901 resultados para QUANTILE REGRESSION


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In Colombia, students from an ethnic group have a lower academic achievement with respect totheir non-ethnic peers in standardized test scores on math and language. This gap is persistentat a state level, especially in high ethnic density states. Using information from the state academictest (SABER 11), this study corroborates the existence of an academic gap between ethnicand non-ethnic students and, additionally, decomposes it in factors related to observable characteristics,such as family and school; and non-observable factors. The methodology proposed byBlinder and Oaxaca applied to quantile regression is used in order to determine the existence oftest score gaps throughout the distribution of academic performance. Results indicate that forstates where there is a statistically significant gap, a sizeable portion of it is attributed to nonobservablefactors. Nonetheless, at distinct levels of academic performance, the gap size and theextent to which it can be attributed non-observable factors vary according to the state


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The evidence of gender pay gap is present in the Colombian labormarket, as in many other countries. This gap is not homogeneous in the territory,which provides the rationale for a detailed analysis of what is happening in each ofthe regions of the country. The results show differentials of positive wage gaps infavor of men, in most of the main cities. Not all this difference can be attributedto the existence of discrimination as there exist factors that explain part of thewage gap. To identify the relevance of those factors we use the Blinder-Oaxaca,BO, decomposition in the context of quantile regression. The results of the BOmethod suggest that wage gaps are not explained by the observable attributes ofindividuals. These gaps are mostly explained by the effect of pay gaps to attributessuch as education, and unobserved attributes. The analysis by cities shows patternsthat reveal a higher wage gap in the peripheral cities as opposed to Bogot´a, Cali,Medellín, Manizales and Pereira. Differences in compensation to attributes arerepresented by what is known as the coefficients effect. This effect comprises aswell the existence of discrimination by gender, thus this result deserves specialattention for the purposes of gender equalizing payment policies


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We study the role of natural resource windfalls in explaining the efficiency of public expenditures. Using a rich dataset of expenditures and public good provision for 1,836 municipalities in Peru for period 2001-2010, we estimate a non-monotonic relationship between the efficiency of public good provision and the level of natural resource transfers. Local governments that were extremely favored by the boom of mineral prices were more efficient in using fiscal windfalls whereas those benefited with modest transfers were more inefficient. These results can be explained by the increase in political competition associated with the boom. However, the fact that increases in efficiency were related to reductions in public good provision casts doubts about the beneficial effects of political competition in promoting efficiency.


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The facilitation of healthier dietary choices by consumers is one of the key elements of the UK Government’s food strategy. Designing and targeting dietary interventions requires a clear understanding of the determinants of dietary choice. Conventional analysis of the determinants of dietary choice has focused on mean response functions which may mask significant differences in the dietary behaviour of different segments of the population. In this paper we use a quantile regression approach to investigate how food consumption behaviour varies amongst UK households in different segments of the population, especially in the upper and lower quantiles characterised by healthy or unhealthy consumption patterns. We find that the effect of demographic determinants of dietary choice on households that exhibit less healthy consumption patterns differs significantly from that on households that make healthier consumption choices. A more nuanced understanding of the differences in the behavioural responses of households making less-healthy eating choices provides useful insights for the design and targeting of measures to promote healthier diets.


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Background The persistence of rural-urban disparities in child nutrition outcomes in developing countries alongside rapid urbanisation and increasing incidence of child malnutrition in urban areas raises an important health policy question - whether fundamentally different nutrition policies and interventions are required in rural and urban areas. Addressing this question requires an enhanced understanding of the main drivers of rural-urban disparities in child nutrition outcomes especially for the vulnerable segments of the population. This study applies recently developed statistical methods to quantify the contribution of different socio-economic determinants to rural-urban differences in child nutrition outcomes in two South Asian countries – Bangladesh and Nepal. Methods Using DHS data sets for Bangladesh and Nepal, we apply quantile regression-based counterfactual decomposition methods to quantify the contribution of (1) the differences in levels of socio-economic determinants (covariate effects) and (2) the differences in the strength of association between socio-economic determinants and child nutrition outcomes (co-efficient effects) to the observed rural-urban disparities in child HAZ scores. The methodology employed in the study allows the covariate and coefficient effects to vary across entire distribution of child nutrition outcomes. This is particularly useful in providing specific insights into factors influencing rural-urban disparities at the lower tails of child HAZ score distributions. It also helps assess the importance of individual determinants and how they vary across the distribution of HAZ scores. Results There are no fundamental differences in the characteristics that determine child nutrition outcomes in urban and rural areas. Differences in the levels of a limited number of socio-economic characteristics – maternal education, spouse’s education and the wealth index (incorporating household asset ownership and access to drinking water and sanitation) contribute a major share of rural-urban disparities in the lowest quantiles of child nutrition outcomes. Differences in the strength of association between socio-economic characteristics and child nutrition outcomes account for less than a quarter of rural-urban disparities at the lower end of the HAZ score distribution. Conclusions Public health interventions aimed at overcoming rural-urban disparities in child nutrition outcomes need to focus principally on bridging gaps in socio-economic endowments of rural and urban households and improving the quality of rural infrastructure. Improving child nutrition outcomes in developing countries does not call for fundamentally different approaches to public health interventions in rural and urban areas.


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This article provides new insights into the dependence of firm growth on age along the entire distribution of growth rates, and conditional on survival. Using data from the European firms in a global economy survey, and adopting a quantile regression approach, we uncover evidence for a sample of French, Italian and Spanish manufacturing firms with more than ten employees in the period from 2001 to 2008. We find that: (1) young firms grow faster than old firms, especially in the highest growth quantiles; (2) young firms face the same probability of declining as their older counterparts; (3) results are robust to the inclusion of other firms’ characteristics such as labor productivity, capital intensity and the financial structure; (4) high growth is associated with younger chief executive officers and other attributes that capture the attitude of the firm toward growth and change. The effect of age on firm growth is rather similar across countries.


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This thesis consists of a summary and five self-contained papers addressing dynamics of firms in the Swedish wholesale trade sector. Paper [1] focuses upon determinants of new firm formation in the Swedish wholesale trade sector, using two definitions of firms’ relevant markets, markets defined as administrative areas, and markets based on a cost minimizing behavior of retailers. The paper shows that new entering firms tend to avoid regions with already high concentration of other firms in the same branch of wholesaling, while right-of-the-center local government and quality of the infrastructure have positive impacts upon entry of new firms. The signs of the estimated coefficients remain the same regardless which definition of relevant market is used, while the size of the coefficients is generally higher once relevant markets delineated on the cost-minimizing assumption of retailers are used. Paper [2] analyses determinant of firm relocation, distinguishing between the role of the factors in in-migration municipalities and out-migration municipalities. The results of the analysis indicate that firm-specific factors, such as profits, age and size of the firm are negatively related to the firm’s decision to relocate. Furthermore, firms seems to be avoiding municipalities with already high concentration of firms operating in the same industrial branch of wholesaling and also to be more reluctant to leave municipalities governed by right-of-the- center parties. Lastly, firms seem to avoid moving to municipalities characterized with high population density. Paper [3] addresses determinants of firm growth, adopting OLS and a quantile regression technique. The results of this paper indicate that very little of the firm growth can be explained by the firm-, industry- and region-specific factors, controlled for in the estimated models. Instead, the firm growth seems to be driven by internal characteristics of firms, factors difficult to capture in conventional statistics. This result supports Penrose’s (1959) suggestion that internal resources such as firm culture, brand loyalty, entrepreneurial skills, and so on, are important determinants of firm growth rates. Paper [4] formulates a forecasting model for firm entry into local markets and tests this model using data from the Swedish wholesale industry. The empirical analysis is based on directly estimating the profit function of wholesale firms and identification of low- and high-return local markets. The results indicate that 19 of 30 estimated models have more net entry in high-return municipalities, but the estimated parameters is only statistically significant at conventional level in one of our estimated models, and then with unexpected negative sign. Paper [5] studies effects of firm relocation on firm profits of relocating firms, employing a difference-in-difference propensity score matching. Using propensity score matching, the pre-relocalization differences between relocating and non-relocating firms are balanced, while the difference-in-difference estimator controls for all time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity among firms. The results suggest that firms that relocate increase their profits significantly, in comparison to what the profits would be had the firms not relocated. This effect is estimated to vary between 3 to 11 percentage points, depending on the length of the analyzed period. 


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Purpose We analyzed the changes in the body mass index (BMI) distribution for urban Australian adults between 1980 and 2007.

Methods We used data from participants of six consecutive Australian nation-wide surveys with measured weight and height between 1980 and 2007. We used quantile regression to estimate mean BMI (for percentiles of BMI) and prevalence of severe obesity, modeled by natural splines in age, date of birth, and survey date.

Results Since 1980, the right skew in the BMI distribution for Australian adults has increased greatly for men and women, driven by increases in skew associated with age and birth cohort/period. Between 1980 and 2007, the average 5-year increase in BMI was 1 kg/m2 (0.8) for the 95th percentile of BMI in women (men). The increase in the median was about a third of this, and for the 10th percentile, a fifth of this. We estimated that for the cohort born in 1960 around 31% of men and women were obese by age 50 years compared with 11% of the 1930 birth cohort.

Conclusions There have been large increases in the right skew of the BMI distribution for urban Australian adults between 1980 and 2007, and birth cohort effects suggests similar increases are likely to continue.


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This paper makes use of the idea of prediction intervals (PIs) to capture the uncertainty associated with wind power generation in power systems. Since the forecasting errors cannot be appropriately modeled using distribution probability functions, here we employ a powerful nonparametric approach called lower upper bound estimation (LUBE) method to construct the PIs. The proposed LUBE method uses a new framework based on a combination of PIs to overcome the performance instability of neural networks (NNs) used in the LUBE method. Also, a new fuzzy-based cost function is proposed with the purpose of having more freedom and flexibility in adjusting NN parameters used for construction of PIs. In comparison with the other cost functions in the literature, this new formulation allows the decision-makers to apply their preferences for satisfying the PI coverage probability and PI normalized average width individually. As the optimization tool, bat algorithm with a new modification is introduced to solve the problem. The feasibility and satisfying performance of the proposed method are examined using datasets taken from different wind farms in Australia.


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In this paper, we compare four different Value-at-Risk (V aR) methodologies through Monte Carlo experiments. Our results indicate that the method based on quantile regression with ARCH effect dominates other methods that require distributional assumption. In particular, we show that the non-robust methodologies have higher probability to predict V aRs with too many violations. We illustrate our findings with an empirical exercise in which we estimate V aR for returns of S˜ao Paulo stock exchange index, IBOVESPA, during periods of market turmoil. Our results indicate that the robust method based on quantile regression presents the least number of violations.


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Na literatura econômica, encontramos o argumento de que as políticas salariais que resultem em uma remuneração inferior no setor público podem funcionar como um estímulo ao corrupt behavior por parte do funcionalismo público. No Brasil, a existência de fracos controles administrativos e a baixa punição corroboram para validade desta relação sem, porém existirem indícios de que o salário pago no setor público seja inferior ao praticado no setor privado. Diante disso, este trabalho tem como objetivo testar a dinâmica dos salários pagos pelos governos estaduais brasileiros de forma a verificar se o nível de remuneração praticado, comparativamente ao setor privado, pode ser apontado como um dos fatores que causem a corrupção no país. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa empírica, trabalhamos com os micro dados da PNAD para os vinte e seis estados brasileiros e o Distrito Federal entre os anos de 1995 a 2004. Os resultados foram calculados utilizando a técnica de Oaxaca (1973) onde foi estimada a existência de um diferencial de salários público privado. A estimativa dos diferenciais foi realizada para a media dos salários e também para diferentes coortes de renda através do emprego de Quantile Regression sendo que, de forma geral foi detectada a presença prêmios nos salários do funcionalismo público estadual em praticamente todas as regiões brasileiras. Com base nos resultados encontrados, este trabalho conclui que, dada sua inexistência não há indícios de que os baixos salários no setor público possam ser apontados como causa da corrupção nos governos estaduais brasileiros.


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A desigualdade salarial, especialmente a resultante da discriminação contra negros e mulheres no mercado de trabalho, é um componente importante da elevada concentração de renda da economia brasileira. Ao contrário da grande maioria dos trabalhos já desenvolvidos nesta área, este trabalho não adota a hipótese de que os efeitos de atributos determinantes do salário são constantes e idênticos para os indivíduos ao longo da distribuição de renda. São estimadas as estruturas salariais para cada percentil da distribuição salarial para homens brancos, homens negros, mulheres brancas e mulheres negras utilizando a técnica de decomposição contrafactual por regressões quantílicas, proposta por Koenker e Bassett (1978) e desenvolvida por Machado e Mata (2004). Isto proporciona uma compreensão mais detalhada e abrangente dos fatores que determinam a remuneração do trabalho para diferentes níveis de renda e fornece uma medida mais completa do grau de discriminação contra os negros e mulheres no mercado de trabalho ao longo da distribuição salarial. Para os três grupos, a discriminação é crescente em relação à posição na distribuição salarial, indicando a dificuldade de se atingir posições melhor remuneradas no mercado de trabalho por parte de mulheres e negros. A discriminação afeta principalmente as mulheres negras, seguidas das mulheres brancas e dos homens negros. Para os homens negros, a discriminação é baixa entre os mais pobres e cresce nos níveis mais altos da distribuição. As mulheres brancas sofrem ao longo de toda a distribuição com maior efeito entre os 15% mais ricos. As mulheres negras sofrem com a discriminação por cor e gênero, estando assim na pior situação entre os grupos. A remuneração da educação estimada para os quatro grupos indica ganhos crescentes conforme a posição na distribuição salarial ampliando a desigualdade salarial intra-grupo, adicionalmente, observa-se uma desvalorização da educação dos negros de ambos os sexos na determinação salarial e que as mulheres sofrem algum tipo de discriminação no que diz respeito à educação apenas nos níveis salariais mais elevados. Os ganhos salariais obtidos com a equalização da escolaridade e formalização entre os grupos discriminados e os homens brancos indicam que, no caso da educação, homens e mulheres negros teriam ganhos ao longo de toda a distribuição, com ênfase entre os mais ricos. Para a formalização, a população nos decis inferiores da distribuição salarial seria a principal beneficiada.


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This paper examines the evolution of wage inequality in Brazil in the 1980s and 1990s . It tries to investigate the role played by changing economic returns to education and to experience over this period together with the evolution of within-group inequality. It applies a quantile regression approach on grouped data to the Brazilian case. Results using repeated cross-sections of a Brazilian annual household survey indicate that : i) Male wage dispersion remained basically constant overall in the 1980's and 1990' s but has increased substantially within education and age groups. ii) Returns to experience increased significantly over this period, with the rise concentrated on the iliterate/primary school group iii) Returns to college education have risen over time, whereas return to intermediate and high-school education have fallen iv) The apparent rise in within-group inequality seems to be the result of a fall in real wages, since the difference in wage leveIs has dec1ined substantially over the period, especially within the high-educated sample. v) Returns to experience rise with education. vi) Returns to education rise over the life-cycle. vii) Wage inequality increases over the life-cycle. The next step i~ this research will try to conciliate all these stylised facts.


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In this paper, we find evidence that suggests that borrowing constraints may be an important determinant of intergenerational mobility in Brazil. This result contrasts sharply with studies for developed countries, such as Canada and the US, where credit constraints do not seem to play an important role in generating persistence of inequality. Moreover, we find that the social mobility is lower in Brazil in comparison with developed countries. We follow the methodology proposed by Grawe (2001), which uses quantile regression, and obtain two results. First, the degree of intergenerational persistence is greater for the upper quantiles. Second, the degree of intergenerational persistence declines with income at least for the upper quantiles. Both findings are compatible with the presence of borrowing constraints affecting the degree of intergenerational persistence, as predicted by the theory.