935 resultados para Pure-tone Thresholds


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OBJECTIVE To confirm the clinical efficacy and safety of a direct acoustic cochlear implant. STUDY DESIGN Prospective multicenter study. SETTING The study was performed at 3 university hospitals in Europe (Germany, The Netherlands, and Switzerland). PATIENTS Fifteen patients with severe-to-profound mixed hearing loss because of otosclerosis or previous failed stapes surgery. INTERVENTION Implantation with a Codacs direct acoustic cochlear implant investigational device (ID) combined with a stapedotomy with a conventional stapes prosthesis MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Preoperative and postoperative (3 months after activation of the investigational direct acoustic cochlear implant) audiometric evaluation measuring conventional pure tone and speech audiometry, tympanometry, aided thresholds in sound field and hearing difficulty by the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit questionnaire. RESULTS The preoperative and postoperative air and bone conduction thresholds did not change significantly by the implantation with the investigational Direct Acoustic Cochlear Implant. The mean sound field thresholds (0.25-8 kHz) improved significantly by 48 dB. The word recognition scores (WRS) at 50, 65, and 80 dB SPL improved significantly by 30.4%, 75%, and 78.2%, respectively, after implantation with the investigational direct acoustic cochlear implant compared with the preoperative unaided condition. The difficulty in hearing, measured by the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit, decreased by 27% after implantation with the investigational direct acoustic cochlear implant. CONCLUSION Patients with moderate-to-severe mixed hearing loss because of otosclerosis can benefit substantially using the Codacs investigational device.


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Abstract Conclusions: Specific requests for cochlear implantations by persons with psychogenic hearing loss are a relatively new phenomenon. A number of features seems to be over-represented in this group of patients. The existence of these requests stresses the importance of auditory brainstem response (ABR) measurements before cochlear implantation. Objective: To describe the phenomenon of patients with psychogenic hearing losses specifically requesting cochlear implantation, and to gain first insights into the characteristics of this group. Methods: Analysis of all cases seen between 2004 and 2013 at the University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland. Results: Four cochlear implant candidates with psychogenic hearing loss were identified. All were female, aged 23-51 years. Hearing thresholds ranged from 86 dB to 112 dB HL (pure-tone average 500-4000 Hz). ABRs and otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) showed bilaterally normal hearing in two subjects, and hearing thresholds between 30 and 50 dB in the other two subjects. Three subjects suffered from depression and one from a pathologic fear of cancer. Three had a history of five or more previous surgeries. Three were smokers and three reported other close family members with hearing losses. All four were hearing aid users at the time of presentation.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A audição é um dos sentidos mais importantes para o ser humano, e seu funcionamento está interligado à sua produtividade, o que não é diferente aos músicos, já que ela é de suma importância para a qualidade de seu trabalho e permanência na carreira. O desenvolvimento de um programa de prevenção de perdas auditivas tem por objetivo modificar o comportamento dos músicos em relação à sua audição, uma vez que, constantemente, estão expostos a níveis de pressão sonora elevados e ao surgimento de lesões irreversíveis. Contudo, se medidas preventivas não forem realizadas corretamente, as exposições dos músicos frente à intensidade sonora elevada podem trazer prejuízos à saúde e alguns destes, irreversíveis como, a Perda Auditiva Induzida por Níveis de Pressão Sonora Elevados (PAINPSE) ou Perda Auditiva Induzida por Música (PAIM). OBJETIVO GERAL: submeter os músicos ao programa de prevenção de perdas auditivas (PPPA) e verificar sua eficácia. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Participaram componentes de quatro bandas musicais, correspondendo a um total de 16 participantes. Esses membros foram submetidos ao Programa de Prevenção de Perdas Auditivas (PPPA) que engloba as seguintes etapas: (1) medição do nível de pressão sonora no ensaio e show; (2) entrevista específica, Audiometria Tonal Liminar e de Altas Frequências, Logoaudiometria, Imitanciometria e Emissões Otoacústicas por estímulo Transientes e Produto de Distorção; (3) orientação sobre a utilização do Equipamento de Proteção Individual (EPI); e (4) a realização de medidas educativas por meio de workshops. RESULTADOS: O Nível de Pressão Sonora (NPS) durante os ensaios e apresentações/shows, encontram-se elevados, sintomas não auditivos estão presentes em 68, 75% da população total da amostra, presença de zumbido após o show em 100% da amostra; maiores dificuldades de compreensão de fala no ruído nos músicos que tocam baixo (75%). Ao traçar o perfil audiológico do músico foram encontrados: maiores médias dos limiares audiológicos por frequência das bandas estudadas em 500Hz e 3KHz (B1), 3KHz e 4KHz (B2), 3KHz, 4KHz e 6KHz (B3) e em 3KHz (B4); as maiores médias dos limiares audiológicos por frequência dos instrumentos estudados foram em 3KHz, 4KHz e 6KHz (voz), 3KHz e 4KHz (guitarra), 3KHz, 4KHz e 6KHz (baixo) e 3KHz, 4KHz (bateria); presença de entalhe nas frequências de 2KHz, 4KHz, 6KHz e 8KHz na audiometria tonal liminar; já na audiometria de altas frequências em todas as frequências apareceram ao menos um caso, reflexos ausentes em 4KHz (ipsilateral e contralateral); ausência de resposta em 4KHz para todos os baixistas bilateralmente (100%) quando pesquisado EOE por estímulo transiente e na produto de distorção foram encontradas ausência de respostas em 50% da amostra na frequência de 6KHz, sendo assim pesquisada a curva de crescimento (dp growth rate) aparecendo resposta em 75dB em quase 100% dos casos em que houve necessidade de sua realização. Quanto aos achados obtidos da avaliação realizada pelos participantes (músicos) referente ao website, os resultados mostraram que o mesmo atende às necessidades propostas, ou seja, a promoção da saúde auditiva em músicos. CONCLUSÃO: Existe a necessidade de serem tomadas medidas preventivas e a inserção dos músicos em um Programa de Prevenção de Perdas Auditivas (PPPA) a fim de proporcioná-los maiores condições de qualidade de vida e em seu trabalho, já que necessitam da sua audição para desempenhar com eficácia suas atividades e se manter no mercado de trabalho atuando como músico.


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Introdução: Estudos têm demonstrado que doenças crônicas e alterações metabólicas podem atuar como fator de aceleração na degeneração do sistema auditivo decorrente da idade. Todavia, os estudos sobre a associação entre a perda auditiva com o diabetes mellitus (DM) e com a hipertensão arterial (HA) em idosos mostraram conclusões controversas. Sendo assim, novos estudos sobre este assunto são necessários, a fim de esclarecer o efeito destas doenças crônicas sobre o sistema auditivo. Objetivos: Comparar uma audiometria inicial (A1) com uma audiometria sequencial (A2) realizada com um intervalo de 3 a 4 anos em uma população de idosos portadores de DM e/ou HA; realizar um estudo comparativo entre quatro grupos de idosos: grupo controle (GC), formado por idosos sem alterações crônicas, grupo de idosos portadores de DM; grupo de idosos portadores de HA, grupo de idosos portadores de DM e HA. Métodos: Foi realizado um levantamento em 901 prontuários do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde Auditiva do Adulto (ELSAA), de indivíduos atendidos no Hospital Universitário (HU) da Universidade de São Paulo, no período de 2009 a 2015. De acordo com os critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados 100 indivíduos para participarem da presente pesquisa. A avaliação inicial (A1), constando de anamnese, audiometria tonal e imitânciometria foram utilizadas e foi feita uma nova avaliação audiológica (A2) após o período de 3 a 4 anos. Os participantes foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: 20 indivíduos portadores de DM (grupo DM), 20 indivíduos portadores de HA (grupo HA), 20 indivíduos portadores de DM e HA (grupo DMHA) e 40 indivíduos não portadores de DM nem de HA (GC). Para cada grupo estudo (HA, DM e DMHA), foram selecionados indivíduos (entre os 40 do GC) de forma a parear as características referentes a idade e sexo. Foram utilizados os testes estatísticos ANOVA, teste exato de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis, com nível de significância de 0,05. Foi também calculada a odds ratio, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as orelhas para nenhum dos grupos; sendo assim, as orelhas direita e esquerda foram agrupadas para as outras comparações. Na comparação da média de aumento anual dos limiares auditivos da primeira avaliação A1 com a segunda avaliação A2 entre os grupos, pode-se observar que para o grupo DM, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para nenhuma das frequências avaliadas, quando comparado ao seu respectivo controle; para o grupo HA foram observadas diferenças significantes a partir de 4kHz, bem como tendência à diferença estatisticamente significante em 3 kHz, quando comparado a seu respectivo controle. Já para o grupo DMHA, quando comparado a seu grupo controle, foram observadas diferenças significantes nas frequências de 500, 2k, 3k e 8kHz, além de tendência à diferença estatisticamente significante em 4k e 6kHz. Considerando-se os casos novos de perda auditiva, pode-se observar que houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas para o grupo HA, para as frequências altas. Verificou-se também que, para as frequências altas (3k a 8kHz), os números de casos novos de perda auditiva foram sempre maiores nos grupos estudo quando comparados aos seus respectivos controles. Na comparação das médias dos limiares auditivos, tanto na avaliação A1 quanto na avaliação A2, observou-se que os grupos estudo (DM, HA e DMHA) apresentaram limiares auditivos mais prejudicados, quando comparados a seus respectivos grupos controle. Na comparação entre os grupos apenas para a avaliação A2, pode-se observar que para as frequências altas, houve associação estatisticamente significante entre apresentar as condições clínicas (DM, HA e DMHA) e a presença de perda auditiva. A OR para DM foi de 5,57 (2,9-14,65), para HA foi de 4,2 (1,35-13,06) e para DMHA foi de 5,72 (1,85-17,64). Conclusão: Verificou-se que os idosos portadores de DM, HA ou ambos apresentaram limiares auditivos mais rebaixados quando comparados a seus respectivos grupos controle, principalmente nas altas frequências, o que sugere que estas patologias podem ter um efeito deletério sobre a audição. Além disso, nota-se que o grupo HA apresentou limiares auditivos piores para a maioria das frequências e foi o que apresentou maior queda dos limiares auditivos no segmento de 3 a 4 anos, quando comparado aos outros dois grupos estudo (DMHA e DM), sugerindo que dentre as três condições estudadas, a hipertensão parece ser a que teve maior influência sobre a audição


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Thirteen experiments investigated the dynamics of stream segregation. Experiments 1-6b used a similar method, where a same-frequency induction sequence (usually 10 repetitions of an identical pure tone) promoted segregation in a subsequent, briefer test sequence (of alternating low- and high-frequency tones). Experiments 1-2 measured streaming using a direct report of perception and a temporal-discrimination task, respectively. Creating a single deviant by altering the final inducer (e.g. in level or replacement with silence) reduced segregation, often substantially. As the prior inducers remained unaltered, it is proposed that the single change actively reset build-up. The extent of resetting varied gradually with the size of a frequency change, once noticeable (experiments 3a-3b). By manipulating the serial position of a change, experiments 4a-4b demonstrated that resetting only occurred when the final inducer was replaced with silence, as build-up is very rapid during a same-frequency induction sequence. Therefore, the observed resetting cannot be explained by fewer inducers being presented. Experiment 5 showed that resetting caused by a single deviant did not increase when prior inducers were made unpredictable in frequency (four-semitone range). Experiments 6a-6b demonstrated that actual and perceived continuity have a similar effect on subsequent streaming judgements promoting either integration or segregation, depending on listening context. Experiment 7 found that same-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than an alternating-frequency inducer, and that a trend for deviant-tone resetting was only apparent for the same-frequency case. Using temporal-order judgments, experiments 8-9 demonstrated the stream segregation of pure-tone-like percepts, evoked by sudden changes in amplitude or interaural time difference for individual components of a complex tone, Active resetting was observed when a deviant was inserted into a sequence of these percepts (Experiment 10). Overall, these experiments offer new insight into the segregation-promotIng effect of induction sequences, and the factors which can reset this effect.


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A sequence of constant-frequency tones can promote streaming in a subsequent sequence of alternating-frequency tones, but why this effect occurs is not fully understood and its time course has not been investigated. Experiment 1 used a 2.0-s-long constant-frequency inducer (10 repetitions of a low-frequency pure tone) to promote segregation in a subsequent, 1.2-s test sequence of alternating low- and high-frequency tones. Replacing the final inducer tone with silence substantially reduced reported test-sequence segregation. This reduction did not occur when either the 4th or 7th inducer was replaced with silence. This suggests that a change at the induction/test-sequence boundary actively resets build-up, rather than less segregation occurring simply because fewer inducer tones were presented. Furthermore, Experiment 2 found that a constant-frequency inducer produced its maximum segregation-promoting effect after only three tones—this contrasts with the more gradual build-up typically observed for alternating-frequency sequences. Experiment 3 required listeners to judge continuously the grouping of 20-s test sequences. Constant-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than alternating ones; this difference persisted for ~10 s. In addition, resetting arising from a single deviant (longer tone) was associated only with constant-frequency inducers. Overall, the results suggest that constant-frequency inducers promote segregation by capturing one subset of test-sequence tones into an ongoing, preestablished stream, and that a deviant tone may reduce segregation by disrupting this capture. These findings offer new insight into the dynamics of stream segregation, and have implications for the neural basis of streaming and the role of attention in stream formation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)


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A sequence of constant-frequency tones can promote streaming in a subsequent sequence of alternating-frequency tones, but why this effect occurs is not fully understood and its time course has not been investigated. Experiment 1 used a 2.0-s-long constant-frequency inducer (10 repetitions of a low-frequency pure tone) to promote segregation in a subsequent, 1.2-s test sequence of alternating low- and high-frequency tones. Replacing the final inducer tone with silence substantially reduced reported test-sequence segregation. This reduction did not occur when either the 4th or 7th inducer was replaced with silence. This suggests that a change at the induction/test-sequence boundary actively resets build-up, rather than less segregation occurring simply because fewer inducer tones were presented. Furthermore, Experiment 2 found that a constant-frequency inducer produced its maximum segregation-promoting effect after only three tones—this contrasts with the more gradual build-up typically observed for alternating-frequency sequences. Experiment 3 required listeners to judge continuously the grouping of 20-s test sequences. Constant-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than alternating ones; this difference persisted for ~10 s. In addition, resetting arising from a single deviant (longer tone) was associated only with constant-frequency inducers. Overall, the results suggest that constant-frequency inducers promote segregation by capturing one subset of test-sequence tones into an ongoing, preestablished stream, and that a deviant tone may reduce segregation by disrupting this capture. These findings offer new insight into the dynamics of stream segregation, and have implications for the neural basis of streaming and the role of attention in stream formation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)


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Three experiments investigated the dynamics of auditory stream segregation. Experiment 1 used a 2.0-s constant-frequency inducer (10 repetitions of a low-frequency pure tone) to promote segregation in a subsequent, 1.2-s test sequence of alternating low- and high-frequency tones. Replacing the final inducer tone with silence reduced reported test-sequence segregation substantially. This reduction did not occur when either the 4th or 7th inducer was replaced with silence. This suggests that a change at the induction/test-sequence boundary actively resets buildup, rather than less segregation occurring simply because fewer inducer tones were presented. Furthermore, Experiment 2 found that a constant-frequency inducer produced its maximum segregation-promoting effect after only 3 tone cycles - this contrasts with the more gradual build-up typically observed for alternating sequences. Experiment 3 required listeners to judge continuously the grouping of 20-s test sequences. Constant-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than alternating ones; this difference persisted for ∼10 s. In addition, resetting arising from a single deviant (longer tone) was associated only with constant-frequency inducers. Overall, the results suggest that constant-frequency inducers promote segregation by capturing one subset of test-sequence tones into an on-going, pre-established stream and that a deviant tone may reduce segregation by disrupting this capture. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.


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OBJETIVO: descrever as características audiológicas de indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina operada (FLP) e indicação de cirurgia otológica, comparando os grupos quanto ao tipo e grau da perda auditiva, bem como a curva timpanométrica. MÉTODOS: análise de 150 prontuários, ambos os gêneros, idade igual ou superior a 4 anos, FLP e indicação de cirurgia otológica, divididos em 3 grupos: I - Tubo de ventilação (TV), II - Timpanoplastia e III - Timpanomastoidectomia, analisando aspectos quanto a entrevista audiológica, audiometria tonal limiar e imitanciometria. RESULTADOS: o grupo I apresentou porcentagem maior de cirurgia bilateral (86%), o que não ocorreu nos demais grupos. Na entrevista audiológica, 83% apresentou algum tipo de queixa auditiva, sendo a mais frequente a perda auditiva (64%) com p<0,05 entre os grupos I e II; I e III. O tipo de perda auditiva de maior ocorrência foi condutivo bilateral (56%) seguido de unilateral (35%), com p<0,05 entre os grupos I e II; I e III. A perda de grau leve unilateral foi a de maior ocorrência (41%), seguida de grau leve a moderada bilateral (20%), com p<0,05 entre os três grupos. A curva timpanométrica mais frequente foi a do tipo B bilateral (39%) com p<0,05 entre os três grupos. CONCLUSÃO: a maioria dos indivíduos apresentou algum tipo de queixa na entrevista audiológica e alterações na audiometria tonal limiar e imitanciometria. A maioria dessas alterações foi compatível com problemas de orelha média, com perda auditiva do tipo condutiva, de grau leve e bilateral, independentemente da indicação cirúrgica.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an important neuromodulator found in central and peripheral neurons. NPY was investigated in the peripheral auditory pathway of conventional housed rats and after nontraumatic sound stimulation in order to localize the molecule and also to describe its response to sound stimulus. Rats from the stimulation experiment were housed in monitored sound-proofed rooms. Stimulated animals received sound stimuli (pure tone bursts of 8 kHz, 50 ms duration presented at a rate of 2 per second) at an intensity of 80 dB sound pressure level for 1 hr per day during 7 days. After euthanizing, rat cochleae were processed for one-color immunohistochemistry. The NPY immunoreactivity was detected in inner hair cells (IHC) and also in pillar and Deiters` cells of organ of Corti, and in the spiral ganglion putative type I (1,009 m3) and type II (225 m3) neurons. Outer hair cells (OHC) showed light immunoreaction product. Quantitative microdensitometry showed strong and moderate immunoreactions in IHC and spiral ganglion neurons, respectively, without differences among cochlear turns. One week of acoustic stimulation was not able to induce changes in the NPY immunoreactivity intensity in the IHC of cochlea. However, stimulated rats showed an overall increase in the number of putative type I and type II NPY immunoreactive spiral ganglion neurons with strong, moderate, and weak immunolabeling. Localization and responses of NPY to acoustic stimulus suggest an involvement of the neuropeptide in the neuromodulation of afferent transmission in the rat peripheral auditory pathway.


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Tinnitus is a symptom present in approximately 15% of the world population. Most patients are between 40 and 80 years of age; the prevalence above 60 reaches 33%. About 20% have moderate to severe impact in the quality of life but the factors associated with the tinnitus annoyance are not completely known. Aim: The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between age, gender and hearing loss on tinnitus annoyance. Materials and methods: 68 patients were evaluated at the tinnitus center at our hospital, from March 2007 to march 2008, with a detailed interview, complete otolaryngological examination, the Portuguese version of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and pure tone audiometry. Results: Age varied from 24 to 83 (mean=59); the mean THI value was 39 (females: 36; males: 44). THI grades were: slight: 32.3%; mild: 19.1%; moderate: 20.6%; severe: 13.2% and catastrophic: 14.7%. No significant correlation was found between gender (p=0.30), age (p=0.77) hearing loss (p>0.05 for all averages analyzed) and tinnitus severity. Conclusion: Gender, age and hearing loss do not influence tinnitus annoyance, using the THI.


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Pop-rock musicians are at risk of developing hearing loss and other symptoms related to amplified music. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the satisfaction provided by the use of hearing protection in pop-rock musicians. Study design: Contemporary cohort study. Materials and Methods: A study of 23 male pop-rock musicians, aged between 25 to 45 years. After audiological evaluation (pure tone audiometry, middle ear analysis, TEOAE and DPOAE) hearing protective devices were provided to be used for three months. After that musicians answered a satisfaction assessment questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of hearing loss was of 21.7%. The most common complaints about the hearing protectors were: autophonia, pressure in the ears, interference in high frequencies perception and full time use of the hearing protector during concerts. There was a positive correlation between a reduction in tinnitus after the use of the HPD with the following complaints: tinnitus after beginning the career (p=0.044), discomfort with the sound intensity in the work place (p=0.009) and intolerance to loud sound (p=0.029). Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of hearing loss and a positive tendency towards the use of the ear protector device among the sample population.


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Radiotherapy has been widely used given its increase in the successful outcomes and cure of some cancers. Aim: To evaluate the functionality of the auditory system in patients who underwent radiotherapy treatment for head and neck tumors. Materials and Methods: From May 2007 to May 2008, otorhinolaryngological and audiological evaluation (Pure Tone Audiometry (air and bone conduction), Speech Audiometry, Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex testing and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions) were performed in 19 patients diagnosed with head and neck neoplasia and treated with radiotherapy. Prospective case series study. Results: 10.5% left ears and 26.3% right ears had bilateral hearing loss soon after radiotherapy according to ASHA criteria. Conclusions: Radiotherapy treatment for head and neck cancer has ototoxic effects. Early programs of auditory rehabilitation should be offered to these patients.


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Handedness, as a potentially influencing, nonpathologic factor, has not been investigated in relation to transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs). The present study aimed to examine the effects of handedness on the TEOAE spectrum in entry-level schoolchildren, with attention also to possible ear asymmetry. A total of 228 subjects (114 males, 114 females, mean age = 6.3 years) were tested using the ILO292 Otodynamics Analyzer (Quickscreen mode) in quiet rooms in 22 schools. For statistical analysis, subjects were matched for factors such as handedness, gender, age, and history of recent ear infection. The results from subjects with passing TEOAE, pure-tone screening, and tympanometry revealed no significant handedness effect overall, although a significant ear asymmetry effect on the measurement parameters of AB difference, noise level, response level, whole-wave reproducibility, band reproducibility, and signal-to-noise ratios was found.


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The aim of this study was to investigate current audiological outcomes of Cherbourg schoolchildren and compare these outcomes to those obtained in a 1972 study of hearing health in the same community. Seventy-eight primary school children of Cherbourg State School participated in the study. Their peripheral hearing and middle ear function were tested using pure-tone air conduction audiometry and tympanometry respectively. A significant improvement in the hearing status of this population was noted compared to that reported in 1972. The improvements in the hearing status of Indigenous schoolchildren at Cherbourg can be attributed to a number of factors, including increased awareness of both ear health and general health, as well as the introduction of hearing health care services, over the past three decades.