54 resultados para Pyrogenic Exotoxins
The purpose of the present study was to better understand the events involved in the febrile response induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), a complex infectious process. To this end, we conducted in vivo experiments in rats examining (1) fever development, (2) bacterial number in the infection focus and in blood, (3) peripheral and hypothalamic synthesis of cytokines, (4) hypothalamic and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) synthesis of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)), (5) the effect of anti-IL-6 antibody on fever, and (6) the effect of celecoxib on fever and hypothalamic synthesis of PGE(2) after CLP induction. We found that CLP promotes fever and animal death depending on the number of punctures. The peak of CLP-induced fever overlapped with the maximal increase in the number of bacteria in the infectious focus and blood, which occurred at 6 and 12 h. The peak of the febrile response also coincided with increased amounts of interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6 and IL-10 in the peritoneal exudate and serum; IL-6 in the hypothalamus and PGE(2) in the CSF and predominantly in the hypothalamus. Moreover, intracerebroventricularly injected anti-IL-6 antibody reduced the febrile response while celecoxib reduced the fever and PGE(2) amount in the hypothalamus induced by CLP. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha peaked at 3 h at all sites studied. Conversely, IL-10 concentration decreased in the hypothalamus. These findings show that the peak of CLP-induced fever is accompanied by an increase of bacteria in peritoneal fluid (local infection) and blood; local synthesis of pyrogenic (IL-1 beta, IL-6) and antipyretic (IL-10) cytokines and central production of IL-6 and PGE(2), suggesting that these last are the central mediators of this response.
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of additives on the water sorption characteristics of Bis-GMA based copolymers and composites containing TEGDMA, CH(3)Bis-GMA or CF(3)Bis-GMA. Material and methods: Fifteen experimental copolymers and corresponding composites were prepared combining Bis-GMA and TEGDMA, CH(3)Bis-GMA or CF(3)Bis-GMA, with aldehyde or diketone (24 and 32 mol%) totaling 30 groups. For composites, barium aluminosilicate glass and pyrogenic silica was added to comonomer mixtures. Photopolymerization was effected by 0.2 wt% each of camphorquinone and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine. Specimen densities in dry and water saturated conditions were obtained by Archimedes' method. Water sorption and desorption were evaluated in a desorption-sorption-desorption cycle. Water uptake (%WU), water desorption (%WD), equilibrium solubility (ES; mu g/mm(3)), swelling (f) and volume increase (%V) were calculated using appropriate equations. Results: All resins with additives had increased %WU and ES. TEGDMA-containing systems presented higher %WU, %WD, ES, f and %V values, followed by resins based on CH(3)Bis-GMA and CF(3)Bis-GMA. Conclusions: Aldehyde and diketone led to increases in the water sorption characteristics of experimental resins.
The fact that there is a complex and bidirectional communication between the immune and nervous systems has been well demonstrated. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component of gram-negative bacteria, is widely used to systematically stimulate the immune system and generate profound physiological and behavioural changes, also known as sickness behaviour (e.g. anhedonia, lethargy, loss of appetite, anxiety, sleepiness). Different ethological tools have been used to analyse the behavioural modifications induced by LPS; however, many researchers analysed only individual tests, a single LPS dose or a unique ethological parameter, thus leading to disagreements regarding the data. In the present study, we investigated the effects of different doses of LPS (10, 50, 200 and 500 mu g/kg, i.p.) in young male Wistar rats (weighing 180200 g; 89 weeks old) on the ethological and spatiotemporal parameters of the elevated plus maze, light-dark box, elevated T maze, open-field tests and emission of ultrasound vocalizations. There was a dose-dependent increase in anxiety-like behaviours caused by LPS, forming an inverted U curve peaked at LPS 200 mu g/kg dose. However, these anxiety-like behaviours were detected only by complementary ethological analysis (stretching, grooming, immobility responses and alarm calls), and these reactions seem to be a very sensitive tool in assessing the first signs of sickness behaviour. In summary, the present work clearly showed that there are resting and alertness reactions induced by opposite neuroimmune mechanisms (neuroimmune bias) that could lead to anxiety behaviours, suggesting that misunderstanding data could occur when only few ethological variables or single doses of LPS are analysed. Finally, it is hypothesized that this bias is an evolutionary tool that increases animals security while the body recovers from a systemic infection.
- ZUSAMMENFASSUNG:Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Bestimmung der chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolpartikeln im Amazonasbecken, die während Zeiten mit Biomasseverbrennung und bei Hintergrundbedingungen bestimmt wurden. Die Messungen wurden während zwei Kampagnen im Rahmen des europäischen Beitrags zum LBA-EUSTACH Experiment in Amazonien. Die Daten umfassen Messungen der Anzahlkonzentrationen, Größenverteilungen, optischen Eigenschaften sowie Elementzusammensetzungen und Kohlenstoffgehalte der gesammelten Aerosole. Die Zusammensetzung des Aerosols wies auf folgende drei Quellen hin: natürlichen biogenen, Mineralstaub, und pyrogenes Aerosol. Aller drei Komponenten trugen signifikant zur Extinktion des Sonnenlichts bei. Insgesamt ergab sich eine Steigerung der Meßwerte um ca. das Zehnfache während der Trockenzeit im Vergleich zur Regenzeit, was auf eine massive Einbringung von Rauchpartikeln im Submikrometerbereich in die Atmosphäre während der Trockenzeit zurückzuführen ist. Dementsprechend sank die Einzelstreualbedo von ca. 0,97 auf 0,91. Der Brechungsindex der Aerosolpartikel wurde mit einer neuen iterative Methoden, basierend auf der Mie-Theorie berechnet. Es ergaben sich durchschnittliche Werte von 1,42 0,006i für die Regenzeit und 1,41 0,013i für die Trockenperiode. Weitere klimatisch relevante Parameterergaben für Hintergrundaerosole und für Aerosole aus Biomasseverbrennung folgende Werte: Asymmetrieparameter von 0,63 ± 0,02 bzw. 0,70 ± 0,03 und Rückstreuungsverhältnisse von 0,12 ± 0,01 bzw. 0,08 ± 0,01. Diese Veränderungen haben das Potential, das regionale und globale Klima über die Variierung der Extinktion der Sonneneinstrahlung als auch der Wolkeneigenschaften zu beeinflussen.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous and found in the atmosphere, aquatic environment, sediments and soils. For environmental risk assessments and the allocation of the polluter it is important to know the PAH sources. PAH contamination sites are usually the result of anthropogenic processes. Three major sources are known: i) petroleum, including crude oil and its refined products and coals (petrogenic PAHs), ii) burning of organic matter (pyrogenic PAHs) and iii) transformation products of natural organic precursors present in the environment (diagenetic processes). In one case elevated PAH concentrations were found in river bank soils when building a retention area along the Mosel River. The source of the PAHs in this area was unclear and required the investigation of possible sources. To evaluate the PAH distribution along the Mosel River, a section of ~ 160 km along the river and a short section along the Saar River were investigated within this study. Concentrations of the Σ16 EPA PAHs were as high as 81 mg kg-1 dry weight (dw). Additionally, coal particles were identified in some soils, which originated from mining activities in the Saarland region. PAH distribution patterns of the 16 EPA PAHs suggest a mainly pyrogenic origin and in some cases a mixture of pyrogenic and petrogenic origin. For a comprehensive investigation five sampling sites were selected. Two sites were located before the confluence of the Mosel and Saar River, one site at the confluence and two sites after the confluence. The examination included typical forensic methods such as PAH distribution patterns of 45 PAHs (including alkylated PAHs), calculation of PAH ratios, determination of PAH alkyl homologues, n-alkanes, principal component analysis (PCA) and coal petrography. The results revealed a mainly pyrogenic source at sampling sites before the confluence of the two rivers. At and after the confluence, a mixture of pyrogenic and petrogenic inputs were present. With the help of coal petrography, coal derived particles could be identified in these soils. Therefore, coal was suggested to be the petrogenic source. It could be shown that sites with diffuse sources of contaminants, like the bank soils of the Mosel River, are difficult to characterize. As previously mentioned for detailed source identifications, the use of various forensic methods is essential. Determination of PAH alkyl homologue series, biomarkers and isotopes are often recommended. Source identification was evaluated using three different methods (i.e. PAH distribution patterns of an extended PAH spectrum, PAH ratios and analyses of n-alkanes). It was assessed if these methods were sufficient for the initial steps in identifying sources of PAHs in selected samples, and if they could be used for decision-making purposes. Point- and non-point sources were identified by applying the three methods and it could be shown that these relatively simple methods are sufficient in determining the primary source. In a last step of this study two soils (one before the confluence of the Mosel and Saar rivers and one after the confluence), and one sediment of the Mosel River were evaluated by investigating the mutagenic potential of the soils and the sediment with a fluctuation version of the Ames-test. The study showed that coal bearing soils at the Mosel River do not exhibit a greater mutagenic potential than other soils or sediments without coal particles.
Seventeen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in surface waters (including particulate phase) from the Chenab River, Pakistan and ranged from 289-994 and 437-1290 ng l-1 in summer and winter (2007-09), respectively. Concentrations for different ring-number PAHs followed the trend: 3-rings > 2-rings > 4-rings > 5-rings > 6-rings. The possible sources of PAHs are identified by calculating the indicative ratios; appropriating petrogenic sources of PAHs in urban and sub-urban regions with pyrogenic sources in agricultural region. Factor analysis based on principal component analysis identified the origins of PAHs from industrial activities, coal and trash burning in agricultural areas and municipal waste disposal from surrounding urban and sub-urban areas via open drains into the riverine ecosystem. Water quality guidelines and toxic equivalent factors highlighted the potential risk of low molecular weight PAHs to the aquatic life of the Chenab River. The flux estimated for PAHs contaminants from the Chenab River to the Indus River was >50 tons/year.
Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogen which can colonise and infect not only man, but also domestic animals. Especially, infection of cattle is of high economic relevance as S. aureus is an important causal agent of bovine mastitis. In the present contribution, a DNA microarray was applied for the study of 144 different gene targets, including resistance genes and genes encoding exotoxins, in S. aureus isolated from cows. One hundred and twenty-eight isolates from Germany and Switzerland were tested. These isolates were assigned to 20 different strains and nine clonal complexes. The majority of isolates belonged either to apparently closely related clonal complexes 8, 25, and 97 (together 34.4%) or were related to the sequenced bovine strain RF122 (48.4%). Notable characteristics of S. aureus of bovine origin are the carriage of intact haemolysin beta (in 82% of isolates tested), the absence of staphylokinase (in 89.1%), the presence of allelic variants of several exotoxins such as toxic shock syndrome toxin and enterotoxin N, and the occurrence of the leukocidin lukF-P83/lukM (in 53.1%). Two isolates were methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). One of them was a clonal complex 8 MRSA related to the epidemic MRSA strain Irish 01. The other one belonged to ST398/spa-type 34 resembling a newly emerging MRSA strain which has been described to occur in humans as well as in domestic animals. The presence of these two strains highlights the possibility of transfers of S. aureus strains between different host species.
An ADP-ribosylating toxin named Aeromonas salmonicida exoenzyme T (AexT) in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiological agent of furunculosis in fish, was characterized. Gene aexT, encoding toxin AexT, was cloned and characterized by sequence analysis. AexT shows significant sequence similarity to the ExoS and ExoT exotoxins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and to the YopE cytotoxin of different Yersinia species. The aexT gene was detected in all of the 12 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains tested but was absent from all other Aeromonas species. Recombinant AexT produced in Escherichia coli possesses enzymatic ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. Monospecific polyclonal antibodies directed against purified recombinant AexT detected the toxin produced by A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and cross-reacted with ExoS and ExoT of P. aeruginosa. AexT toxin could be detected in a wild type (wt) strain of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida freshly isolated from a fish with furunculosis; however, its expression required contact with RTG-2 rainbow trout gonad cells. Under these conditions, the AexT protein was found to be intracellular or tightly cell associated. No AexT was found when A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was incubated in cell culture medium in the absence of RTG-2 cells. Upon infection with wt A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the fish gonad RTG-2 cells rapidly underwent significant morphological changes. These changes were demonstrated to constitute cell rounding, which accompanied induction of production of AexT and which led to cell lysis after extended incubation. An aexT mutant which was constructed from the wt strain with an insertionally inactivated aexT gene by allelic exchange had no toxic effect on RTG-2 cells and was devoid of AexT production. Hence AexT is directly involved in the toxicity of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida for RTG-2 fish cells.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a proxy for climate- and human-related historical fire activity which has rarely been used beyond 1800 AD. We explored the concentration and composition patterns of PAHs together with other proxies (charcoal, C, N, S, δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) in a sediment core of Holzmaar as indicators of variations in climate and anthropogenic activity over the past 2600 years. The concentrations of pyrogenic PAHs remained low (< 500 ng g− 1) from the pre-Roman Iron Age (600 BC) until the first significant increases to ca. 1000–1800 ng g− 1 between 1700 and 1750 AD related to regional iron production. The highest increases in pyrogenic PAH concentrations occurred with industrialization peaking in the 1960s. PAH concentrations in most recent sediments decreased to pre-industrial levels because of emission control measures and the switch from coal to oil and gas as major fuel sources. Fluxes of PAHs (mg km− 2 yr− 1) increased in the order Migration Period and Early Middle Ages < pre-Roman Iron Ages < Roman era < High Middle Ages and Renaissance < pre-industrial modern period < industrial modern period. The changes of PAHs fluxes in pre-industrial times parallel known changes in local, regional and continental anthropogenic activity and climatic variations or their interactions across these historical periods. Perylene, a mainly biologically produced compound, was the dominant PAH in pre-industrial times. The Migration Period and the Early Middle Ages witnessed the most profound and simultaneous changes to the sedimentary organic matter properties in the past 2600 years including the lowest PAH fluxes because of reduced human activity and more negative δ13C and δ15N values probably in response to colder and wetter conditions.
Biomass burning is a major source of greenhouse gases and influences regional to global climate. Pre-industrial fire-history records from black carbon, charcoal and other proxies provide baseline estimates of biomass burning at local to global scales spanning millennia, and are thus useful to examine the role of fire in the carbon cycle and climate system. Here we use the specific biomarker levoglucosan together with black carbon and ammonium concentrations from the North Greenland Eemian (NEEM) ice cores (77.49° N, 51.2° W; 2480 m a.s.l) over the past 2000 years to infer changes in boreal fire activity. Increases in boreal fire activity over the periods 1000–1300 CE and decreases during 700–900 CE coincide with high-latitude NH temperature changes. Levoglucosan concentrations in the NEEM ice cores peak between 1500 and 1700 CE, and most levoglucosan spikes coincide with the most extensive central and northern Asian droughts of the past millennium. Many of these multi-annual droughts are caused by Asian monsoon failures, thus suggesting a connection between low- and high-latitude climate processes. North America is a primary source of biomass burning aerosols due to its relative proximity to the Greenland Ice Cap. During major fire events, however, isotopic analyses of dust, back trajectories and links with levoglucosan peaks and regional drought reconstructions suggest that Siberia is also an important source of pyrogenic aerosols to Greenland.
Despite the paradigm that carbohydrates are T cell-independent antigens, isotype-switched glycan-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies and polysaccharide-specific T cells are found in humans. We used a systems-level approach combined with glycan array technology to decipher the repertoire of carbohydrate-specific IgG antibodies in intravenous and subcutaneous immunoglobulin preparations. A strikingly universal architecture of this repertoire with modular organization among different donor populations revealed an association between immunogenicity or tolerance and particular structural features of glycans. Antibodies were identified with specificity not only for microbial antigens but also for a broad spectrum of host glycans that serve as attachment sites for viral and bacterial pathogens and/or exotoxins. Tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens were differentially detected by IgG antibodies, whereas non-IgG2 reactivity was predominantly absent. Our study highlights the power of systems biology approaches to analyze immune responses and reveals potential glycan antigen determinants that are relevant to vaccine design, diagnostic assays, and antibody-based therapies.
Data are presented on concentrations of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (AHC and PAH) in interstitial waters and bottom sediments of the Kara Sea compared to distribution of particulate matter and organic carbon. It was found that AHC concentrations within the water mass (aver. 16 µg/l) are mainly formed by natural processes. Distribution of AHC represents variability of hydrological and sedimentation processes in different regions of the sea. The widest ranges of the concentrations occurred in the Obskaya Guba - Kara Sea section: in water (10-310 µg/l for AHC and 0.4-7.2 ng/l for PAH) and in the surface layer of the bottom sediments (8-42 µg/l for AHC and 9-94 ng/g for PAH). Differentiation of hydrocarbons (HC) in different media follows regularities typical for marginal filters; therefore no oil and pyrogenic compounds are supplied to the open sea. In sediments contents of HC depend on variations in redox conditions in sediments and on their composition.
Distinctive, massive to stratified, pale blue volcaniclastics, initially referred to as the "blue tuff," were encountered at all four sites drilled during ODP Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. Detailed vertical sequence analysis, plagioclase chemistry, plagioclase 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition, and 40Ar/39Ar age dating indicate that thick sequences of the blue tuff are not genetically related. Blue tuffs at Hole 794B were apparently deposited by density flows at ambient temperature. Deposition was penecontemporaneous with a large submarine phreatomagmatic eruption at 14.9 Ma in bathyal or deeper water depths. The blue tuffs at this location comprise mostly reworked hydroclastic glass shards and lesser amounts of plagioclase crystals. Pyrogenic plagioclase has an average An mole% of 18±3. Comparison of blue tuff plagioclase compositions with the composition of plagioclase from acoustic basement at Site 794 suggests that these rocks are not genetically related. As such, the extrapolation of sediment accumulation rate data in conjunction with this more precise age for the blue tuff corroborates previous minimum age estimates of 16.2 Ma for acoustic basement at Site 794. Blue tuffs at Hole 796B were probably deposited at ambient temperatures by downslope slumping and density flow of reworked pyrogenic debris. This debris includes abundant bubble wall glass shards and plagioclase crystals, with variable admixture of volcanic lithic and intrabasinal fragments. Pyrogenic fragments were produced by subaerial or shallow submarine, magmatic eruptions dated at 7.6 Ma. Blue tuffs contain a heterogeneous mixture of unrelated fragments including a mixed population of plagioclase crystals. The average An mole% of the predominant, probable comagmatic, plagioclase population is 30±4. The two sequences of blue tuff studied are distinct in age, mineral composition, and the eruptive origin of pyroclastic fragments. Preliminary 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions of plagioclase, however, indicates that blue tuffs at both locations are the product of typical, subduction-related island arc magmatism. Based on the results of this study, there is no justification for stratigraphic correlation of widespread, Miocene, blue to blue-gray bentonitic tuff and tuffaceous sandstones nor the interpretation that these strata are indicative of regional, explosive submarine volcanism genetically related to rifting and formation of the Japan Sea. Rather, these reworked pyroclastic strata of intermediate composition were deposited over a protracted 6-8 m.y. period in association with widespread, subduction-related submarine to subaerial volcanism in the Japan Sea backarc basin.
Heavy contaminant load released into the Northern Dvina River during flooding increased the concentrations of aliphatic (AHC) and polcyclic aromatic (PAH) hydrocarbons in water and bottom sediments. The composition of hydrocarbons was different from that of the summer low flow season. The concentrations of dissolved and particulate AHC ranged from 12 to 106 and from 192 to 599 µg/l, respectively, and bottom sediments contained from 26.2 to 329 µg/g AHC and 4 to 1785 ng/g PAH. As the transformation of AHC occurred at low spring temperatures, the alkane composition was shown to be dominated by terrigenous compounds, whereas more stable PAH showed elevated contents of petrogenic and pyrogenic compounds. It was also shown that the Northern Dvina-Dvina Bay geochemical barrier prevents contaminant input into the White Sea, i.e., acts as a marginal filter.
The results of studying hydrocarbons during the flood in May 2005 are discussed. The concentration of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are shown to match their concentrations in water areas with steady input of pollutants. Weathered oil and pyrogenic compounds dominated in their composition. The geochemical barrier the Northern Dvina River-Dvina Gulf is shown to become a filter during floods and prevents pollutants from penetrating into the White Sea.