947 resultados para Push Out Test


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Objectives: To investigate the test-retest reliability of mechanical parameters derived from a 3-min isokinetic all-out test, performed at 60 and 100 rpm. Reliability and validity of the peak oxygen uptake derived from 3-min isokinetic all-out test were also tested. Design: 14 healthy male subjects completed an incremental ramp testing and four randomized 3-min isokinetic all-out test (two at 60 rpm and two at 100 rpm). Methods: The absolute and relative reliability of the following parameters were analyzed: peak power, mean power, end power, fatigue index, work performed above end power and peak oxygen uptake. Results: No difference was found between each two sets of data, although there were between-cadence differences for peak power, mean power, end power, and fatigue index. Higher intra-class correlation (ICC) and lower coefficient of variation (CV) were found for end power (ICC = 0.91 and 0.95; CV = 5.6 and 5.7%) and mean power (ICC = 0.97 and 0.98; CV = 2.4 and 3.1%), than for peak power (ICC = 0.81 and 0.84; CV = 8.7 and 10%) and work performed above end power (ICC = 0.79 and 0.84; CV = 7.9 and 10.6%; values reported for 60 rpm and 100 rpm, respectively). High reliability scores were also observed for peak oxygen uptake at both cadences (60 rpm, CV = 3.2%; 100 rpm, CV = 2.3%,) with no difference with the incremental ramp testing peak oxygen uptake. Conclusions: The power profile and peak oxygen uptake of a 3-min isokinetic all-out test are both highly reliable, whether the test is performed at 60 or 100 rpm. Besides, peak oxygen uptake and work performed above end power were not affected by the change in cadence while peak power, mean power, end power, and fatigue index were. © 2013.


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Objective: This study evaluated the performance of different adhesive systems in fiber post placement aiming to clarify the influence of different hydrophobic experimental blend adhesives, and of one commercially available adhesive on the frictional retention during a luting procedure. Material and Methods: One luting agent (70 Wt% BisGMA, 28.5% TEGDMA; 1.5% p-tolyldiethanolamine) to cement fiber posts into root canals was applied with 4 different adhesive combinations: Group 1: The etched roots were rinsed with water for 30 s to remove the phosphoric acid, then rinsed with 99.6% ethanol for 30 s, and blot-dried. A trial adhesive (base to catalyst on a 1: 1 ratio) was used with an experimental luting agent (35% Bis-GMA, 14.37% TEGDMA, 0.5% EDMAB, 0.13% CQ); Group 2: A trial adhesive (base to catalyst on a 1: 2 ratio) was luted as in Group 1; Group 3: One-Step Plus (OSP, Bisco Inc.) following the ethanol bonding technique in combination with the luting agent as in Group 1; Group 4: OSP strictly following the manufacturer's instructions using the luting agent as in Group 1. The groups were challenged with push-out tests. Posted root slices were loaded until post segment extrusion in the apical-coronal direction. Failure modes were analyzed under scanning electron microscopy. Results: Push-out strength was not significantly influenced by the luting agent (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences among the tested groups were found as Group 1 (Exp 1 - ethanol-wet bonding technique)=Group 2 (Exp 2 - ethanol-wet bonding technique)= Group 3 (OSP - ethanol-wet bonding technique)= Group 4 (control, OSP - water-wet bonding technique) (p>0.05). The dominating failure modes in all the groups were cohesive/adhesive failures, which were predominantly observed on the post/luting agent interface. Conclusions: The results of this study support the hypothesis that the proposal to replace water with ethanol to bond fiber posts to the root canal using highly hydrophobic resin is plausible, but this seems to be more the proof of a concept than a clinically applicable procedure.


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OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the initial and the artificially aged push-out bond strength between ceramic and dentin produced by one of five resin cements. METHODS: Two-hundred direct ceramic restorations (IPS Empress CAD) were luted to standardized Class I cavities in extracted human molars using one of four self-adhesive cements (SpeedCEM, RelyX Unicem Aplicap, SmartCem2 and iCEM) or a reference etch-and-rinse resin cement (Syntac/Variolink II) (n=40/cement). Push-out bond strength (PBS) was measured (1) after 24h water storage (non-aged group; n=20/cement) or (2) after artificial ageing with 5000 thermal cycles followed by 6 months humid storage (aged group; n=20/cement). Nonparametrical ANOVA and pairwise Wilcoxon rank-sum tests with Bonferroni-Holm adjustment were applied for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at alpha=0.05. In addition, failure mode and fracture pattern were analyzed by stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: Whereas no statistically significant effect of storage condition was found (p=0.441), there was a significant effect of resin cement (p<0.0001): RelyX Unicem showed significantly higher PBS than the other cements. Syntac/Variolink II showed significantly higher PBS than SmartCEM2 (p<0.001). No significant differences were found between SpeedCEM, SmartCem2, and iCEM. The predominant failure mode was adhesive failure of cements at the dentin interface except for RelyX Unicem which in most cases showed cohesive failure in ceramic. SIGNIFICANCE: The resin cements showed marked differences in push-out bond strength when used for luting ceramic restorations to dentin. Variolink II with the etch-and-rinse adhesive Syntac did not perform better than three of the four self-adhesive resin cements tested.


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A methodology is presented to measure the fiber/matrix interface shear strength in composites. The strategy is based on performing a fiber push-in test at the central fiber of highly-packed fiber clusters with hexagonal symmetry which are often found in unidirectional composites with a high volume fraction of fibers. The mechanics of this test was analyzed in detail by means of three-dimensional finite element simulations. In particular, the influence of different parameters (interface shear strength, toughness and friction as well as fiber longitudinal elastic modulus and curing stresses) on the critical load at the onset of debonding was established. From the results of the numerical simulations, a simple relationship between the critical load and the interface shear strength is proposed. The methodology was validated in an unidirectional C/epoxy composite and the advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology are indicated.


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The influence of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) content on the fiber/matrix interfacial shear strength (IFSS) in glass/fiber epoxy composites was measured by means of push-in and push-out tests. Both experimental methodologies provided equivalent values of the IFSS for each material. It was found that the dispersion of CNTs increased in IFSS by 19% in average with respect to the composite without CNTs. This improvement was reached with 0.3 wt.% of CNTs and increasing the CNT content up to 0.8 wt.% did not improve the interface strength.


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2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K25.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do selamento dentinário imediato na cimentação definitiva de restaurações cerâmicas (Empress2Ivoclar Vivadent), levando em consideração a influência de diferentes métodos de remoção dos restos de cimento provisório da superfície dentinária previamente selada. Para isso foram utilizados 72 molares, hígidos, conseguidos no banco de dentes da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dentes foram divididos em nove grupos, os três primeiros serviram como grupo controle, onde não houve contaminação com nenhum cimento provisório, sendo eles: G1, onde o selamento e a cimentação definitiva foram feitas 15 dias após a confecção dos preparos cavitários; G2, onde o selamento dentinário foi feito imediatamente após o preparo e a cimentação definitiva após 15 dias; G3, onde o preparo, selamento e cimentação definitiva foram feitos no mesmo momento. Os próximos grupos foram os do selamento tardio, onde o sistema adesivo foi aplicado somente no momento da cimentação. Nestes grupos, após o preparo foram cimentadas restaurações provisórias com um cimento livre de eugenol (Temp BondNE) e após 15 dias as restaurações provisórias foram removidas e os restos de cimento limpos com diferentes métodos: G4: remoção com instrumento manual; G5: remoção com jato de bicarbonato; G6: remoção com pontas de ultra-som; após esta limpeza o sistema adesivo foi aplicado e as restaurações cerâmicas cimentadas. Por último foram os grupos do selamento dentinário imediato, onde o sistema adesivo foi aplicado imediatamente após a confecção dos preparos cavitários e em seguida foi feita a cimentação das restaurações provisórias. Após 15 dias as restaurações provisórias foram removidas, os restos de cimento foram limpos com os diferentes métodos: G7: remoção com instrumento manual; G8: remoção com jato de bicarbonato; G9: remoção com pontas de ultra-som. Após a limpeza as restaurações cerâmicas foram cimentadas. Para todos os grupos o sistema adesivo utilizado foi o Optibond FL Kerr e o cimento resinoso foi o Rely X ARC3M/ESPE. Vinte e quatro horas após as cimentações cerâmicas os corpos de prova foram submetidos ao ensaio mecânico de push out em uma máquina de ensaios universais EMIC DL. Os valores de resistência de união foram obtidos em KgF, convertidos em MPa e analisados estatisticamente. O teste de ANOVA mostrou que houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (p≤0,05) e em seguida o t-teste mostrou que a técnica do selamento imediato resultou nos melhores valores de resistência de união. Por último, o teste de comparações múltiplas Student-Newman-Keuls (Teste SNK) mostrou que o método de limpeza dos restos de cimento provisório da superfície dentinária apresenta influência na resistência de união das restaurações cerâmicas. Com base nos resultados pôde-se concluir que a técnica do selamento imediato promoveu maior resistência adesiva para as restaurações cerâmicas e quanto ao método de limpeza, o melhor resultado, independente da técnica adesiva utilizada, foi a remoção com as pontas de ultrasson.


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O propósito desse trabalho foi verificar a retenção de pinos fibro resinosos cimentados em canais radiculares alargados simulando raízes extensamente comprometidas, fabricados por duas técnicas usadas para diminuir sua desadaptação; comparando-as ao pino fixado somente com cimento. Foram utilizados vinte e quatro raízes de dentes humanos unirradiculares, padronizadas com 15.0 mm de comprimento e 5.0 0.3 mm de diâmetro. As raízes foram incluídas em resina acrílica e divididas em grupos de acordo com a técnica usada: grupo I - pino DC White Post no2 cimentado com sistema adesivo quimicamente ativado e com cimento resinoso dual; grupo II mesmo pino reanatomizado com resina composta para copiar a anatomia do canal radicular, cimentado da mesma forma; e grupo III mesmo pino associado a três pinos acessórios, cimentados do mesmo modo. O canal radicular teve seu diâmetro padronizado pela broca no2 para o pino DC em uma profundidade de 12.0 mm e alargado com uma broca tronco cônica em uma profundidade de 10.0 mm. As oito raízes de cada grupo foram seccionadas transversalmente em três discos de 3.0 mm, a partir da cervical para a execução de um ensaio de extrusão, descartando-se os últimos 2.0 mm, que serviram somente para centralizar o pino. Os valores de retenção foram registrados e tratados estatisticamente por ANOVA e pelo teste SNK (p<0.05). Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre três porções radiculares investigadas em todos os grupos, com os valores de retenção diminuindo da cervical para apical. A retenção na porção apical do grupo com pinos customizado com resina foi estatisticamente maior que na mesma região dos demais grupos. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada entre o grupo com pinos acessórios e o grupo somente com pino e cimento nessa parte da raiz. Nenhuma diferença foi observada comparando as porções cervical e média dos diferentes grupos. Os tipos de falha após o teste de extrusão foram observados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura com aumento de 200, 600 e 1000 vezes. Elas ocorreram exclusivamente entre o pino e o cimento ou a resina composta. A camada de adesão (camada híbrida) foi mais facilmente observada nas porções cervical e média de todos os grupos. Isso sugere que a retenção nas porções apicais da raiz é predominantemente friccional. Uma vez que pinos acessórios somente alcançam até a porção média do canal radicular, a retenção do pino não é aumentada com essa técnica.


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O presente estudo visa avaliar a influência da espessura do filme de cimento sobre a resistência de união de pinos de fibra de vidro em diferentes regiões do conduto radicular (cervical, médio e apical), cimentados com cimento resinoso autoadesivo, com e sem a adição de Rodamina B, por meio do teste de push-out. Quarenta raízes foram incluídas em resina epóxi, submetidas a tratamento endodôntico e obturadas com guta percha e cimento endodôntico sem eugenol. Após sete dias, os condutos foram desobstruídos e aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos (n=10), de acordo com as brocas do sistema de pinos de fibra WhitePost DC (FGM) usadas: (G1) broca #2; (G2) broca #3; (G3) broca #4; (G4) broca #2. O preparo foi realizado a uma profundidade de 10 mm. A cimentação foi realizada com o cimento resinoso autoadesivo RelyX U100 (3M ESPE), e apenas nos grupos G1, G2 e G3 uma pequena quantidade de Rodamina B em pó foi usada como corante no cimento. Após uma semana, cada raiz foi seccionada em máquina de corte, obtendo-se 6 fatias de 1 0,1 mm de espessura. Antes do ensaio de push-out, imagens digitais foram obtidas, por meio de um estereomicroscópio, de ambas as faces de cada fatia, para determinação do raio dos pinos e da espessura do filme de cimento. Após o ensaio mecânico, novas imagens foram obtidas para determinação do modo de falha. Para determinar a espessura de cimento, foi desenvolvida uma rotina (macro) no software KS 400. Os dados foram estatisticamente analisados com análise de variância (ANOVA) 2 fatores (influência do diâmetro da broca e influência dos terços) e Kruskal-Wallis (influência da espessura do filme de cimento). Comparações múltiplas foram realizadas com o teste Duncan. Todos os testes foram aplicados com α=0,05. Houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos em relação ao diâmetro da broca (p<0,0001), sendo G2 (14,62 5,15 MPa) > G1 (10,04 5,13 MPa) > G3 (7,68 6,14 MPa). O terço do conduto exerceu influência significativa sobre a resistência adesiva (p<0,0001), sendo os maiores valores obtidos no terço apical. As espessuras do filme de cimento foram estatisticamente diferentes nos grupos. Os maiores valores de espessura de cimento foram obtidos no G3 (248,78 μm), seguido de G2 (185,91 μm) e G1 (110,16 μm), sendo o último estatisticamente semelhante ao G4 (119,99 μm). Os resultados de G1(10,04 5,13 MPa) e G4 (8,89 + 5,18 MPa) foram estatisticamente semelhantes, indicando que a presença da Rodamina B não influencia significativamente na resistência de união. O tipo de falha predominante no G1 foi mista, no G2, adesiva entre pino e cimento, e no G3 e G4, adesiva entre cimento e dentina. O diâmetro da broca influenciou significativamente nos resultados de resistência de união ao teste de push-out. O ligeiro aumento na espessura do filme de cimento promoveu um aumento nos valores de resistência, quando comparado com filmes de cimento muito finos ou muito espessos.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the bond strength of fibre glass and carbon fibre posts in the root canal walls cemented with self-adhesive (RelyX-Unicem) and chemical (Cement-Post) resin cements. Forty maxillary canines were divided into four groups according to the cement and post used and submitted to the push-out test (0.5 mm min(-1)). The data were submitted to statistical analysis (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni - P < 0.05) and fracture analysis by Scanning Electronic Microscopy. Fibre glass presented the best results when cemented with RelyX-Unicem and Cement-Post (P < 0.05). RelyX-Unicem presented the highest bond strength values for both posts (P < 0.05). Fracture analysis showed predominance of cohesive fracture of post for RelyX-Unicem and adhesive fracture between dentin/cement and mixed for Cement-Post. The bond strength values were significantly affected by the type of post and cement used and the highest values were found for fibre glass posts and RelyX-Unicem.


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Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the in vitro bond strength (BS) of glass fiber posts (GF) and carbon fiber posts (CF) in the cervical, middle, and apical thirds of root canals cemented with RelyX-Unicem (RX) and Cement-Post (CP). Materials and Methods: Forty maxillary canines were divided into 4 groups (n = 10) according to the cement and post used: group 1: GF and RX; group 2: CF and RX; group 3: GF and CP; group 4: CF and CP. The push-out test was applied in the cervical, middle and apical thirds of each specimen to assess bond strength of the cement/post complex to the root canal wall. The data obtained were submitted to ANOVA (Bonferroni test, p < 0.05), and fracture analysis was done with SEM. Results: The GF posts presented the best results when cemented with RX and with CF (p < 0.05). RX presented the highest BS values for both GF and CF (p < 0.05). For all the groups, BS was higher in the cervical third, followed by the middle and apical thirds. Fracture analysis showed a predominance of cohesive fracture of posts for RX, and a predominance of adhesive fracture between dentin/cement, and mixed failure mode for CP. Conclusion: GF posts cemented with RX presented the highest BS values in all root thirds.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the bond strength of fiber post previously laser treated root canals. Forty single-rooted bovine teeth were endodontically treated, randomly and equally divided into two main groups according to the type of pretreatment: G1: 2.5% NaOCl (control group); and G2: Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Each group was further subdivided into 2 groups based on the category of adhesive systems/ luting materials used: a: an etch-and-rinse resin cement (Single Bond/RelyX ARC; 3M ESPE), and b: a self-adhesive resin cement (Rely X Unicem; 3M ESPE). Three 1.5 mm thick slabs were obtained per root and the push-out test was performed at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until post dislodgement occurred. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey's test at a pre-set alpha of 0.05. Analysis of variance showed no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) among the groups G1a (25.44 ± 2.35) and G1b (23.62 ± 3.48), G2a (11.77 ± 2.67) and G2b (9.93 ± 3.37). Fractures were observed at the interface between the dentin and the resin in all groups. The Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation did not influence on the bond strength of the resin cements and the etch-and-rinse resin cement had better results on bond strength than self-adhesive resin cement.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of cyclical mechanical loading on the bond strength of a fiber and a zirconia post bonded to root dentin.Materials and Methods: Forty single-rooted human teeth (maxillary incisors and canines) were sectioned, and the root canals were prepared at 12 mm. Twenty randomly seleced specimens received a quartz fiber post (FRC) (D.T. Light-Post) and 20 others received a zirconia post (ZR) (Cosmopost). The posts were resin luted (All Bond 2 + resin cement Duo-link) and each specimen was embedded in epoxy resin inside a PVC cylinder. Ten specimens with FRC post and 10 specimens with ZR post were submitted to fatigue testing (2,000,000 cycles; load: 50 N; angle of 45 degrees; frequency: 8 Hz), while the other 20 specimens were not fatigued. Thus, 4 groups were formed: G1: FRC+O cycles; G2: FRC+2,000,000 cycles; G3: ZR+O cycles; G4: ZR+2,000,000 cycles. Later, the specimens were cut perpendicular to their long axis to form 2-mm-thick disk-shaped samples (4 sections/specimen), which were submitted to the push-out test (1 mm/min). The mean bond strength values (MPa) were calculated for each tooth (n = 10) and data were submitted to statistical analysis (alpha = 0.05).Results: Two-way ANOVA revealed that the bond strength was significantly affected by mechanical cycling (p = 0.0014) and root post (p = 0.0325). The interaction was also statistically significant (p = 0.0010). Tukey's test showed that the mechanical cycling did not affect the bonding of FRC to root dentin, while fatigue impaired the bonding of zirconium to root dentin.Conclusion: (1) the bond strength of the FRC post to root dentin was not reduced after fatigue testing, whereas the bonding of the zirconia post was significantly affected by the fatigue. (2) Cyclical mechanical loading appears to damage the bond strength of the rigid post only.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the bond strength of two etch-and-rinse adhesive systems (two- and three-step) and a self-etching system to Coronal and root canal dentin.Materials and Methods: The root canals of 30 human incisors and canines were instrumented and prepared with burs. The posts used for luting were duplicated with dual resin cement (Duo-link) inside Aestheti Plus #2 molds. Thus, three groups were formed (n = 10) according to the adhesive system employed: All-Bond 2 (TE3) + resin cement post (rcp) + Duo-link (DI); One-Step Plus (TE2) + rcp + DI; Tyrian/One-Step Plus (SE) + rcp + DI. Afterwards, 8 transverse sections (1.5 mm) were cut from 4 mm above the CEJ up to 4 mm short of the root canal apex, comprising coronal and root canal dentin. The sections were submitted to push-out testing in a universal testing machine EMIC (1 mm/min). Bond strength data were analyzed with two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05).Results: The relationship between the adhesives was not the same in the different regions (p < 0.05). Comparison of the means achieved with the adhesives in each region (Tukey; p < 0.05) revealed that TE3 (mean standard deviation: 5.22 +/- 1.70) was higher than TE2 (2.60 +/- 1.74) and SE (1.68 +/- 1.85).Conclusion: Under the experimental conditions, better bonding to dentin was achieved using the three-step etch-and-rinse system, especially in the coronal region. Therefore, the traditional etch-and-rinse three-step adhesive system seems to be the best choice for teeth needing adhesive endodontic restorations.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of the brush type as a earner of priming adhesive solutions and the use of paper points as a remover of the excess of these solutions on the push-out bond strength of resin cement to bovine root dentin. The null hypotheses were that brush type and the use of paper points do not affect the bond strength. Materials and Methods: The canals of 80 single-root bovine roots (16 mm in length) were prepared at 12 mm using the preparation drill (FRC Postec Plus, Ivoclar). Half of each root was embedded in acrylic resin and the specimens were divided into 8 groups, considering the factors brush type (4 levels) and paper point (2 levels) (n = 10): Gr 1: small microbrush (Cavi-Tip, SDI); Gr 2: Microbrush (Dentsply); Gr 3: Endobrush (Bisco); Gr 4: conventional brush (Bisco); Gr 5: Cavi-Tip (SDI) + paper points; Gr 6: Microbrush (Dentsply) + paper points; Gr 7: Endobrush (Bisco) + paper points; Gr 8: conventional brush (Bisco) + paper points. The root dentin was treated with a multistep total-etch adhesive system (All Bond 2). The adhesive system was applied using each microbrush, with and without using paper points. One fiber post was molded with addition silicon and 80 posts were made of resin cement (Duolink), The resin posts were luted (Duolink resin cement), and the specimens were stored for 24 h in water at 37°C. Each specimen was cut into 4 disk-shaped samples (1.8 mm in thickness), which were submitted to the push-out test. Results: The brush type (p < 0.0001) (small microbrush > microbrush = endobrush = conventional brush) and the use of paper points (p = 0.0001) (with > without) influenced the bond strength significantly (two-way ANOVA). The null hypotheses were rejected. Conclusion: The smallest brush (Cavi-Tip) and the use of paper points significantly improved the resin bond to bovine root dentin.