990 resultados para Prunus domestica L.


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The physiological and molecular responses of ripe fruit to wounding were evaluated in two peach (Prunus persica) varieties ('Glohaven', GH, melting and 'BigTop', BT, slow melting nectarine) by comparing mesocarp samples from wedges (as in minimal processing) and whole fruit as the control. Slight differences between the two varieties were detected in terms of ethylene production, whereas total phenol and flavonoid concentrations, and PPO and POD enzyme activities showed a general increase in wounded GH but not in BT. This was associated with the better appearance of the BT wedges at the end of the experimental period (72 h). Microarray (genome-wide ?PEACH3.0) analysis revealed that a total number of 2218 genes were differentially expressed (p < 0.01, log2 fold change expression ratio >1 or <-1) in GH 24 h after wounding compared to the control. This number was much lower (1208) in BT. According to the enrichment analysis, cell wall, plasma membrane, response to stress, secondary metabolic processes, oxygen binding were the GO categories over-represented among the GH up-regulated genes, whereas plasma membrane and response to endogenous stimulus were the categories over-represented among the down-regulated genes. Only 32 genes showed a common expression trend in the two varieties 24 h after wounding, whereas a total of 512 genes (with highly represented transcription factors), displayed opposite behavior. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis confirmed the microarray data for 18 out of a total of 20 genes selected. Specific WRKY, AP2/ERF and HSP20 genes were markedly up-regulated in wounded GH, indicating the activation of regulatory and signaling mechanisms probably related to different hormone categories. Compared to BT, the expression of specific genes involved in phenylpropanoid and triterpenoid biosynthetic pathways showed a more pronounced induction in GH, highlighting the difference between the two peach varieties in terms of molecular responses to wounding in the mesocarp tissue.


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Issued June 1976.


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An experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 with three newly introduced cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), namely “Antonio Errani”, “Tirynthos” and “Ninfa” to study their performance and adaptability under Egyptian conditions. Results indicated that calculating the chilling hours temperature at or below 15°C was more suitable than temperatures at or below 7.2°C and 10°C. The cultivar with a low chilling requirement started with the opening of vegetative and flower buds earlier when compared to other cultivars. Furthermore, the cultivar Ninfa required less heat units as compared to the other two cultivars. Thus, the accumulated growing degree-days (GDDs) from the time of the flower bud break l until fruit maturity was low in early matured Ninfa cultivar. However, Antonio Errani and Tirynthos cultivars were late in the date of fruit ripening. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the opening percentage of vegetative and flower buds, trunk circumference, fruit drop, fruit number and yield weight among cultivars during the two seasons. Conversely, the leaf drop of Antonio Errani cultivar was earlier while Ninfa cultivar started it’s leaf drop later in the two seasons. Tirynthos gave the highest fruit weight, fruit size and fruit surface lightness. Meanwhile, the Antonio Errani cultivar was the highest in fruit firmness and total soluble solids. The appearance and behavior of cultivars under the study varied from one season to another with shoot length, leaf area, percentage of fruit set and acidity. It can be recommended from the present study that, Antonio Errani, Tirynthos and Ninfa cultivars are well adapted under Egyptian conditions. Further, fruits from the cultivars mature early and late in the season and can fulfill the demands of the market.


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The exocarp, or skin, of fleshy fruit is a specialized tissue that protects the fruit, attracts seed dispersing fruit eaters, and has large economical relevance for fruit quality. Development of the exocarp involves regulated activities of many genes. This research analyzed global gene expression in the exocarp of developing sweet cherry (Prunus avium L., 'Regina'), a fruit crop species with little public genomic resources. A catalog of transcript models (contigs) representing expressed genes was constructed from de novo assembled short complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences generated from developing fruit between flowering and maturity at 14 time points. Expression levels in each sample were estimated for 34 695 contigs from numbers of reads mapping to each contig. Contigs were annotated functionally based on BLAST, gene ontology and InterProScan analyses. Coregulated genes were detected using partitional clustering of expression patterns. The results are discussed with emphasis on genes putatively involved in cuticle deposition, cell wall metabolism and sugar transport. The high temporal resolution of the expression patterns presented here reveals finely tuned developmental specialization of individual members of gene families. Moreover, the de novo assembled sweet cherry fruit transcriptome with 7760 full-length protein coding sequences and over 20 000 other, annotated cDNA sequences together with their developmental expression patterns is expected to accelerate molecular research on this important tree fruit crop.


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以‘早久保’(Prunus persica (L.) Batch.)为试材,在果实最后迅速生长期,通过去果处理降低库力,同时设留果对照,并通过环剥和保留相同数量叶片严格控制库源关系,进行了源叶净光合速率(Pn)、叶绿素荧光、叶黄素循环、抗氧化酶及抗氧化同化物日变化的研究。结果表明,和留果对照相比,去果处理显著降低了源叶Pn、气孔导度(gs)和蒸腾速率(E),但显著增加了胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)、叶面饱和蒸汽压亏缺(VPDl和叶片温度(Tl。光系统II光化学效率(ΦPSII)以及羧化速率(CE)与Pn平行降低。中午去果降低Pn主要归因于非气孔限制。在低库需条件下,开放的PSII反应中心捕获能量的降低以及关闭的PSII反应中心的增加导致了ΦPSII的降低。去果处理叶片中依赖于叶黄素循环的热耗散以及抗氧化系统的上调保护叶片免受光氧化破坏。和留果对照相比,去果处理的叶片有更大的叶黄素循环库,更高的脱环氧化状态以及更高的抗氧化酶活性,包括超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、单脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(MDAR)和脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)的活性以及更高的还原型抗坏血酸(AsA)和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)的含量。但与此同时,去果显著增加了过氧化氢(H2O2)以及丙二醛(MDA)的含量,这意味着在去果处理的叶片中可能会发生光氧化破坏。 以一年生‘皇家嘎拉’苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)组培苗为试材,通过环剥降低库力,进行了源叶Pn、叶绿素荧光、核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/氧化酶(Rubisco)以及光系统II(PSII)复合体关键蛋白PsbA和PsbO含量日变化的研究。和对照相比,环剥显著降低了源叶Pn、gs和E,但是却显著增加了Ci、Tl淀粉的含量。在低库需下,开放的PSII反应中心捕获能量的降低以及关闭的PSII反应中心的增加导致了ΦPSII的降低。另一方面,环剥降低了光合作用关键酶Rubisco以及PSII复合体PsbA和放氧复合体PsbO的含量。以上结果表明,环剥降低Pn主要归因于非气孔限制。


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Para avaliar o potencial de enraizamento de estacas de ramos lenhosos e semilenhosos de cultivares de ameixeira (Carmesin, Gema de Ouro, Januária e Reubennel), utilizou-se aplicação exógena de ácido indolbutírico (IBA) em diferentes concentrações (0; 1000; 2000 e 3000mg L-1). O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) (Lavras-MG), em 1997. Após os tratamentos, as estacas foram plantadas em areia lavada e colocadas em casa de sombreamento (lenhosas) e em casa de vegetação (semilenhosas) para enraizar. Foram avaliadas as variáveis porcentagem de enraizamento, número e comprimento de raízes. As maiores porcentagens de enraizamento foram obtidas com estacas semilenhosas da cultivar Januária (54,62%). A aplicação de IBA favoreceu o enraizamento, a formação de maior número de raízes e o comprimento de raízes nas estacas semilenhosas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The thermal properties of plums (Prunus domestica) and prunes were investigated in the moisture content of 14.2-80.4% (wet basis) near room temperature (approximately 28 degrees C). The apparent density of the fruits increased from 1042.9 to 1460.0 kg/m(3), and the bulk density increased from 706.6 to 897.5 kg/m(3) as the plums were dried, following classical empirical models as a function of moisture content. It was found that specific heat, effective thermal diffusivity, and effective thermal conductivity of the prunes increased with the moisture content of the samples, which can be represented by using different empirical models.


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Dispersal, establishment and survival were studied in a population of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. growing on an isolated tree (Prunus blireiana L.) at a site in North Seattle, U.S.A. Lichen propagules were trapped daily on adhesive strips pinned to various sites on the tree over a period of 36 days. Both soredia and fragments were deposited on the strips, particularly on the upper branches of the tree, with soredia being considerably more numerous than fragments. Daily variation in total soredia deposited did not correlate with 10 climatic variables including wind speed, relative humidity and average temperature. Establishment and survival of propagules were studied by introducing soredia and fragments into various sites on the bark and by observing the distribution of small thalli in different microsites. Microtopography of bark significantly influenced establishment and survival. Survival was poor on smooth bark compared with survival on algal or lichen crusts and on rough bark. Survival of soredia did not vary significantly at different locations on the tree. It is likely that colonization of the tree by H. physodes occurs largely by soredia. Colonization appears to be limited more by the range of dispersal over the tree than by differential survival over different parts of the tree.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 25 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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毛桃(Prunus persica (L.) Batsch)是我国普遍裁培的一种果树。在桃树致病或受伤处会有桃胶(Peach gum)分泌。在一般情况下,天然桃胶是很难溶于水的,因此限制了它的使用。本文首次通过碱溶后,以快速沉淀的方法来降低桃胶的局部结晶度,使得桃胶能较顺利地溶解于冷水中。并提出了由于桃胶对金属镁的强络合作用而影响了桃树的正常生长这一推测。 桃胶经碱溶纯化制得钠型胶,再用阳离子交换树脂处理得氢型胶。用不同的方法处理桃胶后,桃胶红外光谱的结构特征吸收方才显示出来。钠型胶具840Cm-1的红外吸收;氢型胶具890Cm-1、1730cm-1的红外吸收;甲基化后的桃胶具810Cm-1、870Cm-1、890Cm-1的红外吸收。桃胶的比旋光度为负值。核磁共振证明桃胶多糖中,α-和β-甙键共存。碱溶纯化的桃胶多糖经凝胶色谱和超速离心证明为单一物质。 桃胶多糖不具还原性。经气相层析和比色法分析,桃胶中D-葡萄糖醛酸(包括4-甲氧基-D-葡萄糖醛酸)、D-半乳糖、D-木糖、D-甘露糖、L-阿拉伯糖、L-鼠李糖含量分别为10%、30%、11%、1.3%、45%、2%。18C-NMR和甲基化分析,证明桃胶大分子链是高度支链化的。且阿拉伯糖和半乳糖在大分子结构中有呋喃环和吡喃环两种形式共存。桃胶按物理性状,可分为两种。它们仅仅是在分子量和水溶液中的粘度不同,分子量( Mw)为342.9万和416.9万,特性粘度(η)为0.425dl/g和0.866dl/g。但在化学成分及结构特征上是相似的。以甘油为增塑剂,能增加桃胶成膜后的柔韧性。


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本文以桃(Prunus persica L. cv. Bayuecui.)栽培种‘八月脆’和芒果(Mangifera indica L.)栽培种‘圣心’为材料,研究外源草酸对采后果实的生理生化效应及其作用机理,为果实贮藏保鲜提供新方法。采后桃果实用1、5 mM的草酸溶液浸果10 min,以浸水10 min为对照,然后在常温下贮藏,测定果实在贮藏期间对草酸处理的一些生理生化反应。芒果经采后杀菌剂(post- P)、采后草酸(post-OA)、采前+采后草酸(pre-OA + post-OA)、采前Ca + 采后草酸处理(pre-Ca + post-OA)处理,以采后浸水为对照,然后分别将果实在常温(25 C)、低温(14 C)和控制性气调(3% CO2 + 2% O2 ,14 ± 1 C)下贮藏,测定草酸处理对芒果的成熟进程、病情发展及其相关生理指标的影响。研究结果表明如下: 1.与对照相比,草酸处理的桃果实在贮藏期间果实的电解质渗漏量和呼吸速率降低、果实硬度高、果实的抗氧化酶(超氧化物岐化酶、SOD;过氧化物酶,POD;过氧化氢酶、CAT;抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、APX)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性提高、脂氧合酶(LOX)活性降低。同时,在贮藏后期,果实的活性氧自由基(ROS)产量(超氧阴离子、O2.;过氧化氢、H2O2)和丙二醛(MDA)含量降低。草酸的这些生理效应有利于保持膜的完整性和延缓桃果实的成熟;草酸诱导POD、SOD、PPO活性可能有助于提高采后果实的抗病性。 2.外源5、10 mM浓度的草酸(pH值中和或不中和)对芒果炭疽病原菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)孢子萌发和菌丝生长均表现出显著的抑制作用。这种作用不仅与草酸降低培养基(PDA)的pH值相关,而且与草酸独特的化学特性相关。 3.在常温、低温和控制性气调贮藏下,采后草酸、采前 + 采后草酸、采前Ca + 采后草酸处理均能有效减缓芒果果实的软化速率,延缓芒果的成熟进程,降低芒果的病情指数,同时改善芒果成熟时的表皮着色,对果实完全后熟时的可溶性固形物(SSC)、可滴定酸(TA)含量、果肉口感均没有产生负面的影响。 4.草酸处理增强芒果细胞膜的稳定性,诱导提高芒果抗氧化酶活性,特别是提高果皮SOD、APX活性,降低LOX活性,以及降低果皮O2.、H2O2 和果肉H2O2含量,抑制采后果实的乙烯生物合成。这些生理生化效应与延缓芒果的成熟衰老和提高果实的抗病性相关。 5. 采后草酸、采前 + 采后草酸和采前Ca + 采后草酸处理表现出高效低廉、无毒无副作用、易操作等优点,是芒果采后贮藏保鲜的可供选、具有实际应用前景的新方法。


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Sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) ‘Sweetheart’ were harvested at different production regions from Portugal (Cova da Beira and Portalegre) and Spain (Valle de Jerte). Cherries were harvested at their commercial maturation according to the empirical knowledge of external color corresponding to good quality. Fruits were stored and evaluated in order to study their quality on the harvest day and during a period of 21 days, at cold storage (1 ºC, 95% RH). The sweet cherry ‘Sweetheart’ is a well-known variety and a highly appreciated one but fruits present a short shelf life. On the other hand the effect of different “terroir” on cherry characteristics should be known and clarified. Fruits from day 0, considered without storage, were kept at 20ºC and analyzed. Every weak, 3 replicas were randomly picked up and 10 fruits from each one were submitted to several analyses after fruit temperature stabilized at 20ºC. Several quality parameters were evaluated: external colour (L*, a*, b*), texture, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and the ratio between soluble solid contents (SSC) and tritratable acidity (TA). Fruits from different orchards and locations were significantly different according to these parameters. Fruits from Cova da Beira were less firm comparing with other two regions, Valle de Jerte and Portalegre, which may indicate a higher maturation rate at harvest in those fruits. This is in accordance with SSC/titratable acidity rate suggesting a late harvest in Cova da Beira comparing with other two orchards, however fruits from Cova da Beira exhibit a poor color at harvest. These results clearly showed a lower correlation between SSC and firmness considering fruits origin.