996 resultados para Prova de carga dinamica
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of specimen size, in comparison with the ISO Standard, on the three point flexural strength of resin composite restorative materials Filtek Supreme and Filtek Z-250. Forty specimens were fabricated for each material with the following length, width and thickness measurements (n = 10): 1) 20 × 2 × 2 mm (ISO 4049); 2) 10 × 2 × 1 mm; 3) 10 × 1 × 1 mm; 4) 8 × 0.8 × 0.8 mm. The composites were inserted in a single increment into two-piece metal device and light-polymerized. The specimens were dry stored at 37 ± 1 °C and protected from light for 7 days. After this period, flexural strength was measured by three-point flexure test using MTS 810 equipment, with a load cell of 10 kN at a speed of 0.5 mm/min. For the evaluated sizes, the results showed significant variability (p = 0.00) with values when compared with the ISO Standard (116.700 MPa), being statistically higher for the test specimens measuring 10 × 1 × 1 mm (142.530 MPa), similar for those of 10 × 2 × 1 mm (115.815 MPa) and lower for those of 8 × 0.8 × 0.8 mm (86.650 MPa). There was statistical equality (p = 0.08) for the studied composites (Filtek Supreme, 125.270 MPa; Filtek Z-250, 108.130 MPa). Specimens measuring 10 × 2 × 1 mm provided flexural strength values equivalent to those obtained in the sizes recommended by the ISO 4049 standard, with lower consumption of material, energy and time.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Nella presente tesi viene affrontato il comportamento di materiali granulari sotto carico dinamico. In particolare, viene presentata la sperimentazione di laboratorio seguita presso il Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre dell'Università di Nottingham, la costruzione del box test e le prove dinamiche eseguite sul materiale granulare rinforzato e non.
Nel seguente elaborato si espone l’utilizzo del sistema GPS/INS per la valutazione del moto di un ciclomotore. Tale sistema è composto da sensori GPS ( Global Navigation System ) per la misurazione della posizione, e da sensori INS ( Inertial Navigation System) per la misurazione dell’accelerazione e delle velocità angolari rispetto a tre assi coordinati. Chiaramente le misure di accelerazioni e di velocità angolari da parte dei sensori, presentano dei minimi errori, che però si ripercuotono sul posizionamento finale. Per limitare questo fenomeno e rendere la misura di velocità e posizione utilizzabile, un filtro di Kalman viene impiegato per correggere il risultato dell'integrazione usando le misurazioni del GPS. Il connubio tra il sistema INS e il sistema GPS è molto efficacie anche quando si ha una assenza di ricezione satellitare o perdita parziale dei satelliti (cycle slip). Infine è stato utilizzato uno smartphone sfruttando i sensori in esso presenti : accelerometri, giroscopi, GPS, per analizzare la dinamica di un ciclomotore, concentrandosi sull’assetto in particolar modo l’angolo di rollio. Tale prova è stata affrontata non tanto per validare il sistema GPS/INS, ma per provare una soluzione comoda e di basso costo per analizzare il moto di un ciclomotore.
This work aims to study and investigate the use of a hybrid composite polymer formed with blanket aramid (Kevlar 29) fiber blanket flax fiber and particulate dry endocarp of coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn), using as matrix an epoxy resin based thermoset for use in areas of protective equipment. Besides such material is used an aluminum plate, joined to the composite by means of glue based on epoxy and araldite commercial. The manufacturing process adopted was manual lamination (Hand Lay Up) to manufacture the hybrid composite. After the composite is prepared, an aluminum plate is subjected to pressure and glued to cure the adhesive. Layers of veil will also be used to separate the particulate from the linen blanket layer without disturbing the alignment of the fibers of the blankets. To characterize the mechanical and physical behavior was manufactured a plate of 800 x 600 mm of the hybrid composite, which were removed specimens for tests of water absorption to saturation; density; impact test (Charpy) and two test specimens for ballistic testing 220 mm x 200 mm to make a comparative study between the dry state and saturated water absorption and thus see the ballistic performance of these two conditions. The test was applied to make a comparative study of fracture in these two conditions, caused by penetrating ballistic missile (38 and 380). To test the impact (Charpy) will analyze the absorbed energy, fracture appearance and lateral contraction, also in dry condition and saturation of absorbed water, thereby analyzing situations where the impact load is relevant, such as bumps and shocks produced by stone, metal or wooden bars among others. The proposed configuration, along with the tests, has the purpose, application in the fields of equipment against ballistic impact, such as helmets; bullet proof vests; shields; protective packaging and other items to be identified in this research.
He was obtained and studied the feasibility of using TPA (Tissue Cotton Plan) screen type, for bagging, with a weight of 207.9 g / m2 in a composite of orthophthalic crystal polyester resin matrix. The process for obtaining the composite was tested against the maximum number of layers that could be used without compromising the processability and manufacturing of CPs in compression mold. Five configurations / formulations were selected and tested at 1, 4, 8, 10 and 12 layers of cotton tissue - TPA. TPA was not subjected to chemical treatment, only by passing a mechanical washing process. The composite in its various configurations / formulations was characterized to determine its physical properties. The properties of the composite were higher viability resistance to bending, approaching the matrix and impact resistance, superiority in relation to the polyester resin. Another property that has shown good result compared to other composite has water absorption. Analyzing all the properties set the settings / formulations with higher viability were TA8 and TA10, by combining good processability and higher mechanical strength, with lower loss compared to polyester resin matrix. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior of the resin matrix for all the formulations studied except the impact resistance. The SEM showed a good adhesion between the layers of TPA and polyester resin matrix, without the presence of micro voids in the matrix confirming the efficient manufacturing process of the samples for characterization. The composite proposed proved to be viable for the fabrication of structures with low requests from mechanical stresses, and as demonstrated for the manufacture of solar and wind prototypes, and packaging, shelving, decorative items, crafts and shelves, with good visual appearance.
He was obtained and studied the feasibility of using TPA (Tissue Cotton Plan) screen type, for bagging, with a weight of 207.9 g / m2 in a composite of orthophthalic crystal polyester resin matrix. The process for obtaining the composite was tested against the maximum number of layers that could be used without compromising the processability and manufacturing of CPs in compression mold. Five configurations / formulations were selected and tested at 1, 4, 8, 10 and 12 layers of cotton tissue - TPA. TPA was not subjected to chemical treatment, only by passing a mechanical washing process. The composite in its various configurations / formulations was characterized to determine its physical properties. The properties of the composite were higher viability resistance to bending, approaching the matrix and impact resistance, superiority in relation to the polyester resin. Another property that has shown good result compared to other composite has water absorption. Analyzing all the properties set the settings / formulations with higher viability were TA8 and TA10, by combining good processability and higher mechanical strength, with lower loss compared to polyester resin matrix. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior of the resin matrix for all the formulations studied except the impact resistance. The SEM showed a good adhesion between the layers of TPA and polyester resin matrix, without the presence of micro voids in the matrix confirming the efficient manufacturing process of the samples for characterization. The composite proposed proved to be viable for the fabrication of structures with low requests from mechanical stresses, and as demonstrated for the manufacture of solar and wind prototypes, and packaging, shelving, decorative items, crafts and shelves, with good visual appearance.
This work presents the development and modification of techniques to reduce the effects of load variation and mains frequency deviation in repetitive controllers applied to active power filters. To minimize the effects of aperiodic signals resulting from the connection or disconnection of non-linear loads is developed a technique which recognizes linear and nonlinear loads, and operates to reset the controller only when the error due to the transition of considerable value, and the transition is from non-linear to linear load. An algorithm to adapt the gain of the repetitive controller, based on a sigmoid function adaptation, in order to minimize the effects caused by random noise in the measurement system is also used. This work also analyzes the effects of frequency variation and presents the main methods to cope with this situation. Some solutions are the change in the number of samples per period and the variation of the sampling rate. The first has the advantage of using linear design techniques and results in a time invariant system. The second method changes the sampling frequency and leads to a time variant system that demands a difficult analysis of stability. The proposed algorithms were tested using the methods of truncation of the number of samples and the method of changing the sampling rate of the system to compensate possible frequency variations of the grid. Experimental results are presented to validate the proposal.
Klopfer's differentiation of movement scores, among which inanimate movement integrating the minor movements group, was no doubt opportune and needed. Their peculiar meaning has been clearly stressed and enriched by Piotrowski in his reformulation of Rorschach variables. It is our belief that Rorschach himself would take such step. Our criteria for scoring this determinant are somewhat different of both Klopfer's and Piotrowski's. On the one hand, masks, facial traits, emotional expressions, body parts in motion are not entered there. On the other, we score as such human or animal movement, provided this does not originate in the blot shape directly, but in the subjective reaction against the sensed muscular tension. Basic requirement for this scoring is the kinesthetic component, as for Mever since Rorschach's elaboration; and common trait distinctive for any response to be so scored ? be it an abstraction, an inanimate object, an animal or human being ? must be the subjective way of feeling the movement: (a) intention, blocking, struggle for achieving, for instance, or (b) activity of nature elements. Due to this subjective meaning we use the symbol m'intead of mfor this category. We already find these two kinds (a) and (b) of movement responses in Rorschach's text, respectively in the Examplesand in his posthumous Contribution.Either may point to a flight from emotional stress or to outstanding mental ability.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
This study evaluated the effect of chemical and mechanical surface treatments for cast metal alloys on the bond strength of an indirect composite resin (Artglass) to commercially pure titanium (cpTi). Thirty cylindrical metal rods (3 mm diameter x 60 mm long) were cast in grade-1 cpTi and randomly assigned to 6 groups (n=5) according to the received surface treatment: sandblasting; chemical treatment; mechanical treatment - 0.4 mm beads; mechanical treatment - 0.6 mm beads; chemical/mechanical treatment - 0.4 mm; and chemical/mechanical treatment - 0.6 mm beads. Artglass rings (6.0 mm diameter x 2.0 mm thick) were light cured around the cpTi rods, according manufacturer's specifications. The specimens were invested in hard gypsum and their bond strength (in MPa) to the rods was measured at fracture with a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 2.0 mm/min and 500 kgf load cell. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (a=5%). The surface treatments differed significantly from each other (p<0.05) regarding the recorded bond strengths. Chemical retention and sandblasting showed statistically similar results to each other (p=0.139) and both had significantly lower bond strengths (p<0.05) than the other treatments. In conclusion, mechanical retention, either associated or not to chemical treatment, provided higher bond strength of the indirect composite resin to cpTi.
The present study evaluated the effect of repeated simulated microwave disinfection on physical and mechanical properties of Clássico, Onda-Cryl and QC-20 denture base acrylic resins. Aluminum patterns were included in metallic or plastic flasks with dental stone following the traditional packing method. The powder/liquid mixing ratio was established according to the manufacturer's instructions. After water-bath polymerization at 74ºC for 9 h, boiling water for 20 min or microwave energy at 900 W for 10 min, the specimens were deflasked after flask cooling and finished. Each specimen was immersed in 150 mL of distilled water and underwent 5 disinfection cycles in a microwave oven set at 650 W for 3 min. Non-disinfected and disinfected specimens were subjected to the following tets: Knoop hardness test was performed with 25 g load for 10 s, impact strength test was done using the Charpy system with 40 kpcm, and 3-point bending test (flexural strength) was performed at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α= 0.05%). Repeated simulated microwave disinfections decreased the Knoop hardness of Clássico and Onda-Cryl resins and had no effect on the impact strength of QC-20. The flexural strength was similar for all tested resins.