948 resultados para Protein-fragment Complementation Assay


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Secondary metabolites produced by water-blooming cyanobacteria in eutrophic waters include some potent hepatotoxins, These compounds also have tumour-promoting properties, attributable to their inhibition and activation of protein phosphatases and kinases respectively. The inhibitory effect of these toxins on protein phosphatases have been employed in a commonly used radiometric assay, involving the use of a P-32-labeled substrate, for the detection and quantitation of these compounds. This paper investigates and describes a colorimetric method in which the activity of protein phosphatase 2A is determined by measuring the rate of colour production from the release of yellow p-nitrophenol using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as the substrate. Results of this study suggest that the colorimetric protein phosphatase inhibition assay is a simple, inexpensive tool for screening substances that may have tumour-promoting characteristics in aquatic systems. The detection limit of the colorimetric method is comparable to the radiometric assay. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Selon le modèle classique, le signal reçu par les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPG) se propage suite à des interactions transitoires et aléatoires entre les RCPGs, les protéines G et leurs effecteurs. Par les techniques de transfert d’énergie de résonance de bioluminescence (BRET), de complémentation bimoléculaire de protéines fluorescentes (BiFC) et de co-immunoprécipitation, nous avons observé que les récepteurs, les protéines G et les effecteurs forment un complexe stable, avant et après l’activation des récepteurs. L’interaction entre l’effecteur Kir3 et le dimère Gbetagamma se produit initialement au réticulum endoplasmique et est sensible à un agoniste liposoluble des récepteurs beta2-adrénergiques. Bien que peu de spécificité pour les nombreux isoformes des sous-unités Gbetagamma ait été observée pour l’activation du canal Kir3, les interactions précoces au RE sont plus sensibles aux différentes combinaisons de Gbetagamma présentes. En plus de son rôle dans la régulation des effecteurs, le dimère Gbetagamma peut interagir avec de nombreuses protéines possédant des localisations cellulaires autres que la membrane plasmique. Nous avons identifié une nouvelle classe de protéines interagissant avec la sous-unité Gbeta, autant en système de surexpression que dans des extraits de cerveaux de rats, soit les protéines FosB et cFos, qui forment le complexe de transcription AP-1, suite à leur dimérisation avec les protéines de la famille des Jun. La coexpression du dimère Gbetagamma réduit l’activité transcriptionnelle du complexe AP-1 induit par le phorbol 12-,myristate 13-acetate (PMA), sans toutefois interférer avec la formation du complexe Fos/Jun ou son interaction avec l’ADN. Toutefois, le dimère Gbetagamma colocalise au noyau avec le complexe AP-1 et recrute les protéines histones déacétylases (HDAC) afin d’inhiber l’activité transcriptionnelle du complexe AP-1.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'université Montpellier2 dans le laboratoire de pharmacologie moléculaire de Jean-Philippe Pin à l'institut de génomique fonctionnelle (IGF), Montpellier, France.


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Intermediärfilamente (IFs) sind neben Mikrotubuli und Aktinfilamenten die dritte filamentäre Komponente des Zytoskeletts. Sie wirken als mechanische Stabilisatoren, sind außerdem an Zelldifferenzierung, Proliferation und Apoptose beteiligt und tragen zu Zellpolarität bei. IFs sind dynamische Strukturen, die zelltypspezifisch in unterschiedlichen Anordnungen und Abundanzen vorkommen und von Signalkaskaden beeinflusst werden. Die zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen dieser fein abgestimmten Prozesse sind weitgehend unbekannt. In dieser Arbeit sollte deswegen ein Tiermodell entwickelt werden, um Regulatoren der IF-(Netzwerk)-Organisation in vivo zu untersuchen und zu identifizieren. Dazu wurde C. elegans ausgewählt, da es sich hierbei um einen genetisch gut charakterisierten und leicht manipulierbaren Organismus handelt, in dessen Genom elf Gene für zytoplasmatische IFs kodieren. Zunächst wurden stabil transgene C. elegans-Linien generiert, die fluoreszierende IFs exprimieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das darmspezifische IFB-2::CFP im Bereich des apikalen Junktionskomplex verankert ist und nahezu vollständig im subapikalen Terminalgeflecht der Enterozyten lokalisiert, das als Teil der endotube besonders stabil und widerstandsfähig ist. Wenn diese Tiere mit dsRNA gegen das ebenfalls im Terminalgeflecht exprimierte IF ifc-2 behandelt wurden, entwickelten sich blasenförmige Ausstülpungen des Darmlumens, die auf eine Schwächung der rigiden und formgebenden endotube hinwiesen und damit einen direkten in vivo-Beweis für die stressprotektive Funktion des intestinalen IF-Netzwerks lieferten. Die leichte Detektierbarkeit des IFB-2::CFP-Musters wurde in einem optischen Screen ausgenutzt, bei dem nach chemischer Mutagenese nach Veränderungen im IF-Muster gefahndet wurde. Hierbei wurden drei Mutanten isoliert. In Komplementationsanalysen stellte sich heraus, dass es sich in zwei Fällen um Allele desselben Gens handelt. Die Identifizierung der betroffenen Gene gelang durch eine PCR-basierte Kartierung von single nucleotide polymorphisms nach Verpaarung mit dem Hawaii-Stamm (snp-mapping) und anschließender RNAi-Analyse der Einzelgene in den identifizierten Chromosomenabschnitten. Im einen Fall handelte es sich um das sma-5-Gen, einer Serin/Threonin-Kinase mit Homologie zu den MAP-Kinasen MAPK7/ERK5 der Säuger. Hier wurden, ebenso wie beim ifc-2 (RNAi)-Phänotyp, progressive blasenförmige Ausstülpungen des Darmlumens beobachtet. Die beiden anderen Allele tragen Mutationen in einem bisher nicht näher charakterisierten Gen. In diesen Würmern kommt es zu einem vollständigen Auflösung des IFB-2::CFP-Netzwerks mit prominenten Akkumulationen um die apikalen Junktionen. Das Darmlumen ist stellenweise geweitet und das elektronendichte Terminalgeflecht fehlt fast vollständig, die Integrität des Darmepithels ist jedoch nicht kompromittiert. Die anderen IFs des Terminalgeflechts sind ebenfalls fehlverteilt, und die intestinale Expression von Aktin ist stark reduziert. Expressionskonstrukte des Gens zeigten weiterhin, dass es darmspezifisch synthetisiert wird und mit den IFs im Terminalgeflecht kolokalisiert. Das Protein ist, ähnlich wie das IF-assoziierte Filaggrin der Säuger ausgesprochen histidinreich. Es enthält außerdem eine Prolin-reiche Domäne, die Teil einer potentiellen Aktin-Bindedomäne ist. Auf Grund all dieser Eigenschaften wird die Bezeichnung IFO-1 (intermediate filament organizer) für das neue Protein vorgeschlagen, das möglicherweise als struktureller Zytoskelett-Linker wirkt. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse untermauern die Bedeutung von C. elegans für die Identifizierung von Faktoren, die IF-Netzwerke regulieren, und die Möglichkeit, Defekte im lebenden Gesamtorganismus zu bestimmen.


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Mutations in the B1 subunit of the multisubunit vacuolar ATPase cause autosomal-recessive distal renal tubular acidosis and sensorineural deafness. Here, we report a novel frameshift mutation that truncates the C-terminus of the human B1 subunit. This mutant protein failed to assemble with other subunits in the cytosol to form the complex that can be targeted to vesicular structures in mammalian cells. Loss of proton pump activity was demonstrated in a functional complementation assay in B-subunit null yeast. The mutation caused loss of a discreet C-terminal region critical for subunit interaction not related to the C-terminal PDZ motif. Co-expression studies failed to demonstrate dominant negative effects of this truncated mutant over wild-type B1. Analysis of 12 reported B1 subunit missense mutations showed one polymorphic allele had intact pump function, two point mutants had intact assembly but defective proton pumping, and the remaining nine had disrupted assembly with no pump function. One presumed polymorphic allele was actually an inactivating mutation. Our study shows that multiple mechanisms of pump dysfunction result from B1 subunit mutations with a common outcome being defective assembly. Polymorphisms of the B1 subunit in the general population may affect renal acidification and urinary chemistry.


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The mature 3' ends of histone mRNAs are formed by endonucleolytic cleavage of longer precursor transcripts. This process occurs in the nucleus and can be regarded as the equivalent of the polyadenylation reaction involved in 3′-end-generation of all other mRNAs. A sea urchin H3 gene that failed to be properly processed in the Xenopus oocyte system proved particularly useful, because it allowed the identification of a processing component from sea urchins by a complementation assay. Nuclear extracts prepared from cells under various growth conditions have helped to reveal proliferation-dependent changes in the efficiency of histone RNA 3′ processing. RNA substrates for in vitro processing are best prepared by runoff transcription of specific DNA templates with bacterial or phage RNA polymerases. For this purpose, a restriction fragment containing the 3′-terminal region of a histone gene and including the conserved palindrome and spacer motifs is cloned into a polylinker sequence downstream of a strong promoter.


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In the endometrium, hormonal effects on epithelial cells are often elicited through stromal hormone receptors via unknown paracrine mechanisms. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Wnts participate in stromal-epithelial cell communication and thus mediate hormone action. Characterization of specific Wnt signaling components in the endometrium was performed using cellular localization studies and evaluating hormone effects in a rat model. Wnt7a was expressed in the luminal epithelium, whereas the extracellular Wnt modulator, SFRP4, was localized to the endometrial stroma. SFRP4 expression is significantly decreased in endometrial carcinoma and aberrant Wnt7a signaling has been shown to cause uterine defects and contribute to the onset of disease. The specific Fzds and SFRPs that bind Wnt7a and the particular signal transduction pathway each Wnt7a-Fzd pair activates have not been identified. Additionally, the function of Wnt7a and SFRP4 in the endometrium has not been addressed. A survey of all Wnt signaling proteins expressed in the endometrium was conducted and Fzd5 and Fzd10 were identified as two receptors capable of transducing the Wnt7a signal. Biologically active recombinant Wnt7a and SFRP4 proteins were purified for quantitative biochemical studies. In Ishikawa cells, Wnt7a binding to Fzd5 activated β-catenin/canonical Wnt signaling and increased cellular proliferation. Wnt7a signaling mediated by Fzd10 induced a non-canonical/JNK-responsive pathway. SFRP4 suppressed Wnt7a action in both an autocrine and paracrine manner. Treatment with SFRP4 protein and overexpression of SFRP4 inhibited endometrial cancer cell growth and induced apoptosis in vitro. A split-eGFP complementation assay was developed to visually detect Wnt7a-Fzd interactions and subsequent pathway activation in cells. By employing a unique ELISA-based protein-protein binding technique, it was demonstrated that Wnt7a binds to SFRP4 and Fzd5 with equal nanomolar affinity. The development of these novel biological tools could lead to a better understanding of Wnt-protein interactions and the identification of new modulators of Wnt signaling. This study supports a mechanism by which the nature of the Wnt7a signal in the endometrium is dependent upon the Fzd repertoire of the cell and can be regulated by SFRP4. The potential tumor suppressor function of SFRP4 suggests it may serve as a therapeutic target for endometrial carcinoma. ^


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Tumor growth often outpaces its vascularization, leading to development of a hypoxic tumor microenvironment. In response, an intracellular hypoxia survival pathway is initiated by heterodimerization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α and HIF-1β, which subsequently upregulates the expression of several hypoxia-inducible genes, promotes cell survival and stimulates angiogenesis in the oxygen-deprived environment. Hypoxic tumor regions are often associated with resistance to various classes of radio- or chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore, development of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization inhibitors may provide a novel approach to anti-cancer therapy. To this end, a novel approach for imaging HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in vitro and in vivo was developed in this study. Using this screening platform, we identified a promising lead candidate and further chemically derivatized the lead candidate to assess the structure-activity relationship (SAR). The most effective first generation drug inhibitors were selected and their pharmacodynamics and anti-tumor efficacy in vivo were verified by bioluminescence imaging (BLI) of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in the xenograft tumor model. Furthermore, the first generation drug inhibitors, M-TMCP and D-TMCP, demonstrated efficacy as monotherapies, resulting in tumor growth inhibition via disruption of HIF-1 signaling-mediated tumor stromal neoangiogenesis.


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The xeroderma pigmentosum group D (XPD) protein has a dual function, both in nucleotide excision repair of DNA damage and in basal transcription. Mutations in the XPD gene can result in three distinct clinical phenotypes, XP, trichothiodystrophy (TTD), and XP with Cockayne syndrome. To determine if the clinical phenotypes of XP and TTD can be attributed to the sites of the mutations, we have identified the mutations in a large group of TTD and XP-D patients. Most sites of mutations differed between XP and TTD, but there are three sites at which the same mutation is found in XP and TTD patients. Since the corresponding patients were all compound heterozygotes with different mutations in the two alleles, the alleles were tested separately in a yeast complementation assay. The mutations which are found in both XP and TTD patients behaved as null alleles, suggesting that the disease phenotype was determined by the other allele. If we eliminate the null mutations, the remaining mutagenic pattern is consistent with the site of the mutation determining the phenotype.


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Niemann–Pick disease type C (NP-C) is an autosomal recessive lipidosis linked to chromosome 18q11–12, characterized by lysosomal accumulation of unesterified cholesterol and delayed induction of cholesterol-mediated homeostatic responses. This cellular phenotype is identifiable cytologically by filipin staining and biochemically by measurement of low-density lipoprotein-derived cholesterol esterification. The mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell line (CT60), which displays the NP-C cellular phenotype, was used as the recipient for a complementation assay after somatic cell fusions with normal and NP-C murine cells suggested that this Chinese hamster ovary cell line carries an alteration(s) in the hamster homolog(s) of NP-C. To narrow rapidly the candidate interval for NP-C, three overlapping yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) spanning the 1 centimorgan human NP-C interval were introduced stably into CT60 cells and analyzed for correction of the cellular phenotype. Only YAC 911D5 complemented the NP-C phenotype, as evidenced by cytological and biochemical analyses, whereas no complementation was obtained from the other two YACs within the interval or from a YAC derived from chromosome 7. Fluorescent in situ hybridization indicated that YAC 911D5 was integrated at a single site per CT60 genome. These data substantially narrow the NP-C critical interval and should greatly simplify the identification of the gene responsible in mouse and man. This is the first demonstration of YAC complementation as a valuable adjunct strategy for positional cloning of a human gene.


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We have determined the solution structure of the C-terminal quarter of human poly(A)-binding protein (hPABP). The protein fragment contains a protein domain, PABC [for poly(A)-binding protein C-terminal domain], which is also found associated with the HECT family of ubiquitin ligases. By using peptides derived from PABP interacting protein (Paip) 1, Paip2, and eRF3, we show that PABC functions as a peptide binding domain. We use chemical shift perturbation analysis to identify the peptide binding site in PABC and the major elements involved in peptide recognition. From comparative sequence analysis of PABC-binding peptides, we formulate a preliminary PABC consensus sequence and identify human ataxin-2, the protein responsible for type 2 spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA2), as a potential PABC ligand.


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Aquatic photosynthetic organisms, including the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, induce a set of genes for a carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) to acclimate to CO2-limiting conditions. This acclimation is modulated by some mechanisms in the cell to sense CO2 availability. Previously, a high-CO2-requiring mutant C16 defective in an induction of the CCM was isolated from C. reinhardtii by gene tagging. By using this pleiotropic mutant, we isolated a nuclear regulatory gene, Ccm1, encoding a 699-aa hydrophilic protein with a putative zinc-finger motif in its N-terminal region and a Gln repeat characteristic of transcriptional activators. Introduction of Ccm1 into this mutant restored an active carbon transport through the CCM, development of a pyrenoid structure in the chloroplast, and induction of a set of CCM-related genes. That a 5,128-base Ccm1 transcript and also the translation product of 76 kDa were detected in both high- and low-CO2 conditions suggests that CCM1 might be modified posttranslationally. These data indicate that Ccm1 is essential to control the induction of CCM by sensing CO2 availability in Chlamydomonas cells. In addition, complementation assay and identification of the mutation site of another pleiotropic mutant, cia5, revealed that His-54 within the putative zinc-finger motif of the CCM1 is crucial to its regulatory function.


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We describe a heterologous, Semliki Forest virus (SFV)-driven packaging system for the production of infectious recombinant Moloney murine leukemia virus particles. The gag-pol and env genes, as well as a recombinant retrovirus genome (LTR-psi (+)-neoR-LTR), were inserted into individual SFV1 expression plasmids. Replication-competent RNAs were transcribed in vitro and introduced into the cytoplasm of BHK-21 cells using electroporation. The expressed Moloney murine leukemia virus structural proteins produced extracellular virus-like particles. In these particles the gag precursor was processed into mature products, indicating that the particles contained an active protease. The protease of the gag-pol fusion protein was also shown to be active in a trans-complementation assay using a large excess of Pr65gag. Moreover, the particles possessed reverse transcriptase (RT) activity as measured in an in vitro assay. Cotransfection of BHK-21 cells by all three SFV1 constructs resulted in the production of transduction-competent particles at 4 x 10(6) colony-forming units (cfu)/ml during a 5-hr incubation period. Altogether, 2.9 x 10(7) transduction-competent particles were obtained from about 4 x 10(6) transfected cells. Thus, this system represents the first RNA-based packaging system for the production of infectious retroviral particles. The facts that no helper virus could be detected in the virus stocks and that particles carrying the amphotropic envelope could be produced with similar efficiency as those that carry the ecotropic envelope make the system very interesting for gene therapy.


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The yeast two-hybrid system was used to isolate a clone from a 17-day-old mouse embryo cDNA library that codes for a novel 812-aa long protein fragment, glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1), that can interact with the hormone binding domain (HBD) of the glucocorticoid receptor. In the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro, GRIP1 interacted with the HBDs of the glucocorticoid, estrogen, and androgen receptors in a hormone-regulated manner. When fused to the DNA binding domain of a heterologous protein, the GRIP1 fragment activated a reporter gene containing a suitable enhancer site in yeast cells and in mammalian cells, indicating that GRIP1 contains a transcriptional activation domain. Overexpression of the GRIP1 fragment in mammalian cells interfered with hormone-regulated expression of mouse mammary tumor virus-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene and constitutive expression of cytomegalovirus-beta-galactosidase reporter gene, but not constitutive expression from a tRNA gene promoter. This selective squelching activity suggests that GRIM can interact with an essential component of the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery. Finally, while a steroid receptor HBD fused with a GAL4 DNA binding domain did not, by itself, activate transcription of a reporter gene in yeast, coexpression of this fusion protein with GRIP1 strongly activated the reporter gene. Thus, in yeast, GRIP1 can serve as a coactivator, potentiating the transactivation functions in steroid receptor HBDs, possibly by acting as a bridge between HBDs of the receptors and the basal transcription machinery.