200 resultados para Puma concolor
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Medium and large-sized mammals control invertebrate and vertebrate populations and are important seed dispersers. These animals are losing their territory and living range due to deforestation and the fragmentation of natural areas, particularly in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. The Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (PRNH) Amadeu Botelho is isolated from other forest fragments and is thus a wildlife refuge in the region of Jaú, central-western region of state of São Paulo, southeastem Brazil. Animals as such as the puma (Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) have been sighted in the reserve by wildlife guards and residents. This reserve, which belongs to “Santo Antônio dos Ipês” farm, is surrounded by several plantations, and is very close to the center of the city of Jaú. In addition to surveying the mammal species in the reserve, this study diagnosed the influence of the farm’s activities and the proximity to the center of the municipality of Jaú on the fauna under study
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
Wild and domestic ungulates modify their behavior in the presence of olfactory and visual cues of predators but investigations have not exposed a domestic species to a series of cues representing various predators and other ungulate herbivores.We used wolf (Canis lupus), mountain lion (Puma concolor), and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) stimuli (olfactory and visual), and a control (no stimuli) to experimentally test for differences in behavior of cattle (Bos taurus) raised in Arizona. We measured (1) vigilance, (2) foraging rates, (3) giving up density (GUD) of high quality foods and (4) time spent in high quality forage locations in response to location of stimuli treatments. In general, we found a consistent pattern in that wolf and deer treatments caused disparate results in all 4 response variables. Wolf stimuli significantly increased cattle vigilance and decreased cattle foraging rates; conversely, deer stimuli significantly increased cattle foraging rate and increased cattle use of high quality forage areas containing stimuli. Mountain lion stimuli did not significantly impact any of the 4 response variables. Our findings suggest that domestic herbivores react to predatory stimuli, can differentiate between stimuli representing two predatory species, and suggest that cattle may reduce antipredatory behaviour when near heterospecifics.
Faeces provide relevant biological information which includes, with the application of genetic techniques, the sex and identity of individuals that defecated, thus providing potentially useful data on the behaviour and ecology of individuals, as well as the dynamics and structure of populations. This paper presents estimates of the sex ratio of different felid species (jaguar, Panthera onca; puma, Puma concolor; and ocelot/margay, Leopardus pardalis/Leopardus wiedi) as observed in field collected faeces, and proposes several hypotheses that could explain the strikingly high proportion of faeces from male jaguars. The proportion of male and female faeces was estimated using a non-invasive faecal sampling method in 14 study areas in Mexico and Brazil. Faecal samples were genetically analysed to identify the species, the sex and the individual (the latter only for samples identified as belonging to jaguars). Considering the three species, 72.6% of faeces (n = 493) were from males; however, there were significant differences among them, with the proportion from males being higher for jaguars than for pumas and ocelots/margays. A male-bias was consistently observed in all study areas for jaguar faeces, but not for the other species. For jaguars the trend was the same when considering the number of individuals identified (n = 68), with an average of 4.2 +/- 0.56 faeces per male and 2.0 +/- 0.36 per female. The observed faecal marking patterns might be related to the behaviour of female jaguars directed toward protecting litters from males, and in both male and female pumas, to prevent interspecific aggressions from male jaguars. The hypothesis that there are effectively more males than females in jaguar populations cannot be discarded, which could be due to the fact that females are territorial and males are not, or a tendency for males to disperse into suboptimal areas for the species.
Pumas are one of the most studied terrestrial mammals because of their widespread distribution, substantial ecological impacts, and conflicts with humans. Extensive efforts, often employing genetic methods, are undertaken to manage this species. However, the comparison of population genetic data is difficult because few of the microsatellite loci chosen are shared across research programs. Here, we describe the development of PumaPlex, a high-throughput assay to genotype 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms in pumas. We validated PumaPlex in more than 700 North American pumas (Puma concolor couguar), and demonstrated its ability to generate reproducible genotypes and accurately identify individuals. Furthermore, we compared PumaPlex with traditional genotyping of 12 microsatellite loci in fecal DNA samples and found that PumaPlex produced significantly more genotypes with fewer false alleles. PumaPlex promotes the cross-laboratory comparison of genotypes, is easily expandable in the future, and is a valuable tool for the genetic monitoring and management of North American puma populations.
El Cerro El Potosí es un área prioritaria para la Comisión Nacional para la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) y un Área Natural Protegida por el estado (Anónimo, 2000), debido a la existencia de una gran diversidad de tipos de vegetación y de especies de importancia fitogeografica o su orografía y altitud (3715 msnm) se considera un área promotora de procesos de especiación, registrándose especies endémicas y relictuales como el caso del Pinus culminicola y Nucifraga columbiana , es una de las montañas más altas del noroeste del país, está enclavada en la Sierra Madre Oriental. Con base en la información previa disponible, se presume que esta área ostente una mayor diversidad de flora y fauna. El objetivo principal fue el análisis de la diversidad y distribución de los mamíferos en los diferentes estratos vegetativos y altitudes dentro de los límites del Cerro El Potosí. Con el propósito de realizar las comparaciones de las diversidades de las especies en forma altitudinal, por vegetación, estacional; Se seleccionó la prueba de Chi-cuadrada para determinar dependencia entre especies y la altitud, tipo de muestreo o tipo de vegetación. Se efectuaron 24 salidas (mensuales) de campo, de noviembre del 2006 a octubre del 2008, de 3 a 4 días por salida. Se registraron 27 especies (14 Familias, 24 géneros, 27 especies, y 14 especies no reportadas previamente). De acuerdo al tipo de vegetación la riqueza se concentro en el bosque de pino seguido por el bosque de encino, las especies se distribuyeron en uno, en dos o más estratos de vegetación (patrones), para los diferentes tipos de vegetación se distribuyeron las especies de Silvilagus floridanus, Thomomys bottae, Peromyscus melanotis, Peromyscus levipes ambiguus, Canis latrans y Lynx rufus. Las especies que sólo se encontraron en un solo tipo de vegetación fueron Bassariscus astutus, Conepatus mesoleucus, Corynorhinus townsendii, Didelphis virginiana, Eptesicus fuscus, Puma yagouaroundi, Lasiurus cinereus, Lasiurus ega, Leptonycteris nivalis, Mustela frenata y Sorex milleri, por lo que se aprecia la diversidad encontrada en el sitio, esto en gran medida por la asociación de la vegetación y la altura marcado por la temperatura reportada para el sitio. Las especies que se localizaron en dos o más estratos o patrones de vegetación fueron Myotis thysanodes, Sciurus alleni, Otospermophilus variegatus, Microtus mexicanus, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, Procyon lotor, Puma concolor, Pecari tajacu y Odocoileus virginianus.
The influence of insect attack on bud fall and subsequent poor flowering in cultivated hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) was studied in cages and in the field in southern Queensland. Three species of Hemiptera (most importantly Aulacosternum nigrorubrum but also Nezara viridula and Tectocoris diophthalmus) caused some bud fall in 2 plantations studied. Adults of Macroura concolor suppressed flowering for long periods in spring and summer. Data from white funnel traps and counts in flowers showed that M. concolor was most active in these seasons. Methiocarb (0.75 g a.i./litre) reduced beetle numbers and increased flowering. When 15 or more adults of M. concolor occurred per bud (or flower) most buds fell and few flowers were produced, but when beetles declined to 10 or fewer many buds survived and widespread flowering occurred. Larvae fed in fallen buds and flowers and the mean duration of development of the combined immature stages was 14 days at 26 deg C. The preference of adults of M. concolor for pale coloured flowers was examined. Hibiscus plants produced most buds from December to June with lower numbers in winter and spring (July to November). Bud production in spring and early summer (September-December) varied greatly and probably contributed to poor flowering, however, even when large numbers of buds occurred very few flowers were produced because of the activities of M. concolor.
The still little known concolor gibbons are represented by 14 taxa (five species, nine subspecies) distributed parapatrically in China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. To set the stage for a phylogeographic study of the genus we examined DNA sequence
据2003年9月至2005年9月,对云南中部无量山大寨子黑长臂猿种群(5个群体)进行了观察,获得了群体大小、配偶体制、繁殖间隔、环境容纳量、死亡率、灾害的发生频率等种群参数,并结合近缘种的一些相关数据,利用旋涡模型(Vortex 914),对无量山大寨子地区黑长臂猿亚种群的动态进行了模拟分析.结果显示:大寨子亚种群是一个具有很强的潜在繁殖力的种群,如果没有偷猎,亚种群在100a之内不会灭绝,并且能迅速达到环境容纳量.但是每年如果有1只成年雄性和1只成年雌性被猎杀,该种群将会在第78年灭绝,且灭绝概率为100%.不同程度的死亡率对种群影响不大,但高死亡率显著延缓了种群到达环境容纳量的时间.环境容纳量对种群遗传多样性损失具有重要的影响,在没有猎杀的情况下,种群的长期存活需要一个较大的环境容纳量.因此,在黑长臂猿受到严格保护、且栖息地主要在保护区内的今天,严密监控火灾的发生,限制牲畜进入林区等人为干扰的影响,保护好黑长臂猿栖息地是首要工作之一.但如果能使其栖息地周围的森林植被得到恢复,增加其栖息范围,将有利于该地区黑长臂猿的发展.
黑长臂猿通常在上午鸣叫, 多数发生在9:30分以前, 鸣叫起始时间具季节性变化。黑长臂猿平均每两天鸣叫一次, 日鸣叫发生频次在50%左右, 鸣叫的发生也随季节而变化。鸣叫的持续时间无群体的差异, 但群体在不同季节鸣叫时间长短不一, 一个群体的鸣叫并未引起其它群体的鸣叫。