725 resultados para Psychiatric-symptoms
Background: The main aims of the study were to assess psychological morbidity among adults nine months after a car bomb explosion in the town of Omagh, Northern Ireland and to identify predictors of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Method: A questionnaire was sent to all adults in households in The Omagh District Council area. The questionnaire comprised established predictors of PTSD (such as pre-trauma personal characteristics, type of exposure, initial emotional response and long-term adverse physical or financial problems), predictors derived from the Ehlers and Clark (2000) cognitive model, a measure of PTSD symptoms and the General Health Questionnaire.
Results: Among respondents (n = 3131) the highest rates of PTSD symptoms and probable casesness (58.5%) were observed among people who were present in the street when the bomb exploded but elevated rates were also observed in people who subsequently attended the scene (21.8% probable caseness) and among people for whom someone close died (11.9%). People with a near miss (left the scene before the explosion) did not show elevated rates. Exposure to the bombing increased PTSD symptoms to a greater extent than general psychiatric symptoms. Previously established predictors accounted for 42% of the variance in PTSD symptoms among people directly exposed to the bombing. Predictors derived from the cognitive model accounted for 63%.
Conclusions: High rates of chronic PTSD were observed in individuals exposed to the bombing. Psychological variables that are in principle amenable to treatment were the best predictors of PTSD symptoms. Teams planning treatment interventions for victims of future bombings and other traumas may wish to take these results into account.
O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo, estudar a relação entre a presença de vulnerabilidade para a manifestação de sintomatologia psiquiátrica e a sua relação com a capacidade para o trabalho e, como objetivo secundário, estudar o impacto da função cognitiva executiva na capacidade para o trabalho. Os problemas de saúde mental são comuns na população em geral, sendo estimado que uma em cada cinco pessoas pode apresentar sintomatologia de algum distúrbio mental ao longo de um ano. Por seu lado, a doença mental apresenta um impacto bastante significativo ao nível do absentismo laboral, tendo como consequência um custo bastante significativo ao nível do desempenho laboral (produtividade), bem como ao nível da saúde física e mental (Wu, Chi, Chen, Wang & Jin, 2009). O excessivo Stress Ocupacional experienciado pelos trabalhadores tem sido fortemente associado com o aparecimento de doenças e prejuízo da saúde mental interferindo na sua capacidade para o trabalho, produtividade, bem estar e qualidade de vida. A uma amostra de 125 trabalhadores foram aplicadas as escalas WAI (escala de índice de capacidade para o trabalho), BSI (Inventário de sintomas psicopatológicos) e o ESI (Inventário de Externalização versão reduzida) e, numa subamostra de 30 trabalhadores, foram aplicados os testes neuropsicológicos pela seguinte ordem: CAT (Halstead Category Test), WCST (Wisconci Card Sort), e a TH (Tower of Hanoi). Foram confirmadas todas as hipóteses do estudo o que sugere que existe, de facto, uma relação entre a presença de vulnerabilidade para manifestação de sintomatologia psiquiátrica com a capacidade para o trabalho e, também, que as funções executivas manifestam grande impacto na capacidade para o trabalho. Assim, a implementação de um programa de promoção para o trabalho e prevenção de risco nos trabalhadores torna-se crucial para o aumento da produtividade dos trabalhadores e, consequentemente, da própria organização.
BACKGROUND: The number of nonagenarians and centenarians is rising dramatically, and many of them live in nursing homes. Very little is known about psychiatric symptoms and cognitive abilities other than memory in this population. This exploratory study focuses on anosognosia and its relationship with common psychiatric and cognitive symptoms. METHODS: Fifty-eight subjects aged 90 years or older were recruited from geriatric nursing homes and divided into five groups according to Mini-Mental State Examination scores. Assessment included the five-word test, executive clock-drawing task, lexical and categorical fluencies, Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and Charlson Comorbidity Index. RESULTS: Subjects had moderate cognitive impairment, with mean ± SD Mini-Mental State Examination being 15.41 ± 7.04. Anosognosia increased with cognitive impairment and was associated with all cognitive domains, as well as with apathy and agitation. Subjects with mild global cognitive decline seemed less anosognosic than subjects with the least or no impairment. Neither anosognosia nor psychopathological features were related to physical conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Anosognosia in oldest-old nursing home residents was mostly mild. It was associated with both cognitive and psychopathological changes, but whether anosognosia is causal to the observed psychopathological features requires further investigation.
Contexte Les troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances psychoactives (TUS) sont associés à une variété de troubles psychiatriques entre autre une instabilité comportementale et affective. Plusieurs études suggèrent que les antipsychotiques atypiques peuvent être utiles dans le traitement de la toxicomanie. L’objectif principal de la présente étude à devis ouvert est d’évaluer l’efficacité de la quétiapine sur les variables reliés à la toxicomanie chez des poly-toxicomanes sans psychose comorbide entrant en désintoxication. Méthodes Dans le cadre d’une étude pharmacologique à devis ouvert d’une durée de 12 semaines, trente-trois polytoxicomanes entrant en désintoxication et répondant à un ou plusieurs critères d’abus/dépendance à une substance du DSM-IV ont été recrutés. Les patients présentant un autre trouble comorbide à l’Axe I ont été exclus. Les envies de consommer, les quantités consommées, les jours de consommation ainsi que la sévérité de la toxicomanie ont été évalués au point de départ (semaine 0) et à la fin de l’étude (semaine 12). Les symptômes psychiatriques et dépressifs furent aussi évalués. Résultats 26 des 33 patients complétèrent plus de 9 semaines de traitement. Les résultats relatifs à la dernière observation reportée (LOCF) ont montré une amélioration significative des envies de consommer, des quantités consommées, des jours de consommation, de la sévérité de la toxicomanie et des symptômes psychiatriques et dépressifs. Conclusions Nos résultats ne peuvent être attribués en soi aux effets pharmacologiques de la quétiapine, et ce compte tenu d’abord du type d’étude à devis ouvert à laquelle nous avons procédée, ainsi que le petit nombre de sujets impliqués et enfin le fait que les participants étaient impliqués dans une thérapie intensive. Ceci dit, nos résultats suggèrent quand même que la quétiapine peut être bénéfique dans le traitement des toxicomanes entrant en désintoxication. Des études randomisées sont de mises pour déterminer la pertinence de ces résultats.
Le facteur le plus important de pronostic de l'asthme professionnel (AP) est la durée des symptômes avant le retrait de lʼexposition à lʼagent causant lʼAP. La qualité de vie réduite, la détresse psychologique et les maladies psychiatriques sont des conditions souvent associées à l'AP. Notre objectif était d'identifier les facteurs, incluant le statut socioéconomique, qui ont une influence sur lʼintervalle de temps nécessaire pour présenter une requête à une agence médicolégale à la suite de lʼapparition de symptômes dʼasthme et de confirmer qu'un tel délai est associé à un moins bon pronostic respiratoire et à des coûts directs plus élevés. En outre, nous avons examiné la relation entre les variables cliniques et socio-économiques dʼune part et leur influence sur les facteurs psychologiques et économiques dʼautre part chez des travailleurs atteints d'AP. Ensuite, nous avons voulu évaluer si les individus souffrant de détresse psychologique (DP) et de morbidité psychiatrique pourraient être identifiés en utilisant un instrument mesurant la qualité de vie (QV). Lʼétude a été effectuée auprès dʼindividus ayant déposé des demandes d'indemnisation pourʼAP auprès du Commission de la sécurité et de la santé du travail du Québec (CSST). Les données ont été recueillies au moment de la réévaluation, soit environ deux ans et demi après le diagnostic. Outre la collecte des marqueurs cliniques de l'asthme, les individus ont été soumis à une évaluation générale de leur histoire sociodémographique et médicale, à une brève entrevue psychiatrique (évaluation des soins primaires des troubles mentaux, PRIME-MD) et à un ensemble de questionnaires, incluant le Questionnaire sur la qualité de vie - AQLQ(S), le Questionnaire respiratoire de St. George (SGRQ) et le Psychiatric Symptom Index (PSI).Soixante personnes ont été incluses dans l'étude. Etre plus âgé, avoir un revenu supérieur à 30 000$ CA etêtre atteint dʼAP dû à un allergène de haut poids moléculaire ont une association positive avec le nombre dʼannées dʼexposition avec symptômes avant le retrait. Au cours de la période de suivi, le nombre dʼannées dʼexposition avec symptômes était plus grand chez les individus ayant une hyperréactivité bronchique persistante. Par ailleurs, la présence de symptômes au poste de travail pendant moins d'un an est associée à une réduction des coûts directs. Les paramètres de QV et de DP avaient des corrélations modérées avec les marqueurs cliniques de lʼAP. Les plus fortes associations avec ces variables ont pu être observées dans les cas de la sévérité de l'asthme, des statuts dʼemploi et matrimonial, du revenu et de la durée de la période de travail avec l'employeur. Un seuil de 5,1 au niveau de la sous-échelle de la fonction émotionnelle de lʼAQLQ(S) sʼest avéré avoir la meilleure valeur discriminante pour distinguer les individus avec ou sans détresse psychiatrique cliniquement significative selon le PSI. Nous avons été en mesure d'identifier les variables socio-économiques associées à un intervalle plus long dʼexposition professionnelle en présence de symptômes dʼasthme. De même, une plus longue période d'exposition a été associée à un moins bon pronostic de la maladie et à des coûts de compensation plus élevés. Ces résultats s'avèrent utiles pour la surveillance de lʼAP qui pourrait cibler ces sous-groupes d'individus. La QV et la PS sont fréquemment réduites chez les individus atteints d'AP qui perçoivent une compensation. Elles sont associées à des marqueurs cliniques de lʼasthme et à des facteurs socio-économiques. En outre, nos résultats suggèrent que le questionnaire de lʼAQLQ(S) peut être utilisé pour identifier les individus avec un niveau de détresse psychologique potentiellement significatif.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El 80% de los niños y adolescentes con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) presenta algún trastorno del sueño, en cuya génesis al parecer intervienen alteraciones en la regulación de la melatonina. El objetivo de este metaanálisis fue determinar la eficacia y seguridad de la melatonina para el manejo de ciertos trastornos del sueño en niños con TEA. MÉTODOS: Tres revisores extrajeron los datos relevantes de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados doble ciego de alta calidad publicados en bases de datos primarias, de ensayos clínicos, de revisiones sistemáticas y de literatura gris; además se realizó búsqueda en bola de nieve. Se analizaron los datos con RevMan 5.3. Se realizó un análisis del inverso de la varianza por un modelo de efectos aleatorios para las diferencias de medias de los desenlaces propuestos: duración del tiempo total, latencia de sueño y número de despertares nocturnos. Se evaluó la heterogeneidad interestudios con el parámetro I2 RESULTADOS: La búsqueda inicial arrojó 355 resultados, de los cuales tres cumplieron los criterios de selección. La melatonina resultó ser un medicamento seguro y eficaz para aumentar la duración total del sueño y disminuir la latencia de sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA; hasta el momento la evidencia sobre el número de despertares nocturnos no es estadísticamente significativa. DISCUSIÓN: A la luz de la evidencia disponible, la melatonina es una elección segura y eficaz para el manejo de ciertos problemas del sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA. Es necesario realizar estudios con mayores tamaños muestrales y comparados con otros medicamentos disponibles en el mercado.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: familial dyslexia. Aim: to characterize and compare the phonological awareness, working memory, reading and writing abilities of individuals whose family members are also affected. Method: in this study 10 familial nuclei of natural family relationship of individuals with dyslexia were analyzed. Families of natural individuals living in the west region of the state of São Paulo were selected. Inclusion criteria were: to be a native speaker of the Brazilian Portuguese language, to have 8 years of age or more, to present positive familial history for learning disabilities, That is, to present at least one relative with difficulties in learning. Exclusion criteria were: to present any neurological disorder genetically caused or not, in any of the family members, such as dystonia, extra pyramidal diseases, mental disorder, epilepsy, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHA); psychiatric symptoms or conditions; or any other pertinent conditions that could cause errors in the diagnosis. As for the diagnosis of developmental dyslexia, information about the familial history of the adolescents and children was gathered with the parents, so that a detailed pedigree could be delineated. Neurological, psychological, speech-language, and school performance evaluations were made with the individuals and their families. Results: the results of this study suggest that the dyslexic individuals and their respective relatives, also with dyslexia, presented lower performances than the control group in terms of rapid automatic naming, reading, writing and phonological awareness. Conclusion: deficits in phonological awareness, working memory, reading and writing seem to have genetic susceptibility that possibly determine, when in interaction with the environment, the manifestation of dyslexia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: Neuropsychiatric sequelae are the predominant long-term disability after traumatic brain injury (TBI). This study reports a case of late-onset social anxiety disorder (SAD) following TBI. Case report: A patient that was spontaneous and extroverted up to 18-years-old started to exhibit significant social anxiety symptoms. These symptoms became progressively worse and he sought treatment at age 21. He had a previous history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) at age 17. Neuroimaging investigations (CT, SPECT and MRI) showed a bony protuberance on the left frontal bone, with mass effect on the left frontal lobe. He had no neurological signs or symptoms. The patient underwent neurosurgery with gross total resection of the lesion and the pathological examination was compatible with intradiploic haematoma. Conclusions: Psychiatric symptoms may be the only findings in the initial manifestation of slowly growing extra-axial space-occupying lesions that compress the frontal lobe from the outside. Focal neurological symptoms may occur only when the lesion becomes large. This case report underscores the need for careful exclusion of general medical conditions and TBI history in cases of late-onset SAD and may also contribute to the elucidation of the neurobiology of this disorder.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Neurobehavior Inventory (NBI) in a group of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients from a tertiary care center, correlating its scores with the presence of psychiatric symptoms. Methods: Clinical and sociodemographic data from ninety-six TLE outpatients were collected, and a neuropsychiatric evaluation was performed with the following instruments: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), structured psychiatric interview (MINI-PLUS), Neurobehavior Inventory (NBI), and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). Results: Some traits evaluated by the NBI showed adequate internal consistency (mean inter-item correlation between 0.2 and 0.4) and were frequent, such as religiosity (74%) and repetitiveness (60.4%). Principal component analysis showed three factors, named here as emotions (Factor 1), hyposexuality (Factor 2), and unusual ideas (Factor 3). Depressive symptoms on HAM-D showed a strong association with emotions and hyposexuality factors. When patients with left TLE and right TLE were compared, the former exhibited more sadness (p=0.017), and the latter, a greater tendency toward sense of personal destiny (p=0.028). Conclusion: Depression influences NBI scoring, mainly emotionality and hyposexuality traits. Neurobehavior Inventory subscales can be better interpreted with an appropriate evaluation of comorbid mood and anxiety disorders. Compromise in left temporal mesial structures is associated with increased tendency toward sad affect, whereas right temporal pathology is associated with increased beliefs in personal destiny. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: There is accumulating evidence that the limbic system is pathologically involved in cases of psychiatric comorbidities in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. Our objective was to develop a conceptual framework describing how neuropathological, neurochemical and electrophysiological aspects might contribute to the development of psychiatric symptoms in TLE and the putative neurobiological mechanisms that cause mood disorders in this patient subgroup. Methods: In this review, clinical, experimental and neuropathological findings, as well as neurochemical features of the limbic system were examined together to enhance our understanding of the association between TLE and psychiatric comorbidities. Finally, the value of animal models in epilepsy and mood disorders was discussed. Conclusions: TLE and psychiatric symptoms coexist more frequently than chance would predict. Alterations and neurotransmission disturbance among critical anatomical networks, and impaired or aberrant plastic changes might predispose patients with TLE to mood disorders. Clinical and experimental studies of the effects of seizures on behavior and electrophysiological patterns may offer a model of how limbic seizures increase the vulnerability of TLE patients to precipitants of psychiatric symptoms.
Introduzione:l’interferone (IFN) usato per l’eradicazione del virus dell’Epatite C, induce effetti collaterali anche riferibili alla sfera psichica. I dati sugli eventi avversi di tipo psichiatrico dei nuovi farmaci antivirali (DAA) sono limitati. Lo scopo di questo studio è di valutare lo sviluppo di effetti collaterali di tipo psichiatrico in corso di due distinti schemi di trattamento: IFN-peghilato e ribavirina [terapia duplice (standard o SOC)]; DAA in associazione a IFN-peghilato e ribavirina (terapia triplice). Metodi: pazienti HCV+ consecutivi seguiti presso l’Ambulatorio delle Epatiti Croniche della Semeiotica Medica del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche dell’Università di Bologna in procinto di intraprendere un trattamento antivirale a base di IFN, sottoposti ad esame psicodiagnostico composto da intervista clinica semistrutturata e test autosomministrati: BDI, STAXI-2, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, MMPI – 2. Risultati: Sono stati arruolati 84 pazienti, 57/84 (67.9%) nel gruppo in triplice e 27/84 nel gruppo SOC. Quasi tutti i pazienti arruolati hanno eseguito l’intervista clinica iniziale (82/84; 97.6%), mentre scarsa è stata l’aderenza ai test (valori missing>50%). Ad eccezione dell’ansia, la prevalenza di tutti gli altri disturbi (irritabilità, astenia, disfunzioni neurocognitive, dissonnia) aumentava in corso di trattamento. In corso di terapia antivirale 43/84 (51.2%) hanno avuto bisogno di usufruire del servizio di consulenza psichiatrica e 48/84 (57.1%) hanno ricevuto una psicofarmacoterapia di supporto, senza differenze significative fra i due gruppi di trattamento. Conclusioni : uno degli elementi più salienti dello studio è stata la scarsa aderenza ai test psicodiagnostici, nonostante l’elevata prevalenza di sintomi psichiatrici. I risultati di questo studio oltre ad evidenziare l’importanza dei sintomi psichiatrici in corso di trattamento e la rilevanza della consulenza psicologica e psichiatrica per consentire di portare a termine il ciclo terapeutico previsto (migliorandone l’efficacia), ha anche dimostrato che occorre ripensare gli strumenti diagnostici adattandoli probabilmente a questo specifico target.
A 21-year-old female with Fabry's disease (FD) presented acute psychotic symptoms such as delusions, auditory hallucinations and formal thought disorders. Since the age of 14, she had suffered from various psychiatric symptoms increasing in frequency and intensity. We considered the differential diagnoses of prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia and organic schizophrenia-like disorder. Routine examinations including cognitive testing, electroencephalography and structural magnetic resonance imaging revealed no pathological findings. Additional structural and functional imaging demonstrated a minor CNS involvement of FD, yet without functional limitations. In summary our examination results support the thesis that in the case of our patient a mere coincidence of FD and psychotic symptoms is more likely than a causal connection.