674 resultados para Psychological needs support


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Proponents of Basic Needs Theory (BNT; Deci & Ryan, 2002) contend that the mechanism underpinning psychological well-being is the fulfillment of basic psychological needs with their fulfillment addressed in an independent (Deci & Ryan, 2002) or balanced manner (Sheldon & Niemiec, 2006). The purpose of this investigation was to explore the associations between the fulfillment of basic psychological needs and two forms of psychological well-being, namely hedonic and eudaimonic indices. Employing purposive sampling and a cross-sectional design, collegiate volleyball players (N = 219; nfemales = 127) completed a battery of self-report instruments assessing psychological need satisfaction and well-being toward the mid-to-end portion oftheir competitive season. Aligned with BNT (Deci & Ryan, 2002) tenets and study hypotheses, results demonstrated that basic psychological need fulfillment was associated with psychological well-being in the context of volleyball. Albeit minimal, balanced need fulfillment was generally predictive of well-being indices beyond independent need contributions with suppressor effects noted. In sum, the results of the present investigation generally coincide with previous sport based BNT (e.g., Reinboth & Duda, 2006) and balanced need satisfaction (e.g., Sheldon & Niemiec, 2006) literature. Additional BNT support has been garnished and suggests that the fulfillment of the basic psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness may be targeted as the mechanisms to facilitate athletes' psychological well-being. Along with Ryan and Deci's (2007) recommendations, the outcomes of this investigation highlight the need for further empirical study ofBNT's tenets in the realm of sport including assessments of balanced need satisfaction as well as varied hedonic and eudaimonic indices.


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The purpose of this study was to identify elite triathlon coaches’ beliefs and practices as they pertain to motivating world-class triathletes. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four elite triathlon coaches operating out of three different training groups. Furthermore, the athletes within these groups completed questionnaires assessing their motivational profiles, basic psychological needs, and perceived autonomy support. The interviews were analyzed deductively according to the Motivational Model of the Coach-Athlete Relationship (Mageau & Vallerland, 2003). The data revealed that coaches predominantly used an autonomy-supportive coaching style while also providing structure and involvement. The coaches emphasized an individualized approach for each athlete to best meet their needs. Athletes’ responses to the questionnaires provide support for the coaches’ philosophies and perceived behaviours. The findings of this study provide valuable direction for elite and developing coaches looking to enhance their communication skills in order to optimize athlete needs and motivation.


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Cette thèse de doctorat a été réalisée grâce à l'appui financier des fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture.


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L’abandon de la carrière chez les enseignants, généralement appelé l’attrition des enseignants dans les écrits scientifiques, a été l’objet de nombreuses études. La connaissance en est assez avancée dans certaines régions du monde, mais très peu de recherches ont étudié cette problématique au Québec. Ainsi, l’objectif principal de ce travail de recherche était d’identifier les facteurs de l’attrition des enseignants au Québec. L’objectif spécifique de cette recherche était d’observer comment ces facteurs influencent la perception des individus et amènent certains d’entre eux à prendre la décision de quitter. Dans le cadre de cette étude qualitative, 26 individus (16 femmes et 10 hommes) ayant récemment quitté l’enseignement ont été rencontrés. Dix participants ont exercé la profession enseignante au niveau primaire et 16 au niveau secondaire. Afin de recueillir les données, le chercheur a procédé à des entrevues de groupe semi-dirigées d’une durée de deux heures. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les facteurs qui influencent l’attrition des enseignants au Québec sont nombreux et variés. Ils sont surtout relatifs aux conditions d’exercice de la profession et les plus souvent mentionnés sont les difficultés liées à la gestion de classe, la précarité du travail, les difficultés dans les relations avec les collègues, la charge de travail et le peu de soutien offert par la direction. Le contexte social et la faible valorisation de la profession enseignante ont aussi été mentionnés. Par ailleurs, le chercheur a analysé la perception qu’avaient les participants de leur expérience de travail à l’aide de la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 2000). Les résultats de cette analyse suggèrent que les participants ne se sentaient pas en mesure de satisfaire leurs besoins psychologiques fondamentaux dans le cadre du travail enseignant.


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Plusieurs interventions visant à améliorer la santé psychologique au travail reposent sur une conceptualisation pathogénique où celle-ci est représentée par une absence d’états psychologiques négatifs (Randall & Nielsen, 2010). Or, elle représenterait à la fois l’absence d’états négatifs de détresse psychologique au travail et la présence d’états positifs de bien-être psychologique au travail (Gilbert, Dagenais-Desmarais, & Savoie, 2011). Ceci suggère qu’afin de maximiser l’impact des interventions, il serait pertinent d’indiquer aux intervenants des leviers pouvant influencer les volets positifs et négatifs de la santé psychologique au travail. Parmi ces leviers, Gilbert (2009) a identifié les demandes et les ressources au travail. Cependant, les modèles théoriques traitant de l’impact de demandes et de ressources sur des états positifs et négatifs tendent à traiter de ces effets de manière indépendante et aucun ne formule de propositions concernant l’impact potentiel de ces leviers sur un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail (e.g., Job Demand-Control(-Support) de Karasek & Theorell, 1990; Job Demands-Resources de Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). En considérant l’aspect interrelié et distinct de la facette positive et négative de la santé psychologique au travail, la présente thèse vise donc à explorer la dynamique entre les demandes, les ressources et un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail. Pour ce faire, un article théorique et un article empirique sont présentés. L’article théorique intègre différentes théories afin d’apporter un éclairage sur l’incidence des demandes et ressources au travail sur un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail, et d’expliquer simultanément l’influence de ces aspects du travail sur les facettes de bien-être et de détresse au travail. Il avance ainsi que, telles que définies par le modèle Job Demand-Resources (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007), les demandes tendraient a davantage représenter des menaces que des défis et auraient alors des effets néfastes sur un état complet de santé psychologique au travail et ses facettes positifs et négatifs. D’autre part, il est suggéré que lorsque les demandes sont élevées, avoir suffisamment de ressources pour se sentir capable de répondre avec succès aux demandes pourrait amener celles-ci à moins représenter des menaces et davantage représenter des défis. Comparativement à une situation où les ressources sont insuffisantes, cette première situation accroîtrait un état complet de santé psychologique au travail, de même que l’intensité de son volet positif, tandis que l’intensité de son volet négatif serait amoindrie. Enfin, il est suggéré que les ressources au travail faciliteraient la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux, ce qui aurait un effet bénéfique sur un état complet de santé psychologique au travail, de même que sur ses facettes. Pour sa part, l’article empirique vise à explorer empiriquement la dynamique entre les demandes, ressources et un état unifié et complet de santé psychologique au travail. Pour ce faire, deux études utilisant des modélisations par équations structurelles sont effectuées. La première utilise un devis transversal et deux échantillons de 302 et 384 enseignants. Elle montre que les demandes et ressources au travail ont une incidence directe respectivement nocive et bénéfique sur la santé psychologique au travail. Cependant, contrairement à ce qui était attendu, les ressources au travail n’auraient pas d’effet modérateur. Ces résultats sont similaires d’un échantillon à l’autre. La seconde étude utilise un devis longitudinal, deux temps de mesure avec une année d’intervalle et un échantillon de 158 enseignants. Suite à une comparaison des relations de causalité normale, inverse et réciproque; elle démontre que la causalité normale serait le type de relation qui expliquerait le mieux les données. Ce constat vient donc renforcer les résultats de l’étude précédente et suggère qu’une diminution des demandes et une augmentation des ressources s’accompagneraient d’une augmentation de la santé psychologique au travail. En explorant théoriquement et empiriquement la dynamique entre les demandes, les ressources et la santé psychologique au travail, la présente thèse offre des bases théoriques novatrices et des bases empiriques solides pour les recherches traitant de demandes et de ressources au travail qui désire étudier un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail, et considérer l’aspect distinct et interdépendant de ses facettes positives et négatives. En pratique, une telle approche permettrait aux décideurs de plus facilement identifier les leviers sur lesquels il importe d’investir pour maximiser la santé psychologique, car cette dernière serait représentée par un critère unique plutôt que plusieurs critères séparés (Mihalopoulos, Carter, Pirkis, & Vos, 2013).


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This study aims to compare a psychological evaluation test to classical psychoanalysis in infertile women. Two hundred women were submitted to the Psychological Evaluation Test (PET). The sum of the scores for the responses ranged from 15 to 60 points, with scores 30 points being defined as 'psycho-emotional maladjustment' (cut-off point: median + 25%). For comparison, the patients were simultaneously submitted to a psychological examination by a psychologist, who was unaware of the PET results. of the 200 patients, 66 (33%) presented a test with greater than or equal to30 points ('psycho-emotional maladjustment') and 134 (67%) a test with <30 points (normal). Upon psychological examination, 105 (52.5%) presented an abnormal evaluation and 95 (47.5%) a normal evaluation. For the PET, statistical analysis showed 82% efficiency, 62% sensitivity, 98% positive predictive value, 99% specificity, 70% negative predictive value, likelihood ratio for a positive test result 62, and likelihood ratio for negative test result 0.38. The PET proved to be a useful clinical instrument, being of help in the selection of patients with psychological needs induced by infertility.


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According to Self-determination Theory (SDT), there are only three psychological needs - competence, autonomy and relatedness - truly fundamental and essential for human being?s health and well-being, which can be satisfied by individuals while engaging in a wide variety of behaviors that may differ among individuals and be differentially manifest in different cultures. However, a number of questions have been raised about SDT?s contention that there are only those three basic psychological needs. The present study discusses the possibility that the security need should be considered as a basic need and its relation to the accepted three basic psychological needs. Using the Cultural Theory framework the degree of satisfaction of the basic needs, depending on the type of culture, is also presented.


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A pesar de los innegables beneficios físicos y psicosociales que la práctica de actividad física tiene para la población en las últimas décadas se observa un importante descenso en el nivel de práctica de actividad física durante la adolescencia. La Educación Física (EF) es una asignatura presente en las primeras etapas educativas de los currículums de todos los países y supone para la población infantil y adolescente, durante el periodo de escolarización obligatoria, un entorno de contacto cotidiano con la actividad física y deportiva lo que explica el creciente interés que existe por investigar en este contexto y extraer conclusiones que puedan ayudar a revertir el proceso de progresivo abandono de la práctica en estas edades. El presente trabajo se centra en un periodo, la adolescencia, especialmente sensible al abandono de la práctica de actividad física. Apoyándonos en tres de los marcos teóricos más importantes de los últimos años - Teoría de Metas de Logro, Teoría de la Autodeterminación y Teoría del Flow - hemos realizado un diseño con tres estudios complementarios que nos permitan avanzar en el conocimiento de las variables que afectan a esta realidad. En el primero de los estudios, en el que participaron 3990 estudiantes de EF de España, Argentina, Colombia y Ecuador con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 18 años, se fijaron como objetivos el establecimiento de perfiles motivacionales en estudiantes de EF considerando las orientaciones motivacionales, la motivación intrínseca y el flow disposicional; la comprobación de la posible estabilidad de los perfiles establecidos en cuatro países diferentes; y el análisis de la relación entre los perfiles motivacionales establecidos con la práctica de actividad física realizada en la actualidad y la intención de ser activo en el futuro. Los resultados revelaron la existencia de tres perfiles motivacionales en los estudiantes: perfil de motivación baja-moderada, perfil de motivación de alta motivación con bajo ego y perfil de alta motivación. Se encontraron similitudes en los perfiles motivacionales obtenidos en los cuatro países analizados, sugiriéndose la posibilidad de que la lengua materna compartida pueda ser una variable de influencia en la existencia de patrones conductuales similares. La orientación al ego resultó ser un elemento diferenciador en la relación de los dos perfiles que mostraron niveles más altos de motivación intrínseca, flow disposicional y orientación a la tarea con las variables de práctica. Mayores niveles de orientación al ego determinaron mayores valores de práctica e intención de práctica. En el segundo estudio, en el que participaron 365 estudiantes de EF de España, Argentina y Colombia con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 16 años, se testó un modelo explicativo de la intención de ser físicamente activo en el futuro en estudiantes de EF poco motivados introduciendo el flow disposicional como variable explicativa junto a las orientaciones motivacionales y la motivación intrínseca. El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales testado muestra que tanto la orientación al ego como la orientación a la tarea y la motivación intrínseca predijeron el flow disposicional. No se encontró un efecto significativo de la orientación a la tarea sobre la motivación intrínseca, ni de esta sobre la intención de práctica de AFD en el futuro. El flow disposicional resultó ser un mediador entre ambas orientaciones motivacionales y dicha intención, adquiriendo un papel relevante en la predicción de la intención de realizar actividad física en el futuro en los sujetos con poca motivación hacia la clase de EF. En el último estudio, con una muestra de 53 estudiantes de EF pertenecientes a dos clases de segundo curso de ESO con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 15 años, se analizó el efecto de una intervención de apoyo a las NPB sobre la satisfacción de las mismas, la motivación intrínseca, la disposición a experimentar flow y la intención de ser físicamente activo en el futuro; estudiándose también el efecto de la misma sobre ciertas variables presentes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje tales como la diversión, el aprendizaje y el gusto hacia el contenido y la metodología empleada. La intervención resultó efectiva en la mejora de todas las variables motivacionales analizadas a excepción de la satisfacción de la necesidad de relaciones sociales, variable que podría ser más difícilmente modificable en tanto que los grupos de clase suelen permanecer estables a lo largo de esta etapa educativa. Los alumnos de la condición experimental presentaron niveles más elevados de diversión, aprendizaje y gusto hacia el contenido y la metodología empleada. ABSTRACT Despite the undeniable physical and psychological benefits that physical activity has on health, a significant drop in the level of physical activity during adolescence has been observed over the last few decades. Physical education (PE) is present in the early stages of educational curricula of all countries, creating an environment in which children and adolescents can maintain daily contact with sport and physical activity during the period of compulsory education. There is thus a growing interest in research within this context, helping to draw conclusions aimed at reversing the progressive decline of physical activity in this age bracket. The work presented here focuses on adolescence – a period particularly sensitive when faced with declining rates of physical activity. Relying on three of the most important recent theoretical frameworks – Achievement Goal Theory, Self-Determination Theory and Flow Theory – we have carried out a design using three complementary studies that allow us to advance the understanding of variables affecting this reality. The first two studies employ a correlational methodology while the third follows a quasi-experimental design. The objectives of the first study, with the participation of 3990 PE students aged 12 to 18 from Spain, Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador, were: a) to establish motivational profiles in physical education students taking into consideration motivational orientations, intrinsic motivation and dispositional flow; b) to check the possible stability of the established profiles in the four countries; and c) to analyze the relationship between motivational profiles and both current levels of physical activity and intention to be physically active in the future. Results revealed the existence of three motivational profiles: low-moderate motivation profile, high motivation and low ego profile and high motivation profile. Similarities were found across the four countries, which presents the possibility that sharing the same mother tongue might influence the existence of similar behavioral patterns. Amongst the profiles that showed the highest levels of intrinsic motivation, dispositional flow and task orientation with practice variables, ego orientation became apparent as a differentiating element. Higher levels of ego orientation correlated with higher levels both in current level of physical activity and intention to be physically active in the future. In the second study, with the participation of 365 PE students aged 12 to 16 from Spain, Argentina and Colombia, an explanatory model of the intention to be physically active within the low-moderate motivation profile was tested, including dispositional flow as an influence variable together with motivational orientations and intrinsic motivation. The structural model equation in the low-moderate motivation profile shows some differences with respect to findings of similar studies using heterogeneous samples in motivational profiles. It was found that ego orientation, task orientation and intrinsic motivation predicted dispositional flow. No significant effects of task orientation on intrinsic motivation, or of intrinsic motivation on intention to be physically active in the future were found. Dispositional flow emerged as a mediator between both motivational orientations and intention, acquiring an important role in the prediction of future intentions to be physically active in adolescents who show low levels of motivation towards physical education. In the last of the three studies, with the participation of 53 PE students drawn from two classes in the second year of secondary education aged 13 to 15, the effect of an intervention to support basic psychological needs was tested against the satisfaction of these needs, intrinsic motivation, disposition to experience flow and intention to be physically active in the future. Alongside this, the aforementioned intervention was tested on certain variables present in the teaching-learning process such as fun, learning and taste for the activity and methodology. Supportive intervention was effective in improving all the motivational variables, except for the satisfaction of the relatedness variable, which may be more difficult to modify as class groups tend to remain stable throughout this educational state. Students in the experimental condition showed higher levels of fun, learning and taste for the content and methodology.


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Objective: To document the course of psychological symptomology, mental health treatment, and unmet psychological needs using caregiver reports in the first 18 months following pediatric brain injury (BI). Method: Participants included 28 children (aged 1-18 years) who were hospitalized at a children's hospital's rehabilitation unit. Caregiver reports of children's psychological symptoms, receipt of mental health treatment, and unmet psychological needs were assessed at one month, six months, 12 months, and 18 months post-BI. Results: Caregivers reported a general increase in psychological symptoms and receipt of mental health treatment over the 18 months following BI; however, there was a substantial gap between the high rate of reported symptoms and low rate of reported treatment. Across all four follow-up time points there were substantial unmet psychological needs (at least 60% of sample). Conclusions: Findings suggest that there are substantial unmet psychological needs among children during the first 18 months after BI. Barriers to mental health treatment for this population need to be addressed.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport experiences and psychological needs satisfaction of Singapore high school athletes who were involved in inter-school competition. A total of 1250 school athletes from 22 sports participated in the study. The athletes were between 13 and 18 years old and had an average of 3 years of experience in school sport (SD=.18). Cluster analysis was employed to identify homogenous groups based on the seven developmental experiences domains of the Youth Experience Survey (YES 2.0; Hansen & Larson, 2005). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether differences existed among the clusters in terms of psychological needs satisfaction (i.e., sense of autonomy, perceived competence and relatedness). The results of the cluster analysis showed that there were different subgroups of athletes with distinct developmental experiences, and they varied in the degree to which their psychological needs were satisfied. Generally, subgroups that had high levels of positive experiences and low levels of negative experiences in sport had better fulfillment of psychological needs. It is important to ensure that policies and programmes are formulated, delivered and monitored effectively to promote positive experiences for youth who are involved in competitive sports.


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O principal objetivo deste estudo foi testar a integração de dois modelos teóricos motivacionais (teoria da autodeterminação e a teoria dos objetivos de realização), com o intuito de analisar o impacto do clima motivacional nas necessidades psicológicas básicas e na perceção de esforço dos atletas. Participaram neste estudo 460 atletas (n = 460), da modalidade de futebol, todos do género masculino, do nível distrital e nacional, das categorias de iniciados, juvenis, juniores e seniores, com uma média de idades de 17,42 (SD=4,37) anos. A análise dos dados foi realizada através de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas, nomeadamente, a análise de equações estruturais. Os resultados encontrados suportam a adequação do modelo (S-Bχ² = 171.79; df = 100; p =0.000; S-Bχ²/df = 1.71; SRMR =0.053; TLI = 0.930; CFI = 0.942; RMSEA = 0.042; 90%IC RMSEA = 0.029-0.049), evidenciando que um clima motivacional orientado para a tarefa tem um efeito positivo significativo sobre as necessidades psicológicas básicas, por outro lado, um clima motivacional orientado para o ego tem um efeito positivo mas não significativo sobre as necessidades psicológicas básicas. Por sua vez, as necessidades psicológicas básicas apresentam um efeito positivo e significativo sobre a perceção de esforço dos atletas.


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Tendo por base a teoria da autodeterminação, este estudo objetiva a análise do papel mediador da perceção de satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas na relação entre a perceção de suporte de autonomia dado pelo instrutor de fitness e indicadores de bem-estar psicológico, em praticantes de exercício. Participaram neste estudo 984 praticantes de fitness em ginásios, de ambos os géneros (531 femininos; 453 masculinos), com idades compreendidas entre os 16 e os 70 anos (M= 31.7; SD= 11.2). Todos os praticantes foram avaliados ao nível da sua perceção de suporte de autonomia dado pelo instrutor de fitness, perceção de satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas (competência, autonomia e relação) e bem-estar psicológico (vitalidade subjetiva, satisfação com a vida e autoestima global). Os resultados obtidos, com recurso à análise de equações estruturais, corroboram o papel mediador das necessidades psicológicas básicas na relação entre a perceção de suporte de autonomia e o bem-estar psicológico. Estes resultados clarificam o mecanismo de promoção do bem-estar psicológico em praticantes de exercício, auxiliando no processo de delineamento de intervenções futuras no contexto do fitness com este propósito.


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Women have traditionally not attained the position of secondary school principal as frequently as their male counterparts. Research in the field of motivation theory suggests the significance and impact of gender on career paths. Theorists and researchers believe that women face an orientation to life that is different than men. Some see the principalship as satisfying different values and working toward some psychological needs. ^ In this study, two hypotheses were used to explore whether substantive differences existed between men and women with regard to factors that motivate secondary school administrators to become principals in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The administrators were surveyed during meetings held with them at Region meetings. Participants were asked to rate the motivation factors on a 7-point Likert Scale (1-strongly disagree to 7-strongly agree) and to rank the motivation factors (1-most important to 10-least important) that might discourage one from becoming a principal as well as those that might encourage one to retire from the principalship; and to identify motivation factors that most influenced their decision to become a school administrator. Two hundred twenty-six surveys were returned.^ Quantitative data were collected to measure differences between men and women with respect to their motivation to seek the principalship in terms of their ratings on the Motivation Factors Survey. Based upon a Factor Analysis, four factors (intrinsic satisfiers, extrinsic satisfiers, principalship challenges and job values) were identified. A MANOVA using the factors as dependent variables revealed that, as predicted by research and theory, women were significantly more likely than men to be motivated by intrinsic satisfiers and job values. In support of this finding, open-ended responses to the survey revealed that men found extrinsic satisfiers to be of greater importance than intrinsic satisfiers. ^


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport experiences and psychological needs satisfaction of Singapore high school athletes who were involved in inter-school competition. A total of 1250 school athletes from 22 sports participated in the study. The athletes were between 13 and 18 years old and had an average of 3 years of experience in school sport (SD=.18). Cluster analysis was employed to identify homogenous groups based on the seven developmental experiences domains of the Youth Experience Survey (YES 2.0; Hansen & Larson, 2005). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether differences existed among the clusters in terms of psychological needs satisfaction (i.e., sense of autonomy, perceived competence and relatedness). The results of the cluster analysis showed that there were different subgroups of athletes with distinct developmental experiences, and they varied in the degree to which their psychological needs were satisfied. Generally, subgroups that had high levels of positive experiences and low levels of negative experiences in sport had better fulfillment of psychological needs. It is important to ensure that policies and programmes are formulated, delivered and monitored effectively to promote positive experiences for youth who are involved in competitive sports.