94 resultados para Pumpkin


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[Sir Frizzle Pumpkin, K. C. B. [by James White]--Adventures of Crispin Crisp.--My first duel.--The word as it is.--A mis-directed letter.--The pic-nic.--My aunt's bequest.--The dissenting minister.--The widow.]


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The rock pools, salt pans, cliffs and bluffs, and the banks of the Coorooman and Pumpkin Creeks within Darumbal and Woppaburra Country are used as a backdrop in this paper, which offers an exploration of one woman’s quest to undertake her PhD and develop as an Indigenous scholar. The paper describes this Country and the use of Country to nourish, develop, stimulate and support the intellect. It draws on Australian and international literature to demonstrate the intellectual growth and development of Indigenous scholars. The paper offers a highly personal narrative of intellectual journeying which shows how we can be agents of change and power in our individual lives, even while power is being exercised over us and we are being oppressed and marginalised as Indigenous peoples.


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Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables (FV) is a characteristic of a healthy diet but remains a challenge in nutrition interventions. This cross-sectional study explored the multi-directional relationships between maternal feeding self-efficacy, parenting confidence, child feeding behaviour, exposure to new food and FV intake in a cohort of 277 infants. Mothers with healthy infants weighing ≥2500 g and ≥37 weeks gestation were recruited post-natally from 11 South Australian hospitals. Socio-demographic datawere collected at recruitment. At 6 months postnatal, infantswereweighed and measured, andmothers completed a questionnaire exploring their perceptions of child feeding behaviour and child exposure to newfoods. The questionnaire also included the Short Temperament Scale for Infants, Kessler 10 to measure maternal psychological distress and 5 items measuring maternal feeding self-efficacy. The number of occasions and variety of FV (number of subgroups within food groups) consumed by infants were estimated from a 24-hour dietary recall and 2 days food record. Structural equation modellingwas performed using Mplus version 6.11. Median (IQR) variety scores were 2 (1–3) for fruit and 3 (2–5) for vegetable intake. The most popular FV consumed were apple (n = 108, 45.0%) and pumpkin (n = 143, 56.3%). None of the variables studied predicted the variety of child fruit intake. Parenting confidence, exposure to new foods and child feeding behaviourwere indirectly related to child vegetable intake through maternal feeding self-efficacy while total number of children negatively predicted child vegetable variety (p < 0.05). This highlights the need for addressing antecedents of maternal feeding self-efficacy and the family eating environment as key strategies towards development of healthy eating in children.


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This final report ‘Development and promotion of IPM strategies for silverleaf whitefly in vegetables’ summarises the research and extension into development and implementation of IPM programs for silverleaf whitefly in vegetables. Chemical and biologicontrol for Silverleaf Whitefly in pumpkin, brassica, bean and sweet potatoes.


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Virus diseases cause serious yield and quality losses in field grown cucurbit crops worldwide. In Australia, the main viruses of cucurbits are Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), Squash mosaic virus (SqMV), Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). Plants infected early have severely distorted fruit. High infection incidences, of ZYMV and PRSV in crops cause losses of marketable fruit of up to 100% and infected crops are often abandoned. Two new alternative hosts of ZYMV were identified, the native cucurbit Cucumis maderaspatanus and wild legume Rhyncosia minima. No new alternative hosts of PRSV, SqMV or WMV were found in Western Australia or Queensland. Seed transmission of ZYMV (0.7%) was found in seedlings grown from ZYMV-infected fruit of zucchini but not of pumpkin. None was detected with PRSV or SqMV in zucchini or pumpkin seedlings, respectively. ZYMV spread to pumpkins by aphids was greater downwind than upwind of a virus source. Delaying sowing by 2 weeks decreased ZYMV spread. Millet non-host barriers between pumpkin plantings slowed ZYMV infection. Host resistance gene (zym) in cucumber cultivars was effective against ZYMV. Pumpkin cultivars with resistance gene (Zym) became infected under high virus pressure but leaf symptoms were milder and infected plants higher yielding with more market-acceptable fruit than those without Zym. Most zucchini cultivars with Zym developed severe leaf and fruit symptoms. ZYMV, PRSV, WMV and SqMV spread readily from infected to healthy cucurbit plants by direct leaf contact. ZYMV survives and remains infective on diverse surfaces for up to 6 hours but can be inactivated by some disinfectants. Phylogenetic analysis indicates at least three separate introductions of ZYMV into Australia, with new introductions rarely occurring. ZYMV isolates clustered into three groups according to collection location i) Kununurra, ii) Northern Territory and iii) Carnarvon, Qld and Vic. A multiplex Real-Time PCR was developed which distinguished between the three groups of Australian isolates. Integrated disease management (IDM) strategies for virus diseases of vegetable cucurbit crops grown in the field were improved incorporating the new information gathered. These strategies are aimed at causing using minimal extra expense, labour demands and disruption to normal practices.


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采用N、P、K3因素最优设计,在陕北黄土高原进行了南瓜氮、磷、钾用量及其肥效反应模式田间试验,研究不同施肥量对南瓜硝态氮、可溶性糖两项营养品质的影响,旨在探讨南瓜品质高糖低硝酸盐的N、P、K肥效反应模式,提出优化的施肥方案。结果表明,N肥单因素对南瓜硝态氮和可溶性糖含量影响最大,K肥单因素对南瓜硝态氮和可溶性糖含量影响不显著,N与P交互作用对南瓜高糖低硝酸盐影响显著,K肥施用量一定时,氮肥与磷肥的施用量不易过大。根据南瓜N、P、K肥效反应模式,筛选出南瓜品质硝态氮含量在200mg·kg-1以下、可溶性糖含量在7%以上的较佳施肥量为施氮95~120 kg·hm-2,施磷40~70 kg·hm-2,施钾35~80 kg·hm-2,N∶P2O5∶K2O=1∶0.42∶0.37。


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通过调节B5培养基中的组分,研究了金钩南瓜组培根在五种营养元素(P、Mg、Fe、Cu、B)四个浓度梯度(1/2 B5、B5、3/2 B52、B5)培养下化感作用的响应模式以及对黑籽和金钩南瓜两种受体幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:不同营养元素对受体植物幼苗生长的影响不一致,与元素含量显著相关,而且依赖于受体选择。五种营养元素在亏缺(1/2 B5)和正常(B5)条件下南瓜组培根过滤液对受体植物幼苗生长均表现为抑制作用;而适量增加营养元素的条件下(3/2 B5和2 B5),一般表现为促进作用,但2 B5含量下,B元素导致金钩南瓜的自毒作用,而Fe能引发金钩南瓜组培根过滤液对黑籽南瓜的抑制作用。因此理论上初步得出P和Mg元素可以降低南瓜根系的毒害作用,而Fe、Cu和B元素对南瓜根系的化感调控作用与品种选择有关,这对调控施肥、降低设施农业中葫芦科作物的连作障碍具有一定的参考意义。


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通过不同的灌水和施肥处理,研究水肥交互作用对南瓜光合特性日变化及产量的影响,结果表明:水分与施肥因子对南瓜叶片的光合特性和产量有重要影响,在水分胁迫的情况下,肥水交互作用不显著,在水分较低的情况下,二者表现互为限制条件的协同作用;在水分较高的情况下,肥水交互作用转变成顺序加和作用。其中单因素效应大小表现为:氮>水>磷,耦合效应大小表现为:氮与水耦合>氮与磷耦合>磷与水耦合。在水分适宜时,适宜的施肥量(施氮量50kg/hm2、施磷量35 kg/hm2)可以提高南瓜光合速率和产量,不施肥或施肥量过高都会影响南瓜光合速率和产量。


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安塞试验站2005~2006连续两年采用N、P、K三因素最优设计,田试不同施肥量对南瓜Vc和干物质两项营养品质的影响,探讨南瓜优质的N、P、K肥效反应模式。结果表明,N肥对南瓜Vc含量的影响最大,K肥对干物质含量的影响最大,N与P交互作用和N与K交互作用对南瓜Vc、干物质含量影响显著。筛选出南瓜优质的较佳施肥量为:施氮90~95 kg/hm2,施磷75~80 kg/hm2,施钾25~30 kg/hm2。N∶P2O5∶K2O=1.00∶0.83∶0.28


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Phenotypic variation (morphological and pathogenic characters), and genetic variability were studied in 50 isolates of seven Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew) races 100, 300, 304, 314, 710, 704 and 714. There were significant morphological, aggressiveness, and genetic differences for pathogen isolates. However, there was no relationship between morphology of zoosporangia and sporangiophores and pathogenic and genetic characteristics for the races used in our study. Also, our results provided evidence that no relation between pathogenic traits and multilocus haplotypes may be established in P. halstedii. The hypothesis explaining the absence of relationships among phenotypic and genetic characteristics is discussed.


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Este libro es fruto del itinerario formativo en ingl??s previsto para el profesorado de educaci??n infantil. Las autoras, coordinadas por la asesora de Lenguas Extranjeras del CPR de Gij??n, participaron en las fases formativas iniciadas en 2005 con un curso intensivo de Lengua inglesa en el CPR de Gij??n y finalizado en el curso de English-in-York en el Reino Unido. En la ??ltima fase de este itinerario formativo han creado estos materiales sobre varias historias inventadas para ser contadas y para ser explotadas pedag??gicamente en infantil y primer ciclo de primaria. Los objetivos de este material son promover el desarrollo de la expresi??n y comprensi??n oral, aprovechar las t??cnicas narrativas para fomentar la creatividad y madurez del alumnado y usar destrezas y t??cnicas variadas desde un enfoque constructivista. Los temas abordados son: 1) Elaboraci??n de unidades did??cticas de ingl??s en educaci??n infantil. 2) Little Pumpkin and the Halloween Party. 3) Whitie's Trip. 4) The Proud Rainbow. En la primera parte se explica el proceso de dise??o, desarrollo y evaluaci??n de una unidad did??ctica. En las dem??s, se incluyen actividades, juegos, rimas, cuentos, canciones y juegos ilustrados y disponibles para su uso escolar.


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A condutividade elétrica na solução de embebição de sementes tem sido um procedimento usado com sucesso para avaliar o vigor de sementes. A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de determinar os procedimentos adequados para o teste de condutividade elétrica de sementes de abóbora (Cucurbita moschata Duch ex. Lam). Foram utilizadas sementes do híbrido Bárbara, representadas por cinco lotes (1 a 5) na primeira etapa e por outros cinco (6 a 10) na segunda. Foram realizados os teste de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, emergência de plântulas, índice de velocidade de emergência e de condutividade elétrica (CE). Para o teste de CE, foram estudadas variações no volume de água (50 e 75mL), na temperatura (20, 25 e 30ºC) e no tempo de embebição (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 e 24 horas). Assim, concluiu-se que a condição mais adequada para o teste de CE é a utilização de 50 sementes em 75mL de água por oito horas, à temperatura de 25ºC.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)