993 resultados para Protein solubility


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The chemical basis of the specificity of proteinnucleic acid interaction, as seen in many biochemical phenomena such as the organization of nucleoprotein complexes (~hro~atin. ribosomes) and gene expression and its regulation, IS not yet understood.A knowledge of such specific interactions is also essential for tracing the chemical evolution of life based an the coupling between protein and nucleic acid and the origin of genetic code [I ,I?].


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Fish flour from dried waste consisting of head, tail, fins and entrails was enzimatically hydrolysed using various proteases and the hydrolysate was spray dried. The functional properties such as water-fat absorption ratio, foaming and solubility index of the hydrolysates and fish flour revealed that some of the products might find significant uses in the food and/or cosmetics industry. Electrophoretic separation of the proteins from the fish flour and of the hydrolysates indicated that almost all the flour proteins are susceptible to proteolytic cleavage with the exception of one or two. The extent of degree of hydrolysis from 43-70.3% with a simultaneous decrease in unpleasant smell suggest an economical tool for minimizing odour pollution due to fish industry waste deterioration.


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Biodegradable protein-based film was developed by incorporating cinnamon essential oil (CEO) into whey protein concentrate (WPC) at level of 0.8% and 1.5% v/v. Then physical and mechanical properties of the films were evaluated. Adding CEO to the WPC matrix decreased the water vapour permeability of the films and water solubility. Films containing CEO showed significant antibacterial activity both gram-positive and gram-negative strains and exhibited significant inhibitory effect on the studied fungi. In continue, the effect of whey coating and whey coating incorporated with 1.5% CEO on quality and shelf life of Huso huso fillet during refregrated (4±1°C) storage period were also investigated. The control and treated fish samples were analyzed for microbiological (total viable count, psychrophilic counts), chemical (PV, TBA, FFA, pH, TVB-N), and sensory characteristics in 4-day intervals up of microbial, chmical and sensoy analyses indicated lower levels of PV, TBA, FFA, pH, TVB-N in coasted sampels and specially, those with CEO while were kept in refrigerator. Based on results, whey protein edible coating contain 1.5% cinnamon essential oil could enhance preserving ability Huso huso during storage cold.


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A major goal in vaccine development is elimination of the ‘cold chain’, the transport and storage system for maintenance and distribution of the vaccine product. This is particularly pertinent to liquid formulation of vaccines. We have previously described the rod-insert vaginal ring (RiR) device, comprising an elastomeric body into which are inserted lyophilised, rod-shaped, solid drug dosage forms, and having potential for sustained mucosal delivery of biomacromolecules, such as HIV envelope protein-based vaccine candidates. Given the solid, lyophilised nature of these insert dosage forms, we hypothesised that antigen stability may be significantly increased compared with more conventional solubilised vaginal gel format. In this study, we prepared and tested vaginal ring devices fitted with lyophilised rod inserts containing the model antigen bovine serum albumin (BSA). Both the RiRs and the gels that were freeze-dried to prepare the inserts were evaluated for BSA stability using PAGE, turbidimetry, microbial load, MALDI-TOF and qualitative precipitate solubility measurements. When stored at 4 oC, but not when stored at 40 oC / 75% RH, the RiR formulation offered protection against structural and conformational changes to BSA. The insert also retained matrix integrity and release characteristics. The results demonstrate that lypophilised gels can provide relative protection against degradation at lower temperatures compared to semi-solid gels. The major mechanism of degradation at 40 oC / 75% RH was shown to be protein aggregation. Finally, in a preliminary study, we found that addition of trehalose to the formulation significantly reduces the rate of BSA degradation as compared to the original formulation when stored at 40 oC /75% RH. Establishing the mechanism of degradation, and finding that degradation is decelerated in the presence of trehalose, will help inform further development of RiRs specifically and polymer based freeze-dried systems in general.


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The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) encoded by the Epstein-Barr virus acts like a constitutively activated receptor of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) family and is enriched in lipid rafts. We showed that LMP1 is targeted to lipid rafts in transfected HEK 293 cells, and that the endogenous TNFR-associated factor 3 binds LMP1 and is recruited to lipid rafts upon LMP1 expression. An LMP1 mutant lacking the C-terminal 55 amino acids (Cdelta55) behaves like the wild-type (WT) LMP1 with respect to membrane localization. In contrast, a mutant with a deletion of the 25 N-terminal residues (Ndelta25) does not concentrate in lipid rafts but still binds TRAF3, demonstrating that cell localization of LMP1 was not crucial for TRAF3 localization. Moreover, Ndelta25 inhibited WT LMP1-mediated induction of the transcription factors NF-kappaB and AP-1. Morphological data indicate that Ndelta25 hampers WT LMP1 plasma membrane localization, thus blocking LMP1 function.


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The characteristics and stability of natural actomyosin (NAM) from rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) were investigated. The total extractable actomyosin (AM) was higher (7.60mgml−1) in the case of rohu compared with that from catla and mrigal (5mgml−1). Although the specific AM ATPase activity was similar (0.43–0.5 μmolPmin−1 mgP−1) among the three species, the total ATPase activity was lower in mrigal (25 μmol g−1 meat) compared with the other species (37 μmol g−1 meat). The inactivation rate constants (kd) of AM Ca ATPase activity showed differences in the stabilities of actomyosin among these fish, the actomyosin from catla being least stable. The NAM from these species was stable up to 20 ◦C at pH 7.0. Catla AM became unstable at 30 ◦C, while rohu and mrigal AM could withstand up to 45 ◦C. The thermal denaturation with respect to solubility, turbidity, ATPase activity, sulphhydryl group and surface hydrophobicity showed noticeable changes at around these temperatures


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Five soy proteins isolate (SPI) fractions were produced using two microfiltration membranes with different pore sizes. Fractionation was carried out on SPI produced by isoelectric precipitation of a crude protein extract. The five fractions were two retentates and two permeates from the two membranes, the fifth fraction was obtained as the retentate on the smaller-po re- sized membrane fed with the permeate from the larger-pore-sized membrane. Solubility, foaming and emulsifying properties of the collected fractionates were investigated. It was observed that in the pH range 3-8 the retentates featured superior solubility compared with permeates. There was no significant difference (p > 0.0 1) in solubility between the retentates and SPI at pH >= 6. Foaming characteristics of the fractions followed the same trend as solubility with regard to foam expansion. There was, however, no particular trend observed with regards to foam stability. Emulsions stabilised by the retentates exhibited higher values (p<0.01) of emulsion stability index (ESI) and emulsifying activity index (EAI) than those stabilised with permeates. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) profiles indicated that the fractions exhibiting high functionality in terms of solubility, foaming and emulsifying properties were also richer in 7S globulin soy protein subunits. Isoelectric focussing (IEF) profiles showed that retentates were richer in species with isoelectric points (pl) between 5.2 and 5.6 while permeates featured more prominently at pis between 4.5 and 4.8. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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P>The aim of this research was to study spray drying as potential action to protect chlorophyllide from environmental conditions for shelf-life extension and characterisation of the powders. Six formulations were prepared with 7.5 and 10 g of carrier agents [gum Arabic (GA), maltodextrin (MA) and soybean protein isolate (SPI)]/100 mL of chlorophyllide solutions. The powders were evaluated for morphological characteristics (SEM), particle size, water activity, moisture, density, hygroscopicity, cold water solubility, sorption isotherms, colour and stability, during 90 days. All the powders were highly soluble, with solubility values around 97%. A significant lower hygroscopicity was observed for GA powders, whilst the lower X(m) values obtained by GAB equation fitting of the sorption isotherms was observed for the 7.5 g MA/100 mL samples. All formulations, but the 1 (7.5 g SPI/100 mL of chlorophyllide), provided excellent stability to the chlorophyllide during 90 days of storage even at room temperature.


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The aim of this work was to encapsulate a casein hydrolysate by spray drying using maltodextrins (DE 10 and 20) as wall materials and to evaluate the efficiency of the microencapsulation in attenuating the bitter taste of the hydrolysate using protein bars as the model system. Microcapsules were evaluated for morphology (SEM), particle size, hygroscopicity, solubility, thermal behavior (DSC), and bitter taste with a trained sensory panel by a paired comparison test (nonencapsulated samples vs. encapsulated samples). Bars were prepared with the addition of 3% casein hydrolysate at free or both encapsulated forms, and were then evaluated for their moisture, water activity (a(w)) and for their bitter taste by a ranking test. Microcapsules were of the matrix type, having continuous surfaces with no apparent porosity for both coatings. Both encapsulated casein hydrolysates had similar hygroscopicity, and lower values than free encapsulated hydrolysates. The degree of hydrolysis of the maltodextrin influenced only the particle size and T(g). The sensory panel considered the protein bars produced with both encapsulated materials less bitter (p < 0.05) than those produced with the free casein hydrolysates. Microencapsulation by spray drying with maltodextrin DE 10 and 20 was successful to attenuate the bitter taste and the hygroscopicity of casein hydrolysates.


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The aim of this work was to encapsulate casein hydrolysate by spray drying with soybean protein isolate (SPI) as wall material to attenuate the bitter taste of that product. Two treatments were prepared: both with 12 g/100 g solids and containing either two proportions of SPI: hydrolysate (70:30 and 80:20), called M1 and M2, respectively. The samples were evaluated for morphological characteristics (SEM), particle size, hygroscopicity, solubility, hydrophobicity, thermal behavior and bitter taste with a trained sensory panel using a paired-comparison test (non-encapsulated samples vs. encapsulated samples). Microcapsules had a continuous wall, many concavities, and no porosity. Treatments M1 and M2 presented average particle sizes of 11.32 and 9.18 mu m, respectively. The wall material and/or the microencapsulation raised the hygroscopicity of the hydrolysate since the free hydrolysate had hygroscopicity of 53 g of water/100 g of solids and M1 and M2 had 106.99 and 102.19 g of water/100 g of solids, respectively. However, the hydrophobicity decreases, the absence of a peak in encapsulated hydrolysates, and the results of the panel sensory test considering the encapsulated samples less bitter (p < 0.05) than the non-encapsulated, showed that spray drying with SPI was an efficient method for microencapsulation and attenuation of the bitter taste of the casein hydrolysate. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) is a small protein that binds long-chain dietary fatty acids in the cytosol of the columnar absorptive epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the intestine. The binding cavity of I-FABP is much larger than is necessary to bind a fatty acid molecule, which suggests that the protein may be able to bind other hydrophobic and amphipathic ligands such as lipophilic drugs. Herein we describe the binding of three structurally diverse lipophilic drugs, bezafibrate, ibuprofen (both R- and S-isomers) and nitrazepam to I-FABP. The rank order of affinity for I-FABP determined for these compounds was found to be R-ibuprofen {approx} bezafibrate > S-ibuprofen >> nitrazepam. The binding affinities were not directly related to aqueous solubility or partition coefficient of the compounds; however, the freely water-soluble drug diltiazem showed no affinity for I-FABP. Drug-I-FABP interaction interfaces were defined by analysis of chemical shift perturbations in NMR spectra, which revealed that the drugs bound within the central fatty acid binding cavity. Each drug participated in a different set of interactions within the cavity; however, a number of common contacts were observed with residues also involved in fatty acid binding. These data suggest that the binding of non-fatty acid lipophilic drugs to I-FABP may increase the cytosolic solubility of these compounds and thereby facilitate drug transport from the intestinal lumen across the enterocyte to sites of distribution and metabolism.


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The HIV-1 Gag precursor protein, Pr55(Gag), is a multi-domain polyprotein that drives HIV-1 assembly. The morphological features of HIV-1 suggested Pr55(Gag) assumes a variety of different conformations during virion assembly and maturation, yet structural determination of HIV-1 Pr55(Gag) has not been possible due to an inability to express and to isolate large amounts of full-length recombinant Pr55(Gag) for biophysical and biochemical analyses. This challenge is further complicated by HIV-1 Gag's natural propensity to multimerize for the formation of viral particle (with ∼2500 Gag molecules per virion), and this has led Pr55(Gag) to aggregate and be expressed as inclusion bodies in a number of in vitro protein expression systems. This study reported the production of a recombinant form of HIV-1 Pr55(Gag) using a bacterial heterologous expression system. Recombinant HIV-1 Pr55(Gag) was expressed with a C-terminal His×6 tag, and purified using a combination of immobilized metal affinity chromatography and size exclusion chromatography. This procedure resulted in the production of milligram quantities of high purity HIV-1 Pr55(Gag) that has a mobility that resembles a trimer in solution using size exclusion chromatography analysis. The high quantity and purity of the full length HIV Gag will be suitable for structural and functional studies to further understand the process of viral assembly, maturation and the development of inhibitors to interfere with the process.


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The guava seed protein isolate ( PI) was obtained from the protein precipitation belonging to the class of the gluteline (Ip 4.5). The conditions for the preparation of the PI were determined by both the solubility curve and simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA): pH 11.5, absence of NaCl and whiteners and T=( 25 +/- 3) degrees C. Under these conditions a yield of 77.0 +/- 0.4%, protein content of 94.2 +/- 0.3, ashes 0.50 +/- 0.05% and thermal stability, T= 200 degrees C, were obtained. The TG-DTA curves and the PI emulsification capacity study showed the presence of hydrophobic microdomains at pH 11.5 and 3.0 suggesting a random coil protein conformation and, to pH 10.0, an open protein conformation. The capacity of emulsification (CE), in the absence of NaCl, was verified for: 1 - pH 3.0 and 8.5, using the IP extracted at pH 10.0 and 11.5, CE >= 343 +/- 5 g of emulsified oil/g of protein; 2 - pH 6.60 just for the PI obtained at pH 11.5, CE >= 140 +/- 8 g of emulsified oil/g of protein.