815 resultados para Qualidade Ambiental


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The style of life in the cities deprives the man of the contact with nature. As a way to escape from the turbulent reality of the urban system, the urban planning provides areas that allow the contact between man and nature like botanical gardens, parks, leafy squares, etc. These places, through specific analysis, are also called green areas. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to outline and analyze, through geoprocessing techniques, green areas of Americana, São Paulo considering them as indicators of urban environmental quality. This evaluation will be based on the methodology adapted by Bargos (2010) where products of remote sensing were used (aerial photos and satellite images) and it will be also based on field work and calculation of the amount of green areas. The software ESRI ArcGIS® will be used to create thematic maps connected with city’s green areas. Based on the results achieved in this study, it’s expected to contribute to the government of the city of Americana in order to provide benefits of analysis for decision makers in the context of urban planning aiming an improvement in the urban environmental quality, thus benefiting its entire population


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O presente trabalho teve o intuito de resgatar o fenômeno ocorrido em agosto de 1986, no município de Cajamar, onde ocorreu o primeiro caso de formação de dolinas de subsidência e colapso no Brasil em área urbana. Mostra-se assim, através de interpretações da Fisiologia da Paisagem do local atingido, o modo que a cidade se reorganizou após o impacto, tanto na questão ambiental, como nas questões sociais e urbanas, através de entrevistas, relatando o modo de vida e as condições que se encontram a população e o local atingido neste episódio, sendo constatada então, a estabilidade do solo na área em questão


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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The location of Jundiai-Mirim river basin, close to large urban centers and industrial parks, has contributed to the appreciation of their lands. Consequently, the region has an intense process of urbanization that resulted in an increasing environmental disturbance in the forest areas. Given the need to preserve existing natural vegetation, because the watershed is the source of water used to supply Jundiai, SP, this study evaluated changes in the environmental quality of the watershed forest fragments between 1972 and 2013. The environment quality was determined by evaluating nine indicators of environmental disturbance, obtained by techniques of Geoprocessing and integrated by Multicriteria Analysis. The results showed a constant tendency of deteriorating the environmental quality of natural vegetation between 1972 and 2013, attributed to the intense process of occupation of the watershed. It is concluded that: (a) urbanization and deforestation of natural vegetation were primarily responsible for changes in environmental quality; (b) there is a need to create public policies to preserve the natural vegetation in the watershed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A proposta deste artigo é questionar a qualidade ambiental das áreas verdes inseridas no contexto urbano de uma grande cidade. Primeiro, apresenta-se o papel dos parques e praças públicas na cidade contemporânea, ou seja, como esses espaços são benéficos para a população, e de que forma podem melhorar a qualidade de vida. É necessário compreender a importância desses locais para os habitantes, e com esse intuito, busca-se analisar os aspectos que agregam qualidade a um espaço verde. Depois apresenta-se um breve histórico do Jardim da Luz, que se tratada área verde mais antiga da cidade de São Paulo. Através da descrição de sua história, pode-se perceber a mudança da compreensão do papel das áreas verdes para a cidade, e as mudanças no meio de utilização da mesma. Dentre todos os aspectos ambientais que podem caracterizar uma área verde, este artigo irá se aprofundar no impacto dos ruídos urbanos sobre a mesma. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMC), “a poluição sonora é hoje, depois da poluição do ar e da água, o problema ambiental que afeta o maior número de pessoas” (LACERDA, 2005). Em razão da abrangência do problema, é necessário pesquisar formas de avaliar corretamente as paisagens sonoras urbanas, e seu impacto na qualidade de vida da população. Por essa razão, demonstra-se como avaliar acusticamente os espaços públicos, através da comparação dos resultados obtidos em medições in loco com sonômetros com os critérios para avaliação de áreas verdes propostos pela metodologia de avaliação de Antônio Pedro Carvalho, professor na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, em Portugal.


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The reservoirs are water sources built along the fluvial basins, between rivers and dams made by concrete or earth. In Brazil they are built for different purposes, standing out the generation of energy (hydroelectric power station), flowing regulation, water reserves and flooding control, therefore they have played and still play an important role in the modern society.In the Northeastern semiarid region, they are typically used to supply cities and as a source of food.In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the large reservoirs are intended for the same purpose.The cities settled in the riverbanks, or which have river channels crossing them, face flooding related problems. In the city of Macaíba-RN, flooding occurred systematically during the rainy season, causing great inconvenience to the local population.As product of the collective claim Tabatinga Reservoir in Jundiaí river was built, upstream of the city. Facing this background, this thesis aimed to assess the sócio-environmental quality of this reservoir.To achieve this goal, methodologies pointed to assess water quality along with the aplication of a questionnaire were used aimed to verify the quality of water and to know the perception of the residents from urban and rural área settled near to the reservoir was performed. The results showed the existence of conflicts of residents of rural communities and the presence of the reservoir, while for the city's population, the reservoir is considered not only the right solution to solve flooding in urban areas, but also as economic source for the rural population. Considering the water source assessment, this study concluded that the Tabatinga Reservoir is unfit for human use, due to the presence of metals of toxicological significance with the potential to elicit damage to the genetic material of individuals that use water from this reservoir, leading to cause serious risks to health population.


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Over time, humanity began to realize the negative impact that the modern world has caused to the environment. The Atlantic Forest is one of the richest biomes in biodiversity, covering more than 60% of all species on the planet. This biome covered about 15% of the Brazilian territory, leaving currently only 7% of its fully fragmented forest remnants. This was the biome that suffered most from modernization and strong anthropogenic pressures in Brazil. For the account of environmental degradation, in the second half of the nineteenth century there was a shift in thinking, giving greater emphasis on conservation of some natural landscapes, with the intention of removing the man still preserved nature. Based on American models of conservation there were created the Nature Conservation Units. This study aimed to analyze the environmental quality of the State Park Vitório Piassa, a Conservation Unit located in the city of Pato Branco - PR. The environmental quality was measured by use of bio-indicators and some environmental pressures that the Park has suffered over the years also were identified. Beetles of the familiy Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were used as the bioindicators. To compare the most conserved areas and the most degraded areas of the Park, three specific sites were defined within the Atlantic Forest fragment, these insects were captured with pitfall traps and identified as to their species and genera. There were two collections in February and March 2015, which resulted in 945 individuals in 22 species and nine different genus. Then the population of beetles in each area were classified based on ecological measures such as species richness, abundance of individuals of each species through diversity index (Shannon and Simpson) to identify the differences between the sampled groups and equitability (Pielou) to measure the distribution of the total abundance of the species in each area. To meet the objective of identifying the environmental pressures that occur in PEVP, evidence were collected through photographs, watching the field, aerial images and conversations with the resident population in the park. Similarly, if made relevant to build on the project running by the municipality for the construction of infrastructure for public viewing. These data served as subsidies to confront the current situation of the park and the current Brazilian legislation for UC's of full protection, highlighting the existing socio-environmental conflicts in the park, involving political issues and the proximity of the Conservation Unit with the urban area of the city.


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Para uma adequada gestão ambiental, é necessária uma criteriosa avaliação do desempenho ambiental da propriedade agrícola, o que pode ser feito com a aplicação de procedimentos de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), integrando-se as dimensões sociais, econômicas e ecológicas da sustentabilidade. A Embrapa tem dedicado importante esforço para o desenvolvimento, a validação e a utilização de sistemas de Avaliação de Impactos Ambientais (AIA), desde a escala de estabelecimentos rurais até a escala institucional.