998 resultados para Protestantismo Brasil


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Since long ago that the religious manifestations are considered important items in various social media. In this sense, we are interested in understanding the strong denominational plurality, and the emergence of new movements / events and forms of Christianity in Brazil, which therefore is a reflection of what happens in the rest of the globalized world. Such interest is covered by the assumption that religiosity and social media are built on mutual and interconnected way, which allows us to understand that social cosmology presents itself as a fertile space privileged and to verify the interactions pertaining to the binomial: religion and society. The Protestantism is divided into three main streams: Historical, Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal. Each current of Protestantism emerged to adapt to social cosmology of historical ages, from the Reformation to the present day, forming institutions with certain ethical and moral stances. In this sense, it is necessary to research and understand how the historical Protestant, Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal were implanted in Brazil. From this we believe to be interesting problematize accurately the following: How have the processes of formation of strands / evangelical movements in Brazil? These movements are still holding their "classic robes" or hybreeding their borders? What are the modulations in the religious transit demonstrate that this probable hybridization? If there is, indeed, a hybridization between the Evangelical means, we can put it is provoked only by a logic of "market of symbolic goods of religion" in the world today? Nowadays, we are experiencing a period of change cosmological, from Modern to Postmodern (caosmolgic). This last is therefore characterized by secularization, the fracture, the mutilation, the diversity of subjectivities. And thinking about is this "spirit of the times" we take as the main its theoretical references of this study, the Italian philosopher and thinker of postmodernity Gianni Vattimo featuring postmodernity with the cosmology of fragile / pensiero debole Thought and post-metaphysical, that is which enhances the appearance of more plural institutions and non-absolute. To do so, he makes use of the philosophies of German, Nietzsche and Heidegger. Finally, it must be said that this grounded theoretical framework, raise the hypothesis that the Protestantism tends to "injure anymore" by the influence of postmodern social episteme, providing thereby the emergence of a new hybrid framework has not yet nominated and can move between the three major currents of world Protestantism, with features in converged aspects of the same.


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Since long ago that the religious manifestations are considered important items in various social media. In this sense, we are interested in understanding the strong denominational plurality, and the emergence of new movements / events and forms of Christianity in Brazil, which therefore is a reflection of what happens in the rest of the globalized world. Such interest is covered by the assumption that religiosity and social media are built on mutual and interconnected way, which allows us to understand that social cosmology presents itself as a fertile space privileged and to verify the interactions pertaining to the binomial: religion and society. The Protestantism is divided into three main streams: Historical, Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal. Each current of Protestantism emerged to adapt to social cosmology of historical ages, from the Reformation to the present day, forming institutions with certain ethical and moral stances. In this sense, it is necessary to research and understand how the historical Protestant, Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal were implanted in Brazil. From this we believe to be interesting problematize accurately the following: How have the processes of formation of strands / evangelical movements in Brazil? These movements are still holding their "classic robes" or hybreeding their borders? What are the modulations in the religious transit demonstrate that this probable hybridization? If there is, indeed, a hybridization between the Evangelical means, we can put it is provoked only by a logic of "market of symbolic goods of religion" in the world today? Nowadays, we are experiencing a period of change cosmological, from Modern to Postmodern (caosmolgic). This last is therefore characterized by secularization, the fracture, the mutilation, the diversity of subjectivities. And thinking about is this "spirit of the times" we take as the main its theoretical references of this study, the Italian philosopher and thinker of postmodernity Gianni Vattimo featuring postmodernity with the cosmology of fragile / pensiero debole Thought and post-metaphysical, that is which enhances the appearance of more plural institutions and non-absolute. To do so, he makes use of the philosophies of German, Nietzsche and Heidegger. Finally, it must be said that this grounded theoretical framework, raise the hypothesis that the Protestantism tends to "injure anymore" by the influence of postmodern social episteme, providing thereby the emergence of a new hybrid framework has not yet nominated and can move between the three major currents of world Protestantism, with features in converged aspects of the same.


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Resumen: En esta propuesta se discuten las consideraciones ticas sobre la investigacin, hechas en tres cdigos, a saber, la ley 1090 de 2006, que rige el ejercicio profesional del psiclogo en Colombia, el Cdigo de tica Profissional do Psiclogo do Conselho Federal de Psicologa en Brasil y el Cdigo Nacional de tica de la Federacin de Psiclogos de la Repblica Argentina. El anlisis de los preceptos sobre trato con personas, consentimiento informado y manejo de informacin, as como las investigaciones con animales, permiten apreciar carencias y fortalezas en cada pas, adems de las particularidades propias de una concepcin del rol del psiclogo como investigador en la sociedad actual.


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Anlise comparativa dos web sites dos rgos legislativos sul-americanos, com destaque para o Brasil.


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Anais da Audincia Pblica realizada na Cmara dos Deputados pela Comisso de Legislao Participativa, no dia 19 de outubro de 2005, para debater sobre o paradigma da justia restaurativa como alternativa justia criminal.


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Apresenta os debates ocorridos nas diversas audincias pblicas realizadas durante o I Ciclo de Debates acerca da Crise Financeira Internacional e suas Repercusses na Economia Brasileira. O evento contribuiu para avaliar os efeitos da crise e forneceu subsdios aos parlamentares a fim de tomarem as decises necessrias para enfrentar as demandas atuais e seus possveis desdobramentos.


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Apresenta, com detalhes, aspectos histricos do constitucionalismo contemporneo brasileiro. Partindo do perodo ps-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanas constitucionais, apresentado um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurdicos utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia poltica e jurdica. A anlise passa pelo processo constituinte de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigncia da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.


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Contm a memria, regulamento interno, resolues e atas dos encontros do Parlamento Cultural do MERCOSUL e textos constitucionais dos pases membros e associados do MERCOSUL.


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Catlogo da exposio "Construtores do Brasil", realizada em setembro de 2012 na Cmara dos Deputados. Traz biografias e imagens de personagens da histria do Brasil, selecionados entre aqueles que se destacaram na formao e consolidao do Estado brasileiro. A mostra, reedio de outra j realizada em 2009, ganhou novas ilustraes, em diferentes estilos e tcnicas, especialmente encomendadas a artistas plsticos renomados.


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Textos organizados pela Comisso de Integrao Nacional, Desenvolvimento Regional e da Amaznia (CINDRA) como sugestes de fomento para o desenvolvimento das regies brasileiras.


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Seminrio realizado pela Comisso de Turismo e Desporto para debater sobre eventos esportivos que o Brasil sediar nos prximos anos, notadamente a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e os Jogos Olmpicos de 2016.


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Versa sobre o controle judicial dos atos interna corporis do Legislativo, analisando se cabe ao Judicirio imiscuir-se em assuntos de natureza interna daquele poder.


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Analisa a produo legislativa no contexto do presidencialismo de coalizo, modelo de governana brasileiro. A relao entre os poderes Executivo e Legislativo foi verificada em 21 mil proposies que tramitaram no Congresso Nacional entre 1999 e 2006. Os resultados rejeitam a tese sobre o descompasso entre as agendas dos dois poderes, bem como a que aponta predominncia da atuao do Executivo em todas as vias legislativas. Ademais, foram identificadas interaes estratgicas marcadas pela cooperao e pelo impasse. O estudo apresenta ainda sugestes para o aperfeioamento do sistema de produo das leis no pas.