos para disponer de sus procedimientos y de su modelo de análisis relacional a otras escalas. El concepto de “Ergociudad” y su propuesta de exploración desde las personas, postula una mirada sobre los problemas que enfrenta el ser humano en la ciudad considerando la dimensión de lo humano, desde perspectivas psicológicas y sociológicas para establecer y configurar la percepción de estrés y bienestar; la dimensión de lo urbano, representada por los objetos que componen el entorno (en sus distintas escalas); y, la dimensión de lo perceptual, que definiría el concepto de confort en la forma de comprender el mundo sensorial. Los resultados de la investigación confirman la hipótesis de trabajo en términos de demostrar que la percepción de disconfort en la ciudad reflejado en un índice de evaluación perceptual espacial denominado índice Ergourbano obtenido de las mediciones en situ de los factores ergonómicos del entorno. Los resultados finales de la tesis han permitido identificar variables afines en los aspectos espaciales y perceptuales. Ello mediante la exploración de las situaciones urbanas y sus conexiones para establecer el grado de adecuación del espacio urbano a las prácticas, usos y modos de las personas en la ciudad. Una vez aplicado y validado el método desarrollado se ha llegado a obtener información suficiente para aumentar el nivel de conocimiento sobre el espacio urbano con un enfoque relacional que permite entenderlo desde la experiencia de las personas que lo habitan, insistiendo en su aporte metodológico y proyectual considerando la inexistente aplicación de información que vincule la ergonomía a esta escala urbana. ABSTRACT This document corresponds to the thesis to obtain the degree of Doctor of Architecture and Urbanism in the framework of the combined doctorate program of the Technical University of Madrid and the University of Chile. The research carried out is of a descriptive–explanatory nature with the objective of establishing and conceptually relating the theories and principals of ergonomics (or human factors) and urban design. This is done in order to propose, from a systematic focus, comfort criteria in the design of cities that contribute to quality of life and urban life, giving birth to chacteristics for “Ergocity”; concepts that arise from the union of the words ergonomic and city. After studying diverse authors, one concludes the lack of references toward comfort and policies based on the empirical relation of humans in the city that allow for the configuration of the urban environment based on comfort. The city is thought out and built from its structure and not from a systematic and integrated viewpoint of the dimensional, environmental and psychosocial factors, determining factors of comfort in its distinct scales. The view regarding the development of the city is physical constructive and, therefore, leaves aside the problem of the stress factors or the perception of risk factors in the constructed environment. The central theme of this thesis is to propose a quality model of urban life entitled Ergo-city, based on the fundamental theories of the ergonomics and urban design, and to establish an “Ergourban index” as representation of the ergonomic factors present in the city. In this framework, the focus of ergonomics and its services have been used in order to facilitate mechanisms to arrange their procedures and their model of relational analysis on other scales. The concept of “Ergocity”and its offer of exploration from a people perspective, proposes a look at the problems that humans face in the city considering the nonhuman dimension, from psychological and sociological perspectives to establish and configure la perception of stress and well-being: the urban dimension, represented by the objects that the surroundings are made up of (on their distinct scales), and the perceptual dimension, which will define the concept of comfort by means of understanding the sensorial world. The results of the research confirm the working hypothesis in terms of demonstrating the perception of discomfort in the city reflected in an index of perceptual/spatial evaluation named ergo-urban obtained from in situ measurements of the ergonomic factors of the surroundings. The final results of the thesis have permitted the identification the identification of variables related to the spatial and perceptual aspects. All of this through the exploration of the urban situations and their connections in order to establish the level of adaptation of the urban space to the practices, uses and modes of the people in the city. Once applied and validated, the method of development has led to the collection of sufficient information to increase the level of knowledge of the urban space with a relational focus that allows us to understand it from the experience of the people who inhabit said space, persisting with its methodological and projective contribution considering the inexistent application of information that links the ergonomics on an urban scale.


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The effect of atmospheric aerosols and regional haze from air pollution on the yields of rice and winter wheat grown in China is assessed. The assessment is based on estimates of aerosol optical depths over China, the effect of these optical depths on the solar irradiance reaching the earth’s surface, and the response of rice and winter wheat grown in Nanjing to the change in solar irradiance. Two sets of aerosol optical depths are presented: one based on a coupled, regional climate/air quality model simulation and the other inferred from solar radiation measurements made over a 12-year period at meteorological stations in China. The model-estimated optical depths are significantly smaller than those derived from observations, perhaps because of errors in one or both sets of optical depths or because the data from the meteorological stations has been affected by local pollution. Radiative transfer calculations using the smaller, model-estimated aerosol optical depths indicate that the so-called “direct effect” of regional haze results in an ≈5–30% reduction in the solar irradiance reaching some of China’s most productive agricultural regions. Crop-response model simulations suggest an ≈1:1 relationship between a percentage increase (decrease) in total surface solar irradiance and a percentage increase (decrease) in the yields of rice and wheat. Collectively, these calculations suggest that regional haze in China is currently depressing optimal yields of ≈70% of the crops grown in China by at least 5–30%. Reducing the severity of regional haze in China through air pollution control could potentially result in a significant increase in crop yields and help the nation meet its growing food demands in the coming decades.


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Recently, the target function for crystallographic refinement has been improved through a maximum likelihood analysis, which makes proper allowance for the effects of data quality, model errors, and incompleteness. The maximum likelihood target reduces the significance of false local minima during the refinement process, but it does not completely eliminate them, necessitating the use of stochastic optimization methods such as simulated annealing for poor initial models. It is shown that the combination of maximum likelihood with cross-validation, which reduces overfitting, and simulated annealing by torsion angle molecular dynamics, which simplifies the conformational search problem, results in a major improvement of the radius of convergence of refinement and the accuracy of the refined structure. Torsion angle molecular dynamics and the maximum likelihood target function interact synergistically, the combination of both methods being significantly more powerful than each method individually. This is demonstrated in realistic test cases at two typical minimum Bragg spacings (dmin = 2.0 and 2.8 Å, respectively), illustrating the broad applicability of the combined method. In an application to the refinement of a new crystal structure, the combined method automatically corrected a mistraced loop in a poor initial model, moving the backbone by 4 Å.


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Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS, EC is the target for the sulfonylurea herbicides, which act as potent inhibitors of the enzyme. Chlorsulfuron (marketed as Glean) and sulforneturon methyl (marketed as Oust) are two commercially important members of this family of herbicides. Here we report crystal structures of yeast AHAS in complex with chlorsulfuron (at a resolution of 2.19 Angstrom), sulforneturon methyl (2.34 Angstrom), and two other sulfonylureas, metsulfuron methyl (2.29 Angstrom) and tribenuron methyl (2.58 Angstrom). The structures observed suggest why these inhibitors have different potencies and provide clues about the differential effects of mutations in the active site tunnel on various inhibitors. In all of the structures, the thiamin diphosphate cofactor is fragmented, possibly as the result of inhibitor binding. In addition to thiamin diphosphate, AHAS requires FAD for activity. Recently, it has been reported that reduction of FAD can occur as a minor side reaction due to reaction with the carbanion/enamine of the hydroxyethyl-ThDP intermediate that is formed midway through the catalytic cycle. Here we report that the isoalloxazine ring has a bent conformation that would account for its ability to accept electrons from the hydroxyethyl intermediate. Most sequence and mutation data suggest that yeast AHAS is a high-quality model for the plant enzyme.