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The incidence of the aerobactin system and the genetic location of aerobactin genes were investigated in Escherichia coli K1 neonatal isolates belonging to different clonal groups. A functional aerobactin system was found in all members of the O7 MP3, O1 MP5, O1 MP9, and O18 MP9 clonal groups examined and also in K1 strains having O6, O16, and O75 lipopolysaccharide types, which are less frequently associated with neonatal infections. In contrast, the aerobactin system was not detected in strains from the O18 MP6 clone. The combined results of plasmid and colony hybridization experiments showed that the aerobactin genes were located on the chromosome in the majority (75%) of the aerobactin-producing K1 isolates, the genetic location of the aerobactin genes was closely correlated with the outer membrane protein profile rather than the O lipopolysaccharide type, the K1 strains harboring a chromosome-mediated aerobactin system did not possess colicin V genes, and five of six K1 isolates possessing a plasmid-borne aerobactin system contained colicin V genes which were located on the same plasmids carrying the aerobactin genes. The comparison of hemolysin production with possession of the aerobactin system in virulent clones of E. coli K1 strains showed that all of the aerobactin-producing strains from the O18 MP9 and O7 MP3 clonal groups did not synthesize hemolysin, whereas 11 of 12 aerobactin-nonproducing O18 MP6 isolates were hemolytic. Of the K1 strains examined, 92.5% possessed either the aerobactin system or the ability to produce hemolysin or both.


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo o estudo da prevalência de mastites ovinas em explorações do Alentejo e a identificação dos agentes etiológicos, seus factores de virulência e epitopos imunorrelevantes. A prevalência de mastite clínica e subclínica foi 1,7% e 32,2%, respectivamente. O agente etiológico mais prevalente foi Staphylococcus epidermidis (N=115), tendo sido também identificados Staphylococcus aureus (N=27) e Streptococcus agalactiae (N=17). A pesquisa de factores de virulência permitiu identificar os padrões de susceptibilidade (N=404) e as Concentrações Inibitórias Mínimas de princípios activos (N=130). De 109 isolados de Staphylococcus epidermidis; oito revelaram capacidade para produzir biofilme in vitro. Os isolados estudados aderiam e eram internalizados por células epiteliais mamárias (N=12). A pesquisa de cinco superantigénios resultou negativa (N=27). Foram estudados os perfis proteicos de Staphylococcus epidermidis, tendo sido identificados os epitopos imunorrelevantes, reconhecidos por imunoglobulinas séricas e mamárias. Verificou-se uma resposta imunológica local específica nos animais infectados./SUMMARY - OVINE MASTITIS: EPIDEMIOLOGY, VIRULENCE FACTORS AND IMMUNORELEVANT ANTIGENES OF AETIOLOGICAL MICRORGANISMS The present work aimed at investigating the prevaleance of ovine mastitis in farms from Aletenjo and the identification of causative microrganisms, their virulence factors and immunorelevant epitopes. The preva lence of clinical and subclinical mastitis was 1.7% and 32.2%,respect ively. The most preva lent aet iologica l agent was Staphylococcus epidermidis (N=115); Staphylococcus aureus (N=27) and Streptococcus agalactiae (N=17) were also identified. The investigation of virulence factors allowed the identification of susceptibility patterns (N=404) and drug Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (N=130). From 109 Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates; eight showed the ability to produce biofilm in vitro. The isolates studied adhered and were internalised by mammary epithelial cells (N=12). None of the five superantigens studied was detected (N=27). The protein profile of Staphylococcus epidermidis was determined, and the immunorelevant epitopes, recognised by blood and milk immunoglobulins, were identified. It was possible to detect a specific local immune response in infected animals.


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An unusual postharvest spotting disease of the commercial mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, which was observed on a commercial mushroom farm in Ontario, was found to be caused by a novel pathovar of Pseudomonas tolaasii. Isolations from the discoloured lesions, on the mushroom pilei, revealed the presence of several different bacterial and fungal genera. The most frequently isolated genus being Pseudomonas bacteria. The most frequently isolated fungal genus was Penicillium. Of the bacteria and fungi assayed for pathogenicity to mushrooms, only Pseudomonas tolaasii was able to reproduce the postharvest spotting symptom. This symptom was typically reproduced 1 to 7 days postharvest, when mushroom pilei were inoculated with 101 to 105 cfu. Of the fungi tested for pathogenicity only a Penicillium sp. and Verticillium fungicola were shown to be pathogenic, however, neither produced the postharvest spotting symptom. The Pseudomonas tolaasii strain isolated from the postharvest lesions differed from a type culture (Pseudomonas tolaasii ATCC 33618) in the symptoms it produced on Agaricus bisporus pilei under the same conditions and at the same inoculum concentration. It was therefore designated a pathovar. This strain also differed from the type culture in its cellular protein profile. Neither the type culture, nor the mushroom pathogen was found to contain plasmid DNA. The presence of plasmid DNA is therefore not responsible for the difference in pathogenicity between the two strains.


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Chromobacterium violaceum is a free-living bacillus, Gram-negative commonly found in water and sand of tropical and subtropical regions. One of its main characteristic it's the ability to produce the purple pigment named violacein, that shows countless biological activities. In 2003, the genome of this organism was totally sequenced and revealed important informations about the physiology of this bacteria. However, few post-genomics studies had been accomplished. This work evaluated the protein profile of C. violaceum cultivated in LB medium at 28ºC that allowed the identification and characterization of proteins related to a possible secretion system that wasn't identified and characterized yet in C. violaceum, to the quorum sensing system, to regulatory process of transcription and translation, stress adaptation and biotechnological potential. Moreover, the response of the bacteria to UVC radiation was evaluated. The comparison of the protein profile, analyzed through 2-D electrophoresis, of the control group versus the treatment group allowed the identification of 52 proteins that arose after stress induction. The obtained results enable the elaboration of a stress response pathway in C. violaceum generated by the UVC light. This pathway, that seems to be a general stress response, involves the expression of proteins related to cellular division, purine and pirimidine metabolism, heat chock or chaperones, energy supply, regulation of biofilm formation, transport, regulation of lytic cycle of bacteriophages, besides proteins that show undefined function. Despite the response present similarities with the classic SOS response of E. coli, we still cannot assert that C. violaceum shows a SOS-like response, mainly due to the absence of characterization of a LexA-like protein in this organism


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar possíveis alterações nas proteínas de fase aguda em ovinos infectados experimentalmente com Trypanosoma vivax. Para tanto, foram utilizados oito ovinos machos, sendo quatro usados como controle e quatro infectados com 10(5) tripomastigotas de T. vivax. Colheram-se amostras de sangue em dois tempos antes da infecção e, posteriormente, aos 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 e 120 dias após a infecção (dpi); após centrifugação e aliquotização das amostras. As proteínas de fase aguda foram separadas por eletroforese em gel de acrilamida, contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio, e suas concentrações foram determinadas através de densitometria computadorizada. A dosagem de proteína total foi realizada pelo método colorimétrico do biureto. A contagem dos tripanossomas foi realizada diariamente, utilizando-se uma alíquota de 5 µL de sangue disperso em lâmina de microscopia, sob lamínula de 22 × 22 mm, contando-se os parasitos em 100 campos microscópicos, com objetiva de 40×, multiplicados pelo fator de correção do microscópio, e o resultado expresso em parasitos por mL de sangue. Para a análise estatística, empregou-se o teste de Wilcoxon a 5% de probabilidade. Foi observada a diminuição de diversas proteínas de fase aguda e aumento de antitripsina e transferrina que podem ser utilizadas para auxiliar no diagnóstico da infecção por T. vivax, principalmente na fase crônica da infecção.


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Estudou-se o perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas de bovinos sadios da raça Curraleiro por meio da técnica de eletroforese em gel de acrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio. Utilizaram-se amostras de soro sanguíneo de 228 bovinos da raça Curraleiro, 51 machos e 177 fêmeas, com idades entre sete meses e 12 anos, pertencentes a dois rebanhos localizados nos Estados de Goiás e Tocantins. Foram quantificadas proteína total e concentração plasmática de fibrinogênio. Verificaram-se variações nas concentrações das diferentes frações proteicas. Foram detectadas 26 proteínas e identificadas 10 delas. A ceruloplasmina esteve ausente em 78,1% dos indivíduos, e a α-antitripsina não foi detectada em nenhum animal. Proteína total, globulina, IgA, IgG e fibrinogênio aumentaram com a idade e houve correlação positiva entre os níveis séricos de haptoglobina e α1-glicoproteína ácida.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi à monitoração dos parâmetros laboratoriais como hemograma, enzimas hepáticas alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT), glicemia e proteinograma sérico, e avaliar o efeito da idade em gatos sem raça definida durante a fase neonatal. Vinte gatos machos e fêmeas foram utilizados a partir do terceiro dia de vida até o 38º dia de idade. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente e as análises laboratoriais (hemograma, enzimas hepáticas, glicemia e proteinograma sérico) realizadas no 3º, 10º, 17º, 24º, 31º e 38º dia de idade. Os resultados exibiram efeito significativo da idade sobre a contagem total de eritrócitos, concentração de hemoglobina, volume globular, volume corpuscular médio, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média, leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, eosinófilos e basófilos. Nenhum efeito foi observado em células como linfócitos, monócitos ou na concentração sérica de glicose. A análise das modificações ocorridas nos parâmetros laboratoriais durante a fase neonatal reflete o desenvolvimento fisiológico do filhote e contribui para o conhecimento do processo adaptativo em gatos neonatos durante o primeiro mês de vida, sendo útil para a avaliação clínica, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças neonatais.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) criadas em tanques-rede e alimentadas com dietas contendo 27,0 (controle); 25,2; 24,3 e 22,7% de proteína digestível. Aminoácidos cristalinos (L-lisina, DL-metionina e L-treonina) foram adicionados à dieta considerando o conceito de proteína ideal e simulando o perfil de aminoácidos da dieta controle. Os peixes (34,63±19 g) foram alimentados manualmente com dietas isoenergéticas (3.075 kcal de energia digestível/kg de dieta) até saciedade aparente, três vezes ao dia, durante 91 dias. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, três repetições e 25 peixes/unidade experimental. Não foram observados efeitos dos níveis de proteína digestível sobre o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar, a taxa de eficiência protéica, o peso da carcaça eviscerada, o rendimento de carcaça, o peso e o rendimento de filé, a sobrevivência e o hematócrito. Houve efeito quadrático dos níveis de proteína digestível sobre o consumo; o maior valor foi estimado para a dieta contendo 24,41% de proteína digestível e excreção de nitrogênio, na qual o melhor resultado estimado foi obtido com peixes que receberam a dieta contendo 24,92% de PD. Com a redução nos níveis de proteína digestível, observou-se aumento linear na retenção de nitrogênio. É possível reduzir o nível de proteína digestível, de 27 (29,1% de PB) para 24,3% (26,6% de PB), em dietas para tilápias-do-nilo criadas em tanques-rede. Essa redução deve ser feita por meio da suplementação de aminoácidos (com base no conceito de proteína ideal), considerando o desempenho e o custo da dieta/kg ganho em filé.


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Three semen samples were collected at 48 It intervals from 20 mature research dogs previously conditioned to manual semen collection. Vasectomy was performed in all dogs, and 15 days after surgery, another three ejaculates were similarly collected. The semen was evaluated, and centrifuged to obtain seminal plasma for measurement of pH, and concentrations of total proteins (TP), total chlorides (Cl), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), and sodium (Na). The seminal plasma protein profile was evaluated by SDS-PAGE; molecular weights and the integrated optical density (IOD) of each band were estimated. There was a negative correlation between K concentration and progressive motility (r = -0.49, P = 0.027), sperm vigor (r = -0.60, P = 0.0053), and plasma integrity, evaluated by both the hypo-osmotic swelling test (r = -0.50, P = 0.026) and a fluorescent stain (r = -0.45, P = 0.046). Positive correlations between Na and K pre- and post-vasectomy (r = 0.88, P < 0.001; r = 0.56, P < 0.01, respectively) were verified. There were a total of 37 bands pre-vasectomy and 35 post-vasectomy (range, 100.6-3.6 kDa). Bands B9 and B13 (42.6 and 29.2 kDa) were not present post-vasectomy. The IOD of band B3 (73.5 kDa) was higher (P 0.03) pre-vasectomy, compared to post-vasectomy; conversely, the IODs of bands B29 and B37 (7.8 and 3.6 kDa) increased (P 0.026 and 0.047). Pre-vasectomy, there was a positive correlation (r = 0.49, P = 0.029) between band B37 band (3.6 kDa) and the Na:K ratio. In conclusion, K appeared to be involved in sperm motility in dogs and could be a tool to evaluate sperm function. The prostate contributed several elements to canine seminal plasma. Vasectomy changed Ca concentrations and the protein profile of the seminal plasma. Further studies must be performed to clarify the function of these elements on the in vivo fertility of dogs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the protein composition of the sperm membranes (SM) of Nelore bulls, assessing protein markers associated with bull fertility, and whether these markers can be used for predicting bull fertility. Samples were obtained of 20 Nelore bulls, with fertility ranked and divided into three groups (greater, normal and least). To rank the bull's fertility weighted classification was used (according to the number of pregnant cows, number of AI cows and number of herds, considering three different breeding seasons), using the PROC GENMOD as a statistical model, with 99% significance. A total of 7897 Nelore cows, randomly distributed among 28 different farms, were considered in the statistical analyses. The bulls were divided into three fertility groups (pregnancy rates): greater (%F > 80), normal (79 <%F > 71) and least (< 68%F) with 3, 13 and 4 bulls, respectively. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) of sperm membranes indicated in 27 spots (SM40, SM53, SM69, SM93, SM102, SM111, SM137, SM138, SM189, SM196, SM201, SM202, SM204, SM225, SM236, SM237, SM239, SM241, SM246, SM247, SM275, SM283, SM342, SM346, SM355, SM372, SM391) was prevalent in the higher fertility group, and just one spot (SM244) was prevalent in the lower fertility group. Spots SM244 and SM239 had their identification defined by PMF/MALDI-MS, as BSP-A3 and aSFP, respectively. Both these proteins showed a great potential for predicting bull's fertility. The amount of aSFP was 8.5 times greater in the sperm membrane protein profile of the higher fertility groups of Nelore bulls. Besides that, the BSP-A3 was 2.5 times greater in the lower fertility group. For the other spots potentially associated with fertility not yet identified, additional tests will be necessary, but it is clear that the 2D electrophoresis of the sperm membrane can be used for a new approach to predict Nelore bull fertility. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In bovine females the release of prostaglandin F 2α (PGF 2α) is induced in vivo by estradiol (E 2). It is believed that E 2 stimulates the synthesis of essential proteins for the production of PGF 2α. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of E 2 in increasing the concentration of total protein and modifying the protein composition of endometrial explants from bovine females treated with E 2 at the 17 th day of estrous cycle. Crossbred heifers were treated at 17 th day of estrous cycle intravenously with 0 mg (Control Group; n = 6) or 3 mg of E 2 (E 2 Group; n = 6) and killed two hours after. Endometrial explants were isolated, subjected to extraction of total protein, quantified and were analyzed by onedimensional electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel 10% SDS-PAGE. The concentration of total protein did not differ between groups, 6296.10 + 439.90 μg/mL for the Control Group and 8426.56 + 1156.00 μg/mL for E 2 Group (p = 0.1158). There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the protein profile of endometrial explants in gels stained with Coomasie Blue. In gels stained with Silver Nitrate it was verified in E 2 Group greater relative percentage of the bands referring to the molecular weight of 75 to 76 kDa (8.40% vs. 4.89% in E 2 Group and Control respectively; p < 0.05) and 108 to 110 Kda (6.85% vs. 3.84% in E 2 Group and Control respectively, p < 0.05). It was observed in E 2 Group lower relative percentage of the band referring to the molecular weight of 90 kDa (5.78% vs. 9.83% in E 2 Group and control respectively; p < 0.05). We concluded that the E 2 does not increase the protein concentration in the endometrium, however, it modifies the proteinic composition in the endometrial explants, indicating that E 2 alters the expression of specific proteins.


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Model of study: Experimental study. Introduction: Recently, stem cell research has generated great interest due to its applicability in regenerative medicine. Bone marrow is considered the most important source of adult stem cells and the establishment of new methods towards gene expression analysis regarding stem cells has become necessary. Thus Differential Display Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (DDRT-PCR) may be an accessible tool to investigate small differences in the gene expression of different stem cells in distinct situations. Aim: In the present study, we investigated the exequibility of DDRT-PCR to identify differences in global gene expression of mice bone marrow cells under two conditions. Methods: First, bone marrow cells were isolated fresh and a part was cultivated during one week without medium replacement. Afterwards, both bone marrow cells (fresh and cultivated) were submitted to gene expression analyses by DDRT-PCR. Results: Initially, it was possible to observe in one week-cultured bone marrow cells, changes in morphology (oval cells to fibroblastic-like cells) and protein profile, which was seen through differences in band distribution in SDS-Page gels. Finally through gene expression analysis, we detected three bands (1300, 1000 and 225 bp) exclusively expressed in the fresh bone marrow group and two bands (400 and 300 bp) expressed specifically in the cultivated bone marrow cell group. Conclusions: In summary, the DDRT-PCR method was proved efficient towards the identification of small differences in gene expression of bone marrow cells in two defined conditions. Thus, we expect that DDRT-PCR can be fast and efficiently designed to analyze differential gene expression in several stem cell types under distinct conditions.


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The newborn goat kids suffer several adjustments to life outside the uterus that affect different body functions that they need to produce heat, muscle activity and start searching for food. All these events lead to changes in several blood constituents such as proteins and serum biochemical parameters. Other studies have shown these variations, but not extend beyond the neonatal period to phase in young animals. The aim was to test the hypothesis that there is variation of the protein profile, and biochemical components of blood glucose in goat kids from birth to 75 days of life in terms of adaptation to extra uterine life. To achieve these objectives have been collected blood samples from 25 goats born by normal delivery, regardless of their sex. The variables serum total protein (TP), albumin, α-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, which includes the immunoglobulin G (IgG), aspartate (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), creatinine and urea, and glucose were determined at times zero (immediately after birth), two, seven, 15, 30 and 75 days old. We observed significant differences in all variables between times, but only the creatinine concentration was higher than those of other moments in time zero and two days old, probably due to immaturity of renal function in newborn animals. The blood constituents of the kids had variations in the study period, related to physiological and nutritional causes.


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The objective was to test the hypothesis that there is variation of some protein components, biochemical and glucose from the blood of goats in the postpartum period. ElevenBoer goats were used to evaluate the serum following variables: total protein (TP), albumin, α-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, immunoglobulin G (IgG), aspartate (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), creatinine, urea and glucose. These components were determined in moments zero (immediately after delivery), two, seven, 15, 30 and 75 days postpartum. The β-globulin, IgG, creatinine and urea from the goats did not show significant variations, the blood glucose at time zero was greater than the baseline values due to physiological stimulation of glycogenesis determined by the increase of cortisol in delivery. The blood constituents of goats showed variations in the period to 75 days postpartum as a result physiological causes related to delivery and postpartum.