936 resultados para Putting (Golf)
Research on Public Service Motivation (PSM) has increased enormously in the last 20 years. Besides the analysis of the antecedents of PSM and its impact on organizations and individuals, many open questions about the nature of PSM itself still remain. This article argues that the theoretical construct of PSM should be contextualized by integrating the political and administrative contexts of public servants when investigating their specific attitudes towards working in a public environment. It also challenges the efficacy of the classic four-dimensional structure of PSM when it is applied to a specific context. The findings of a confirmatory factor analysis from a dataset of 3754 employees of 279 Swiss municipalities support the appropriateness of contextualizing parts of the PSM construct. They also support the addition of an extra dimension called, according to previous research, Swiss democratic governance. With regard to our results, there is a need for further PSM research to set a definite measure of PSM, particularly in regard to the international diffusion of empirical research on PSM.Points for practitionersThis study shows that public service motivation is a relevant construct for practitioners and may be used to better assess whether public agents are motivated by values or not. Nevertheless, it stresses also that the measurement of PSM must be adapted to the institutional context as well. Public managers interested in understanding better the degree to which their employees are motivated by public values must be aware that the measurement of this PSM construct has to be contextualized. In other words, PSM is also a function of the institutional environment in which organizations operate.
El turisme és una de les indústries més importants del país, representant prop de l’11% del PIB espanyol, segons dades de el “Instituto de estudios turísticos” de 2012. Un 86% dels estrangers que visiten el país ho fan per raons vacacionals i són vàries les motivacions que porten a aquests turistes a escollir Espanya i Catalunya per al seu període d’oci: sol i platja, cultura, gastronomia o esports, per exemple. El golf l’inclouríem dintre aquest últim grup. Espanya, té destinacions de turisme de golf que gaudeixen d’una reputació mundial ben merescuda. La Costa el Sol s’emporta un percentatge molt elevat de turisme de golf, seguit per les illes Canàries, les Balears i la Costa Brava. Aquesta última, és una destinació en desenvolupament i que està agafant cada cop més prestigi, tot i que encara està molt allunyada dels números que presenten les altres destinacions que hem comentat, podríem considerar-la ja, com una destinació de golf. En canvi, Barcelona, que segons la Organització Mundial del Turisme és una de les destinacions turístiques més importants del món i que compta amb una molt bona infraestructura de camps de golf, no és reconeguda com una destinació turística de golf i els camps, fins ara, vivien d’esquena al turisme, acomodats en les quotes anuals que els seus socis locals els proporcionaven. Barcelona, a dia d’avui, no figura en cap catàleg de tour operador europeu especialitzat en golf. Per tant, és un repte intentar descobrir si Barcelona pot esdevenir una destinació turística de golf reconeguda i, el que és més important, veure com uns clubs de golf amb una estructura molt arcaica i sense experiència en el sector del turisme, poden encarar aquest nou repte. Resumint, aquest treball ha de respondre a la pregunta; Com es pot crear la marca de golf Barcelona? I també ha de resoldre el: Com s’han d’organitzar els clubs de golf per desenvolupar, tots junts aquest model de negoci? A partir d’aquí vaig començar a estructurar el treball i a intentar respondre aquestes preguntes i d’altres que anaven sortint conforme anava recopilant informació i parlant amb els responsables dels camps de golf
TFC de la carrera d'ETIS, que pretén mostrar els passos i pautes que es tenen que seguir per desenvolupar l'aplicació Inter Golf en l'arquitectura J2EE. Inter Golf serà una pàgina web destinada a la gestió dels tornejos realitzats en un camp de golf, fent servir J2EE, MVC, Struts2, Hibernate i Tiles.
The traditional obesity treatments have proven to be ineffective in the long-term. The presence of eating disorders frequently explains this phenomena. Eating educational and behavioral aspects must be addressed in a practical way so that patients could gradually become aware of their behavior towards food as well as internal sensations associated with hunger, satiety, craving and pleasure. Finally, the link between emotions and compulsive eating behaviors during and between meals is an essential aspect that the general practitioner can help the patient to understand. A specialized psychological treatment can then be considered when the patient shows sufficient motivation and consciousness.
El medi marí de cap de Creus i golf de Roses té unes característiques ecològiques, geològiques i oceanogràfiques excepcionals que han permès el desenvolupament turístic i pesquer de les viles costaneres adjacents, Aquest article sintetitza els principals valors ecològics i econòmics de l'àmbit marí d'aquests dos espais inclosos dins la candidatura de Patrimoni Mundial de la UNESCO
Painovuosi nimekkeestä.
Foi realizado um experimento para avaliar a seletividade e a eficiência do herbicida oxyfluorfen5 formulado a 480 e 240 g/l, em área com mudas de Pinus caribea Morelet var. hondurensis Barr. et Golf. recém-transplantadas (aplicação em pré-emergência das plantas daninhas) e com 12 dias após o transplante (aplicação em pós-emergência inicial das plantas daninhas). O ensaio foi instalado no município de Paulínia, Estado de São Paulo, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, eutrófico, no ano agrícola 1999/2000. Foi adotado o delineamento em parcelas subsubdivididas no tempo, tendo como tratamento principal, disposto em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, o herbicida oxyfluorfen formulado a 480 g/l de ingrediente ativo (i.a.), nas doses de 1,0, 1,5 e 2,0 l/ha, e a 240 g/l (i.a.), nas doses de 2,0, 3,0 e 4,0 l/ha. Como tratamento secundário (subparcelas) considerou-se o modo de aplicação do produto (pré ou pós-emergência das plantas daninhas) e como sub-subparcelas, as diferentes épocas de avaliação da eficácia de controle. As mudas foram plantadas no espaçamento de 0,5 x 0,5 m e os tratamentos foram aplicados por meio de um pulverizador costal pressurizado a CO2, a uma pressão de 2,45 kg/cm², utilizando-se um volume de calda igual a 200 l/ha. Os resultados mostraram que o herbicida oxyfluorfen formulado a 480 g/l e 240 g/l mostrou-se eficiente no controle de Brachiaria decumbens, Panicum maximum, Ipomoea grandifolia e Sida rhombifolia em diferentes épocas de avaliação, tanto quando foi aplicado em pré como em pós-emergência, sem ocasionar danos às plantas de Pinus caribea var. hondurensis.
In crop production, weeds must be controlled so as not to adversely affect crop yield and crop quality. Thus, a low level of weeds infesting a field, in most instances, is not a problem. Except in sod or seed production, turfgrass does not have a yield component. The value of turfgrass is its inherent aesthetic quality and usability. Aesthetic quality is the beauty and value that turfgrass adds to a managed landscape. Usability can be the durability of a sport field, trueness of golf putting green roll, or reduction in soil loss from water runoff or wind. Any weed presence in turfgrass can decrease the aesthetic quality and usability of turfgrass. Utilizing herbicides is the only way to completely control weeds in a turfgrass stand. While it is possible to reduce weed populations using cultural or mechanical management practices, it is impossible to completely eliminate weeds as can be accomplished with herbicides. This manuscript will review the major herbicides used in turfgrass in the United States with respect to their modes of action, herbicide family, and primary use in turfgrass.